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The Australian Economic Review, vol. 40, no. 4, pp.


For the Student

A PhD Thesis without Tears

John Creedy*
Department of Economics
The University of Melbourne

1. Introduction views involving subjective judgements based

on my own experience as a supervisor. The ad-
Many students are nowadays keen to complete vice is primarily directed towards students, al-
a PhD and, although they clearly understand though some supervisors may also benefit. In
what is involved in doing the coursework com- writing this article I mainly have in mind rela-
ponent, starting a PhD thesis is typically a leap tively young full-time students who are doing a
in the dark. This naturally leads to anxieties. PhD soon after completing undergraduate stud-
While such a substantial project should not be ies, the majority of graduate students.1 For ob-
taken lightly, and it cannot be denied that doing vious reasons this article is directed towards
research is hard work and has inevitable frus- economics students, as the nature of PhD work
trations, I believe that it should largely be a varies among different disciplines. The advice
pleasant and rewarding experience. Students is perhaps more relevant for theses in Austra-
should gradually acquire a substantial range of lian and UK universities, compared with US
skills and, above all, obtain an understanding universities, where coursework plays a more
of the standards required of scholarship and significant role. Furthermore, the role of the su-
eventually develop the crucial ingredient of pervisor differs among countries. However,
confidence in their ability to take on a research there are obviously many common features.
project. I have written elsewhere about the processes
It is perhaps natural for most students ini- of starting and writing research, and publishing
tially to focus on the final destination, but it is articles and books; see Creedy (2001, 2006).
nevertheless important to appreciate that, as Hence, the present article should be read in
with many other aspects of life, it is really the conjunction with those articles, particularly the
journey that matters. The aim of this article is first. Emphasis here is on aspects which are
therefore to offer some advice to help make the particularly relevant when doing the kind of
PhD journey more pleasant, less stressful and large-scale and substantial work involved in a
more rewarding. Inevitably these are personal PhD thesis. It is valuable to think explicitly
about the processes involved in doing this
work, rather than stumbling from stage to stage
* I am very grateful to Jeff Borland, Sheila Cameron, Iris
in an unconscious manner.
Claus, Robert Dixon, Nisvan Erkal, John Fender, Norman
Gemmell, Dominique Gross, Ross Guest, Guyonne Kalb, Section 2 considers the nature of a PhD the-
Tim Kam, Stuart Kells, Anke Leroux, Solmaz Moslehi, sis. The selection of a topic is discussed briefly
Denis O’Brien, Derek Ritzmann and Justin van de Ven for in Section 3. Section 4 considers some aspects
their comments and suggestions. However, as stressed in of life as a PhD student and features associated
the article, these are my own personal and subjective opin-
with working towards a thesis. Section 5 makes
ions. I do not pretend to know the ‘correct’ approach, but
simply offer my views. I have not discussed the process of some suggestions regarding an approach to
applying for admission to a PhD program, which is a sepa- tackling such a large project, involving break-
rate issue. ing it down into smaller components. The
2007 The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research
Published by Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
464 The Australian Economic Review December 2007

