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in judicial recovery
CNPJ/MF (Taxpayer Registration Number): 04.423.567/0001-21
NIRE (Company Registration Number): 33.3.0028402-8
Publicly Held Corporation

DATE, TIME AND PLACE: On December 16, 2015, at 14:30h, at the head office of ENEVA
S.A. in judicial recovery (the Company), located at Praia do Flamengo, 66, 6th floor,
in the City and State of Rio de Janeiro.


CALL AND ATTENDANCE: The meeting of the Board of Directors was called pursuant to
the bylaws of the Company and applicable law and attended by all its members: Fabio
Bicudo, Marcos Grodetzky, Jrgen Kildahl, Keith Plowman and Adriano Castello Branco,
via conference call.


CHAIR: After the availability of the members of the Companys Board of Directors was
verified, Mr. Fabio Bicudo acted as Chairman and designated Mr. Rodrigo Beraldo to
carry out the duties of Secretary.


AGENDA: (i) To resolve on the election of the Companys Vice-President; (ii) To update
on other matters of interest for the Company.


RESOLUTIONS: The members of the Board of Directors resolved, unanimously and

without restrictions to:
Elect Mr. Marcelo Patricio Fernandes Costa, Brazilian citizen, married,
businessperson, bearer of the Identity Card n. 3.939.909, issued by SSP/PE,
and enrolled with the Taxpayers Registry under n. 719.034.614-72,
residing and domiciled in the city and State of So Paulo, with office at
Praia do Flamengo, n. 66, 6th floor, CEP 22.210-903, as the Companys
Vice-President and, cumulatively, as Investor Relations Officer, in
replacement of Mr. Ricardo Levy, who is leaving the Company.
The members of the Board of Directors thanked Mr. Ricardo Levy for
the excellent services rendered and for his contribution during such an
important period the Company's history.
The Director now elected takes office by signing the respective Term of
Investiture in the official corporate book, declaring under penalty of
law, that is not prevented by special law, to exercise the Company's
management nor been convicted or is under the influence of sentence

that prohibits, even temporarily, access to public office, or by

bankruptcy crime, malfeasance, bribery, graft, embezzlement, or
against the economy, against the national financial system, against the
defense rules competition, against consumer relations, public faith or
In view of the above made resolution, the Executive Board, with a
mandate until the first meeting of the Board of Directors following the
Company's Annual General Meeting to be held in the 2016, is as
- Alexandre Americano Holanda e Silva, Brazilian citizen,
divorced, lawyer, bearer of the identity card n. 110944014, issued by
DIC/RJ, and enrolled with the Taxpayers Registry under n.
075.225.197-05, Chief-Executive Officer; and
- Marcelo Patrcio Fernandes Costa, Brazilian citizen, married,

businessperson, bearer of the Identity Card n. 3.939.909, issued by SSP/PE,

and enrolled with the Taxpayers Registry under n. 719.034.614-72,
Vice-President and Investor Relations Officer.


CLOSING AND RECORDING: At 18:00h, as there was nothing else to be discussed, the
meeting was closed and these minutes were recorded, read and signed by all.
- This is a true and correct copy of the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of
ENEVA S.A. in judicial recovery, held on December 16, 2015 at 14:30h, recorded in the
relevant corporate book and signed by the members of the Board of Directors.
Rio de Janeiro, December 16, 2015.
Rodrigo Beraldo

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