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We were doing the year of delegations.

And we said all the delegations happened

between Hijrah 5 and 9. But, when the delegations came from the 5th to the 9th y
ear, why do we call the year of delegations ('Aam Al-Wufood) only the 9th year?
Because, most of them came in the 9th year. And as we mentioned we will continue
this topic for maybe two more episodes because again we skipped over alot of th
e delegations throughout the seerah in favour of discussing the main events and
battles. Even ibn Ishaaq and others mention alot of delegations that came in the
7th/8th year, but they compiled them and put them in the 9th because its convin
ient. We too have to go back and forth chronologically, but thematic wise discus
sing them all now makes sense.
We now go back to the 7th year of the Hijrah and discuss the delegation of the t
ribe of Daws. The tribe of Daws is a yemeni tribe, and the cheifton is Tufayl ib
n Amr ad-Dawsi. His story we breifly mentioned in the Meccan era - Tufayl ibn Am
r is the leader of Daws, and he came to perform umrah in Mecca when the prophet
PBUH was being persecuted. This was roughly the 7th year of the daw'ah. Towards
the end when the persecution hadn't reached the level of assassination, but it w
as very uncomfortable and untenable. When the Quraysh made it a policy that hujj
aj that came would be warned against the prophet PBUH. So when Tufayl arrived, t
he Quraysh were very happy. They welcomed him, and then said "careful, one of ou
r sons has become a magician. And he's able to break the bonds between father an
d son, and brother and brother simply by listening to his speech." And Tufayl sa
id "they kept on telling me until I became terrified. So much so when I would go
to the ka'bah to present in front of the idols I would stuff my ears with cotto
n so I don't hear anything from the prophet PBUH". One day he did this, and lo a
nd behold the prophet PBUH was praying salah. And reciting Qur'an. So Tufayl sai
d "besides the cotton I could still hear the prophet PBUH" and he has never hear
d anything like it. "So I began reprimanding myself 'Why can't you listen to him
? Whats the big deal? If theres good accept it, if not reject it'". So he took t
he cotton off and said "Ya Muhammad your people have warned me against you, so f
or a few days I haven't come to you. But I heard you recite and I want to hear w
hat you have to say if it's good or bad". So the prophet PBUH sat him down, invi
ted him to Islam, recited the Qur'an and after all this Tufayl embraced Islam on
the spot. In fact its said the prophet PBUH only recited Surah Ikhals, Falaq an
d Naas (last three surahs). And Tufayl was so mesmerised and impressed he accept
ed immediately. He said to the prophet PBUH "I'll go back to my tribe and invite
them to Islam, make dua for me". So the prophet PBUH made dua for him and his t
ribe (in Bhukari). Note some say this dua was made in Madinah; others say Mecca.
In any case he told Tufayl to be gentle with his people.
So Tufayl went back to his people, and its said on the same day he returned his
father, wife, brother etc all embraced Islam. He was beloved to his people so hi
s entire family, and slowly but surely more and more embraced Islam until it's s
aid over 80 families had embraced Islam at his hands from the tribe of Daws. And
Tufayl made an offer to the prophet PBUH that "come to my protective fortress"
i.e. emigrate to Yemen. But it's clear Allah did not give him that permission be
cause the prophet PBUH was looking to emigrate to somewhere. So here was an offe
r but the prophet PBUH did not take it - clearly Allah did not give him permissi
on. And of course Allah didn't because He willed the prophet PBUH to go to Yathr
ib i.e. Madinah. So he didn't go to Daws but still it is significant that Tufayl
offered his protection i.e. this is the status of Tufayl ibn Amr. Later on Tufa
yl decided to immigrate to Madinah. So he came to Madinah to just as a delegate
but actually as an immigrate i.e. he wants to reside in MAdinah permenantly. And
he decided to give up being chiefton to leave his tribe and become a muhajir. I
magine this: here is Tufayl, he's not being persecuted from his land, he is the
cheifton of his tribe, he has the status, honour, lineage and land etc. But to d
ecide to give all this up shows his imaan. So he arrived in Madinah according to
some reports at the battle of Khaybar (other reports say after).