important role of the supervisor is then dis- come from previous reading required for
cussed in Section 6. Some suggestions regard- coursework or it may be stimulated by attend-
ing non-PhD activities are made in Section 7 ing research seminars. But in deciding on a
and final brief comments are in Section 8. PhD topic the first step is to refine the state-
ment of the problem, in particular to narrow the
2. What is a PhD? scope of the project so that it is more clearly de-
fined and manageable. As part of this process it
Research is a process of making discoveries: is extremely important for you to be able to ex-
these may be new empirical regularities, new press the topic in the form of an explicit ques-
theoretical insights and an improved under- tion; if this cannot be done, it is likely that the
standing of economic problems. A PhD as a re- subject is not well defined. The initial tempta-
search degree therefore needs to say something tion, to be strongly resisted, is to raise ‘big’
quite new, rather than collating or rehearsing questions which would occupy a lifetime of re-
existing knowledge. This presents a difficult search.
challenge. Contrary to a popular illusion, such The process of arriving at a clear question
progress is largely achieved by making a series and hence starting point begins in the library.
of small steps, rather than taking giant leaps. A The process of investigating the literature has
distinguishing feature of research is that it is been considerably eased by the existence of
the researcher who formulates the precise ques- computer search facilities. But great care needs
tions to be examined and decides on the ap- to be taken in using these aids. Only a familiar-
proaches used. Indeed, the clear specification ity with the subject can provide an indication of
of the problem is an important element in plan- the keywords that are likely to be fruitful.
ning a project. The question has to be clearly Some bibliographic databases are limited to
defined and seen to be worthy of attention. journals (and necessarily only a selection of
Eventually, you should be able to state clearly these), so that important contributions in books
what you have contributed to knowledge. may be overlooked. There is no alternative to
The understandable tendency to look at the getting your hands dirty in a library. Examine
final destination instead of the closer road the relevant journals and follow up the refer-
ahead is reflected in the first question often ences given in the articles to other work which
asked by PhD students. They want to know appears relevant. During this stage you will
what is expected of them—what do they have need to develop an idea of which journals are
to do to get their PhD? The standard answer is most important and who are the major contrib-
of course that a PhD is normally described as utors to the area of research.
containing material for three publishable pa- When carrying out the preliminary reading,
pers. This response is nevertheless both vague it is important always to ask yourself ques-
and an oversimplification. The thesis should tions—do not simply read passively. The types
have a central ‘core’ or theme which ties the of question are as follows. Can the approach
separate contributions together, although the used in a study be applied to other contexts,
closeness between topics differs significantly countries or time periods? What assumptions
among theses. There is a huge variation in the are implicit? Are all the assumptions sensible?
quality of theses produced, even within the To what extent might the results be sensitive to
same university department. What all students the assumptions? How can they be relaxed?
need to aim for is a high standard of work Are there any unnecessary assumptions? Is the
which can be recognised as demonstrating a approach used the most appropriate one? Have
mature approach to research. new techniques been developed since the paper
was first written? Have all relevant statistical
3. Selecting a Topic tests been carried out? Are the results consis-
tent with expectations, or earlier work? Are the
Most students have a broad idea of the area of surrogate or constructed variables the most ap-
research they would like to pursue. This may propriate for the task and can anything be said
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Creedy: A PhD Thesis without Tears 465

