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In a proportion of transfusion-dependent patients iron chelation with daily doses

of deferiprone of 75 mg/kg body weight (b.w.) is inadequate. The effects on iron
status of increasing the daily oral dose of deferiprone and/or combining
deferiprone therapy with subcutaneous infusions of desferrioxamine have been
studied in 13 transfusion-dependent patients. Raising the daily dose of
deferiprone in nine patients from 75 mg/kg to 83100 mg/kg resulted in a fall in
serum ferritin in all nine patients (t test for paired samples, P = 0.0022).
Combined therapy of daily deferiprone with subcutaneous desferrioxamine on 2
6 d each week in five patients (with an increased dose of deferiprone in three
patients) resulted in a fall in serum ferritin in all five patients studied after 715
months (P = 0.0791). No toxic side-effects attributable to either drug occurred in
these five patients or in the nine patients in whom the dose of deferiprone was
increased. The effects of the drugs given on the same day on urine iron excretion
were additive. These results suggest that increasing the dose of deferiprone or
combining subcutaneous desferrioxamine with deferiprone therapy are two
methods by which efficacy of iron chelation with deferiprone can be improved in
patients inadequately chelated by a daily dose of deferiprone of 75 mg/kg b.w.
More extensive trials including full metabolic balance studies are needed to
establish the safety and efficacy of long-term combined therapy.

Desferrioxamine (DFX) given by regular subcutaneous infusion is the standard

method of iron chelation in patients with refractory anaemias such as
thalassaemia major who need regular blood transfusions. It is usually given over
812 h for 46 d each week at a dose of 40 mg/kg b.w. Some patients, however,
are unable to use DFX because of hypersensitivity, whereas others develop toxic
side-effects, e.g. auditory or retinal damage, bone changes or growth failure. The
major problems with DFX, however, are its expense and failure of compliance,
especially in teenagers, with the self-administration of regular subcutaneous
infusions. The use of constant-rate disposable infusers may improve compliance
but increases cost ( Araujo et al, 1996 ). The orally active iron chelator
deferiprone (1,2-dimethyl-3-hydroxypyrid-4-one, L1, CP20) has been shown to be
as effective as DFX in some patients, but in others side-effects, e.g. arthropathy,
neutropenia, agranulocytosis, gastro-intestinal symptoms or zinc deficiency, may
occur ( Bartlett et al, 1990 ). Moreover, in some transfusion-dependent patients
deferiprone taken at the usual daily dose of 75 mg/kg is unable to maintain body
iron stores, assessed by liver iron measurement, at a level considered safe from
risk of cardiomyopathy due to iron overload ( Olivieri et al, 1995 ; Hoffbrand et al,
1998 ).

The present study was undertaken to determine whether increasing the dose of
deferiprone above 75 mg/kg/d and/or combination of deferiprone with DFX could

be safe and effective in lowering iron stores in transfusion-dependent patients

inadequately chelated by deferiprone at a daily dose of 75 mg/kg.

Thirteen transfusion-dependent patients were studied ( 12 Tables I and II). All

were receiving regular transfusion of packed red cells every 34 weeks to
maintain a haemoglobin level 910 g/dl. Nine had thalassaemia major, one thalassaemia/haemoglobin E disease, one sickle cell anaemia, one
myelodysplasia (acquired sideroblastic anaemia) and one congenital
sideroblastic anaemia. In nine the dose of deferiprone was raised from a mean of
75 mg/kg/d to a level of 83100 mg/d. Deferiprone was given in three divided
doses, 1 h before breakfast, lunch and dinner (approximately 7.00 a.m., 12 noon
and 7.00 p.m.). In five (including the patient in whom the dose of deferiprone
had previously been raised to 83 mg/kg/d), subcutaneous infusions of DFX were
added. In three (cases 10, 11 and 12, 2 Table II) DFX was given by constant rate
infusion, 4 g over 48 h each week, in one (case 7) 2 g was given daily
continuously for 5 d each week and in one (case 13) 3 g was given using a
battery-operated pump over 10 h each day for 6 d each week. Oral deferiprone
therapy was continued in these five patients, but in three at a raised daily dose
of 88110 mg/kg ( Table II). Serum ferritin, iron and total iron binding capacity, 24
h urine iron and liver iron were measured by standard techniques ( Hoffbrand et
al, 1998). 24 h urine collections were commenced with the first (morning) dose
of deferiprone. In three patients the DFX infusion was commenced 12 h before
the first dose of deferiprone and continued throughout the period to urine
collection; in case 13 subcutaneous DFX infusion was commenced with the first
morning dose of deferiprone. The patients receiving combined therapy were
monitored by clinical examination weekly for the first 6 weeks and monthly
thereafter, and by monthly blood counts, liver and renal function tests,
measurement of serum calcium and zinc and by tests for rheumatoid factor and
antinuclear factor. The patients were tested annually by MUGA heart scan and in
those with serum ferritin levels <1000 g/l by audiometry and
electroretinography 6-monthly. Statistical analysis was carried out using the
Student's t-test for paired samples. Deferiprone was supplied by Vitra
Pharmaceutical Company. These studies were approved by the Ethical
Committees of the Whittington and Royal Free Hospitals.
Table 1. Table I. The initial and final serum ferritin levels in nine transfusiondependent patients in whom the dose of deferiprone (DFP) was increased from
75 mg/kg/d. * TM, thalassaemia major; CSA, congenital sideroblastic anaemia;
MDS, myelodysplasia. Months of therapy at initial dose. Months of therapy at
new dose.Thumbnail image of
Table 2. Table II. The effect of combined therapy with deferiprone (DFP) and
desferrioxamine (DFX) on serum ferritin and urine iron excretion (UIE) in five
transfusion-dependent patients. For DFX regimen see text. * HbSS, sickle cell

anaemia; ASA, acquired sideroblastic anaemia. Months of therapy at initial dose.

