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General layout of the unit of the Palace of Salwa and the Palace of Abdullah bin Saud.
· , Ll.~ .rUl \ :J) fl .jL5 -.?..u I .r:J I .sJ'...J .s.,L ~ J".>\1'j iIs. ~

General View of the remains of Salwa Palace. and the Well that Provided the Palace Water.
~L:l:-I ) ~LJI o..l>}I) ( o).raJ1 .:.r.r-:. 'j\ ~~I ) J/:J1 o.L>-y-l\ ~; jl ~I Ji ;J,kjl ~~
. ..:..>LA~..ulJ o..4s-~1 ~~.;; ~ , (o).raJI.:.r .j4-!.\:j\

Salwa Palace. remains of the Portico Which connected the first unit ( to the left) with the second
unit ( to the right). There are the remains of the columns and pillars.
• ~~\ J~ 'jl .i.>L....o~i ~l4:J~ ~ • ~.,.L ~:r JJ)11 oJ..>yU ~.;-All ~i.,.J1
The west facade of the first unit-, and remains of columns in the open reception court .
.,:.,~ ~\}I ":"~)j ~)~...\.,o ..w. ~~ Y...\.,o J.&- ..;?y.j- ~ •. dl:.ll o..l>)J ~)1 ~i}1
. ..;?yLJl '.f-i..) d.:... ~?j .,:.,~)o,L,.;)'I) ~~I ~i.:r ~r) ~
The main facade of the third unit of Salwa Palace. It contains an entrance covered with pointed

arch. The facade provided with rectangular and squared openings for ventilation and light and

triangular openings for decoration in the upper part .

o..l>}J ~JUi ~~\ ~ ~ , ~)aJ\ -.E ~J ~YL~ ~~Ul ~ ~LJ-\ ).Ll:-\
.;:.,l>wJ\ J' ~~ JI oG\ ~lJ\ c..l>}J ~\ J' l.p)1 ,-:",~I ~ ~f ~I .)J ' ~lJl

The wall that supported the bridge connecting Salwa Palace, With the mosque of AI - Turaif

quarters. The small entrance at the top leading to the second Unit, and Qesede it a series of

tnangular openings.
-E J>-...l4 ":"~I JI) , ~\ JI ,L...ili .:r ~L.a.ll CJ.ill.\LL;l..1 o~ ~I ~~) ~ JoL;l..1)~I
The wall that supported the bridge and columns that carried steps leading from the court to the

bridge, and to the right the entrance gateway to AI - Turaif Quarters, and the mosque where the

bridge ended .
• WI ..:,;l~';iyJl) ~)I J>.lllc:-Px~.".L .r:U.:r ~I.,rll o..L>.,ll ~

View of the fourth unit of Salwa palace showing the main entrance, windows, and triangular

~)i j>-J11 ~ )..l:-!) -s}- ~ J" wL:LI o..l>-}I ~I)
The fifth unit of Salwa palace , main entrance.
o~ ~\ JI ~.,:JI ~ 'rP).l G.~I L:"J'- ~ JI ~ . ~I ~\ o~ ./~

Water basin under the bridge, divided into two parts both probably were used for ablution
before going to the mosque .
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~.,L~ ;"",.)UI o..l>}1 :y. ~J ~I J)..lll ~

Plan of the ground floor of the sixth unit of Salwa Place .

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· -.j.jJl ~\ ~\ J>-..lA ~ ..>..,.L ~ ,J" ~u\ .~}J
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The west facade of the sixth unit of Salwa palace, and the entrance to the west dwelling section.
~y j>\ ~~ ~) , .k...../JI~\ ~I j>-..l.o ~ J4 ;;......~UloJ.>..,lJ ~~I ~irJl
t/·..:JI "s.f-" ~ ~y jl o~)..w\ .i.±J.I.,:.,~\
The sQuth facade of the sixth unit of Salwa Palace, and the entrance to the central dwelling

section. Beside the entrance there were filled - In trtangular openings showing the changed level of

the street.
· j4Ji ~}\ - ~I JI \,p}U ~I) • ~)aJi ~ y...u '-::Jl-J\~\}I
The north elevation of the gateway of AI - Turaif Quarters and the bridge leading to the mosque-

Final Configuration.
~~I ~}I -~ •.p.;1\ ~l.AJ1 <:.)..u~)L.t.llai
section through stairs leading to the bridge. Final Configuration.

. ~~I c:-P}I - ~.ra:J1 Ow)oL:J.1 ~~J.r.J:..~)L. t.llai

Cross section through the bridge. the water basin and drainage channel - Final Configuration.