about likely biases? Are there any implications 4. Life as a PhD Student
of the study which have not been fully drawn
out by the author? Can these be exploited in Life as a PhD student is completely different
your work? In thinking about possible exten- from that experienced as an undergraduate, so
sions to applied work it will be necessary to this section offers some general advice about
check if necessary datasets are available. research on a thesis.
Your supervisor will be important in influ-
encing the way you begin. But do not expect a 4.1 Costs and Benefits
supervisor to place a topic in your lap. Finding
a research subject is your responsibility. First, no one should be under any illusion—
A supervisor will nevertheless lead you to- completing a PhD thesis is hard and at times
wards getting a clear focus to start the first pa- exhausting work. It will involve long hours of
per, and will form a judgement about whether tedious work. Some inviting avenues will turn
there is likely to be ‘mileage’ in any suggested into dead ends.2 There will be times of despon-
topic. Various simplifications or types of mod- dency where it seems that nothing worthwhile
elling strategy may be suggested, and your su- is going to be achieved. Research is hard, and
pervisor may offer valuable warnings against often comes with occupational hazards like
initially taking on too much. In describing what sleepless nights and bad headaches. Many sac-
you want to investigate, you should be able to rifices need to be made. But at the same time it
frame a clear question. In these early stages should be highly rewarding. There is a consid-
when you are reading widely, your supervisor erable sense of achievement and often excite-
is likely to ask questions such as, ‘what was the ment in making progress with a research
question motivating this paper?’, ‘what are the project. To anyone with intellectual curios-
author’s major results?’, ‘what do you regard ity—surely the first important ingredient
as the main limitations of the approach?’, and needed for research—the ability to carry out a
‘in what ways do you expect your research to substantial piece of original research is a privi-
extend existing literature?’ Be prepared to an- lege. The freedom to pursue a subject of spe-
swer those questions. cial interest over a long period is of great
In some cases a supervisor may suggest start- value.
ing your PhD by working jointly on a well- It is also worth keeping in mind that for the
defined topic. You can learn a lot from closely vast majority of people, the period of PhD
seeing your supervisor working. But if working study is the only time in their life when it is
with a supervisor, you should discuss the ques- possible to pursue a concentrated piece of re-
tion of authorship right at the beginning. Ask search in one area, without the other heavy re-
directly by saying something like, ‘do you have sponsibilities and endless deadlines and
in mind producing a joint paper under both of interruptions which come with employment.
our names and, if so, would the names be listed Although work for a PhD may appear to in-
in alphabetical order?’ It is nevertheless very volve much pressure, after full-time graduate
important that this kind of direction changes in work virtually no one has the luxury of devot-
nature. If you are given such a start, you must ing all their energy to a single piece of work.
‘run with it’. You should independently chase This fine opportunity should never be
up further literature and constantly be on the wasted—lost time cannot be recovered.
lookout for ways in which extensions could be It is also for most students a period in life
made. You need to offer your own constructive which is marked by a rapid growth in under-
suggestions. Eventually you will be on your standing and increased maturity. The ability to
own. However, universities have different reg- absorb new material and learn new skills is
ulations regarding the use of joint work, so it is great. This all brings its rewards—of a non-
important to check your own university rules. pecuniary kind in addition to the standard re-
For more advice on starting research, see turns accruing to investment in education and
Creedy (2001). training.
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4.2 The Working Routine One of the hardest problems facing students
is to learn to appreciate the standards needed:
It is important to start the PhD journey by es- the importance of mastering this cannot be ex-
tablishing good research and organisational aggerated. Eventually you must be able to view
habits. Develop a disciplined working routine your own work critically and realistically, as if
regarding the organisation of your time. Your it had been written by someone else. Some-
commitment should be at least that of a full- times the strongest students actually under-
time job. Plan each working day’s tasks before value what they have produced, and need to be
you even arrive at the office or library. Have a encouraged not to throw it out, but more usu-
daily working schedule, including a fixed start- ally the difficult problem is to realise when
ing time each morning. Above all, write as you more work needs to be done. Much of this
go along. learning can be achieved during the writing of
Always keep full bibliographical informa- a first paper.
tion about papers and books consulted. Record There are many skills—not least of which is
all details of data sources used and any adjust- the ability to write clearly—required to pro-
ments you might make. If you produce any duce a mature paper.4 It is likely that this first
computer programs, provide lots of comments paper will involve the greatest struggle of any
and write brief documents describing how to part of the thesis. Compared with some other
use the programs, including how the input data disciplines, results in economics often come
must be arranged. Decide right at the beginning slowly and it can take some time to develop a
which word processing package you prefer to clear understanding of just what has been
use, and develop the appropriate formats and achieved. You may wonder when your supervi-
styles, bearing in mind that any separate papers sor will finally stop telling you to make revi-
you produce will eventually form the basis of sions. Importantly you will wonder when your
one or more chapters: all these things are te- own understanding of precisely what you have
dious to change at a later stage.3 Keep materials contributed, and how it fits into the wider liter-
in well-organised folders rather than in piles on ature, will stabilise. But avoid the temptation to
your desk or floor. Regularly make several dig- become impatient to get on with something
ital backups of everything, and store them in new. Above all, do not leave the paper in a
different locations. On other advice regarding ‘nearly complete’ state with the idea of going
the process of research itself, and writing pa- back to it. It is very important to get into the
pers, see Creedy (2001). habit of finishing things.
You will of course go back to the paper later,
5. The Journey as a Sequence of Steps but important lessons are learnt in first getting
it to a standard where it can be circulated. After
Instead of thinking of the substantial challenge successfully accomplishing this first stage,
ahead—akin to climbing a mountain—it is ad- most students find that the next papers are
visable to think in terms of taking just one step produced much more quickly and with far
at a time. Put the final destination of the jour- fewer problems. With a decent paper, you are
ney out of your mind. It is not possible anyway also in a position to present seminars and work-
to anticipate at the outset precisely where shops, which can be valuable for producing
work on a thesis is likely to lead. There are feedback and meeting other people with similar
several benefits of beginning simply with the interests. The discipline and concentration
idea of writing one paper, even though it will needed to prepare and give a seminar are also
be seen as leading to further research. One im- valuable.
portant role of the supervisor is obviously to The elusive but highly desirable quality
judge whether there is likely to be further needed for the PhD journey is that of ‘momen-
‘mileage’ in the topic: this is where the super- tum’. With this quality, one piece of research
visor’s research experience and judgement are will naturally lead to another—although,
helpful. understandably, this may seem unlikely for
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Creedy: A PhD Thesis without Tears 467