Months of combined therapy

Dalam proporsi pasien yang tergantung transfusi besi chelation dengan dosis harian
deferiprone dari 75 mg / kg berat badan (bb ) tidak memadai . Efek pada status zat besi
meningkatkan dosis oral harian deferiprone dan / atau menggabungkan terapi deferiprone
dengan infus subkutan desferioksamin telah dipelajari di 13 pasien yang tergantung transfusi .
Meningkatkan dosis harian deferiprone di sembilan pasien dari 75 mg / kg sampai 83-100 mg
/ kg menghasilkan penurunan serum feritin dalam semua sembilan pasien (uji t untuk sampel
berpasangan , P = 0,0022 ) . Terapi Gabungan deferiprone sehari-hari dengan desferioksamin
subkutan pada 2-6 d setiap minggu di lima pasien ( dengan peningkatan dosis dari
deferiprone dalam tiga pasien ) mengakibatkan penurunan feritin serum di semua lima pasien
yang diteliti setelah 7-15 bulan ( P = 0,0791 ) . Tidak beracun efek samping yang timbul baik
obat terjadi pada lima pasien ini atau dalam sembilan pasien yang dosis deferiprone
meningkat . Efek dari obat yang diberikan pada hari yang sama pada ekskresi urin besi yang
aditif . Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan dosis deferiprone atau menggabungkan
desferioksamin subkutan dengan terapi deferiprone dua metode dengan mana kemanjuran
khelasi besi dengan deferiprone dapat ditingkatkan pada pasien yang tidak cukup chelated
dengan dosis harian deferiprone dari 75 mg / kg bb Percobaan yang lebih luas termasuk studi
keseimbangan metabolik penuh diperlukan untuk menentukan keamanan dan kemanjuran
terapi kombinasi jangka panjang .
Desferioksamin ( DFX ) diberikan melalui infus subkutan teratur adalah metode standar
khelasi zat besi pada pasien dengan anemia refraktori seperti thalasemia mayor yang
membutuhkan transfusi darah secara teratur . Hal ini biasanya diberikan selama 8-12 jam
untuk 4-6 d setiap minggu dengan dosis 40 mg / kg bb Beberapa pasien , bagaimanapun ,
tidak dapat menggunakan DFX karena hipersensitivitas , sedangkan yang lain
mengembangkan efek samping toksik , misalnya pendengaran atau retina kerusakan ,
perubahan tulang atau kegagalan pertumbuhan . Masalah utama dengan DFX ,
bagaimanapun, adalah beban dan kegagalan kepatuhan , terutama pada remaja , dengan administrasi diri dari infus subkutan biasa. Penggunaan konstan tingkat infusers sekali pakai
dapat meningkatkan kepatuhan tetapi meningkatkan biaya ( Araujo et al , 1996) . The oral
aktif chelator besi deferiprone ( 1,2- dimetil - 3 - hydroxypyrid - 4 -one , L1 , CP20 ) telah
terbukti efektif sebagai DFX pada beberapa pasien , tetapi di lain efek samping , misalnya
arthropathy , neutropenia , agranulositosis , gastro-intestinal gejala atau defisiensi zinc , dapat
terjadi ( Bartlett et al , 1990) . Selain itu , pada beberapa pasien yang tergantung transfusi
deferiprone diambil pada dosis harian biasa 75 mg / kg tidak mampu menjaga tubuh toko
besi, dinilai oleh pengukuran besi hati , pada tingkat yang dianggap aman dari risiko
kardiomiopati akibat kelebihan zat besi ( Olivieri et al , 1995; Hoffbrand et al , 1998) .
Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menentukan apakah meningkatkan dosis deferiprone di atas 75
mg / kg / d dan / atau kombinasi deferiprone dengan DFX bisa aman dan efektif dalam
menurunkan simpanan zat besi pada pasien yang tergantung transfusi tidak cukup chelated
oleh deferiprone dengan dosis harian dari 75 mg / kg .

Tiga belas pasien yang tergantung transfusi dipelajari ( 12 Tabel I dan II ) . Semua menerima
transfusi teratur sel darah merah dikemas setiap 3-4 minggu untuk mempertahankan tingkat
hemoglobin 9-10 g / dl . Sembilan memiliki thalassemia mayor , satu thalassaemia/haemoglobin penyakit E , salah satu anemia sel sabit , satu myelodysplasia
( anemia sideroblastik diperoleh ) dan satu anemia sideroblastik bawaan . Pada sembilan
dosis deferiprone dibangkitkan dari rata-rata 75 mg / kg / d ke level 83-100 mg / d .
Deferiprone diberikan dalam tiga dosis terbagi , 1 jam sebelum sarapan, makan siang dan
makan malam ( sekitar 07:00 , 12 siang dan 19:00 ) . Dalam lima ( termasuk pasien di
antaranya dosis deferiprone sebelumnya telah dinaikkan menjadi 83 mg / kg / d ) , infus
subkutan DFX ditambahkan . Dalam tiga ( kasus 10 , 11 dan 12 , 2 Tabel II ) DFX diberikan
oleh infus konstan tingkat , 4 g lebih 48 jam setiap minggu , dalam satu ( kasus 7 ) 2 g
diberikan setiap hari terus menerus selama 5 d setiap minggu dan dalam satu ( kasus 13 ) 3 g
diberikan menggunakan pompa dioperasikan dengan baterai lebih dari 10 jam setiap hari
selama 6 d setiap minggu . Terapi deferiprone oral dilanjutkan dalam lima pasien , tetapi
dalam tiga pada dosis harian dinaikkan dari 88-110 mg / kg ( Tabel II ) . Serum ferritin , besi
dan kapasitas total pengikatan zat besi , 24 h besi urine dan besi hati diukur dengan teknik
standar ( Hoffbrand et al , 1998) . 24 jam koleksi urin dimulai dengan yang pertama ( pagi )
dosis deferiprone . Dalam tiga pasien infus DFX dimulai 12 jam sebelum dosis pertama
deferiprone dan berlanjut sepanjang periode ke koleksi urin , dalam hal 13 subkutan DFX
infus dimulai dengan dosis pagi pertama deferiprone . Para pasien yang menerima terapi
kombinasi dipantau dengan pemeriksaan klinis mingguan untuk 6 minggu pertama dan
bulanan setelahnya , dan dengan jumlah darah bulanan , hati dan tes fungsi ginjal ,
pengukuran kalsium serum dan seng dan dengan tes untuk faktor reumatoid dan faktor
antinuklear . Para pasien diuji setiap tahun oleh MUGA jantung memindai dan pada mereka
dengan kadar feritin serum <1000 ug / l dengan audiometri dan elektroretinografi 6 - bulanan.
Analisis statistik dilakukan dengan menggunakan t -test pelajar untuk sampel berpasangan .
Deferiprone dipasok oleh Vitra Pharmaceutical Company . Studi ini disetujui oleh Komite
Etis dari Whittington dan Rumah Sakit Royal Free .
Tabel 1 . Tabel I. Tingkat serum ferritin awal dan akhir dalam sembilan pasien yang
tergantung transfusi pada siapa dosis deferiprone ( DFP ) meningkat dari 75 mg / kg / d . *
TM , talasemia mayor , CSA , anemia sideroblastik bawaan , MDS , myelodysplasia Bulan
terapi pada dosis awal . . Bulan terapi di dose.Thumbnail citra baru
Tabel 2 . Tabel II . Efek terapi kombinasi dengan deferiprone ( DFP ) dan desferioksamin
( DFX ) pada feritin serum dan urin besi ekskresi ( UIE ) pada lima pasien yang tergantung
transfusi . Untuk DFX rejimen melihat teks . * HBSS , anemia sel sabit , ASA , diperoleh
anemia sideroblastik Bulan terapi pada dosis awal . . Bulan terapi kombinasi
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BackgroundSome epidemiological studies have shown that increased iron

