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Effective English Learning System (EELS)

By Gabriel F. Chaves

What is our goal studying English? What do we expect with that? To become specialists
in grammar? Or to be English teachers? To be interpreters? To be successful in our
Ok, maybe all of them. However, how do we get there? We need English fluency. If
you have fluency, you are able to speak and understand English naturally, without
having any translation.
That is our goal! To develop your fluency in an effective and natural way, through
EELS method! You will be confident and your English more powerful.
In order to have a great performance, EELS is composed by 3 modules, in 40 powerful
lessons, which cover all important topics and vocabulary to get fluency.
EELS has the following module structure:
Basic (20 lessons) This part is designed to perform the basis of communication skills.
The student will be able to talk about subjects in restricted verb tenses and essential
Intermediate (10 lessons) This part is designed to develop a better concept of the
language and its aspects, including some cultural awareness and more advanced
grammar, since it includes a movie cover. The student will also be able to perform a
richer interaction regarding vocabulary.
Advanced (10 lessons) This final part is designed for students who are already able to
talk with some ease, with a closer-look to some specific grammar and vocabulary
topics. It also concludes the movie cover, which provides the student great skills of
And each lesson is divided into the following parts:
Introduction It means what the topic is about and its connection to the vocabulary
contexts. This part is focused on providing new information about the language and
some situations in order to use such structures.
Practice The goal here is to exercise to perfect what the student has learned. It
includes homework, lists of exercises, conversation and some games.
Listening and Pronunciation In order to evaluate each students progression, this
part has the goal of taking notes about mispronunciation and listening improvement.
Original accents from some countries are also covered, so that the student can identify
those differences and some pronunciation elements.

Production In that part, the goal is to evaluate students performances, regarding the
four abilities. Activities such texts, dialogues, researches, presentations and selfevaluation processes are requested.
Now, its time to try something new! EELS method can take your English to the next
level. You have tried many different ways to learn English, you were charged to know
Do not waste more time! Your goal now is definitely to get fluency!
If you are interested, contact me through the e-mail below so that I can provide you
more information about it.
Best Regards,
Gabriel F. Chaves
Founder of the EELS method
skype: gabriel_f_chaves
Cell phone: +55 11 96465-9165 (Brazil)

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