those just setting out. Indeed, if things are 6. Working with Your Supervisor
going well, a crucial role of the supervisor is to
call things to a halt. A point will be reached The route to a PhD thesis has many dangers,
where the supervisor can say, ‘OK, it is splen- disappointments and dead ends, as well as high
did that you can see all these interesting places vantage points offering splendid views and
to go, but you have to stop here and con- fresh perspectives. Always remember, espe-
solidate everything’. It is much more comfort- cially in the hard times, that you are not alone.
able to be told that you have in fact nearly You have the encouragement, support and
reached this (now limited) destination, than guidance—with sometimes a restraining influ-
constantly to be in a state of anxiety about ence—of your supervisor. Indeed, the im-
whether the finish line will ever come into portance of your supervisor cannot be
sight. exaggerated. This section is written as if there
Once this point is reached, you can then re- is just one supervisor, but some students have
view the various papers and, with advice from joint supervisors. Nevertheless, there is usually
your supervisor, work out what is needed to more contact with one of them, though the
prepare the thesis itself. The papers can be or- weights may vary over time. In the early stages,
ganised, and sometimes divided, into chapters. particularly involving the choice of a precise
It should be clear where additional material, research question, meetings will usually in-
such as introductions and linking material, is volve both supervisors. It is always necessary
needed. The relative ‘weight’ of different sec- to keep both people fully informed about your
tions will also become evident and may need progress.
adjustment. Decisions can be made about
moving material to or from appendices. The 6.1 The Working Relationship
complete work can then be polished and im-
proved by the addition of various elaborations, It is necessary to establish a congenial working
cross-references and further signposts. In relationship with your supervisor, but there are
doing this you will learn to handle a large few general rules about this. Each case is dif-
manuscript, while having the pleasure of see- ferent depending on the personalities and abil-
ing all the work come together in a single inte- ities involved. A supervisor should be flexible.
grated document. This last stage is pleasant A good supervisor does not want to produce a
and quite relaxing, but it cannot be completed disciple or clone, or a research assistant, but
quickly. aims to help prepare students to make their own
Many students are given the impression that individual way and develop their own interests
they must write a ‘literature review’ chapter, and style.
but this is not correct. This is fortunate as a A good supervisor therefore treats each stu-
good literature review is extremely hard to pro- dent differently, making a judgement about
duce. However, the thesis must demonstrate an each student’s abilities and character. For ex-
awareness of the relevant literature and the ample, some students benefit by being pushed
reader must be able to see clearly how the the- hard and being given regular tight deadlines.
sis extends existing work. But this does not Other students work best when they are given
mean that a separate chapter is necessarily re- more time and space to work at their own
quired. Indeed, it is usually much better to refer speed. Some students need more encourage-
to most earlier work at appropriate points in the ment and moral support than others—often
development of your own analysis, and in mo- students become very anxious about their
tivating the approach adopted and the ques- progress and need to be reassured, while others
tions asked. This also helps to make it clear to need prodding. A supervisor should not be mi-
the reader precisely where your work departs serly with praise but should also be clear if
from established work: a very common fault of work is not up to standard.
many PhD theses is that such points of depar- There are also no rigid rules regarding the
ture are not made explicit.5 frequency of meetings with your supervisor. At
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468 The Australian Economic Review December 2007