stores are associated with increased cardiovascular events. Redox-active iron
may contribute to lipid peroxidation, endothelial cell activation, and generation
of reactive oxygen species (especially hydroxyl radical, via Fenton chemistry).
Increased oxidative stress is associated with impaired action of endotheliumderived nitric oxide in patients with atherosclerosis.

Methods and ResultsTo test the hypothesis that reducing vascular iron stores
would reverse endothelial dysfunction, we examined the effects of the iron
chelator deferoxamine (500 mg intra-arterially over 1 hour) on vasomotor
function in forearm resistance vessels of patients with coronary artery disease by
venous occlusion plethysmography. Patients with coronary artery disease had
impaired endothelium-dependent vasodilation in response to methacholine
compared with healthy control subjects (P<0.001). Deferoxamine infusion
decreased serum iron levels (P<0.001). Deferoxamine improved the blood flow
response to methacholine in patients with coronary artery disease (P<0.01 by 2way repeated-measures ANOVA) but had no effect on the response to sodium
nitroprusside. In normal volunteers, deferoxamine had no effect on the response
to methacholine. The nitric oxide synthase inhibitor NG-monomethyl-l-arginine
abolished augmentation of the methacholine response associated with
deferoxamine. The hydroxyl radical scavenger mannitol had no effect on the
methacholine response.

ConclusionsDeferoxamine improved nitric oxidemediated, endotheliumdependent vasodilation in patients with coronary artery disease. These results
suggest that iron availability contributes to impaired nitric oxide action in
Key Words:

nitric oxide
coronary disease

Numerous epidemiological studies have found an association between markers

of increased iron stores and risk of coronary heart disease.1 2 3 This relationship
appears to be stronger for ischemic events than for the presence of
atherosclerosis per se,4 and recent data suggest that iron may be important
early in the development of atherosclerosis.5 6 The adverse effect of iron is
potentiated by other risk factors, such as hypercholesterolemia.1 5 This
hypothetical link and its mechanisms, however, are not without controversy.7

Despite the somewhat inconclusive epidemiological evidence, a number of

mechanisms have been proposed to explain this association. Redox-active iron

can initiate lipid peroxidation,8 an important early event in the development of

atherosclerosis.9 In animal models of atherosclerosis, vascular iron deposition is
closely related to progression of atherosclerosis and LDL oxidation.6 Recent
evidence also suggests that redox-active iron may contribute to endothelial
cell10 and platelet activation.11 These effects may be due to generation of
reactive oxygen species, especially hydroxyl radical, via Fenton chemistry. Iron is
also involved in many enzyme systems, however, including nitric oxide (NO)
synthase (NOS), and nonprotein-bound iron may directly inactivate
endothelium-derived NO (EDNO).12 Thus, a potential mechanism for iron-related
cardiovascular disease risk may be endothelial dysfunction.

The endothelium is critical in regulating vasomotor tone, platelet activity,

leukocyte adhesion, and vascular smooth muscle proliferation through the
release of several paracrine factors, including NO.13 Although endothelial
dysfunction has been associated with the presence of atherosclerosis,14
impaired EDNO activity has also been shown in patients with atherosclerosis risk
factors without overt vascular disease.14 15 Indeed, endothelial dysfunction not
only may be an early marker for cardiovascular risk but also may contribute to
the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis.13 Increased oxidative stress is associated
with impaired EDNO bioactivity and may be a key early mechanism in the
development of atheroma.9

Deferoxamine, a specific iron chelator, forms a stable complex with ferric iron,
decreasing its availability for the production of reactive oxygen species.16
Deferoxamine may decrease endothelial cell activation in response to TNF-10
and collagen-induced whole-blood platelet aggregation.11 In higher
concentrations (>0.5 mmol/L), deferoxamine may also scavenge reactive oxygen
species.16 A recent study demonstrated that acute intravenous administration of
deferoxamine improved coronary vasomotor responses to cold pressor testing
and to flow increase in diabetics.17 We hypothesized that redox-active iron in the
vasculature contributes to endothelial dysfunction in atherosclerosis. This study
aimed to test this hypothesis by examining the effect of deferoxamine on
endothelium-dependent vasodilation in patients with coronary artery disease
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Patients referred to Boston University Medical Center with significant CAD were
eligible for study. Healthy control subjects without known risk factors for
atherosclerosis were recruited by advertisement. The presence of CAD was
confirmed by a history of percutaneous or surgical revascularization or by the
presence of 1 coronary stenosis >50% on angiography. The Boston Medical

Center Institutional Review Board approved the study. Volunteers provided

written, informed consent.

Vasoactive medications were withheld for 12 hours before study, and longacting vasoactive drugs were withheld for 24 hours. Volunteers with
uncontrolled hypertension, heart failure, or unstable angina were excluded, as
were those with diabetes mellitus (hypoglycemic treatment or fasting glucose
>140 mg/dL) or anemia and those who had taken antioxidant vitamins, estrogen
replacement therapy, or iron supplements within 1 month. Patients with CAD
were taking aspirin (325 mg/d) when studied.