One of the reasons why this story is so interesting is that here is Tufayl from

whom one person converted at his hand from his tribe, who is to become one of th
e greatest legacies of our ummah. From the tribe of Daws: and that is Abu Hurair
ah. Abdur Rehman ibn Sakhr ad Dawsi. When Tufayl immigrated to Madinah, with hi
m came Abu Hurairah. So Abu Hurairah is apart of this batch who immigrate near t
he end - in fact most likely it was mid-8th year of the Hijrah. So he only staye
d with the prophet PBUH for literally 2 years. But as we know he is called the p
reserver of the sunnah. Nobody narrated the quantity of ahadith like him. Why? H
e himself explained: "I had given up everything, marriage, food, sustenance etc,
and stayed in the masjid just to be with the prophet PBUH". He would say that "
sometimes I was so hungrey I would ask a sahabi a question walking outside the m
asjid having no need of the question/answer as I know better than him, but just
hoping the answer would take me all the way to his house. Then when I'm at the d
oor he will offer me something". And its said Abu Hurairah narrated more than 55
00 hadith. A few come close i.e. A'isha RA, Jaabir who come to 4000+, but Abu Hu
rairah is number one on the list. And subhanAllah its amazing that all of the bl
essings of Abu Hurairah, he will get the reward but also Tufayl ibn Amr. And tha
t's why we should never trivialise any good deed we do because we don't know wha
t may come of it.
Another interesting delegation is the delegation of Wa'il ibn Hujr. This is happ
ening in the 9th year. He is from the town of Hadra Mawt, in Yemen - as we said
before, Yemen had mini kingdoms in Arabia. Lots of little kingdoms. Yemen was no
t as tribal; Wa'il ibn Hujr's great grandfather was one of those kings. So he is
of royal blood. In the 9th year, before he came to Madinah, the prophet PBUH an
nounced to the sahabah that "there shall come to you Wa'il ibn Hujr, one of the
'princes of Yemen'. And he is coming wanting to embrace Islam without pressure".
So when Wa'il ibn Hujr came, three days before the prophet PBUH predicted he wo
uld be coming. And when Wa'il came the prophet PBUH honoured him like really non
e before. Its narrated he did something that he did for no one else. He actually
brought him up to the mimbar with him; this is a huge honour that alongside the
prophet PBUH is Wa'il on the mimbar. And he made his sit on his cloak which was
an honour of the arabs at the time. And the prophet PBUH made dua for Wa'il and
the children of Wa'il. And Wa'il complained that his family had taken away his
right to the throne (as is always the case). What did the prophet PBUH say? "I w
ill promise you better than that" i.e. Jannah through Islam. So literally we can
say, Islam will give you more than being a king. We know this from the explicit
hadith of the prophet PBUH: the lowest person of Jannah, Allah will say to him
'go ahead and wish and wish and wish' and as much as he wishes Allah will say 'y
ou have all the riches of this world and 10x like it'. No king of this world has
even 1/10th of the riches. So this is a beautiful hadith, the prophet PBUH is s
aying "don't worry I'll give you something better than a kingdom".
