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Jesus Wishes To Use You

By Father Nicholas Gruner, S.T.L., S.T.D. (Cand.)

Many people, unfortunately, do not realize that Jesus and Mary are depending
on them. The world is getting worse and many souls are being spiritually lost
every day. Many souls are going to hell.
You have been given many graces through the sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross,
and through Our Lady's pierced Immaculate Heart. We must reflect on the fact
that although each one of us is unworthy of the great graces of knowing,
believing and understanding the Fatima message in this time of apostasy, we
have nevertheless been specially chosen.
We cannot hide these talents that Jesus and Mary have given us - we must do
our part.
Of course our first act of cooperation with these graces, of allowing Jesus to use
us, is to pray and sacrifice as Our Lady taught us at Fatima. But we are also
called upon to work, to do our part by the sweat of our brow.
To this end do all you can to be informed about the full Fatima message and to
make it known to many others. [As Sister Lucy tells us, each person must
"begin to reform himself spiritually. Each person must not only save his own
soul but also all the souls that God has placed in our path"].
We can do this by making extra copies of this issue of The Fatima
Crusader available to our friends and neighbors.
But besides all these good works we should also do whatever else we can to
bring about the Triumph of Our Lady's Immaculate Heart. It is only through the
act of obedience of the Pope and the bishops to the solemn command to
consecrate Russia as given to them by God Himself through Our Lady of Fatima
- that Our Lady's victory will take place. It is only in this way that devotion to
Our Lady's Immaculate Heart will be finally established in the world.
Our Lady tells us "Jesus wishes to use you to make Me known and loved". You
can do a lot more than you think. Ask Our Lady to show you how. She will lead
you if you let Her. Ask Her to guide you and confide yourself and your work to
Her care. Consecrate and reconsecrate yourself to Her Immaculate Heart
especially in these apocalyptic and apostate times.

"Modern times" St. Maximilian Kolbe used to say, "are dominated by satan and
they shall be so even more in the future .... The Immaculate One alone has
received from God the promise of victory over satan but being in the glory of
Heaven, She needs us today to work together with Her. She seeks souls
consecrated entirely to Her and become in Her hands a force to conquer satan
and to become under Her direction, an effective means for establishing the
Kingdom of God".
But we know that it is only "by this means" that is, by the Consecration of
Russia as Our Lady of Fatima commanded - that the Kingdom of God will be
established. Therefore let us renew our resolve to do all we can to bring this
about. To this end I answer here some specific questions about what you can do
to help the Pope and the bishops bring about the fulfillment of this most
important, most urgent Request of Our Lady of Fatima.

Father Gruner and other

Fatima experts answer
questions at a recent
rally in Buffalo, N. Y.

Q: Do our petitions to the Holy Father make any difference?

A: Yes. The Holy Father is only one man and is not able to be in direct contact
with us all. Our petitions help overcome the distance of time and space and let
him know what we are thinking. The practice of petitioning the Pope is a
traditional one which is recognized by the Popes themselves. Pope Pius XII
noted publicly and with approval the fact that he had received thousands of

petitions from around the world for the definition of the Assumption in 1950.
Petitions are also encouraged in order to obtain the canonization of the Saints.

Q: But what about petitions regarding the Consecration of Russia?

A: They are very important and they also count. Already more than 4,000,000
people have petitioned for the Consecration of Russia. Pope John Paul II in 1982
and 1984 alluded to these petitions publicly. In 1988, in a period of 2 or 3
months, about 200,000 people again petitioned the Holy Father. Vatican officials
indeed noted this surge in petitions and were impressed by it. Today as a result
of the public campaign, and the petition campaign to Consecrate specifically
Russia, already 400 Bishops and 15 Cardinals have stated publicly they are
prepared to do it when the Pope gives the word. We must keep these campaigns
up in order to make the other Cardinals and Bishops aware of this urgent
request of Our Lady of Fatima.

Q: What should we petition for?

A: We should petition the Pope and the Bishops to Consecrate Russia as Our
Lady of Fatima solemnly requested on June 13, 1929. We should also petition
for the Third Secret to be revealed and for Sister Lucy to be allowed to speak
publicly (without any interference) about Our Lady of Fatima's requests. This is
urgent because she is 84 years old and our last report of March 1, 1991
indicated she was very ill.

Q: Why petition for the Third Secret to be revealed?