Forearm blood flow was measured by venous occlusion plethysmography, as

previously described.18 Blood pressure was measured via the arterial catheter.

The following intra-arterial drug infusion protocol was performed: (1) serial 5minute infusions of the endothelium-dependent vasodilator methacholine (0.3,
1.0, 3.0, and 10 g/min, Roche) or the endothelium-independent vasodilator
sodium nitroprusside (0.3, 1.0, 3.0, and 10 g/min, Elkins-Sinn); (2) dextrose
control for 30 minutes to reestablish control conditions; (3) the iron chelator
deferoxamine (Desferal, Novartis) 500 mg over 1 hour at 8.3 mg/min or the
hydroxyl radical scavenger mannitol (25%, Fujisawa) at 200 mg/min for 10
minutes; and (4) repeat methacholine or nitroprusside infusions. After
deferoxamine, dextrose infusion was continued until resting blood flow was
reestablished before readministration of methacholine or nitroprusside. Mannitol
infusion was continued during readministration of methacholine. Estimated
forearm blood concentrations of deferoxamine and mannitol were 0.42 and 55
mmol/L, respectively, based on resting forearm blood flow of 2.5 mL min1 dL
tissue1 and estimated forearm volume of 1 L. In 10 additional studies, the
NOS inhibitor NG-monomethyl-l-arginine (L-NMMA) was commenced at 1 mg/min
5 minutes before deferoxamine and was coinfused with deferoxamine and
subsequent methacholine infusions to assess the contribution of NO to these
responses. In 7 further studies, this latter protocol was repeated without
deferoxamine to assess the contribution of NO to the methacholine response
alone. Blood flow and blood pressure were measured for the last 2 minutes of
each infusion.
Biochemical Analyses

Blood samples were obtained from the intra-arterial catheter with no

concomitant drug infusion and after the first sample was discarded. Serum iron

(reference range 65 to 175 g/dL) was measured colorimetrically with FerroZine

(Roche Diagnostics) as chromogen. Total iron-binding capacity (reference range
250 to 450 g/dL) was calculated from the sum of serum iron and unsaturated
iron-binding capacity. Serum ferritin (reference range 10 to 322 ng/mL) was
measured by chemiluminometric sandwich immunoassay with an automated
chemiluminescence system (Bayer). Serum osmolality was measured by freezing
point depression with a micro-osmometer. Hemoglobin, total cholesterol, HDL
cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose were measured by automated analyzer
(Hitachi-917). LDL cholesterol was calculated by use of the Friedewald formula.
Statistical Analysis

Data are meanSD, except in the figures (meanSEM). Baseline characteristics

for the CAD and normal groups were compared by unpaired t test, 2, or Fishers
exact test as appropriate. The effects of treatment on forearm blood flow or iron
parameters were examined by 1-way or 2-way repeated-measures ANOVA with
Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc comparison as appropriate. We explored the
relations between serum iron or ferritin concentration, conventional
atherosclerosis risk factors, and methacholine responses by linear regression.
Variables with a univariate P value <0.10 were entered into a multiple linear
regression model.
Previous SectionNext Section
Baseline Characteristics

A total of 54 volunteers were studied, including 28 CAD patients and 26 healthy

control subjects. They participated in 78 separate studies. Clinical characteristics
are contained in the Table. CAD patients were older and had higher hemoglobin
and lower HDL cholesterol than control subjects. As expected, CAD patients also
had a higher prevalence of hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, lipidlowering treatment, family history of CAD, hypertension, and current or recent
history (1 year) of smoking. In CAD patients, medications included aspirin
(100%), -blockers (89%), calcium antagonists (36%), ACE inhibitors (21%), and
nitrates (21%).
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Table 1.

Clinical Characteristics
Forearm Blood Flow in Patients With CAD and Control Subjects

As shown in Figure 1A, baseline flow was similar in CAD patients and control
subjects, 2.91.1 and 2.91.2 mL min1 dL tissue1, respectively. Intraarterial infusion of methacholine increased flow in both groups. Vasodilation was
attenuated in CAD patients, however (P<0.001). The response to the highest
dose of methacholine (10 g/min) was 12.14.5 mL min1 dL tissue1 in 15
CAD patients and 16.76.9 mL min1 dL tissue1 in 14 control subjects.
Blood pressure was unaffected by methacholine. By contrast, vasodilation to the
highest dose of nitroprusside (10 g/min) was similar in 10 CAD patients
(14.07.0 mL min1 dL tissue1) and 12 control subjects (15.66.7 mL
min1 dL tissue1), P=0.65 (Figure 1B). After colinear variables had been
excluded, univariate predictors of peak methacholine response among all
participants were the presence of CAD (r=0.32, P=0.026), LDL cholesterol
(r=0.32, P=0.027), and HDL cholesterol (r=0.29, P=0.046). Among CAD
patients, univariate predictors of peak methacholine response were LDL
cholesterol (r=0.58, P=0.004), total cholesterol (r=0.44, P=0.03), and serum
iron (r=0.38, P=0.078). By multivariate analysis, the independent predictors of
peak methacholine response were LDL cholesterol and presence of CAD
(adjusted R2=0.21, P=0.005).
Figure 1.
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Figure 1.

A, Forearm blood flow (FBF) responses were examined in 15 patients with CAD
() and 14 control subjects (). Methacholine-induced, endothelium-dependent
vasodilation was lower in patients with CAD (P<0.001). *P<0.05 by Student-

Newman-Keuls post hoc comparison. B, FBF responses were examined in 10

patients with CAD () and 12 control subjects (). Sodium nitroprussideinduced,
endothelium-independent vasodilation was similar in both groups (P=0.65).
Effect of Deferoxamine on Iron Parameters

Serum iron and total iron-binding capacity were similar in both groups at baseline
(Table). Serum ferritin, however, tended to be higher in CAD patients than in
control subjects (127108 versus 7668 ng/mL, P=0.13). Deferoxamine reduced
serum iron by 54%, from 8526 to 3924 g/dL (n=35, P<0.001). Serum iron
was still depressed after protocol completion (after retesting vascular function:
6827 g/dL, n=22, P=0.002), although it was higher than immediately after
cessation of deferoxamine infusion (P<0.001). These changes were similar in
CAD patients and control subjects. Deferoxamine did not affect serum ferritin
Effect of Deferoxamine on Resting Flow