the early stages, these are obviously likely to be ally be a little hesitant before approaching your
more frequent but will vary. Nevertheless, it is supervisor. Think twice before asking any-
something that should be discussed explicitly thing. Before asking any question, always first
and some universities actually have clear regu- ask yourself if you have done enough to answer
lations about meetings. If your work is going it by yourself. Make sure you can explain the
well, it is useful just to keep your supervisor in- problem sufficiently clearly—rehearsing an
formed with a quick progress report. Make explanation can often lead you to the answer.
good use of your supervisor—the university is Ensure that you are fully prepared, so that you
after all making a valuable scarce resource avoid wasting the time of someone who is in-
available to you. If you are having serious dif- evitably very busy. Always ask yourself if the
ficulties with an aspect of the research, such as work you are about to hand over could be bet-
obtaining empirical results or solving a diffi- ter: ensure that you have done yourself justice.
cult problem, or are anxious about whether a However, if you do not fully understand what
result is of any value, go to see your supervisor your supervisor is asking you to do, ask for fur-
rather than struggling or worrying alone. It is ther clarification in order to avoid wasting time
often the case that a supervisor can ‘cut in the future.
through’ the problem quickly or suggest an al- There are some things you should not do re-
ternative approach. garding your supervisor. Never look ‘pained’
The choice of supervisor is so important that or unwilling to try suggested changes to the
you should always endeavour to take the initia- modelling specification or estimation method,
tive. Consider the alternatives available and de- or extensive revisions to drafts. If you think
cide who you would like to be your supervisor. your supervisor is wrong about something, do
Do not be afraid to ask. The supervisor need not argue but express your desire to try to re-
not necessarily be working in the field you write your analysis more clearly for future dis-
have in mind. Indeed, some people may wel- cussion. Do not take a pile of computer output
come students with other interests. Expert and expect your supervisor to sieve through all
knowledge of the specific field is only one of the detail—you should abstract what is impor-
many characteristics of supervision, and it is tant first. Do not ask your supervisor to read a
usually possible for a supervisor to arrange for scrappy or highly provisional piece of work
someone who is closer to the field to look at the (unless you are specifically asked to present a
work at various points. You will eventually be- sketch or outline of a particular section). Do
come the expert in your field and your supervi- not ignore, or treat lightly, suggestions re-
sor cannot be expected to know all the papers garding reading matter or modelling ap-
you have read, so ensure that you accurately re- proaches: if you do so, you can expect to find
port the contents of papers in any discussions. that constructive suggestions simply come to
In selecting a supervisor, do take care to an end and your meetings become rather short.
avoid anyone who is known to be unhelpful, And do not ask to borrow your supervisor’s
sarcastic or negative, or who communicates books.
poorly. And avoid those who are not them- It is important to listen closely for hints from
selves productive. It is easy to obtain CVs these your supervisor. In many cases these may not
days from departmental web sites. Remember be explicit or obvious. Your supervisor may
that at various times you will need to ask ad- simply be thinking aloud and saying something
vice about things other than the thesis work, like ‘that is curious’, or ‘I wonder if …’. Fol-
such as future jobs or dealing with difficult sit- low up on any questions that you had difficulty
uations, so trust and sympathy are important. answering. Also take an interest when your su-
pervisor talks about other work or economists.
6.2 Some Rules of Conduct Follow any allusions to books, economists or
articles which are not familiar to you. In this
Although you will want to build a pleasant and way you will increase your breadth of knowl-
trusting working relationship, you should actu- edge. Indeed, it is often during such digressions
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Creedy: A PhD Thesis without Tears 469

