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Foods Turkeys Eat

Wild turkeys are opportunistically omnivorous, which means they will readily sample a wide
range of foods, both animal and vegetable. They forage frequently, and will eat many different
things, including:

Acorns, hickory nuts or beech nuts

Seeds and grain, including corn and wheat

Berries, wild grapes, crabapples and other fruit

Small reptiles and snakes

Fleshy plant parts such as buds, roots, bulbs and cacti

Plant foliage, grass and tender young leaves

Amphibians such as frogs and salamanders

Large insects including grasshoppers and caterpillars

Snails, slugs and worms

Sand and small gravel for grit

In captivity or in agricultural settings, domestic turkeys which are the same species as wild
turkeys are often fed a special commercial feed that may be specially formulated for game
birds, turkeys or poultry and contains a mix of material to simulate these birds' highly varied

Turkey breeds
1. Broad Breasted White
2. Broad Breasted Bronze
3. Standard Bronze
4. Bourbon Red
5. Slate, or Blue Slate
6. Narragansett Turkey
7. The Black ("Spanish Black", "Norfolk Black")
8. Beltsville Small White
9. Midget White


The Broad Breasted White is the commercial turkey of choice for large scale industrial
turkey farms, and consequently is the most consumed variety of the bird. Usually the
turkey to receive a "presidential pardon", a U.S. custom, is a Broad Breasted White.

The Broad Breasted Bronze is another commercially developed strain of table bird.

The Standard Bronze looks much like the Broad Breasted Bronze, except that it is
single breasted, and can naturally breed.

The Bourbon Red turkey is a smaller, non-commercial breed with dark reddish feathers
with white markings.

Slate, or Blue Slate, turkeys are a very rare breed with gray-blue feathers.

The Black ("Spanish Black", "Norfolk Black") has very dark plumage with a green sheen.

The Narragansett Turkey is a popular heritage breed named after Narraganset Bay in
New England.

The Chocolate is a rarer heritage breed with markings similar to a Black Spanish, but
light brown instead of black in color. Common in the Southern U.S. and France before
the Civil War.

The Beltsville Small White is a small heritage breed, whose development started in
1934. The breed was introduced in 1941 and was admitted to the APA Standard in
1951. Although slightly bigger and broader than the Midget White, both are often

The Midget White is a smaller heritage breed.

Breeds of turkeys in India:

Turkeys are not classified into breeds,however seven standard varieties are
available, Bronze, White Holland, Bourbon red, Narragansett, Black, Slate,
Beltsville small white.

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