During infusion of deferoxamine in 15 CAD patients, resting flow approximately

doubled, from 2.81.2 to 5.21.8 mL min1 dL tissue1, and persisted at this
level during the infusion (Figure 2, P<0.001). Resting flow returned to baseline
a mean of 2711 minutes after cessation of the infusion. Deferoxamine infusion
also increased resting flow (with similar duration of increase) in 14 control
subjects from 2.71.1 to 6.82.0 mL min1 dL tissue1, P<0.001. This
increment was greater in control subjects than CAD patients (P=0.021). Infusion
of the NOS inhibitor L-NMMA reduced resting flow in 10 CAD patients by 33%
(P=0.014). Coinfusion of L-NMMA with deferoxamine attenuated the increase in
resting flow compared with patients given deferoxamine alone (P<0.001);
however, the percent and absolute increases in flow were comparable during
coinfusion of L-NMMA.
Figure 2.
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Figure 2.

Resting forearm blood flow (FBF) as a function of deferoxamine infusion in

patients with CAD. Resting flow was determined in patients with CAD, with (,
n=10) and without (, n=15) infusion of NOS inhibitor L-NMMA plus
deferoxamine. *P<0.05 and **P<0.001 vs without L-NMMA.
Effect of Deferoxamine on Flow Responses

Iron chelation with deferoxamine augmented peak methacholine-induced

vasodilation from 12.14.5 to 14.95.5 mL min1 dL tissue1 (Figure 3A,
P<0.01) in 15 CAD patients. To determine whether augmentation of vascular
function with deferoxamine was due to NO, we examined the response to
deferoxamine with L-NMMA. As shown in Figure 3B, deferoxamine had no effect
in the presence of L-NMMA. Indeed, coinfusion of L-NMMA with deferoxamine
impaired methacholine-induced vasodilation (P=0.01). In 7 further studies in CAD
patients, L-NMMA infusion without deferoxamine impaired methacholine-induced
vasodilation to a similar extent (P<0.001), such that the methacholine-induced
vasodilation with L-NMMA was similar with or without deferoxamine (Figure 3B,
P=0.61). Deferoxamine, however, did not affect dose-dependent vasodilation to
methacholine in 14 control subjects (peak response 16.76.9 versus 16.38.0
mL min1 dL tissue1). In separate studies in 10 CAD patients, deferoxamine
did not affect vasodilation to nitroprusside (Figure 4).
Figure 3.
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Figure 3.

A, Methacholine-induced vasodilation was determined before () and after ()

administration of deferoxamine (500 mg over 1 hour) in 15 patients with CAD
(P<0.01 for difference in response). *P<0.05 by Student-Newman-Keuls post hoc
comparison. B, Methacholine-induced vasodilation was determined as described
in A plus coinfusion of L-NMMA (1 mg/min, ) with deferoxamine in 10 patients

with CAD and in 7 other patients with CAD during coinfusion of L-NMMA without
deferoxamine () (P=0.61). FBF indicates forearm blood flow.
Figure 4.
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Figure 4.

Sodium nitroprussideinduced vasodilation was determined before () and after

() administration of deferoxamine (500 mg over 1 hour) in 10 patients with CAD.
Deferoxamine did not affect endothelium-independent vasodilation. FBF indicates
forearm blood flow.
Effect of Mannitol on Flow Responses

Infusion of mannitol, a hydroxyl radical scavenger, for 10 minutes in 10 CAD

patients increased resting flow by 71%, from 3.00.9 to 5.01.3 mL min1 dL
tissue1 (P<0.001). This was associated with increased serum osmolality
(2894 to 2967 mosm/kg H2O, P=0.002). Mannitol infusion, however, did not
affect methacholine-induced vasodilation when corrected for the change in
resting flow (Figure 5).
Figure 5.
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Figure 5.

Methacholine-induced vasodilation was determined before () and after ()

administration of mannitol (200 mg/min) in 10 patients with CAD. After correction
for change in resting flow, mannitol did not affect methacholine-induced,
endothelium-dependent vasodilation. FBF indicates forearm blood flow.
Bagian berikutnya
Background-Beberapa studi epidemiologi telah menunjukkan bahwa peningkatan
cadangan zat besi yang dikaitkan dengan peningkatan kejadian kardiovaskular.
Aktif reduksi besi dapat menyebabkan peroksidasi lipid, aktivasi sel endotel, dan
generasi spesies oksigen reaktif (terutama radikal hidroksil, melalui kimia
Fenton). Peningkatan stres oksidatif dikaitkan dengan tindakan gangguan yang
diturunkan endotelium oksida nitrat pada pasien dengan aterosklerosis.
Metode dan Hasil-Untuk menguji hipotesis bahwa mengurangi toko besi
pembuluh darah akan membalikkan disfungsi endotel, kami meneliti efek dari
deferoxamine chelator besi (500 mg intra-arterially lebih dari 1 jam) pada fungsi
vasomotor pada pembuluh resistensi lengan pasien dengan penyakit arteri
koroner oleh vena oklusi plethysmography. Pasien dengan penyakit arteri koroner
mengalami gangguan vasodilatasi endotelium-dependen dalam menanggapi
methacholine dibandingkan dengan subyek kontrol sehat (P <0,001).
Deferoxamine infus penurunan kadar besi serum (P <0,001). Deferoxamine
meningkatkan respon aliran darah ke methacholine pada pasien dengan
penyakit arteri koroner (P <0,01 dengan 2-way ukuran berulang ANOVA), tetapi
tidak berpengaruh pada respon terhadap sodium nitroprusside. Pada
sukarelawan normal, deferoxamine tidak berpengaruh pada respon terhadap
metakolin. The oksida nitrat sintase inhibitor NG-monometil-l-arginin dihapuskan
augmentasi respon methacholine terkait dengan deferoxamine. Radikal hidroksil
pemulung manitol tidak berpengaruh pada respon metakolin.
Kesimpulan-Deferoxamine meningkatkan nitrat oksida-dimediasi, vasodilatasi
endotelium-dependen pada pasien dengan penyakit arteri koroner. Hasil ini
menunjukkan bahwa ketersediaan besi kontribusi untuk gangguan aksi oksida
nitrat dalam aterosklerosis.
Kata Kunci:
oksida nitrat
penyakit koroner
Banyak studi epidemiologis telah menemukan hubungan antara penanda
peningkatan toko besi dan risiko jantung koroner disease.1 2 3 Hubungan ini