There's an interesting tidbit mentioned: Wa'il embraced Islam, and the prophet P
BUH gave him the governership of a small area in Yemen. And the prophet PBUH sen
t with him Muawiya ibn Abu Suffyan as an escort. So Muawiya, whom we all know wi
ll be the khalifah after 45 years; right now he's barely 18 years old. So Muawiy
a is sent with Wa'il, and Wa'il is on his camel and Muawiya is walking. So he as
ks "can I ride with you?" And Wa'il is just a brand new convert still on his own
ways, he says: "it's not befitting someone like you rides with kings". So then
Muawiya who at the time was dirt poor, said "at least let me wear your shoes bec
ause the stones are hot". But Wa'il says "it's not befitting the shoes of the ki
ng are given to you". So Muawiya complains "but the pebbles are hot!" So Wa'il s
ays "take comfort from the shadow of my camel". So he's a muslim but he dosen't
have the akhlak right now. Now, who does Muawiya become? The king, the first kin
g of Islam - he starts a dynasty. And by the kudr of Allah, Wa'il also lives a l
ong life. And Wa'il is sent as a delegate to Muawiya; so he enters into Muawiya
and now Muawiya is on the throne. See how Allah changes things around. This is t
he wisdom Allah knows. Muawiya now is a 60 year old man, and he reminds Wa'il of
that day, that "do you remember on that day when you didn't even give me your s
hoes?" And Wa'il says "how I wish I did that". So this again shows us, we should

never be selfish. Who could have ever imagined that at that point in time, it w
as inconcievable that the family of Abu Suffyan would somehow; remember Abu Suff
yan was a late convert at the last minute after the conquest. No one would imagi
ne Muawiya would become the king at the end of the day. So Wa'il ibn Hujur event
ually decided to join the side of Ali ibn Abi Talib during the civil war. Also g
enerally speaking the people of Yemen sided with Ali.
The big story of the day which is the most significant in the 9th year is the de
legation of Ta'if. The battle and seige of Hunayn was fought against; this is th
e same tribe that rejected and rebelled. Out of the entire province the only tri
be still on paganism is Taqeef. So remember when the prophet PBUH left them and
said "let them be they'll come to us". The sahaba said "no let's fight" but they
kept on losing so they left them to be. One of the incidents made the tribe of
Ta'if very scared to negotiate. This took place in the 8th year. When the prophe
t PBUH encircled them in the 8th year and put a seige on them, a certain member
of the tribe embraced Islam. In fact it was one of their most respected leaders,
Urwah ibn Mas'ud a Thaqif'i. He has a central story in the seerah. What did he
say that was SO famous? Urwah ibn Mas'ud was one of the most senior member of th
e tribe of Taqeef. When Hudaybiyyah took place, he happened to be in Mecca for u
mrah or business. And when he saw the anger and the back and forth, he felt hurt
. So he said to the Quraysh "don't you trust me, aren't I a son for you, didn't
I do such and such..." Then he said "if you do this, let me go and bring some re
conciliation". The big guys, Safwan ibn Ummayah, Abu Suffyan etc allowed him to
go represent the Quraysh in the negotiations. So the Quraysh are allowing a thaq
af'i to represent them. So the final person from the non-quraysh was Urwah ibn M
as'ud - and he told the prophet PBUH "you have two choices: either you win and y
ou kill them all and I don't know of any person who has destroyed his own people
. Or they come and fight you, and I don't see anyone here worthy of a fight". Fr
om his perspective what is he seeing? Poor people, slaves, different tribal peop
le. THe main thing is "whats combining these people?! Nothing". He said "as soon
as they see their enemy, they will abandon you" - of course in his mind the onl
y banner is jaheleya and tribalism. This is when Abu Bukr RA gave an extremely v
ulgar curse (which the sheikh didn't even translate).
What else happened at Hudaybiyyah? He stroked the beard of the prophet PBUH, and
his own nephew Mughira ibn Shu'ba smacked him on the hand and said "get your ha
nd away". And Urwah said "who is that?" And the prophet PBUH said "don't you kno
w, its your own nephew". Recall Mughira did a crime and murdered before Islam, a
nd he brought this money to the prophet PBUH. And the prophet PBUH said "as for
your Islam I accept, but as for your money I reject". So his uncle said "oh trai
ter we are still cleansing the problems you've left behind". Then he said the fa
mous paragraph that is the height of eloquence: "I've visted the kings of Caesar
and Khisra and Najashi etc" - note it shows how senior he is, he's been on dele
gations to these kings - "and I've not seen anyone more respected by his people
than the people of Muhammad. Walahi he never spat except that they caught it. He
never did wudu except that they caught his water remnants. They say as if they
have birds on their heads (meaning complete respect). When he says something the
y would race to see who was the first to fulfull it". This is VERY interesting.
