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50 Rules for Being a Great Leader

Becoming a great leader isnt something that happens overnight, but it can be
achieved through discipline, hard work and a commitment to improvement through
experience. Great leaders arent born, as some people suggest; instead, they are
shaped over time. And, while what makes a great leader in one application
doesnt always apply to others, there are some general rules that all great leaders
If becoming a great leader in your own business or organization is your goal, these
50 rules are a good place to start:
1. Listen to your team. Rule one. Always listen to what your team has to say,
even if you dont like it.
2. Communicate as efficiently as possible. Make your expectations and feelings
clear, in the appropriate medium as often as possible.
3. Talk less. Sometimes saying nothing is better than saying just anything.
4. Be an example. Be the type of person you want your team members to be.
5. Be passionate. If you arent passionate about your business, youre in the
wrong business.
6. Be consistent. Be consistent in your behaviors so your team knows what to
expect from you.
7. Make firm decisions. Dont leave things undecided for long, and dont waver
about a decision once youve made it.
8. Identify mentors and role models. Find people you can look up to and learn
from, and follow them closely.
9. Interfere only when necessary. If you trust your team to do good work, dont
interfere unless absolutely necessary.
10. Know your limits. Dont extend yourself beyond your means.

11. Know your strengths. If youre good at resolving disputes, step in and resolve
them as often as possible.
12. Know your weaknesses. If theres something youre not good at, admit it,
and work on it.
13. Dont make excuses. If you make a mistake, take ownership of it and dont
pass the blame to someone or something else.
14. Accept the unforeseen. You cant control or predict everything.
15. Choose your partners carefully. Work only with people you can count on and
16. Do good. Commit yourself to being a good person and giving back to the
community when possible.
17. Meet new people all the time. Take every opportunity to expand your
network and expose yourself to new experiences and perspectives.
18. Stay in touch with your emotions. Dont be a robot -- let yourself feel.
19. Temper your reactions. Hold back your reactions until you have a moment to
clarify your internal thoughts and feelings.
20. Have fun. Take the time to have fun with your team.
21. Research everything. Before making a decision, know the pros and cons -- do
your homework.
22. Think everything through. Never exclusively trust your instincts or first
23. Choose your team carefully. Hire only those you can trust to get the job
done (and to get along with others, as well).

24. Prioritize your team. Your team is everything. Give them whatever they need
to succeed.
25. Be humble. Dont get big-headed about your wealth, influence or position as a
Related: 10 Habits of Ultra-Likable Leaders
26. Forgive mistakes. Everyone makes them.
27. Forgive yourself. Dont beat yourself up too much over anything. Move on.
28. Be rational. Make decisions logically.
29. Be reasonable. Listen to dissenting opinions, and be fair.
30. Make time for whats important. Theres no such thing as not having time
for whats really important in your life. Make the time.
31. Constantly learn. Read as much as you can, and take classes whenever you
have the opportunity.
32. Improve everything. Work on improving your approaches, your skills and your
processes constantly.
33. Never give up. Dont throw in the towel when a little extra persistence could
put you over the edge.
34. Transform your methods when necessary. If something isnt working,
change your approach.
35. Cut your losses when necessary. If youre fighting a losing battle, retreat
and start again somewhere else (or in a new way).
36. Learn from your mistakes. Try not to make the same mistakes twice.

37. Ground everything with data. Back up all your decisions, opinions and
thoughts with hard, objective facts and evidence.
38. Dont ignore signs of stress. Stress is real and can interfere with your ability
to lead. If it starts setting in at abnormal levels, take action to reduce or relieve it.
39. Give feedback. Let your team know what theyre doing well and what needs
further improvement.
40. Trust, but verify. Trust your team to get things done, but always follow up to
make sure the work is completed.
41. Be approachable. Let people know they can trust you, and open your door to
anybody who needs it.
42. Treat everyone equally. Dont play favorites; it breeds resentment and makes
you appear immature as a leader.
43. Dont pursue close personal relationships with the team. Be on friendly
terms, but dont try to be best friends with everybody. Youre a leader, first and
44. Get the team together. Use team-building exercises or other excuses to get
your team members talking with one other and having fun together.
45. Return favors. If someone helps you, make it your responsibility to pay back
the favor -- even if its years later.
46. Dont burn bridges. Never cut a contact completely out of your life.
47. Stay in touch. If team members leave or change roles, stay in contact with
48. Dont sacrifice your personal life. Your personal life is necessary to retain
your own mental health. Never sacrifice it for the sake of leadership or professional

49. Enjoy leadership. Try not to stress too much about being a leader.
Instead, enjoy all the benefits it offers.
50. Take advice with a grain of salt. Even with these 50 rules! Because nobody
knows everything, and no one piece of advice applies to all situations.
Follow these rules, trust your instincts and continually strive for self-improvement.
Eventually, through your experiences and your efforts, youll become the type of
leader most people only aspire to be.

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