tampaknya lebih kuat untuk kejadian iskemik daripada kehadiran aterosklerosis

per se, 4 dan data terakhir menunjukkan bahwa besi mungkin penting awal
dalam pengembangan atherosclerosis.5 6 Efek merugikan dari besi potensial
oleh faktor-faktor risiko lain, seperti hypercholesterolemia.1 5 Link ini hipotetis
dan mekanisme, bagaimanapun, bukan tanpa controversy.7
Meskipun bukti-bukti epidemiologi agak tidak meyakinkan, sejumlah mekanisme
telah diusulkan untuk menjelaskan hubungan ini. Aktif reduksi besi dapat
memulai peroksidasi lipid, 8 peristiwa awal yang penting dalam pengembangan
atherosclerosis.9 Dalam model hewan aterosklerosis, deposisi besi pembuluh
darah terkait erat dengan perkembangan aterosklerosis dan LDL oxidation.6
Bukti terbaru juga menunjukkan bahwa aktif reduksi besi dapat menyebabkan
endotel cell10 dan platelet activation.11 Efek ini mungkin karena generasi
spesies oksigen reaktif, terutama radikal hidroksil, melalui kimia Fenton. Besi
juga terlibat dalam banyak sistem enzim, bagaimanapun, termasuk oksida nitrat
(NO) synthase (NOS), dan non-protein-terikat besi dapat langsung menonaktifkan
endotelium yang diturunkan NO (EDNO) .12 Dengan demikian, mekanisme
potensial untuk besi terkait risiko penyakit kardiovaskular mungkin disfungsi
Endotelium sangat penting dalam mengatur nada vasomotor, aktivitas platelet,
adhesi leukosit, dan proliferasi otot polos pembuluh darah melalui pelepasan
beberapa faktor parakrin, termasuk No.13 Meskipun disfungsi endotel telah
dikaitkan dengan kehadiran aterosklerosis, gangguan aktivitas 14 EDNO juga
telah telah ditunjukkan pada pasien dengan faktor risiko aterosklerosis tanpa
disease.14 vaskular terbuka 15 Memang, disfungsi endotel tidak hanya mungkin
menjadi penanda awal untuk risiko kardiovaskular, tetapi juga dapat
berkontribusi pada patogenesis atherosclerosis.13 Peningkatan stres oksidatif
dikaitkan dengan gangguan EDNO bioaktivitas dan mungkin merupakan
mekanisme kunci awal dalam pengembangan atheroma.9
Deferoxamine, chelator besi tertentu, membentuk kompleks stabil dengan besi
besi, penurunan ketersediaan untuk produksi species.16 oksigen reaktif
Deferoxamine dapat menurunkan aktivasi sel endotel dalam menanggapi TNF10 dan kolagen-induced seluruh darah aggregation.11 platelet Dalam
konsentrasi tinggi (> 0,5 mmol / L), deferoxamine juga dapat mengais oksigen
reaktif species.16 Sebuah penelitian baru menunjukkan bahwa pemberian
intravena akut deferoxamine meningkatkan respon vasomotor koroner pengujian
pressor dingin dan mengalir peningkatan diabetics.17 Kami berhipotesis bahwa
redoks -aktif zat besi dalam pembuluh darah berkontribusi terhadap disfungsi
endotel pada aterosklerosis. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji hipotesis ini
dengan memeriksa efek dari deferoxamine pada vasodilatasi endoteliumdependen pada pasien dengan penyakit arteri koroner (CAD).
Sebelumnya Bagian Bagian
Pasien dirujuk ke Boston University Medical Center dengan CAD yang signifikan

yang memenuhi syarat untuk studi. Subyek kontrol sehat tanpa faktor risiko yang
diketahui untuk aterosklerosis direkrut oleh iklan. Kehadiran CAD dikonfirmasi
oleh sejarah perkutan atau bedah revaskularisasi atau dengan kehadiran 1
stenosis koroner> 50% pada angiografi. The Boston Medical Center Institutional
Review Board disetujui penelitian. Relawan yang disediakan ditulis, informed
Obat vasoaktif ditahan selama 12 jam sebelum studi, dan obat-obatan
vasoaktif long-acting ditahan selama 24 jam. Relawan dengan hipertensi yang
tidak terkontrol, gagal jantung, atau angina tidak stabil dikeluarkan, seperti juga
mereka dengan diabetes mellitus (pengobatan atau puasa glukosa
hipoglikemik> 140 mg / dL) atau anemia dan mereka yang telah mengambil
vitamin antioksidan, terapi penggantian estrogen, atau suplemen zat besi dalam
1 bulan. Pasien dengan CAD mengambil aspirin (325 mg / d) bila dipelajari.
Aliran darah lengan diukur dengan vena oklusi plethysmography, tekanan darah
sebelumnya described.18 diukur melalui kateter arteri.
Mengikuti protokol infus obat intra-arteri dilakukan: (1) seri infus 5 menit dari
endotelium-dependen vasodilator metakolin (0,3, 1,0, 3,0, dan 10 mg / menit,
Roche) atau endotelium-independen vasodilator sodium nitroprusside ( 0.3, 1.0,
3.0, dan 10 mg / menit, Elkins-Sinn), (2) kontrol dextrose selama 30 menit untuk
membangun kembali kondisi kontrol, (3) chelator zat besi deferoxamine
(Desferal, Novartis) 500 mg selama 1 jam pada 8,3 mg / min atau radikal
hidroksil pemulung manitol (25%, Fujisawa) pada 200 mg / menit selama 10
menit, dan (4) ulangi metakolin atau nitroprusside infus. Setelah deferoxamine,
infus dekstrosa dilanjutkan sampai beristirahat aliran darah dibangun kembali
sebelum readministration dari methacholine atau nitroprusside. Mannitol infus
dilanjutkan selama readministration dari methacholine. Perkiraan konsentrasi
darah lengan dari deferoxamine dan manitol adalah 0,42 dan 55 mmol / L,
masing-masing, berdasarkan aliran darah lengan istirahat dari 2,5 mL min-1
dL jaringan-1 dan perkiraan volume lengan dari 1 L. Dalam 10 studi tambahan,
NOS inhibitor NG-monometil-l-arginine (L-NMMA) dimulai pada 1 mg / menit 5
menit sebelum deferoxamine dan coinfused dengan deferoxamine dan infus
methacholine berikutnya untuk menilai kontribusi NO tanggapan ini. Pada 7
penelitian lebih lanjut, protokol yang terakhir ini diulang tanpa deferoxamine
untuk menilai kontribusi NO respon methacholine saja. Aliran darah dan tekanan
darah diukur selama 2 menit terakhir setiap infus.
Analisis biokimia
Sampel darah diperoleh dari kateter intra-arteri tanpa infus obat bersamaan dan
setelah sampel pertama dibuang. Serum besi (referensi kisaran 65-175 mg / dL)
diukur colorimetrically dengan FerroZine (Roche Diagnostics) sebagai
chromogen. Kapasitas total iron-binding (referensi kisaran 250-450 mg / dL)
dihitung dari jumlah zat besi serum dan kapasitas pengikat besi tak jenuh.
Serum ferritin (referensi kisaran 10-322 ng / mL) diukur dengan