Why? The sahaba never described themselves like this. It's from an external pers
epctive. Of course the sahaba would never praise themselves. So this is that Urw
ah ibn Mas'ud.
Further, Urwah is referenced in the Qur'an directly. And that is in the Qur'an "
they said why isn't this Qur'an revealed to one of the two great men in the two
great cities?" That is, Mecca and Ta'if. And the two men are Waleed ibn Mughira,
and Urwah ibn Mas'ud. So Waleed ibn Mughira from the Banu Makhzoom was the one
who said this. So Allah quoted him in the Qur'an. And then He said "Are they the
ones to decide where Allahs mercy goes down?" The point is it shows the level a
nd status of Urwah ibn Mas'ud. He's also mentioned in the hadith of Bhukari and
Muslim. The prophet PBUH said he saw all the prophets "and Musa AS looks like a

person from the tribe of Shanu'a". They are known for their sharp features (i.e.
pointed noises) and their skin colour is brownish. And he said "I saw Isa AS an
d the one who resembles him the most is Urwah ibn Mas'ud a-Thaqafi. And I saw Ib
rahim and the one who resembles him the most is me". So... what does Urwah look
like?! Of course the sahaba could see Urwah and then deduce what Isa AS looked l
ike. But we can't of course. The prophet PBUH described Isa AS as having broad s
houlders with glistening hair, as if he's come out of a shower, and he is on the
lighter complexion. Of course in the movies they portray Isa AS as a white man
which is ridiculous. Isa AS is a middle eastern, he is Bani Israel, even they kn
ow this. In the same hadith he said "I saw Jibreel AS and he looks like Dihyah a
l Kalbi". And Dihya was considered to be the most handsome man in Madinah.
In any case, after the seige of Hunayn, in Dhul Qa'da of the 8th year, Urwah ibn
Mas'ud left the city and caught up with him. And he embraced Islam en route. An
d the prophet PBUH told him to immigrate to Madinah but he said "Oh messenger of
Allah, let me go back to Ta'if and call them to Islam". The prophet PBUH said "
I am scared they may kill you". Urwah said "they love me more than their own dau
ghters; if they found me asleep they wouldn't even wake me up". Walahi this was
true before Islam - he is their leader. So he arrived back at magrib time. His p
eople did not know he embraced Islam. When he came they all greeted him and so h
e tells them "I have embraced Islam and I encourage you to also follow me". This
was right after the seige. So what happened? They flipped immediately. And they
cursed him and so on. He was distressed and distraught; he got on the roof of h
is house at Fajr time. And he gave the azaan on the roof of his house. When he r
eached 'ashaduAllah...' an arrow came from the dark and struck him. So his own p
eople executed/killed him. And he fell down and injured himself, and he was fata
lly wounded. His immediate family said "what do we do about revenge and blood mo
ney?" He said "Nothing, this is a gift Allah has gifted me. Allah has chosen me
to be a shaheed which Allah has honoured me with. And you'll burry me with the s
huhada of Hunayn". SubhanAllah. He's not burried with the family plot or locals;
he is being burried with the shuhada. When the news reached the prophet PBUH he
said the famous phrase "this was a man who with his people as like the person o
f Ya-Sin with his people". And we all know the person in surah Ya-Sin was the on
e who was rejected by his people for calling them to Allah.
