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Find boundaries:

y = 2x - x² <-- upside down parabola

x-axis --> y = 0

Find intersections:

2x - x² = 0 --> x * (2 - x) = 0 --> x = 0, x = 2

This is good, makes things fairly simple, just go from x = 0 to x = 2:

Washer OR shell method should be equally easy here...oh wait I take that back, shell
method will be more straightforward. If we use the washer method then we will be
integrating vertically (with respect to y), to break this up each washer is formed from the
right side of the parabola to the left side, so I will do the shell method, which won't
require this.

Shell method:

Break into cylindrical sheets (or shells).

The approximate volume of a sheet is just the lateral surface area times the width of the

lateral surface area: rectangle with height h (height of cylinder) and width circumference
of the cylinder (like you just unfold the toilet tube to make a rectangle).

V = 2πrh * dx

dx is the width of the sheet...this IS an approximation, but hopefully it's clear that when
dx is very small this sheet when unraveled will look like a rectangular prism, that's where
the approximation come from, or from calculus if you prefer:

V of cylinder = πr²h, now the volume of a differential shell extended out to r + dr:

dV/dr * dr = 2πrh * dr

Anyways, now it's just a matter of find all of the values:

dV = 2πrh * dx

dx IS dx because you will slice the region into vertical slices the width of each slice is are moving horizontally, hence dx NOT dy.
Well this gives a hint as to the height, it's just the height of each slice, but that's just the y
value of the parabola minus 0 (the x-axis):

h = 2x - x²

The radius, is just the distance the slice is from the y-axis: the x value:

dV = 2πrh * dx
r = x, h = 2x - x²


dV = 2πx(2x - x²)dx = 2π(2x² - x³)dx

Now just integrate from x = 0 to x = 2:

2π * {⅔x³ - ¼x⁴} --> 2π * (⅔2³ - ¼2⁴) = 2π * (16/3 - 4) = 2π * (4/3) = 8π/3


think of it graphically. find the b value so that y1 is tangent to y2 and then all b values
below that will satisfy the given criteria.

y={plus or minus} 2sqrt(x)
*we only need to deal with the positive root so i will do so...makes typin easier :P


slope of y1 is 2, so let dy/dx=2

x=1/4 ... plug 1/4 into original y2 to get coordinate (1/4 , 1)

let y1 be the tangent line to y2 at x=1/4


therefore, all values of b less than 1/2 will make, not a tangent, but a secant (i.e. two
intersections). so ans to part a is b<1/2

y=2x-4 ===> (y+4)/2=x

y^2=4x ===> (y^2)/4=x

to find this area, integrating with respect to y is easier because all the pieces of the
riemann sum hav a lower end on y2 and an upper end on y1.

first find where the curves intersect to find the limits of ur integral
*set the new equations in terms of x equal to find the y values to integrate to/from
curves intersect at y=4 & y=-2

each delta A is the segment y1-y2

or x1-x2
so delta A= [(y+4)/2]-[(y^2)/4]
then A=integral from -2 to 4 {[(y+4)/2]-[(y^2)/4]}dy
A=2[(y^2)/2 + 4y - (y^3)/6] evaluated from -2 to 4
A=36 ...ans to part b

For part c, if u can imagine the solid, its like a bullet shape with a cone shape removed
from its inside. for the volume, the delta V is like a washer shape (ciclre with smaller
circle missin from it).
the center of the inner and outer circles will be from the x axis. we will be integrating
vertical strips so it will be with respect to x.

to fint the limits of the integral find the intersections of the curves before they are
revolved. they are x=0 and x=1

area of a circle (because thats the delta V) is (pi)r^2

area of these wahsers is area of the bigger circle minus the area of the smaller circle.

