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Did you know there was a Special Police Unit set up for years and I mean years where

companies could pass on

information about malicious militants and trade unionists. This was closed in 2009. That’s what it was
supposedly set up for malicious militants and trade unionists.

Since the closure the whole matter has escalated in to the depths of Satan. I have had personal experience and
in-depth knowledge from my professional investigation work in to what is the truth.

Basically it takes two to tango but the networking or partnership was built not from contacting the Special
Police Unit but having connections with the CONservative Party. Since 2009 this has been a major purpose and
plan of the CONservative Parity to escalate this to companies across the UK with the help and backing of the

The bottom line is the company can basically do anything, ignore all laws of the land especially employment
law and be exempt especially in court of prosecution. In return they are part of the CONservatove Party
Network and we have concluded no party would do this unless there was a major incentive like a monetary
value. This money is fraudulent and is not declared nor tax paid on it.

All industries have been effected and companies like Tata Steel who are not involved in this propaganda
system have been hit very hard because of a shrinking home market.

This has been spread in to many technology companies in the UK. Every company who has adopted this policy
and procedure and system from the CONservatives have either gone bust or bankrupt, sold for a pound or are
now in serious financial problems. On evaluation of a cross section of industry again where every company has
adapted this CONservative thinking there is serious fraud and corruption taking place. Just do not mention
employee relations anywhere.

It is blatant when you override and intimidate and harass people that the CONservative Party know the total
devastating and detrimental effects of the system yet persist to lie and sell this to the UK as a great idea.

Again all things are changed illegally and weighted in the CONservative Party’s advantage including their
buddies. Why would you set a cost of £1200 for an Employment Tribunal Case and when a Freedom of
Information (FOI) request has been requested it was denied several times and there is no presentation or
reasons why this was changed to the ridiculous cost it is now. The service which cost nothing gave a blanket
security across the UK and also was totally in line with the Equality Act. I rest my presentation.


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