Now we need to understand this is something extremely vulgar that they did. It's
not just any murder. It goes against everything they stand for. They didn't jus
t kill one of their own - they killed THE Urwah ibn Mas'ud, who is, one of the m
ost respected leaders. Also isn't it amazing the prophet PBUH knew better than U
rwah about his own people? Of course this is because the prophet PBUH is the pro
phet PBUH. But also - when you're involved in a situation, you are blinded by it
. You don't see clearly; Urwah, because its his people and nation. He thought "t
here's no way they would do this". The prophet PBUH who is a third party can exm
aine it in an objective and fair manner. So he told Urwah "I'm scared your peopl
e will kill you". But Urwah thought "no way" but subhanAllah he was wrong. So th
e people of Ta'if were in fact terrified. This blood is on their hands, their gu
ilty conscious is eating them up anyway, and in this state of mind they go to th
e prophet PBUH. Ibn Ishaaq mentions a long conversation between various people.
Each one says "I'm not going to go to Madinah" i.e. they are terrified to go as
a delegation of Taqeef because they might be called to task for the death of Urw
ah. Until they decided that ALL the leaders went togther. It wasn't just one lea
der, it was 6 or 7 of the leaders of the Ta'if along with their entourage.
So this delegation came to Madinah and this took place in Ramadan of the 9th yea
r of the Hijrah. When they reached Madinah, either they contacted their relative
Mughira ibn Shu'ba, or he just happened to see them - Mughira begins rejoicing
that his tribe is coming to embrace Islam. And they tell him "we will only embra
ce with conditions. We will make sure we're satisfied". And he literally runs ba
ck to the masjid. On the way Abu Bukr sees him and says "whats going on?" Mughir
a says "the tribe of Taqeef has come and I want to give the bashara (good news)

to the prophet PBUH". And Abu Bukr says "I ask you by Allah let me give it". And
so Mughira allowed. This shows us how eager the sahaba were to gain the favour
of the prophet PBUH. Because when you give someone good news you bring happiness
to the person. So every sahaba wanted to be that person who brought happiness t
o the prophet PBUH. Abu Bukr rushed back and said "the tribe of Taqeef is here t
o embrace Islam". The prophet PBUH is overjoyed and asked the tribe to enter.
Mughira rushed to his tribe and taught them the protocol: "this is what you do,
this is how you say salaam, you address him by...". This shows us aswell, the sa
haba taught the delegations. But the tribe of Taqeef completely ignored this. Ba
sically you can tell they did not come with the submission of other delegates. T
hey greeted him by the greeting of jaheleya, they addressed him by his first nam
e etc. This demonstrates imaan is not in their heart. And the prophet PBUH ignor
ed all of this; even though it is the height of disrespect. They ignored all the
proper islamic protocols and did what they liked. But the prophet PBUH literall
y ignored everything; rather, he treated them as if they were honourable guests.
And he in fact ordered that a special guest tent be built inside the masjid jus
t for them. So it was double shelter and then began a series of negotiations tha
t lasted at least 10 days. Obviously we don't have all the details.
Of what we do have: one of the senior members of the Quraysh, a distant cousin o
f the prophet PBUH, was chosen to be the emmisary. The way the jaheleya arabs di
d it was that there was a lower level dialogue through an emmisary. So Khalid ib
n Sa'eed was the middle man; its said the tribe of Taqeef was so worried about t
heir status they thought the food was poisoned so they didn't eat until Khalid a
te. So they are paranoid because they have such a guilty conscious. Yet the prop
het PBUH treated them so generously. So the negotiatons began by them asking "ca
n we have a treaty or not?" The prophet PBUH said "yes if you embrace Islam". So
they HAD to embrace Islam, otherwise there is no treaty. The ultimatum is given
. So back and forth. They ask the prophet PBUH "we have heard interest (riba) is
not allowed." The prophet PBUH said "Allah has forbidden riba" and he quoted th
e Qur'an. The prophet PBUH said "you get back your principle (orginal amount)".