;- ~~ ~, ~\.r~ •.••

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~I)I ~~ ~\ p ~1.r.J:-IJJl:A=-~I 4.>U ~\'I

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Plan of the reception open court and the bridge leadmg to the mosque - Present condition.
-J}oJ1 ~) .roll) y..lll ~ ~ ~~UI oJ.>.} I j" J.rJI P r-W ,,!l>I~
Interior view of the eastern dwelling section of the sixth unit shows the entrance. the corridor and

some rooms.
· ~LAlI ~\jl .j\)~ Ul:.>JI ..:,;~L.i.;)~\ )J..;) , 4......~U\ o~}J ,-?yW\ c:k-ll

The roof of the sixth unit where the different heights of the original and additional walls·
-iLrJ\~}I - ;""'~UIo..t>-).i ~jJ\ ~\}l
The west elevation of the sixth unit - Final configuration.
(, ~I ) ~UI o..l>}1 ~ ~ rJl ~l-=JI~~ ~LAlI jlJ~1 ~) • y....,'11 elf. '1\ ..l>\
One of the original towers, and some additional Walls at the north east side of the seventh unit

( Section 1 ) .
--";y:.sJ.\ .k....;l'I ,L.JI .)s- --.,;yAJl ~ ~ ( ,?s...J1 ~\ ) ~U\ o..l>
General View of the seventh unit ( the dwelling Sectton 1 ) where a number of rooms I

central court .
"s.;>- ~I "::">\..l>}I) ~UI o..l>}1 iW( ~ ~\ ~ a..Lj..1...jL:5\JI) ~I

The pillars and columns that supported the bridge Joining the sections of the seventh unit and the

other units.

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The west elevation of the seventh unit, It shows gateways, windows and stepped crenelations in the

upper part of the parapet.

• • •

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1..;...L;rJl) ~)I) 0;1\ ..;...~I) '":"'~~I ..;...~ ~ ~ •.( , ri )~LJI o..l.>yll ~.rJ:
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n 2 ).It shows . '-!' '-r' ~ Y - "---"
The south elevation of the seventh unit ( section 1 ) . It shows gateways, triangular ar
openings and crenelations - final configuration.
WI ..:..>~\) o~\'1 ~ ~ •( " ~ »).A t.lki) ( , ~ ) ~UI o..l>-.,ll~l-=JI~i}1
. ';~I ~}I ~.i..:.:...J.\ ..:..>L;.rJI)
The north elevation of the seventh unit ( section 1 ) and cross section through ( section 2 ). It shows
the columns triangular openings and stepped crenelations - final configuration.
· "lyJl ~}\ -( , ~ ) ~UI o..l>}~J~ t.lW
Cross section through the seventh unit ( section 1 ) final configuration.

• •
• • •
• • •


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. ( ,. ~ ) .......,UI o...l>-}~ ~) ~I))...w J~I .kh>J.\

The present ground floor plan for the seventh unit ( sedion 2 ) .
The open court of the seventh unit ( section 2 ) . It shows the remains of the columns and drainage
- c.J.I~lj .r-ll--,
o.4s- ~\--,'":""'Y.
~\ ~~--' c.;:1\ ~y. ( ,. r' ) ~L.J\ o..L>-.,J~ ~ f' t.l..k;
. ..}LrJ\ ~}\
Cross section through the seventh unit ( section 2 ) showing the tower, the gateways, columns,
and crenelations - final configuration.
The open court in the dwelling part of the seventh unit ( section 2 ) . It shows the stairways and some
additional walls .
Cross section through the seventh unit showing the gate, the stairways, and crenelations on the
higher part of the facade.
llil "';}.>-)I)~)I "ij\.,JI) J>..lll ~~..) ( , ~ )~UI o..l>-yU~)l1 ~~I ~Irl\
. ~ I ..:,..L; Ij"
The west elevation of the seventh unit ( section 1 ) . It shows the gateway. squared windows,
triangular decorations and crenelations
JI ~)I ~\ JI ~L.aJ1 C)..JI ~lA:) ( y~ ) ~U\ o~}~ J""" ~\ '-1.;.11Jl-JI c)\
. ( , ~)
The north west tower of the seventh unit ( section 2 ) and the remains of the stairway leading to the
bridge joining ( section 1 ) .
The north elevation of the seventh unit (section 2 ). It shows the columns, stairway and
crenelations - Final configuration.
'( - V '..I>",lI ~ .j=..J\ •j:1:-4 J.>.\,) ..P y_.
Court in dwelling section in salwa unit 7 - 2 Final configuration
~\f\ jlj-lJ:-1 ~ ~ ( ,. r--i ) ~\ ,.)-\ b-~)~U\ 0..1.»\ J>..l.» ~~I ~I)\
. ;\)
The north facade, and entrance of the seventh unit ( section 2 - dwelling part) . It shows the original
and additional walls.
~UI o~}\ .f ( ~~ ) pi '.f-I Y...lA) ~~
Door and entrance to the dwelling part ( section 2 ) in the seventh unit
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SCALE: \"-"'J\.r"';'"
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~ Js-i ..))~) ')\))..u\ J>--l.o ~ J)')I o...l>}\ ;)Y'-'" J 4il1 ~ .rUl-.l~\ -J~I -:.,5...-J1
. -.;?}S-~ ~jJl ~UI ,f ))~\ .rUl~ ~ j15 -.;?ill J) ')1 ))..ul ~~

The northwest corner of palace of Abdullah. The first unit, entrance to the ground floor level, and a

door opening at the upper floor, that was connected through a bridge With the neighbouring palace

on west side.
• ...;;,.L ~ J.4 ;;....~\...JIo..\.>-}I) 4ll\ ~ ~ J.4 JJ'jl o..\.>-}\ .:..~ j-Pj\ ~ ~~.J.lI ",:",L:J\ ~
. .i..:l:..o..;,.;~~~ -?#I ~\ ~i .:..r-j J.!)