A: It is the Will of God that the faithful be told the Third Secret. Our Lady
appeared on January 2, 1944, and told Sister Lucy that indeed it was the Will of
God for her to write it down at that time. Our Lady made it clear that it was to
be given to the faithful by 1960 at the latest. The Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon,
his Eminence Cardinal Cerejeira, and the Bishop of Fatima - Bishop da Silva
both promised publicly to reveal the Third Secret to the faithful by 1960. It has
not been done though no one will really take responsibility for not doing it.
In our time, voices of considerable weight like Cardinal Oddi and Cardinal Ciappi
think that the Third Secret must be released before the Consecration of Russia
will be able to be achieved.
Frre Michel - who wrote the greatest series of books on Fatima, thinks that
the non-release of the Third Secret is one of the major obstacles blocking the
Consecration of Russia as Our Lady of Fatima requested.

Q: Is it really important for the laypeople to know the Third Secret?

A: Yes. It will help all of us. For some of us and our loved ones it may be the
one factor that causes us to save our souls from the eternal fires of Hell. I will
explain briefly.
The Catholic faith is the foundation of our salvation. We are obliged to defend
our faith against any attack. If we lose our faith we lose our eternal salvation.
But our faith is being undermined today from within the Church. Our Lady
warned us of this in the Third Secret so that we would not be deceived into
losing our faith. Today, because the Third Secret has not been officially
revealed, many of the Faithful have lost the faith and cannot be saved unless
they effectively repent and regain it before they die. Still more souls will be lost
if the Third Secret is not revealed soon.

Q: Why should we petition for Sister Lucy to be allowed to speak?

A: On June 13, 1917, Our Lady of Fatima told us that Sister Lucy's vocation is to
remain sometime longer on earth in order to make known devotion to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary. God has left her on earth all this time in order to
promote this very important devotion.
But Jesus Himself has indicated that this devotion to the Immaculate Heart of
Mary will be especially established in the world through the Consecration of
Russia done as Our Lady of Fatima solemnly requested it.
Sister Lucy has been left on earth in order to facilitate this Consecration. But
today, because Sister Lucy has been silenced, her name is being used by
enemies of Our Lady of Fatima to sow confusion among the ranks of Our Lady of
Fatima's devotees. (See Up which explains it further. Call 1-800-263-8160 for
your copy.) As a result, as long as Sister Lucy is silenced, her presence among
us is being used to stop Our Lady of Fatima's message from being fulfilled. The
way to stop this obstacle is to have Sister Lucy speak freely so that all will know
the truth that our only hope is the official revealing of the Third Secret and the
Consecration of Russia.
It is urgent because Sister Lucy is old. She was 84 on March 22, 1991 and has
been reported to have recently been very ill. False prophets are using her name
to spread lies about the Message of Fatima. She must be allowed to clear up
this confusion before she dies.
Sister Lucy was chosen by God and many would listen to her if they could but
hear her voice. Now that she is silenced, lies are spread in her name which
causes confusion among some of the faithful.

Q: Will our petitions get through to the Pope?

A: Yes. If you forward them to us we will make a copy before sending them on
to the Pope. If for any reason they are not delivered to the Pope through our
first channel, we can send the copies through another channel.
If enough people sign petitions, even before they reach the Holy Father, he will
hear of them because such a large number of voices cannot be hidden from

Q: Is it really the Holy Father's solemn duty to do the Consecration?

A: Yes. We have again and again shown that it is his sacred duty. I have
explained this in "Our Solemn Appeal to Pope John Paul II" starting on page 1 of
our Special Report of March 1991 (ask for your free copy, see page 8). You can
read at length my proof of this in my book "World Enslavement or Peace ...
It's Up to The Pope".

Q: Is not the Holy Father infallible and therefore how can you
suggest that he has not done his duty?
A: Yes, the Pope is infallible. That was solemnly defined by Vatican Council One
in 1870. That means that when the Pope pronounces by his Solemn Magisterium
or by his Ordinary and Universal Magisterium Ex-cathedra on Faith and Morals
he cannot make a mistake in what he teaches.
But Catholic teaching and Church History also make clear that the Pope can
err in matters of faith and morals, even in public pronouncements, when he
does not engage his papal magisterial authority. Furthermore in the governing
of the Church there is no guarantee that the Pope will not make errors in
judgment. This is further explained in Father Paul Leonard's article on page 5 of
our Special Report.
Therefore it is entirely possible for a Pope or several Popes to not fulfill their
duty. And that is the case with regard to the Consecration of Russia.

Q: Is it not out of place to be saying such things in public?

A: No, not when the Catholic faith is in danger. And that is clearly the case
today. Our Lady of Fatima clearly tells us "Russia will spread her errors" if Her
requests are not granted. Our Lady's Third Secret speaks about the apostasy
within the Church and the guilt of the upper hierarchy for this widespread loss
of faith within the Church at this time. So we must speak out even in public.
Again we have the example of Saint Paul publicly rebuking Saint Peter because
the Catholic faith was endangered by Saint Peter's actions. See Father Paul
Leonard's article for further clarification of this point also.

