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Reflection- this was a great article to find!

It had both sides pitted up against each other

and showed me, how I would let to set up my thesis paper. I am going to use a lot of
research from this article because it is my exact thesis question. Everyone should try and
read this article, because its extremely interesting!
This web article is credible because its the database used to find out information
about Traumatic Stress. This specific article is called Serial Killers: Nature Vs. Nurture
and presents findings on both sides of the argument. Back in 2000 a report that was
published in Science by Dr. Richard Davidson at the University of Wisconsin at Madison
compared brain scans of more then five hundred people between those who were prone to
violence and those who were considered to be normal. The study found that the brain
images of those who had been convicted of a murder with aggressive or antisocial
disorders showed distinct brain activity compared to those who were considered normal.
If this study is correct then these murderers must have been born with an entirely
different genetic makeup then that of those in the majority of the population who are not
violent (Bromberg). The article goes into depth about the orbital frontal cortex, which
has been found to control and restrain emotional outburst and acts of aggression. Serial
killers may be influenced by the culture that they are surrounded by, but those who can
affect their thoughts do not have control over the reactions to ideas that are apart of our
DNA (Bromberg). This article talked about both nature vs. nurture and while both sides

have valid points, I think that it might take a little bit of both, for someone to become a
serial killer. Naturally we are all born with a different genetic make up but many argue
that differences in DNA do not create a psychokiller. The main focus of many
criminologists and psychologists are the origins and the surroundings of these killers
childhood (Bromberg).
This article is pretty much my thesis paper. It has both sides of the argument, and
I am going to use it, to show both sides of the argument within my thesis. A definite
answer, nature vs. nurture will never be a concrete one. I think that each person will make
up his or her own mind when deciding. Evidence is shown for both sides, but I believe
after reading this article that both are definitely a factor.
This was a very easy article to read and understand. It had a lot of criminologists,
psychologists and scientist that I will look into more, and be able to find more research
on. My next step will be to look up these certain experts and see what else they have to
say, that was left out of this article.

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