chemiluminometric roti immunoassay dengan sistem chemiluminescence

otomatis (Bayer). Osmolalitas serum diukur dengan titik beku depresi dengan
mikro-osmometer. Hemoglobin, kolesterol total, kolesterol HDL, trigliserida, dan
glukosa diukur oleh analyzer otomatis (Hitachi-917). Kolesterol LDL dihitung
dengan menggunakan rumus Friedewald.
Analisis Statistik
Data rata-rata SD , kecuali dalam angka (rata-rata SEM). Karakteristik dasar
untuk CAD dan kelompok normal dibandingkan dengan uji t tidak berpasangan,
2 atau uji Fisher yang sesuai. Efek pengobatan terhadap aliran darah lengan
atau parameter besi diperiksa oleh 1-arah atau 2-way ukuran berulang ANOVA
dengan Student-Newman-Keuls hoc perbandingan pos yang sesuai. Kami
menjelajahi hubungan antara besi serum atau konsentrasi feritin, faktor risiko
aterosklerosis konvensional, dan tanggapan methacholine dengan regresi linear.
Variabel dengan nilai P univariat <0.10 dimasukkan ke dalam model regresi linier
Sebelumnya Bagian Bagian
Karakteristik dasar
Sebanyak 54 relawan yang diteliti, termasuk 28 pasien CAD dan 26 subyek
kontrol sehat. Mereka berpartisipasi dalam 78 studi terpisah. Karakteristik klinis
yang terkandung dalam Tabel . Pasien CAD lebih tua dan memiliki hemoglobin
yang lebih tinggi dan kolesterol HDL lebih rendah dibandingkan subyek kontrol.
Seperti yang diharapkan, pasien CAD juga memiliki prevalensi yang lebih tinggi
dari hiperkolesterolemia, hipertrigliseridemia, pengobatan penurun lipid, riwayat
keluarga CAD, hipertensi, dan saat ini atau baru-baru ini sejarah ( 1 tahun)
merokok. Pada pasien CAD, obat termasuk aspirin (100%), -blocker (89%),
antagonis kalsium (36%), inhibitor ACE (21%), dan nitrat (21%).
Lihat tabel ini:
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Tabel 1.
Karakteristik Klinis
Lengan Aliran Darah Pasien CAD dan Kontrol Subyek
Seperti ditunjukkan dalam Gambar 1A , aliran awal adalah serupa pada pasien
CAD dan subyek kontrol, 2,9 1,1 dan 2,9 1,2 mL min-1 masing-masing dL
jaringan-1,. Infus intra-arteri methacholine peningkatan aliran pada kedua
kelompok. Vasodilatasi yang dilemahkan pada pasien CAD, namun (P <0,001).
Respon terhadap dosis tertinggi methacholine (10 ug / menit) adalah 12,1 4,5
mL min-1 dL jaringan-1 pada 15 pasien CAD dan 16,7 6,9 mL min-1 dL
jaringan-1 di 14 subyek kontrol . Tekanan darah tidak terpengaruh oleh
metakolin. Sebaliknya, vasodilatasi dengan dosis tertinggi nitroprusside (10 ug /

menit) adalah serupa pada 10 pasien CAD (14,0 7,0 mL min-1 dL jaringan-1)
dan 12 subyek kontrol (15,6 6,7 mL min-1 dL jaringan-1), P = 0,65 (Gambar
1B ). Setelah variabel colinear telah dikeluarkan, prediktor univariat respon
methacholine puncak antara semua peserta kehadiran CAD (r = -0.32, P =
0,026), kolesterol LDL (r = -0.32, P = 0,027), dan kolesterol HDL (r = 0,29, P =
0,046). Di antara pasien CAD, prediktor univariat respon puncak methacholine
yang kolesterol LDL (r = -0,58, P = 0,004), kolesterol total (r = -0.44, P = 0,03),
dan besi serum (r = -0.38, P = 0.078) . Dengan analisis multivariat, prediktor
independen dari respon methacholine puncak adalah kolesterol LDL dan
kehadiran CAD (adjusted R2 = 0,21, P = 0,005).
Gambar 1.
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Gambar 1.
A, aliran darah lengan bawah (FBF) tanggapan diperiksa pada 15 pasien dengan
CAD () dan 14 subyek kontrol (). Metakolin-diinduksi, vasodilatasi endoteliumdependen lebih rendah pada pasien dengan CAD (P <0,001). * P <0,05 oleh
Mahasiswa-Newman-Keuls perbandingan post hoc. B, tanggapan FBF diperiksa
pada 10 pasien dengan CAD () dan 12 subyek kontrol (). Sodium nitroprussidediinduksi, endotelium-independen vasodilatasi adalah serupa pada kedua
kelompok (P = 0.65).
Pengaruh Deferoxamine on Iron Parameter
Besi serum dan kapasitas total besi-mengikat adalah serupa pada kedua
kelompok pada awal (Tabel ). Serum feritin, bagaimanapun, cenderung lebih
tinggi pada pasien CAD dibanding subyek kontrol (127 108 vs 76 68 ng / mL,
P = 0,13). Deferoxamine besi berkurang serum sebesar 54%, dari 85 26-39
24 mg / dL (n = 35, P <0,001). Serum besi masih tertekan setelah protokol
selesai (setelah pengujian ulang fungsi vaskular: 68 27 mg / dL, n = 22, P =
0,002), meskipun itu lebih tinggi daripada segera setelah penghentian infus
deferoxamine (P <0,001). Perubahan ini adalah serupa pada pasien CAD dan
subyek kontrol. Deferoxamine tidak mempengaruhi feritin serum (P = 0,33).
Pengaruh Deferoxamine on Istirahat Arus
Selama infus deferoxamine pada 15 pasien CAD, aliran istirahat sekitar dua kali
lipat, dari 2,8 1,2-5,2 1,8 mL min-1 dL jaringan-1, dan bertahan pada
tingkat ini selama infus (Gambar 2 , P <0,001) . Istirahat aliran kembali untuk
baseline rata-rata 27 11 menit setelah penghentian infus. Deferoxamine infus
juga meningkat beristirahat aliran (dengan durasi yang sama dari kenaikan) 14
subyek kontrol dari 2,7 1,1-6,8 2,0 mL min-1 dL jaringan-1, P <0,001.
Kenaikan ini lebih besar pada subyek kontrol dibandingkan pasien CAD (P =