and discussions of epiphenomena that you can make more rapid progress following physical
learn a great deal. exercise. Sensible organisation of your time
will allow room for such extracurricula activi-
7. Non-PhD Activities ties.

Work on a thesis involves sustained concentra- 8. Conclusions

tion—the second important ingredient needed
for research—on a single piece of work. How- This article has aimed to suggest some ways in
ever, it is important to allocate time to keep up which the route towards a PhD thesis can be
with background reading. This period is also made more fulfilling and less stressful. It
the time to read widely in the vast broader non- should be a hard but rewarding task, rather than
textbook literature of economics—learn to one that is full of anxiety. The ability to work
place modern work in a wider perspective. on a PhD thesis is a golden opportunity not
Read biographies of famous economists. It only to develop research skills, confidence and
may seem that such wider reading has to com- judgement, but it should also be a period of
pete against time spent on the more urgent pri- wider personal development and growing ma-
mary task of work on the thesis, but I believe it turity. Research towards a PhD is associated
is complementary and worthwhile, and can be with the transition from being a student to
done after the more demanding work of the working as a professional economist.
day. Go to seminars, whatever the topic, to get
an insight into the issues which interest other June 2007
people and the way they go about their own
work. Observe what makes their presentations
successful. Good seminars can also be inspir- Endnotes
ing even if the topic is far removed from your
own work. Talk to other students about their 1. Those who are part-time PhD students face
work and ask them to comment on your particular challenges, not discussed here.
It has been stressed that work on a PhD in- 2. Going down a dead end for a while should
volves many hours of concentrated effort, but not be considered as wasted time, as it is a nor-
that the period of full-time graduate study mal part of research, and valuable insights are
should also be a period in which you can usually gained. But judgement is needed about
broaden your appreciation of economics. It is the time to turn back and try a different route:
also important to spend time during this period again this is where the supervisor’s judgement
reading even more widely. Turning to entirely can help.
different subjects can be a valuable distraction
from a narrow piece of research and it helps to 3. At an early stage, check with your Graduate
keep things in perspective. For example, this is Office regarding any special style require-
a time to read high-quality literature and ments.
broaden one’s tastes in music and other arts.
Such wider reading will, furthermore, contrib- 4. On writing research papers see Creedy
ute towards the maturing process that is so im- (2001) and the references given there to a num-
portant for producing a serious piece of work ber of guides to writing.
such as a PhD thesis.
Many graduate students also find that partic- 5. Here, I am not ruling out the inclusion of a
ipation in regular sporting activities, or other literature review which helps to motivate the
non-intellectual pursuits, provides a valuable thesis, if it is done well. But it is usually the
diversion from work. These are useful for their weakest part of a thesis. You should of course
own sake and, after grappling with a difficult begin to produce a bibliography at the start of
problem for some time, it is often possible to your research.
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470 The Australian Economic Review December 2007

6. There was a time when PhD study involved References

a lonely existence. Graduate students were
‘second class’ citizens, had no resources and Creedy, J. 2001, ‘Starting research’, Australian
had to struggle to find a seat in the library to do Economic Review, vol. 34, pp. 116–24.
their work. There were few others in the same Creedy, J. 2006, ‘From manuscript to publica-
situation with whom they could share experi- tion: A brief guide for economists’, Austra-
ences. All this has now changed. lian Economic Review, vol. 39, pp. 103–13.

2007 The University of Melbourne, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research

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