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Texts and Translations

Gaude, virgo, salutata gabriele nuncio.

Gaude, mater jucundata jesu puerperio.
Gaude, conresuscitata resurgente filio.
Gaude, tua sublimata prole plena gaudio.
Gaude, sumpta et locata cum jesu in solio.
Esto nobis advocata in magno judicio, o maria.

Rejoice, virgin greeted by Gabriel, the messenger.

Rejoice, mother delighted by Jesus' birth.
Rejoice, you who are resuscitated with the rising son.
Rejoice in all your upraised joyful descendants.
Rejoice, you who are taken up and placed on the throne with
Be our advocate at the great judgment, O Mary.
Translation: S. Hellauer

Edi beo u hevene quene

folkes frovre and engles blis,
moder unwemmed and maiden clene
swich in world non oer nis.
On hit is wel e sene
of alle wimmen u havest et pris
mi swete levedi, her mi bne
and reu of m 3if i wille is.

Blessed be Thou, Queen of heaven,

comfort of men and bliss of angels,
unblemished mother and pure virgin,
such as no other is in the world.
As for Thee, it is most readily seen
that of all women Thou hast that prize.
My sweet Lady, hear my prayer
and have pity on me, if Thou wilt.

u aste3e so e dai3 rewe

e dele from e deorke nicht,
of e sprong a leome newe,
at al is world have ili3t.
Nis non maide of ine heowe,
swo fair, so sschene, so rudi, swo bricht;
swete levedi of me u reowe,
and have merci of in knicht.

Thou didst ascend like the first dawn

that brings dark night to an end;
from Thee sprang a new light
that has lightened the whole world.
There is no other maid like Thee,
so fair, so beautiful, so ruddy,
so radiant, so bright; sweet Lady, pity me
and have mercy on Thy knight.

Spronge blostme of one rote,

e holi gost e reste upn,
et wes for monkunnes bote
and heore soule to alesen for on.
Levedi milde, softe and swote,
ic crie e merci, ic am i mon
boe to honde and to fote,
on alle wise at ic kon.

O blossom sprung forth from a root,

the Holy Ghost reposed upon Thee;
that was for mankind's salvation
to deliver their soul in exchange for one.
Gracious Lady, gentle and sweet,
I cry to Thee for mercy;
I am Thy man with hand and foot,
in every way I can.

Moder ful of ewes hende,

Maide drei3 and wel itaucht,
ic m in ine love bende
and to e is al mi draucht.
u me sschild 3e from e feonde
ase u ert freo, and wilt, and maucht,
help me to mi lives ende,
and make me wi in sone isau3t.

Mother, full of gracious virtues,

maiden patient and well-taught,
I am in the bonds of Thy love,
and everything draws me to Thee.
Wouldst Thou shield me from the fiend,
as Thou art noble, willing and able;
help me to my life's end
and reconcile me with Thy son.
Translation: E. H. Sanders

Balaam de quo vaticinans:

Iam de Iacob nova micans,
orbi lumen inchoans,
[rutilans] exibit stella.
Huic ut placuit, tres magi mistica
virtute triplici portabant munera,
ipsum mirifice regem dicencia
deum et hominem mira potencia

Prophesying him, Balaam said:

Now a new star shall arise
out of Jacob, flashing and shining,
creating light for the world.
In order to please him, the three Magi
be threefold virtue brought mystic gifts,
which pronounced him miraculously
king, god, and man by wondrous power.
Translation: E. H. Sanders

Gabriel, fram heven-king sent to e maide sweete,

broute hir blisful tiding and fair he gan hir greete:

Gabriel, sent from the king of heaven to the sweet maiden,

brought her happy news and greeted her courteously:

Heil be u, ful of grace ari3t!

For Godes son, is heven-li3t,
for mannes love wil man bicome
fles of ee, maide bri3t,
manken free for to make of sen and devles mi3t.

Hail be thou, full of grace indeed!

For Gods son, this light of heaven,
for love of man will become man
and take flesh from thee, fair maiden,
to free mankind from sin and the devils power.