0,021). Infusion dari NOS inhibitor L-NMMA berkurang beristirahat aliran dalam
10 pasien CAD sebesar 33% (P = 0,014). Coinfusion L-NMMA dengan
deferoxamine dilemahkan peningkatan aliran istirahat dibandingkan dengan
pasien yang diberikan deferoxamine saja (P <0,001), namun persen dan mutlak
peningkatan aliran yang sebanding selama coinfusion dari L-NMMA.
Gambar 2.
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Gambar 2.
Istirahat aliran darah lengan (FBF) sebagai fungsi dari deferoxamine infus pada
pasien dengan CAD. Istirahat aliran ditentukan pada pasien dengan CAD, dengan
(, n = 10) dan tanpa (, n = 15) infus NOS inhibitor L-NMMA ditambah
deferoxamine. * P <0,05 dan ** P <0.001 vs tanpa L-NMMA.
Pengaruh Deferoxamine on Arus Responses
Besi chelation dengan deferoxamine ditambah puncak methacholine diinduksi
vasodilatasi dari 12,1 4,5-14,9 5,5 mL min-1 dL jaringan-1 (Gambar 3A ,
P <0,01) pada 15 pasien CAD. Untuk menentukan apakah pembesaran fungsi
vaskular dengan deferoxamine adalah karena NO, kami menguji respon terhadap
deferoxamine dengan L-NMMA. Seperti ditunjukkan dalam Gambar 3B ,
deferoxamine tidak berpengaruh dengan adanya L-NMMA. Memang, coinfusion
dari L-NMMA dengan deferoxamine gangguan methacholine-induced vasodilatasi
(P = 0,01). Pada 7 penelitian lebih lanjut pada pasien CAD, L-NMMA infus tanpa
gangguan deferoxamine methacholine diinduksi vasodilatasi sampai batas yang
sama (P <0,001), sehingga vasodilatasi methacholine-diinduksi dengan L-NMMA
mirip dengan atau tanpa deferoxamine (Gambar 3B , P = 0.61). Deferoxamine,
bagaimanapun, tidak mempengaruhi tergantung dosis vasodilatasi untuk
methacholine di 14 subyek kontrol (respon puncak 16,7 6,9 vs 16,3 8,0 mL
min-1 dL jaringan-1). Dalam studi terpisah dari 10 pasien CAD, deferoxamine
tidak mempengaruhi vasodilatasi ke nitroprusside (Gambar 4 ).
Gambar 3.
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Gambar 3.
A, metakolin diinduksi vasodilatasi ditentukan sebelumnya () dan sesudah ()

pemberian deferoxamine (500 mg lebih dari 1 jam) pada 15 pasien dengan CAD
(P <0,01 untuk perbedaan dalam respon). * P <0,05 oleh Mahasiswa-NewmanKeuls perbandingan post hoc. B, metakolin diinduksi vasodilatasi ditentukan
seperti yang dijelaskan dalam A plus coinfusion dari L-NMMA (1 mg / menit, )
dengan deferoxamine pada 10 pasien dengan CAD dan dalam 7 pasien lain
dengan CAD selama coinfusion dari L-NMMA tanpa deferoxamine ( ) (P = 0,61).
FBF menunjukkan aliran darah lengan bawah.
Gambar 4.
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Gambar 4.
Sodium nitroprusside diinduksi vasodilatasi ditentukan sebelumnya () dan
sesudah () pemberian deferoxamine (500 mg lebih dari 1 jam) pada 10 pasien
dengan CAD. Deferoxamine tidak mempengaruhi endotelium-independen
vasodilatasi. FBF menunjukkan aliran darah lengan bawah.
Pengaruh manitol pada Arus Responses
Infus manitol, pemulung radikal hidroksil, selama 10 menit pada 10 pasien CAD
meningkat beristirahat aliran sebesar 71%, dari 3,0 0,9-5,0 1.3 mL min-1
dL jaringan-1 (P <0,001). Hal ini dikaitkan dengan peningkatan osmolalitas
serum (289 4-296 7 mosm / kg H2O, P = 0,002). Mannitol infus,
bagaimanapun, tidak mempengaruhi methacholine-induced vasodilatasi ketika
dikoreksi untuk perubahan dalam aliran istirahat (Gambar 5 ).
Gambar 5.
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Gambar 5.
Metakolin diinduksi vasodilatasi ditentukan sebelumnya () dan sesudah ()
pemberian manitol (200 mg / menit) pada 10 pasien dengan CAD. Setelah
koreksi untuk perubahan dalam aliran istirahat, manitol tidak mempengaruhi
methacholine-diinduksi, vasodilatasi endotelium-dependen. FBF menunjukkan
aliran darah lengan bawah.

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