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Teacher: On A days Ms. Kallai (Lead), B days Ms.

Voltaire (Lead)

Date of Lesson: 10/12/2015

Course: Precalculus Honors

Grade: 11-12

Unit: Domain

Topic of Lesson: Domain and

Essential Question(s):
1. What are the important and defining characteristics and representations of a function?
2. What is a function?
3. How are the two quantities in a function related?
4. How can I determine the domain/range of a function, given its equation?

Common Core State Standards:

HSF.IF.A.1 Understand that a function from one set (called the domain) to another set (called the
range) assigns to each element of the domain exactly one element of the range. If f is a function and x
is an element of its domain, then f(x) denotes the output of f corresponding to the input x. The graph of f
is the graph of the equation y = f(x).

HSF.IF.B.5 Relate the domain of a function to its graph and, where applicable, to the quantitative
relationship it describes.

Daily Performance Objectives:

Understandings (i.e. Big Ideas):

Understand how functions behave
A function f from a set A to a set B is a relation that assigns to each
element x in the set A exactly one element y in the set B.
Given any function f:AB, the set A is called the domain (set of
inputs) of f, and the set B is called the range of f (or set of outputs).

Knowledge: Determine the domain and range of various types of functions.

Skills: Using multiple representations, comparing functions to non-functions

graphically and algebraically

Prior Knowledge Resources:

Links to previous lessons: Students will use strategies for solving equations when
identifying the domain.
Anticipated student ideas/misconceptions: Difficulty understanding interval notation,
how to read a graph, domain restriction, identifying functions vs. non-functions

Materials and Preparation: Smartboard, Index cards (for My Favorite No) Do now handouts,
handouts of Smartboard Domain part 1 Lesson, Exit Ticket handout

Lesson Segments (add rows as necessary):


The teacher will

The student(s) will

Display the Do Now question on the

Work on the Do Now problem
within their groups or individually.
smartboard slide 1.
Facilitate any group discussions, ask
back pocket questions (for example:
Why is that, How can you be
sure?, etc.) to promote independent
critical thinking.

Select a favorite no to analyze with

the whole class and rewrite student
work so that the student remains

Students will discuss/debate what

they think is correct/incorrect about
the work.

Ask if the Do Now was a function and

use that to transition into defining a

responses: Yes
Follow up question: Why?
responses: Because it's a
Follow up question: Why is a
polynomial a function?

Expected responses: .just because passes the vertical line test
Misconceptions: Do not have a clear
conception of what a function is,
and in particular the properties of a
functions domain and range.

Post pictures of
functions/nonfunctions and have
students identify which is which.
From this students construct a
definition of a function. (slides 2-3)

Nominate each other and respond

to each others reasoning.
Expected responses:
...For every input there is an output
.A function is a rule

Misconceptions: Trouble with

understanding that each x has one
and only one y value associated with
it. Difficulty identifying the
difference between examples and

Post on smart board definition of

domain of a function. Ask students
what they think the definition is of the

On slide 6 display the line -2x+4 and

ask class what is the domain and

Expected responses:
The range is the set of y values

Negative infinity to positive infinity

Ask the class what happens if I

change the graph to slide 7, how does
that change the domain and range?

It restricts the domain and range to
certain values.

Follow up: Are there any other

functions that we have seen where
the domain or the range is

Show slide 8 and ask students to

express the inequalities in interval
notation, and ask them what is the

responses: Correct

Misconceptions: Confusion about

notation (when to use brackets and

Show slide 9 and ask students for

interval notation

responses: Correct
Misconceptions: Confusion about
what the shaded portion represents
(do not understand the

graphic representation of an

Ask for the domain and range of slide

10 graph. Ask if there are any

Students will not be able to
see that the function is not defined
on negative infinity to 2.

Follow up:
Where does the graph start?
Where does it end?
1)For what values of x do we have
corresponding values of y?

2)For what values of x are there no

y values?
3) What does that tell us about the
domain of this function?

Present problems in slide 11-18

Misconceptions: Negative numbers

under the radical, division by zero

Present exit ticket

Misconceptions: Difficulty with

expressing the answer in interval

Assessment/Evaluationnote: all lessons must include checks for understanding

Formative (entails timely feedback to students)

Do Now

Summative (endpoint, for a grade or other summary judgment)

Exit Ticket

Adaptations/Modifications How will parts of this lesson be adapted or modified to

accommodate the needs:
of ELL learners? Not Applicable
of special needs students? Provide individualized assistance when necessary, provide
additional time outside of class time, position the student in a group/seat where they feel

Homework: Domain HW 1 packet

Teachers Reflection Reflect on the success of lesson; what you learned about teaching and students
learning; and what you would change .

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