Mildelich him gan andswere e milde maide anne:

Wichewise sold ich bere a child withute manne?
angel hir seid, Ne dred tee nout; urw oligast sal
been iwrout is ilche ing warof tiding ich bringe;
al manken wurth ibout urw ine sweet childinge
and ut of pine ibrout.

The gentle maiden then gently answered him:

In what way should I bear a child without a husband?
The angel said to her, Fear not; this very thing of which
I bring news will be done by the means of the Holy Spirit;
all mankind will be redeemed by means of thy sweet childbearing and brought out of torment.

Wan e maiden understood and angels wordes herde,

mildelich with milde mood to angel hie andswerde:
Ure lords ewe maid iwis ich am, at heer aboven is.
Anentis me fulfurthed be i sawe at ich, sith his wil is,
a maid, withute law, of moder have e blis.

When the maiden understood and heard the angels words,

she answered the angel gently, with gentle spirit: I am indeed
the bond-maid of our Lord, who is above. Concerning me may
thy saying be fulfilled, that I, since it is his will, may as a maiden,
contrary to natural law, have the bliss of a mother.

angel went awei mid an al ut of hire si3te;

hire womb arise gan urw oligastes mi3te.
in hir wes Crist bilok anon,
sooth God, sooth man in fles and bon,
and of hir fles ibore wes at time.
Warurw us kam good won;
he bout us ut of pine and let him for us slon.

The angel went away with that, altogether out of her sight;
her womb began to swell through the power of the Holy Spirit.
In her Christ was straightaway enclosed,
true God and true man in flesh and bone,
and was born of her flesh in due time.
Whereby good hope came to us;
he redeemed us from torment and let himself be slain for us.

Maiden-moder makeles, of milce ful ibunde,

bid for us him at te ches, at wam u grace funde,
at he forgive us sen and wrake
and clene of evri gelt us make
and heven-blis, wan ur time is to sterve,
us give, for ine sake,
him so heer for to serve at he us to him take.

Matchless maiden-mother, fully endowed with compassion,

pray for us to him who chose thee,
in whose sight thou didst find grace, that he forgive us sin and
hostility and make us innocent of every offence,
and, when it is our time to die, give us the bliss of heaven,
and [grant us], for thy sake,
so to serve him here that he may take us to himself.
Translation: Lawrence Rosenwald

Lullay my child and wepe no more

Sclepe and be now styll
Kynge of blis thi fader he es
And thus it es his wyll.

Lullay my child and weep no more,

sleep and be still now.
Your father is the king of heavenly bliss
and thus it is all as he wishes it to be.

This ender nithgt I sauy ha sithgt

Ha may ha credill kepe, Hand ever schuy sang
Hande sayde in mang, Lullay my child ande slepe.

The other night, I saw a sight,

a maiden watched by a cradle, and ever she sang
and all the while said: lullay my child and sleep.

I may nocht slepe I may bot wepe

I ham so wobegony. Slepe I wolde
But me hes colde Hande clothse hauf I nony.

I cannot sleep, I can only weep:

I am so woebegone. I would sleep,
but I am cold, and I have no clothing.

The chylde was swet Hand sor he wepe

Hande ever me thoht he sayde Moder dere
Way doy I here In crache wy ham I layde

The child was sweet, but he wept sorely,

and ever I thought he said: Mother dear,
what am I doing here? Why am I lying in a manger?

Adam gilt That man has spilde

That syn rues me fole sore Man for the
Here sal I be xxx [Thyrty] yere ande mor.

Adams transgression that condemned humankind to perdition,

that sin grieves me sorely. Mankind, for you
will I stay here for thirty years and more.

Dolles to dreye And I sale dye,

Ande hyng I sale on the rode Wondys to wete
My bals to bethe Ande gif my fleches to blode.

I will endure suffering, and I will die,

and I will be hung on the cross. To wash away sin
and to redeem mankind I will give my body to be bloodied.

A spere so charpe Sale thirll my hert

For the dede that man has done
Fadere ofe blys, Wartu thu has Forsakin me thi sone.

