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1. What is selective reproduction?

R: The intentional breeding of organisms with desirable trait in an attempt to

produce offspring with similar desirable characteristics or with improved traits.
What is useful for?
R: To takes advantages of naturally occurring genetic variation, to pass wanted
traits on to the next generation of organisms.
What are the most common methods and what do they consist on?
Hybridization: Is the process of interbreeding between individuals of different
species or genetically divergent individuals from the same species.
Inbreeding: Is the continued breeding of individuals with similar characteristics.

2. How did you know which race each belongs to?

R: Because I know it and one of them I found it at the book.
How are the differences between races maintained?
R: In the size, the strength, the body, the hair, the body, among others.
Do you know what selective reproduction is?
R: Yes, I do. Its inbreeding.

Selective breeding

Selective breeding (also called artificial selection) is the process by which humans
breed other animals and plants for particular traits. Typically, strains that are
selectively bred are domesticated, and the breeding is normally done by a
professional breeder. Bred animals are known as breeds, while bred plants are
known as varieties, cultigens, or cultivars.

American botanist Luther Burbank may have been the greatest selective breeder of
all time. During his lifetime, he developed more than 800 varieties of plants. A one
of his tools, Burbank use hybridization, crossing dissimilar individuals to bring
together the best of both organisms. Hybrids (the individuals produced by such
crosses) are often hardier than either of the parents. Many of Burbanks hybrid
crosses combined the disease resistance of one plant with the food-producing
capacity of another. The result was a new line of plants that had the traits farmed
needed to increase food production.

To maintain desirable characteristics in a line of organisms, breeders often use a
technique known as inbreeding. Inbreeding is the continued breeding of individuals
with similar characteristics. Inbreeding helps ensure that the characteristics that
make each breed unique are preserved.
Although inbreeding is useful in preserving certain traits, it can be risky. Most of
the members of a breed are genetically similar, which increases the chances that a
cross between two individuals will bring together two recessive alleles for a genetic


Is the application of a technological process, invention, or method to living

organisms. Selective breeding is one form biotechnology important in agriculture
and medicine, but there are many others.
Bacterial Mutations
Mutations occur spontaneously, but breeders can increase the mutation rate of an
organism by using radiation or chemicals. Many mutations are harmful to the
organism. With luck and perseverance, however, breeders an often produce a few
mutants, with useful characteristics that are not found in the original population.
This technique has been particularly useful with bacteria. Because they are small,
millions of bacteria can be treated with radiation or chemicals at the same time,
which increases the chances of producing a useful mutant. This technique has
allowed scientists to develop hundreds of useful bacterial strains. For instance, we
have known for decades that certain strains of oil-digesting bacteria are effective
for cleaning up oil spills. Today scientist are working to produce bacteria that can
clean up radioactive substances and metal pollution in the environment.

Polyploid Plants
Drugs that prevent the separation of chromosomes during meiosis are very useful
in plant breeding. These drugs can produce cells that have many times the normal
number of chromosomes. Plants grown from these cells are called polyploid
because they have many sets of chromosomes. Polyploidy is usually fatal in
animals. But, for reasons that are not clear, plants are much better at tolerating
extra sets of chromosomes. Polyploidy can quickly produce new species of plants
that are larger and stronger that their diploid relatives. A number of important crop
plants, including bananas and many varieties of citrus fruits, have been produced
in this way.

Currently, there are every day many new technologies that benefit us all in some
way, there are scientific and biological advances as cloning or genetic manipulation

that is almost achieved and, globally. Besides human genetic manipulation, there is
also the cloning of plants and animals. What makes this manipulation is to change
the information and genetic characteristics of a species. It is based on a process
whose techniques can be used to benefit mankind, as in the cure of disease, but
there are disadvantages as to create a better kind, or do experiments on humans.
Saying that engineering or genetic manipulation can be considered the worst
enemy of humanity is that thanks to this you can get to an important segregation
within society, therefore it is very important to study the issue and its possible
social consequences. As important points, possible consequences of cloning and
the human genome project.
* The human genome project has brought with it several controversies, which have
come to raise several questions about how to use genetic information, who is the
genetic information that can give usage. The project was only in its infancy in order
to understand the genome, but in our time they start talking manipulation of genes,
which can bring eugenics, which consists of procedures to improve the genotype or
genetic content of the genome of a specific individual. Cloning could bring more
problems than benefits, because if they are not well regulated by international
standards could generate problems such as loss of identity.