The opening of a door leading to the bridge Joining the first unit of palace of Abdullah with the six unit

of Salwa palace. The upper part pf the lintel decorated with triangular openings.
~ jJ ~)\) a:.ll ~?)\ -.:.>I..l>-}\).i.:..:....J.\ -.:.>l!l~\ 4:~..) J) "1\ o..L>-}J ~ ~\ ~irJl

. ~lrl\ ~}I - o"L,.; 'YI)~~\

The east elevation of the first unit . It shows the stepped crenelations, and squared and

triangular decorative motives for ventIlation and light - Final Configuation .

~\."J\) O))-U1) ...,?."LJI,ylkJ1) • ~) 'jl ,y\.kl\ ~.Y- ~)\ ~}I .:.r-j>-.:JI .i.s-~)1.A ~ f CLW
. j4J\ ~}I - ~I ~ljl.rJl) • C)-uI) o~ ~I)

Cross section through the main central storage room. It shows the ground floor, the upper floor,

the parapet, windows, columns, stairways and crenelations - Final configuration.

The northwest original corner of the first unit. The upper part of the facade decorated with
rectangular and triangular openings
JJ ')1 o...L»~",.,.J:-i )..l;ll ~l :,r..; ~I .i.:J.:l1
.;,.,~I ~~

Group of tnangular openings decorating the upper part of the south wall in the first unit.
· ~.r" ~?\) .i.±.. ..;:.,~ O))...Ll\ ~j.Ai) • J) 'il o...l>}~l.:?yWl ))..ul
The upper floor of the first unit. The parapet decorated with triangular and squared openings.
Ol} 4:J~ J) ~I o..L>."J~ ~~I -.,jjJ~)L.
~\.&.\AJI) t..Uai
Section through the souther rooms and halls of the first unit - present conditions.

~.;>.)I ~~I ~\.&.~) J>..ul ~.J"!. 10 J)~\o..L>."J~ ~~I ~Ls.UJI) ..j.rAJ~)L.t..LJ.i

. Jlrll ~."JI - ~, .,:.,ljlrJ'J 10 ~yWl '):-' .:r.;..)\ cl:l.\
Section through souther rooms and halls of the first unit. It shows the gateway and groups of
39 decorative triangular openings that decorated the upper part, and crenelations - final configuration. A1

The onglnal ground floor plan of the second unit


~ \ -....i..i...J I) --=-,U\ ~..) J~ 1 P \~L ..,,-W I .u j-

The guest room In the north dwelling part
~r-ll o~\ .u.; ...::...."li ~ ,.rW1 j-
;j I( )'~J "
Wegar The fire place where the arabic coffee was prepared.
·~ ~\ .UI ~~ ~ ~ dLJI o..l>yll ,,::,~I..lJI.L.J\ J' -J~I ~L;.\

The north side of the Inner court of the third unit showing the remains of the building
":J?)i .r"'WI) ~)\) ;;;UI .•::.:)\>...u\ ~\~ • ~\ ~ /" ~ ~ -j.jJl JI,.-:JI j5)i
. ;;;UI
The onglnal north west corner. where the guests room lies. provided with triangular and squared
niches and decorative elements of tnangular opening.
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The east elevation of the second unit - present conditIOn.

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The plan of the third unit. before removal debris.
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Details of the original west side of the third unit, showing rectangular opening door, and triangular
niches. The upper part decorated with series of triangular openings.
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The original northwest corner of the upper floor. There are groups of triangular openings for
ventilation and light.
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Storage room on the west side of the third unit. There are triangular niches for oil lamps. The upper
contained triangular openings for ventilation and light.
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Longitudinal section through the palace showing the niches, rectangular doors and windows.
columns and stepped crenelatiohs - final configuration.
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Section shows the ground floor, the upper floor, and the parapet, doors, columns, triangular
openings and crenelations - final configuration.
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View of the Guest Room showing the main entrance and triangular niches.
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Cross section towards the south, for the ground floor, the upper floor and the parapet. Showing
the stairways, and series of triangular decorations - fmal configurations.
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The south west corner of the third unit showing the main entrance, the remains of the columns and
the triangular niches and decorations.
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The west wall of the storage room, at the upper floor of the third unit The upper part of the wall
decorated With a fine decorative motif of triangular openings
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Details of triangular openings below inverted ones in relief.

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South wall of southern hall, the triangular openings were plugged by mud.

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Section through southern staircase - final configuration.

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