A spear so sharp will pierce my heart

because of the sins of man.
Father of heavenly bliss, why have you forsaken me, your son?
Translation: Marsha Genensky

Peperit virgo, virgo regia,

mater orphanorum, mater orphanorum.
Peperit virgo, virgo regia,
mater orphanorum, plena gracia.

A maiden gave birth, a royal maiden,

the mother of orphans.
A maiden gave birth, a royal maiden,
the mother of orphans, full of grace.

Prbuit honorem vox angelica

regi angelorum, regi angelorum.
Prbuit honorem vox angelica
regi angelorum cantando gloria.

The angelic voice paid honor

to the king of the angels.
The angelic voice paid honor
to the king of the angels by singing Glory.

Puero feruntur tria munera

obsequio magorum, obsequio magorum.
Puero feruntur tria munera
obsequio magorum cum stella prvia.

Three gifts are borne to the child as the

homage of the magi. Three gifts are borne
to the child as the homage of the magi,
with the star leading the way.

Tribuat salutem virgo clica,

sola spes lapsorum, sola spes lapsorum.
Tribuat salutem virgo calica,
sola spes lapsorum in hac miseria.

She grants salvation, the heavenly maiden,

the only hope of the fallen.
She grants salvation, the heavenly maiden,
the only hope of the fallen in this misery.

Angelo docente nati magnalia,

vigilia pastorum, vigilia pastorum
angelo docente nati magnalia,
vigilia pastorum, laus et lticia.

To the angel who tells of the mighty works

of her son, of the vigils of the shepherds
to the angel who tells of the mighty works of
her son, [let there be] glory and joy.

Virgo, prece pia per tua munera,

regina supernorum, regina supernorum
virgo, prece pia per tua munera,
regina supernorum, duc nos ad supera.

Maiden, by devout prayer relying on

thy offices, O queen of heaven
maiden, by devout prayer relying on
thy offices, O queen of heaven, bring us to the realms above.
Translation: Lawrence Rosenwald

Ecce quod natura mutat sua jura:

virgo parit pura dei filium.

Behold, nature changes her law:

a pure virgin bears Gods son.

Ecce, novum gaudium, ecce novum mirum:

virgo parit filium, que non novit virum;
que non novit virum, sed ut pirus pirum,
gleba fert sphirum, rosa lilium.

Behold, a new joy, behold, new wonder:

a virgin bears a son without knowing man;
without knowing man, but as the pear tree bears a pear,
the earth creates a sapphire and the rose a lily.

Mundum deus flebilem videns in ruina,

florem delectabilem produxit de spina;
produxit de spina virgo que regina,
mundi medicina, salus gencium.

This doleful world God saw in ruins,

so a delectable rose he produced from the thorn;
he produced from the thorn a virgin queen,
a healing for the world and the salvation of its people.

Nequivit divinitas plus humiliari,

nec nostra fragilitas magis exaltari;
magis exaltari quam celo locari,
deo coequari per conjugium

Divinity could not be more humbled,

nor could our fragility be more exalted;
more exalted than to be placed in heaven,
equal with God, through this union.
Translation: Lawrence Rosenwald

Now may we syngen as it is

quod puer natus est nobis.

Now may we sing as it is:

for unto us a child is born

This babe to us that now is bore

Wundyrful werkys he hath y wrowt
He wil not lese that was y lore

This baby, who has been born for us,

has done miraculous deeds;
he will not forsake those who are lost,

but boldly a3en it bowth

And thus it is ffor sothe y wys
He asketh nouth but that is hys.

but will boldly redeem them.

And thus it is, certainly:
he asks for nothing but what is his.

Hys raunsum for us hath y paid

Of resoun than we owyn to ben hys
Be mercy asked and he be prayd
We may be rith kalange blys.
And thus it is . . .

The ransom for us has been paid,

and for this reason, we are in his debt.
By asking mercy and by praying to him
we may claim heavenly bliss as our due.
And thus it is . . .

Almythy god in trynyte

Thy mercy we pray with hool herte
Thy mercy may all woo make fle
And daungerous dreed fro us do sterte.
And thus it is . . .