Then they asked "how about zina? We have to travel alot and we are merchants etc
and we need to do zina." So the response comes back that "Allah has forbidden i
t". So they talk and discuss. Then the third question: "what about alcohol (kamr
)?" They said "you HAVE TO let us drink kamr. We can't give that up!" Because fi
rstly Ta'if was known for its grapes i.e. its wine. So they said "our culture is
to drink. And it's a cool climate". So they were saying "you have to at least m
ake an exception for kamr". So the prophet PBUH sends back the Qur'anic verse wh
ich forbids kamr. So they conferred with one another and one of them said "walah
i, we will not go back and tell our people riba, zina and kamr has been prohibit
ed. There's no way they will accept it". And indeed when there is no imaan how c
an you give up these things? So one of their leaders said "our people won't acce
pt this". Another said "but what is the alternative? For walahi if he goes back
and he sends an army we will be finished in a month". So the tribe of Taqeef did
n't embrace willingly: they effectively had NO option other than to leave Arabia
. To console them he said "look at his companions didn't they give this all up?"
This shows us the psychology of having a good strong ummah. He is saying "if th
ey can do it so can we". So they negotiate and agree to give these three up.
However, they forget to ask about the single biggest matter: shirk. Idol worship
. Who was their idol? Al-Lat. So after all the negotiations, then they ask "how
about our idol?" And the prophet PBUH said "It shall be destroyed". There's just
no question about this. So they said "ok... give us three years". Three years!
The prophet PBUH said "No. You don't get anything". So they said "ok two years".
The prophet PBUH said no. So they said "ok one year". The prophet PBUH said "no
!" And they said 12 months, 11 months... all the way down to a single month. The
y negotiate that "we want some time". Why is this a big deal? Because to them Al
-Lat was the most presitigous God, and it was the second most prestigious God of
Arabia. And it's a source of pride for them. So the emissary is going back and

forth - until they say "fine but we cannot destroy it". The prophet PBUH said "f
ine, you don't have to do, we'll do it". So they agreed - and later on the proph
et PBUH sent Mughira ibn Shu'ba, their nephew to destroy it.
Then they were told to pray and fast etc i.e. the pillars of Islam. And they beg
an negotiating with that. And they said "we cannot bow our backs down because of
the cold weather; and so can you forgive us for the salah?" And the prophet PBU
H said "There is no good in any religion without salah". SubhanAllah. And with r
egards to the aqeedah issue of what is the ruling of the status of salah? This h
adith shows there is no religion without salah. Prayer is the essence of being a
muslim. So then they said "ok forgive us from wudu because Ta'if gets very cold
". But once again the prophet PBUH did not allow this and indeed he cannot. Here
is where an interesting bit comes and it's a huge fiqh issue. They then said "o
k forgive us from zakat and jihad". What did the prophet PBUH say? He said "ok y
ou are forgiven from these". But when they left a few days later the prophet PBU
H said "they SHALL give zakat and do jihad". Now, this is a huge discussion. Wh
at exactly has happened here? We know there is NO comprimise on tawheed or salah
. But what is the understanding of saying "ok no jihad or zakat" and then later
the prophet PBUH says "they shall give zakat and jihad". Two interpretations:
1) The prophet PBUH said this knowing that when imaan enters their heart, they w
ill automatically pay zakat and do jihad. Thus what the prophet PBUH is doing is
only special to him. Because he KNOWS they will eventually do these two things.
So maybe this was a prediction of the future. That at that time the prophet PBU
H gave an exception but its a one-off, he knew they will pay zakat and do jihad.
