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Food and Mankind

GED 303
Fall 2015-2016

I.D. No._______________

Class timing: _____________________

Classwork No. 2
Course Learning Outcomes Covered:
Recognize different terms and concepts used in nutrition, food and mankind
Autonomy & Responsibility
C1. Create a healthy lifestyle program
C2. Review articles concerning eating disorders or eating deficiencies
Use weight control plans and identify effects of eating disorders or eating
Role in Context
Relate nutrition facts to everyday life and long term health

Tasks: 10 marks each item

1. Discuss the benefit of eating healthy versus unhealthy.


Making smart food choices boosts your mental health and your physical health. Balanced
diets are associated with lower incidences of depression, anxiety and bipolar disorder, and
there is also a link between good mental health and eating whole, unprocessed foods. What
you eat also affects how easily you can relax at night and get high-quality sleep. According to

nutritional therapist Jo Lewin, large meals and sugary, fatty foods tax your bodys digestive
system in a way that makes it difficult for you to drift off and sleep well.1

Food and Physical Health

Foods packed with vitamins, minerals and nutrients contain a variety of protective substances
that can lower disease risks and boost the bodys immunity. Including fruits and vegetables in
your regular diet, for example, can lower your risk of health problems including cancer,
diabetes, stroke, heart attack, heart disease, high blood pressure, bone loss and kidney stones.
Healthy diets are also associated with lower overall mortality rates.

2. Discuss eating disorders from your vantage point of view.

An eating disorder is an illness that causes serious disturbances to your everyday diet, such as
eating extremely small amounts of food or severely overeating. A person with an eating
disorder may have started out just eating smaller or larger amounts of food, but at some point,
the urge to eat less or more spiraled out of control. Severe distress or concern about body
weight or shape may also signal an eating disorder. Common eating disorders include
anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge-eating disorder.


Researchers are finding that eating disorders are caused by a complex interaction of genetic,
biological, behavioral, psychological, and social factors. But many questions still need
answers. Researchers are using the latest in technology and science to better understand
eating disorders.

One approach involves the study of human genes. Researchers are studying various
combinations of genes to determine if any DNA variations are linked to the risk of
developing eating disorders.


Neuroimaging studies are also providing a better understanding of eating disorders and
possible treatments. One study showed different patterns of brain activity between women
with bulimia nervosa and healthy women. Using functional magnetic resonance imaging
(fMRI), researchers were able to see the differences in brain activity while the women
performed a task that involved self-regulation (a task that requires overcoming an automatic
or impulsive response).

Psychotherapy interventions are also being studied. One such study of adolescents found that
more adolescents with bulimia nervosa recovered after receiving Maudsley model familybased treatment than those receiving supportive psychotherapy that did not specifically
address the eating disorder.

3. How can we prevent eating disorders?

Learn all you can about anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder.
Genuine awareness will help you avoid judgmental or mistaken attitudes about food, weight,
body shape, and eating disorders.
Discourage the idea that a particular diet, weight, or body size will automatically lead to
happiness and fulfillment.
Choose to challenge the false belief that thinness, weight loss and/or muscularity are
desirable, while body fat and weight gain are shameful, or indicate laziness, worthlessness, or
Avoid categorizing foods as good/safe vs. bad/dangerous. Remember, we all need to eat
a balanced variety of foods.
Decide to avoid judging others and yourself on the basis of body weight or shape. Turn off
the voices in your head that tell you that a persons body weight or muscularity says anything
about their character, personality, or value as a person.
Avoid conveying an attitude that says, I will like you better if you lose weight, dont eat so
much, or change your body shape.
Become a critical viewer of the media and its messages about self-esteem and body image.
Talk back to the television when you hear a comment or see an image that promotes a certain
body ideal at all costs. Rip out (or better yet, write to the editor about ) advertisements or
articles in magazines that make you feel bad about your body shape or size.

If you think someone has an eating disorder, express your concerns in a forthright, caring
manner. Gently but firmly encourage the person to seek trained professional help.
Be a model of healthy self-esteem and body image. Recognize that others pay attention and
learn from the way you talk about yourself and your body. Choose to talk about yourself with
respect and appreciation. Choose to value yourself based on your goals, accomplishments,
talents, and character. Refrain from letting the way you feel about your body weight and
shape determine the course of your day. Embrace the natural diversity of human bodies and
celebrate your bodys unique shape and size.
Support local and national nonprofit eating disorders organizations like the National
Eating Disorders Association by volunteering your time or giving a tax-deductible

4. Why there is a need for everybody to practice healthy lifestyle?

Everyone today has become more conscientious about living a healthy lifestyle. Scientific
studies constantly remind us how important good diet, regular exercise and a good night's
sleep are to our overall health and well being. So why do most of us have such a hard time
implementing these three important practices?

If you are like most lawyers you are busy with your practice. There is always just one more
file to read, call to take or meeting to go to. A healthy practice is high on your list of priorities
so to keep the practice profitable you skip meals, stay up late and/or forget to exercise.
When given the choice of doing more work or taking self care time many lawyers choose
work. Without you your practice won't exist however so the time spent caring for yourself is
also time spent caring for your practice.2

While intellectually you understand how important healthy habits are, implementing them is
a more difficult task. So how can you maintain a healthy practice and a healthy lifestyle?

There are three simple steps. The first is that if you really want to do this you must make it a
priority. Step one is to set your intention. I'd suggest focusing on one habit at a time.


Let's use exercise as an example. First you must set the intention of exercising a specific
number of times each week.

Your thoughts are important here. So if you are thinking "I should do this.", it won't work.
You must first change the thinking and feeling to "I want to do this." That makes it a priority.

The next step is to ask yourself why you want to exercise and then write down the benefits
you expect to get. These can be used to remind yourself of your intension. It took me a few
months of sticking with this routine to notice that I am stronger, my weight is stable and I
have more energy. To maintain the benefits I know I must continue.3

5. Based on what you learned, discuss the importance of this course in your life.

Finally find a way to exercise that fits you and your life. The easiest way is to play a team
sport you enjoy. You'll have fun and since the team will count on your being there, you be
compelled to show up!

I'm not much of an athlete so instead I workout three times a week. I block out time to
workout on three different days on my calendar each week.4

Again the only way this will work is if you have truly committed to doing it and really want
to form an exercise habit. It is an appointment I make with myself and I rarely change it.


These steps can be used with any change of habit. As with anything you do the secret is what
happens inside you. You must really want it. If it is important to you, you will find a way to
make it happen.

Essay Scoring Criteria

Adequacy of Explanation:5
Depth of Analysis:

Score: ______________________

Score: ______________________


Score: ______________________

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