Almighty God in Trinity,

we pray for your mercy wholeheartedly.
Your mercy will dispel all affliction
and keep from us the most perilous danger.
And thus it is . . .
Translation: Marsha Genensky

O ceteris preamabilis virgo singularis,

que mater inviolabilis casta deum paris.
Quamplurium prelaudabilis mater salvatoris,
tu mulier admirabilis, parens expers paris.

O matchless virgin, more worthy of love than all others,

who, a chaste, inviolable mother, gives birth to God;
O mother of the saviour, most praiseworthy of all,
thou wonderful woman, parent without equal.

O mater incomparabilis, de qua generatur

rex christus insuperabilis, homo quo salvatur.
Eva fit vero dampnabilis, in morte probatur
per te, virgo venerabilis, saluti donatur.

O mother without compare, from whom springs

Christ, the invincible king, by whom man is saved.
Eve, to be sure, is condemned and tested in death;
through thee, venerable virgin, she is granted salvation.

Heu, nostra statura fragilis iterum fedatur,

heu, ad mala declinabilis ruinam miratur.
Hinc, virgo, per te culpabilis zelo corrigatur
tandemque cum nato stabilis celo statuatur.

Alas, our fragile stature is again disgraced;

alas, deflected to evil, finds itself face to face with its downfall.
Hence, may the guilty be reformed through thee with zeal, and
may he at last be placed secure in heaven with the son.
Translation: E. H. Sanders

Trath chuala Herod bh laiges gruaim air

go rugadh an R a bharfadh bua air,
in onir, in uaisleacht, i gcumhachts i madacht,
do lon ln-channcar fuathas ad .
S nach trua sin!

As soon as Herod heard that the King was born

who would outdo him in honor, nobility, and power,
he became weak and despondent;
a cancerous hatred and jealousy filled his heart.
Isnt that pitiful!

Ba ghearr go dtinig an t-aingeal na dhidh sin

agus labhair go modhail leis an fhaoileann did-ghil:
O! caithfidh sibh teicheadh le cile go higipt
n is gairid go gcluinidh sibh feall is igeart.
S nach trua sin!

The angel came soon afterwards

and spoke mildly to the sweet-mouthed maiden:
Oh! you must flee together to Egypt,
or tis soon that youll hear of treachery and injustice.
Isnt that pitiful!

Dimigh an Trir ar shil na hochean Naomh, an Mhaighdean agus R na Rthe;

gan charaid, gan str, gan r, gan adail
ach R na bhFlaitheasgeal, an Leanbhn Gligeal.
S nach trua sin!

The Three walked through the night:

the Saint, the Virgin, and the King of Kings;
no friend, no provisions, no money...nothing,
only the King of Heavens, the Radiant Child.
Isnt that pitiful!
Translation: Una McGillicuddy

Salve virgo virginum parens genitoris,

salve lumen luminum, radius splendoris.
Salve flos convallium stilla veri roris;
nostra spes in te.

Hail, virgin of virgins, mother of the Father, hail,

light of lights, ray of brightness.
Hail, lily of the valley, drop of the true dew;
our hope is in thee.

Salve virgo regia porta salutaris,

veri viri nescia, quia deum paris.

Hail, royal virgin, portal of salvation,

not knowing any real man; because it is God thou bringest into

Ave quia deica prole fecundaris;

nostra spes in te.

the world. Hail, because thou art made fruitful with the divine
offspring; our hope is in thee.

Ave nostre spei finis et salutis,

ave per quam rei letantur cum tutis.
Ave speciei decus et salutis;
nostra spes in te

Hail, goal of our hope and salvation;

hail to thee, through whom the guilty and the saved rejoice
together. Hail, ornament of beauty and wholesomeness; our
hope is in thee.
Translation: E. H. Sanders

Hymn: Intonent hodie

Intonent hodie voces ecclesie.
Dies letitie refulsit in mundo ergo letabundo
corde jubilemo et ore jucundo.

Let the voices of the church sing out today.

Thus this joyful day shone forth in a rejoicing world
with a jubilant heart and merry mouth.