In January 2001, the Centre for Applied Nutrition and Food Safety FDA
(FDA'sCenter for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition) proposed that those
developing genetically processed food submit scientific and safety information to
the FDA at least 120 days before the product hits the market. Further details on
these foods can be found on the website of the FDA.
The risks to the environment mainly emphasizes cross-pollination, it pollen from
genetically modified crops spreads to surrounding crops that have not been
genetically modified. This could lead to increased resistance to herbicides that
harm our crop plants and eliminate them would cost more and might even be upset
ecosystem balance, for example.

There are certain risks of transferring toxins among species, one way of life to
another, which could bring allergic reactions. There is another risk that bacteria and
virus escape edited laboratories and affect the population and this can be both
human and animal.
Key benefits of biotechnology are mainly in agriculture: Improving Performance
Using GMOs resulting in more food for less resources, reducing losses by disease,
pests or environmental factors (hail storms ...) crops. A clear example is the
transgenic tomato with a fish gene, this becomes a feature that had not before,
their resistance to cold weather. In this way a larger food is created and is able to
withstand cold temperatures. With biotechnology has been possible to obtain selfprotecting crops according to the synthesis of proteins or other substances having
insecticidal character.
Reduction of pesticides. Every time a GMO is modified to resist a particular pest is
helping to reduce the use of pesticides associated with it that often cause
significant environmental damage and health. Improved nutrition. You can get to
introduce additional vitamins and proteins in food and reduce allergens and natural
toxins. You can also try growing in extreme conditions which AUXILIARY countries
with less food available. Improvement in the development of new materials. The
application of biotechnology presents risks fall into two different categories: the
effects on human health, animal and environmental consequences.
Although we know that these changes can make a big step in humanity, they might
actually we're getting into where we should not, or that the more we know the
greater the damage that will do to the world as it is playing God and create
materials, foods, objects, and pesticides that will be beneficial for some but for
others it would mean an injury and that is why the controversy over whether
biotechnology and GMO foods will be good for the world help yet generated will

Can be produced
by insertion of
DNA into the
genome of a
host orgnism.

Many plant cells
can be
In nature, this
inserts a small
DNA plasmid
that produces
tumors in a
plant's cells.
Scientists can
animal cells
using some of
the techniques
used for plant
cells.Recently it
has become
posible to
Is a member of
a population of
identical cells
produced form a
single cell.

could lead to
better, less
expensive, and
more nutritious
food as well as
Are the plants
that were
modified to
resist herbicides
or need one,
resistance to
viral infections,
heat and cold.
Are also
becoming more
important to our
food supply.
Cloning animals
will enable them
to make copies
of transgenic
animals, which
would increase
the food supply
and help save

Healt and
Today, recombinant-DNA
technology is the source of
some of the most
important and exciting
advances in the prevention
and treatment of disease.
Preventing Disease
Now, scientists can change
the nutrients of a plant to
give us more nutrients of the
Trangenic plants can
produce human antibodies
to fight disease.
Medical Research
Transgenic animals are often
used as test subjects in
medcial research They can
simulate human disease in
whici defective genes play a
Treating Disease
Gene therapy is the process
of changing a gene to treat a
medical disease or disorder.
AN absent of faulty gene is
replaced by a normal.
Genetic Testing
If two prospective
parents suspect they
are carrying the alleles
for a genetic disorder,
with a test, they can
jnow if they have it or

Dna fingerprinting
analyzes sections of
DNA that may have
little or not function
but have vary widely
from one individual
to another.
Is the specific
study of crime
scene evidence.
In cases of
paternity, DNA
makes easy to
find alleles
carried by the
child that do not
match those the

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