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Law of octaves was devised by Newland

Hydrogen at the time of regeneration is in atomic state and is called Nascent

Hydrogen resembles Alkali metals Halogens and Group IV elements
Permanent Hardness of Water is due to Sulphates of Mg and Ca
Mixture of Carbon monoxide and Hydrogen is called Water Gas
Interstitial Hydrides are formed from d block elements thus form metallic bond
Ionic hydrides usually act as reducing agent
Complex hydrides are strongest reducing agents of all hydrides
Sodium Metal can be stored in alcohol acetylene kerosene but no in water
Electrolytic cell used to extract metallic sodium is called downs cell
Sodium Carbonate is Washing Soda Sodium BiCarbonate is Baking Soda
Sodium Bicarbonate is obtained by Solvays Process
Nelson Cell and Castner Keller both are used for production of NaOh
Orthoboric Acid is H3BO3
Refractive index of diamond is 2.45
Vitroil is

ZnS O 4 .7 H 2 O

Blue Vitroil is

CuS O4 .5 H 2 O

Lead Chromate is used as Chrome Yellow

Red Lead is

P b3 O 4

and is commonly called Sandhur

Lead Monoxide is Litharage

Oleum is

H 2 S2 O7

Sulphuric Acid is used as a dehydrating agent

Ostawlds Process is used to produce HNO3 while Contact process is used to
Lunar Caustic is Silver Nitrate
Cinnabar is an ore of mercury
Color of transitional metals is due to electronic transition

Ligand act as lewis base (electron pair donor)

Transition element exhibit variable oxidation states because of (n-1)d and ns orbital
Blister Copper is copper with 1% impurity
Gold dissolves in Aqua regia forming Auric Chloride
Stainless Steel contains Chromium upto 18%
Anthracite contains 92-98% carbon
Kerosene is a mixture of carbon compounds having 14-15 carbon atoms
Formic acid is methanoic acid
Acetic acid is ethanoic acid
Valeric acid is pentanoic acid
In natural gas the percentage of methane is 95%
The class of straight chain hydrocarbons is acyclic
Cracking is also called pyrolysis
Acetylene forms a red precipitate when passed through ammonical copper chloride
Rectified spirit contains 95.6% alchohol
Wood spirit is methyl alchohol
Water soluble vitamins include vitamin B complex and vitamin C
Vitamin b1 is thiamin
Vitamin b2 is Riboflavin
Vitamin b3 is Niacin
Vitamin b6 is pyridoxine
Percentage of nitrogen in ammonium nitrate is 34-36%
Cotton is a vegetable fiber
Silk is a animal fiber
The fiber which is obtained from naturally occurring proteins is called Azlon
PVC is a thermoplastic material

Silicones is a thermosetting material

Filters add to the mechanical strength of plastics
Glycin is a pure amino acid
Soap is a salt of organic acid
Glucose fructose sucrose are all carbohydrates
Naturally occurring glucose is d glucose
All those sugars in which OH group is to the left are called L-sugars
Starch is mixture of two polysaccharides Amylase and amylopectin
Protein is a polypeptide
Steroid is a lipid
All essential fats are unsaturated
Oils and Fats are called triglyceride
Vitamins are classified on basis of solubility
Fat soluble vitamins are A, D , E , K
Water solube Vitamins are B complex and C

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