Sanctus hic inclitus domino subditus in cunis positus;

ubera vitabat, corpus macerabat
et ter in sabbato puer jejunabat.

This famous saint, the lords subject, was placed in a cradle;

he avoided the breast, denied his flesh,
and thrice on Saturday the little boy fasted.

Parenti misero submerso puero mari pestifero

dedit quod petivit, preces exaudivit,
submersum puerum patris custodivit.

To the wretched parent, his boy drowned in the dangerous sea

he granted what was asked; he heard his prayers,
and gave the drowned boy back to his father.

Tribus virginibus victu carentibus [auri egentibus]

reddidit honorem, subtraxit errorem
reddens virginibus virgineum florem.

To the three virgins lacking food and needing money

he restored honor, saving them from error,
giving back to the maidens the flower of virginity.
Translation: S. Hellauer

Gaudens in domino in hoc sollempnio

letetur omnium turba fidelium,

Praising the lord on this holy day,

let the throng of all the faithful rejoice

hymnis et organis ad laudem presulis,

cuius miracula canit ecclesia.

with hymns and organs, in praise of the bishop

whose miracles the church sings;

Qui ab infantia divina gratia

servivit domino devoto animo.

who from his infancy, by divine grace,

served the lord with a devoted heart.

Et tu progredere o lector incipe,

in primo carmine dic iube domine.

And thus, o reader, step forward and begin,

and with your first notes, say: Command, o lord.
Translation: S. Hellauer and M. Smith

Sainte Nicholaes, Godes druth,

tymbre us faiere scoone hus.
At thi burth, at thi bare,
Sainte Nicholaes, bring us wel thare.

Saint Nicholas, Gods beloved,

graciously make beautiful dwelling places for us.
Through your birth, through your bier,
Saint Nicholas, bring us safely there.

Nicholai presulis festum celebremus

concrepando modulis letitie sonemus.
Versibus almisonis diem decoremus
vocibus altisonis intenti festinemus.

Let us celebrate the feast of bishop Nicholas,

singing happy melodies together.
With sweet songs well ornament this day,
letting our voices soar high and quick.

In tanto natalitio patrum docet traditio

ut consonet in gaudio fidelium devotio,
est ergo superstitio vacare a tripudio.

On such a natal feast, our ancestors tradition teaches

that the devotion of the faithful should harmonize in joy,
so let fear give way to dancing.

Nunc igitur iustorum suavitas cantorum

per tymphanum et chorum et omne musicorum
genus instrumentorum psallat deo deorum.

Now, therefore let the sweet songs of the just

with drums and chorus and every kind
of musical instruments sing to the God of gods.
Translation: S. Hellauer and M. Smith

Can wassel (Wassail song)

Nadelek y gyllys han bledhen noweth ow-ts
Ygereugh darrajow haberveth gwren ds.
Gans agan Wassel
Wassel, Wassel, Wassel,
Lowena dhagan jolyf Wassel.

Christmas is gone and the New Year is coming,

Open the doors and in we shall come.
With our jolly wassail,
Wassail, wassail, wassail,
Joy to our jolly wassail.

N a wayt agas avallenow bs spdys dhe dhn

Dr newodhow ms arta omma pan n
Gans agan Wassel...

We hope your apple trees will bear plenty of fruit,

And bring good news when we visit again.
With our jolly wassail...

N a wayt agas barlys bs spdys yn tk

Ma gas bo lanwes gans helder mar plk.
Gans agan Wassel...

We hope that your barley will prosper greatly,

So that youll have plenty, and more if you please.
With our jolly wassail...

A vstres ha mster, fatel yllough hepcor

Orth lenwel agan cogen a sder ha cor.
Gans agan Wassel...

O mistress and master, how can you refrain

from filling our bowl with cider and beer.
With our jolly wassail...

Bennath warnough lemmyn ha bewnans fest hr

Aban veugh mar gf hagas helsys mar vr.
Gans agan Wassel...

A blessing on you now, and a very long life,

since youve been so kind, and your generosity so great.
With our jolly wassail...
Translation: Alexei Kondratiev

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