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Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do

something you want done because he wants to do.
Professor Warren G. Bennis

According to many scholars, leadership is by definition a

tendency of influence that happens socially. It has to deal
with the stimulus a person provokes on others to recruit
their help and support, so as to the fulfillment of a common
goal or task. Additionally, some people might see leaders
generally as somebody being followed by certain people, or
perhaps someone directing and guiding people at a
particular range. Despite the variety of definitions, there is
one whose meaning embraces the sense of leadership. It
states that leadership is focused on organizing and
motivating a bunch of people to reach a common objective.
Often, leadership is related to business matters, in a way
that it creates an inspiring vision of the future to come. It is
almost like formalizing a vision that is realistic, attractive
and convincing to picture the idea of where someone wants
to be in the future. As everyone knows a vision is more likely
to help get direction, set priorities and provide markers
which tell us, we have accomplished what we wanted to
accomplish. In short, it is all about saying the organization of
strengths in business helps leaders to examine the actual
situation, how the industry is probably to evolve and how
their competitors will behave as result of innovative

It is considered to be a fundamental part of the global
history of the mankind. For centuries, the largest content of
published works has been stored in public libraries and
bookshops. Now, the biggest question being raised is
regarded to what literature is. Indeed, many might respond
to this question by giving a valuable opinion that bring us to
think of the fact that literature is a field embraced by
writings in which form and expression linked to ideas
coming from the deepest part of our thoughts are written on
paper, and determine a code of universal interest to the
ones who know about poetry, history, biographies and
novels essentially.
Literary works represent a piece of art containing
sophisticated language, culture and tradition. However, it is
much more important than just cultural and historical
context, it is a master key that can take us to get immersed
into new worlds of experience, and may even help us to
evolve and grow through the extensive reading of these
curious books. An example of literary form is poetry, which
utilizes rhythmic and aesthetic qualities to evoke beauty
and impressive meaning. Lastly, the study of literature can
help students to attain new vocabulary and a wide round
ability to express ideas to the people they talk to.

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