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4-H Geocaching for

Horse Project Members

Topic: Bits N Bridles

Have the 4-H members work in teams of 3 to 5. Their goal is to be the

first team to quickly navigate the course gathering the various parts of a
western bridle, answering the questions and then correctly assembling
their bridle. A teams’ time will stop when they have assembled their
bridle and have answered the questions along the way. A clip board
could be given to each team.

( Each geocaching point will need to have the same number of bridle
parts as there are teams of 4-Hers. For example: a bridle needs one chin
strap so if you have 4 teams then you will need to have 4 chin straps at
that geocaching point.)

1) Pick your “gait” and hurry to 916 easting, 315 northing. This part of a bridle
creates leverage and is used with bits that have shanks. It is called a
________________. They can be either ____________ or a 1 inch flat
____________ for 4-H.

2) “Trot” on to the 2nd point 920 easting, 333 northing. Remember to keep your
team together and answer the question as you find this bridle part that is out of
sight. This part of the bridle can be adjusted and may have silver on them if you
show. They are called ______________ .

3) “Running” will get you to the 3rd point at 883 easting, 312 northing so don’t
delay! Open the door and on the floor you shall see a ______________ bit that
combines snaffle rings with a curb bit.

4) “Lope” on to 888 easting, 312 northing. On your hands and knees you will see
this part of the bridle, along with #2, holds the bit and is called the
_________________ .
5) A “hand gallop” will get you to point 5 at 853 easting, 322 northing. Now take
20 steps back over the gravel, look left, look right, look over or under. Here you
will find the most common type of jointed bit used and the least severe. It has no
shanks, it can be used with a martingale and most often used on young horses. It is
a ________________ bit. The one you have selected is a (an) _______________

6) Using your “extended trot” find 841 easting, 310 northing. The weather is
warmer in this direction and in a bridle bag you shall see what connects the horse
to the rider. They are called ______________ . Now name two types of these
____________ or ______________ .

7) Your “ground covering walk” will get you to 865 easting, 234 northing, but
you will not see what is waiting for thee. This has shanks and a solid mouth piece,
not broken. It is used on well broke horses, puts pressure on the bars and makes
the horse bend at the poll. It is a _________________ .

8) A slow “jog” will give you a break as you travel to 901 easting, 318 northing.
Only the owner may take what’s in, but for today it is okay. This is a
_____________ . Some bridles may have this strap to help keep the bridle from
being pulled off over the head.

9) 4-Hers do like speed so “game gallop” on over to 839 easting, 330 northing.
Now face where the sun sets and operate what you see. Do you see it? It is a bitless
bridle called a ____________ used in the west for training young horses.

10) “Sidepassing” is necessary at this point 895 easting, 301 northing to squeeze
between two big obstacles. Look for part of a bridle that attaches to the headstall
on the horses’ forehead. Many riders consider it to be optional or used for looks. It
is called a __________________ .

11.) Use your “favorite gait” to get your team to 912 easting, 267 northing where
you should let sleeping dogs lie. Here you will find _____________
that are extremely severe and should only be used by expert riders. They usually
have a roller or a cricket up into the port.

12) You will need to make a smooth “transition” down to a whoa as this sign
indicates at 925 easting, 306 northing. Here what tools will you need to assemble
your western bridle correctly? List two __________ _________ . Four seconds is
all you need to halt at this sign so go get started!
*P.S. Answer these questions in case of a tie.

1. The ____________, ________________ and _____________ are considered to

be the communication system of the horse.

2. The ___________ the bit, the milder its action.

*You may want to add additional tack or bits as needed depending on your time
frame. Answers and places hidden are on the next page.
Happy Geocaching trails to all !

Linda Tuller

(Geocaching locations and Answers on the next page)

Locations and Answers
4-H Geocaching
Bits N Bridles

1. The location was a bird feeder in a flowering crab tree.

Answer: Chin strap, leather, chain

2. This location was a garbage can with a lid by the road.

Answer: Cheek piece or cheek strap

3. The location for this point was a two story play house with a door.
Answer: Kimberwicke or Kimberwick

4. This point location was a walk over horse bridge with space underneath.
Answer: Headstall or crown piece

5. The point was a large tree, then they went 20 steps back east to a pylon.
Answer: Snaffle, then eggbut, D-ring, O-ring, straight, jointed, or rubber.

6. The location is a bag hanging on the back side of a wide wooden gate.
Answer: Reins then split, single, roping, mohair, braided, , nylon, leather.

7. This location is the tack room of a horse trailer, must open the door.
Answer: Curb bit.

8. The location is inside a rural mail box.

Answer: Throatlatch.

9. This location is an old time pump handle they will lift up.
Answer: Hackamore. (A common type is called a bosal.)

10. This location is the foot step of a big tractor parked close to a building.
(You must squeeze sideways to find your bridle part, thus sidepassing.)
Answer: Brow band.

11. The location is a dog house inside a fence.

Answer: A Spade bit.

12. The final location is a sign that means “Whoa” to a horse, a Stop sign of course.
Answer: Pliers, screwdriver.

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