2) However the second interpretation is that the imam or the leader has the righ
t to accept incorrect conditions for new muslims for a temporary period of time,
and then LATER ON enforce the correct Islam. Do we understand this paticular in
cident as being something theological or legal? If it's the former, Allah told t
he prophet PBUH so its a one off. If its legal i.e. if it's a precedent, then su
ppose in a legit Islamic state a group comes and says 'we shall embrace but with
a condition'. And that condition goes against Islam - does then the leader have
the right to accept this condition? This is a fiqh issue. The scholars differ o
n this. Some scholars say its okay because at the end of the day, eventually eve
ryone who embraces Islam will live a true Islamic lifestyle from the heart. In o
ther words because Islam is the truth it's okay to bribe people with incentives
becuause eventually true imaan will come into their heart. Practically in the we
st when a non muslim comes and expresses and interest in Islam, and he or she sa
ys or does things un-islamic, we should be ULTRA leniant. And emphasise that whi
ch is most important, and overlook anything haram or bad. Why? Because imaan is
very weak. You want to let imaan grow in the heart. By being harsh and strict yo
u will turn the person away. We have to bring them into the religion, and then w
hen imaan grows, they themselves will leave all the haram or sin. Even if they d
on't leave all their sinning, for them to be a muslim while sinning is infinitel
y better than to be a kaafir while sinning. There is even a position that if a n
on muslim lady converts to Islam, the marriage is still halal because she didn't
begin the nikah as a muslim. Or another issue might be people don't have comple
tely the correct theology. He might believe the story of Adam and Howa AS is a f
able. Let his believe it - let him first embrace Islam properly and then come ba
ck to the issue. In other words a little bit of comprimise is fine, inshaAllah w
hen imaan comes they will do it.
Ibn Ishaaq mentions they stayed in Madinah for 15 days. Probably the 10th day th
ey embraced Islam. Recall its Ramadan, and so they actually fasted with the prop
het PBUH for the remaining 5 days. And they had iftar and suhoor with the muslim
s; Bilal RA would bring them suhoor and they said "we can't eat the sun has rise
n". But Bilal said "I've just come and the prophet PBUH is eating". And when the
y brought the iftar they said "no not yet the sun hasn't set". And Bilal said "I
have come to you only after the prophet PBUH has broke his fast". Meaning what?

The prophet PBUH would delay his suhoor and rapidly break his fast. These new m
uslims are trying to be extra cautious; an interesting first day fast. It's also
known the youngest member of the congregation was Uthmaan ibn Aas - and he woul
d spend most of his time outside the tent; the seniors were in the tent but he w
ould sit with the prophet PBUH memorising Qur'an, sat with Abu Bukr studying Isl
am and he was the most eager. When they were about to leave, Abu Bukr suggested
"why don't you make Uthmaan their leader?" and the prophet PBUH accepted. Subhan
Allah it shows us just because he knew some Qur'an and fiqh he was raised in ran
ks to become the leader.
Final point: the tribe returns and tell their people "we have to embrace Islam".
The prophet PBUH sends Mughira to destory Al-Lat. This story is not in Ibn Isha
aq, but al Mughira seems to be a bit of joker. So he says to Abu Suffyan "shall
we play a joke on them?" Abu Suffyan says "yeah sure". So, now imagine, he is go
ing to destory the idol. What are the people thinking? Something bad will happen
. So all the people are gathered around and they are tense. Of course they know
it has to happen but they are still tense and upset. So Mughira takes his axe, t
ries to smack the idol but as soon as he does this he yells and falls down on hi
s face. And the tribe goes WILD with happiness. "Look what happened didn't we te
ll you Al-Lat is the best?!" And he jumps up and says "you fools I did this to s
how you how foolish you are". And he told them "I just wanted to mock you" and h
e destroyed it in front of their eyes one hit after the other. And the guy in ch
arge of the idol got so angry he said "when you get to the base of the idol, you
'll see the Earth will swallow you up". Realise these people genuinely believe i
n the idol. So he goes "just to show you, I won't stop until I destroy down to t
he ground". And Mughira continued to destroy down to the dust of idol. And the p
rophet PBUH told him to build a masjid where Al-Lat stood. And all of the treasu
res of the sanctuary was taken and given to the Baytal Maal and the prophet PBUH
distributed it to the weak and poor. And eventually the tribe of Taqeed accepte
d Islam wholeheartedly with no conditions; and they also paid zakat and engaged
in jihad.

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