let r be the smaller radius = y1=2x

let R be the bigger radius = y2=2sqrt(x)...we need not be concerned with the negative
root since R is a length and cannot be negative

delta V=(pi)R^2(h) - (pi)r^2(h)

delta V=(pi)(R^2 - r^2)(h) , where h=delta x...or "dx"
so delta V=(pi)(2sqrt(x) - 2x)h
V= integral from 0 to 1 {(pi)(2sqrt(x) - 2x)h}
V= integral from 0 to 1 {(pi)[(2sqrt(x))^2 - (2x)^2]}dx
V=(pi) integral from 0 to 1 {4x - 4x^2}dx
V=(pi) [2x^2 - (4x^3)/3] }evaluated from 0 to 1
V=(pi) (2- (4/3)) -(0-0)
V=(2/3) pi ...ans to part c
4) First, draw the curve. This is ALWAYS the first step, and if you don't do this, you are
ALWAYS likely to get the answer wrong.
You will see that the x axis and the perpendicular line x=e are two sides to a roughly
triangular area, the "hypotenuse" being formed by the line y=ln(x). This line crosses the x
axis at x=1 (since ln(1) = 0) and crosses the line x=e at, well, x=e, where we are not at all
surprised to find that y=1 (since ln(e) = 1).

If we rotate this area around the x axis, we get a more or less conically-shaped solid. If
we cut this solid into a whole lot of slices transverse to the x axis, find the volume of each
slice, then add them all up, we will have the volume of the solid.

If we slice the solid into slices of thickness dx, then each slice that lies at point x will
have an area of

πy² = π ln²(x)

since y = ln(x) at that point. Therefore, the volume of the slice is

π ln²(x) dx

Adding these up (i.e. integrating them) between x=1 and x=e, we get

π∫{1 to e} ln²(x) dx

The integral is easily done by parts*, and resolves to x[ ln²(x) - 2ln(x) + 2 ], so the result

π x[ln²(x) - 2ln(x) + 2] | {between e and 1}

= π [e( ln²(e) - 2ln(e) + 2 ) - 1( ln²(1) - 2ln(1) + 2 )]
= π [e( 1 - 2 + 2 ) - 1( 0 - 0 + 2 ) ]
= π (e - 2)

* To integrate this by parts, use u = ln²(x) and dv = dx. Then du = 2 ln(x)/x and v = x, and
since u dv = uv - v du,

∫ ln²(x) dx = x ln²(x) - ∫2x ln(x)/x dx

= x ln²(x) - 2∫ln(x) dx

Now do this second integral by parts, with u = ln(x) and dv = dx, so that du = dx/x and v
= x:

x ln²(x) - 2∫ln(x) dx = x ln²(x) - 2[ x ln(x) - ∫x/x dx ]

= x ln²(x) - 2x ln(x) + 2x
= x[ ln²(x) - 2 ln(x) + 2 ]

The solid in this case is a ring-shaped structure. There are several ways you can integrate
it. The easiest might be to consider concentric rings of thickness dx. Each differential ring
has a circumference of 2πx and a width of ln(x), so the volume for each diff. ring is 2π x
ln(x) dx. Thus, the integral between 1 and e is

2π∫ [1 to e] x ln(x) dx

Again, integration by parts tells us** that

∫x ln(x) dx = x² [2 ln(x) - 1] / 4

so the integral evaluates to

2π x² [2 ln(x) - 1] / 4 | {1 to e}
= π [e² (2 ln(e) - 1) - 1²(2 ln(1) - 1)] / 2
= π [e² (2 - 1) - 1(0 - 1)] / 2
= π (e² + 1) / 2

**To integrate ∫x ln(x) dx by parts, let u = ln(x) and dv = x dx. Then du = dx/x and v =
(1/2)x², and the integral becomes

∫x ln(x) dx =(1/2)x² ln(x) - ∫(1/2)x²/x dx

= [ x² ln(x) - ∫x dx ] / 2
= [ x² ln(x) - x² / 2] / 2
= x² [2 ln(x) - 1] / 4

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