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Sektor pelancongan di Malaysia semakin pesat membangun. Pertumbuhan produk
pelancongan baru seperti pelancongan Islam mendorong pertambahan pelancong ke
Malaysia. Semenjak diperkenalkan pada tahun 2008, pelancongan Islam semakin dikenali
dan menjadikan Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara yang terkenal kerana mampu
menyediakan perkhidmatan mesra muslim kepada para pelancong. Dengan berpegangkan
kepada perlembagaan bahawa Islam sebagai agama rasmi, adalah wajar pelancongan
Islam dimajukan di Malaysia. Objektif utama kajian ini adalah untuk (i) mengenalpasti
dan memahami konsep pelancongan Islam serta ciri ciri khusus pelancongan Islam; (ii)
mengenalpasti bentuk penawaran dan produk yang ditawarkan oleh pihak Taman
Tamadun Islam (TTI) sebagai salah sebuah destinasi pelancongan Islam; (iii) menilai dan
menganalisis persepsi pelancong terutama pelancong Islam dari wilayah berbeza terhadap
perkhidmatan dan produk pelancongan Islam yang ditawarkan di TTI. Kajian ini juga
dapat mengenalpasti keinginan pelancong di samping tahap kepuasan yang diterima di
TTI. Kajian dilakukan menggunakan kaedah persampelan sistematik melibatkan
sebanyak 179 orang sampel. Kawasan kajian yang dipilih ialah di TTI Kuala Terengganu.
Analisis kajian menggunakan analisis diskriptif, analisis inferensi melalui ujian khi kuasa
dua, Man Whitney U dan Kruskal Wallis H. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa
53.1% pelancong mengetahui mengenai pelancongan Islam serta 48% pelancong
memahami pelancongan Islam merupakan unsur sejarah Islam. Makanan halal menjadi
ciri penting pilihan pelancong iaitu memperoleh skor sebanyak 876. Aktiviti, ilmu,
hospitaliti/akhlak, fasiliti mesra Muslim, kemudahan dan perhubungan, harga, halal dan
haram merupakan indikator yang digunakan dalam menentukan tahap kepuasan dan
penerimaan pelancong terhadap perkhidmatan di TTI. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan
jangkaan pelancong melebihi daripada penerimaan perkhidmatan mereka di TTI, namun
dari segi fasiliti mesra Muslim, tahap kepuasan pelancong melebihi tahap jangkaan
mereka. Kesimpulanya, kajian mendapati konsep pelancongan Islam boleh dibahagi
kepada beberapa segmen dan mempunyai ciri ciri tertentu seperti makanan halal dan
fasiliti mesra Muslim. Produk yang ditawarkan di TTI menepati ciri-ciri pelancongan
Islam, berada pada tahap memuaskan. Pelancong secara keseluruhannya berpuashati
dengan produk yang ditawarkan di TTI dan menyatakan untuk membuat lawatan
berulang. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan, kajian mendapati TTI merupakan
contoh terbaik pembangunan produk pelancongan Islam di Malaysia


The tourism sector in Malaysia is growing rapidly. New products in tourism industry such
as Islamic tourism may contribute to increase the number of visitors to Malaysia. Since it
was introduced in 2008, Islamic tourism has been developed and it promotes Malaysia for
its ability to provide Muslim-friendly services to the tourists. With Islam as the official
religion of the country under the Malaysian constitution, appropriately Islamic tourism
should be promoted in Malaysia. The main objectives of this research are to: (i) identify
and further understand the concept of Islamic tourism and its specific characteristics; (ii)
identify types of supply and products that are being offered by Taman Tamadun Islam
(TTI) as one of the tourist destinations of Islamic tourism; (iii) evaluate and analyze the
tourists perception especially Muslim tourists that came from different regions of the
world towards tourism products that are offered at TTI. The research identifies the
motives that encourage the tourists to visit TTI, as well as determining the satisfaction
level obtained by the tourists from the visit. The research was conducted using systematic
sampling method and involved a total of 179 samples. The results were analysed using
descriptive analysis and inferential analysis specifically using Chi Square, Man Whitney
U and Kruskal Wallis H tests. The results showed that 53.1% of the respondents know
about Islamic tourism and that, 48% of the respondents understand that Islamic tourism is
one of the elements in Islamic history. Moreover, halal food has become an important
feature in Islamic tourism as preferred by the respondents with a score of 876.
Furthermore, activities, knowledge, hospitality, moral, Muslim-friendly facilities and
communication, price, halal and haram are the indicators that have been used in
determining the satisfaction and acceptance level of the tourists towards services provided
at TTI. The results also showed that the respondents expectation exceeded the acceptance
levels of overall services provided at TTI. For Muslim-friendly facilities, respondents
satisfaction has exceeded their level of expectations. As a conclusion, the study found that
the concept of Islamic tourism may be divided into several segments and has its specific
characteristics such as halal food and Muslim-friendly facilities. Products offered by TTI
have meet the characteristics of Islamic tourism at the satisfactory level. The tourists in
general are satisfied with the products offered at TTI and they expressed their intention to
re-visit the site. Based on the analysis that has been done, the study found that TTI is the
best example of Islamic tourism product development in Malaysia

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