Q: Some of your enemies accuse you of being against the Holy

Father. What is your response?
A: I am not against him. In fact by my work in bringing the Consecration of
Russia request to the attention of the faithful, the Bishops and the Holy Father, I
am helping him save his life. Jesus tells the Pope and Bishops that their delay in
obeying His command to Consecrate Russia may well result in them being killed
by their enemies just as the King of France was in 1793. (This is explained at
length in our Solemn Appeal to the Pope).
Besides that I am saying what the Pope has himself said. On March 25, 1984,
the Pope admitted publicly before 250,000 people that the Consecration of
Russia has not been done. He repeated this before 10,000 people the afternoon
of March 25, 1984. Privately even in the spring of 1990, he has still confided to
a close advisor that he knows he has not yet fulfilled Our Lady's requests but he
feels that he can do no more.

Q: Has the Pope done all he can to fulfill this most solemn duty of
A: No. He has not. But he has been convinced by his advisors (some of whom, I
think, do not believe in Our Lady of Fatima) that he has done all he can. The
Pope has, in January 1991, publicly stated he did all he could to stop the war in
the Gulf, but if he had done the Consecration of Russia, the Gulf War would
never have taken place. He thinks that he can do no more because he is
opposed by some bishops and he does not seem to know how to overcome their

Q: Why do you say that he has not done all he can?

A: It is clear from the Message of Our Lady of Fatima that the Pope is not to be
held back from doing his duty because some bishops refuse to obey. On June
13, 1929, Our Lady said, "The moment has come in which God asks of the Holy
Father to make and to order that in union with him and at the same time,
all the Bishops of the world make the Consecration of Russia to My
Immaculate Heart," promising to convert it because of this day of prayer and
worldwide reparation.
This can be read in Volume II, page 555 of Frre Michel's book "The Whole Truth
About Fatima." What Our Lady is asking is that the Holy Father give the order.
He need not worry about the obedience of the bishops. She is only requesting
two things of the Pope:
1) That he do the solemn and public Consecration of Russia specifically.

2) That he order the bishops to do the same, in union with him and at the same
The Pope ultimately really need not concern himself about the obedience of the
bishops if he gives them the order correctly.

Q: But for the Consecration of Russia to be done validly according to

Our Lady of Fatima's requests is not the participation of all the
Catholic Bishops necessary at the same time as the Pope?
A: Yes it is. Let me explain. If there are bishops who are prevented by "house
arrest", or threat of dire punishments from anti-Catholic governments (such as
is found in China or parts of the Soviet empire) then those bishops can join the
Pope privately without any public ceremony. If extreme old age or grave
sickness prevents some bishops from publicly joining the Pope they could join
their hearts to the Pope's intentions from wherever they are. Sister Lucy has
explained, "God does not expect the very few bishops who are prevented by
health or anti-Catholic governments, to join in the solemn public ceremonies
whereby the bishops of the world Consecrate specifically Russia to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary."
But the rest of the bishops God does expect to join in, not just in their hearts,
but publicly take their places in the solemn ceremony of Consecrating Russia.
The bishops could do it all in one place like Rome or each bishop could do it
solemnly in their own cathedrals on the same day and at the same hour as the
Pope makes the act of Consecration of Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Q: What if some Bishops, who are not prevented by bad health, or

armed resistance, refuse to join in this act. Would not their noncooperation spoil it and cause Our Lady's request to not be fulfilled
because they did not join in as Jesus and Mary requests them to?
A: Those few Bishops, (and I think that really there are very few) who might do
such a thing could possibly spoil it for all of us. But if the Pope gives the order
formally and attaches to it the pain of excommunication to any bishop who is
able but refuses to obey, then there is no way that a few (or even many)
disobedient bishops could prevent the Consecration from effecting the
Conversion of Russia. The reason for this is because if any bishop (not impeded
by health or the open persecution of the state) does not obey he would be
excommunicated and he would no longer be Catholic and therefore his
cooperation would no longer be needed to have all the Catholic bishops join the
Pope in this act.

Q: Is there anything else the Pope can do to cause any recalcitrant

bishop to obey?

A: He can reveal the Third Secret which spells out quite clearly the guilt of
certain Bishops and Cardinals for the present state of apostasy within the
Church. By making it public it will be a moment of grace.
Those bishops who have gone on the wrong path and have misled their flock will
either repent or rebel openly. They will either become Catholic again or declare
their break with Rome more openly. Thus the Pope need not worry about those
who pretend to be Catholic but really have already left the Church. Now he will
know and so will the faithful. Then the Church which is presently divided against
itself can heal its internal wounds and work in unity towards fulfilling Our Lady
of Fatima's requests. If the internal divisions go on without healing, the Church
will not stand because Jesus told us "A house divided against itself cannot

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