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Autogenic Training Scripts

Autogenic Training takes you through six sensations. You are in essence talking to yourself, and creating
these sensations to turn off the sympathetic nervous system, and turn on the parasympathetic. Thus
restoring balance to the homeostasis of the body.
NOTE: Try to disregard all thoughts except those involved in the training.
1. Induce A Sense Of Heaviness
- Think of your right arm as being very heavy, (if you are left handed, start with your left arm) and repeat six times to
yourself My right (left) arm is very heavy. After the sixth time, say "I am completely calm."
- Repeat these steps for each arm and each leg..
2. Induce A Sense Of Warmth
- Repeat to yourself six times "My right (left) arm is very warm." After the sixth time, say "I am completely calm."
- Repeat the heaviness routine for each arm and leg six times, ending each repetition with "I am completely calm.
3. Heartbeat Practice
- Next, think to yourself "My heartbeat is calm and regular." Repeat this six times. After the sixth time, say "I am
completely calm."
At this point you can repeat the entire series points 1-3 once to several times if desired.
4. Breathing Practice
- You want to begin breathing practice by repeating to yourself, "My breathing is calm and regular six times. After the
sixth time, say "I am completely calm."
At this point you can repeat the entire series points 1-4 once to several times if desired.
5. Solar Plexus Practice
- Following repetition of all the prior steps repeat six times "My solar plexus (abdomen) is warm." After the sixth time,
say "I am completely calm."
NOTE: The solar plexus is a large network of neurons that regulates the function of the abdominal organs. It lies midway
between the breastbone and the navel and is part of the autonomic nervous system.
At this point you can repeat the entire series points 1-5 once to several times if desired.
6. Head practice
- Begin thinking "I am very calm" and then repeat all of the previous steps. Complete each step beginning and ending
with "I am very calm."
- Then think "My forehead is cool" six times. After the sixth time, say "I am completely calm."

At this point you can repeat the entire series points 1-6 once to several times if desired.

Another Simple Form of Autogenic Training can be as follows:

First, find a warm comfortable quiet room. You can really do this in a bathroom at work, school, or at the
home! Just find a place you can sit and concentrate. If you can pre-record your voice, or the voice of a loved
one repeating the following slowly, then you can listen to this while training.
Sit or lie in a comfortable position. If you sit, you can place your hands palm side up on your thighs and
concentrate on them for good results. Now repeat each of the following phrases 4-6 times before moving on to
the next:

My right arm is heavy repeat four to six times

My left arm is heavy repeat four to six times
My arms feel completely calm
My right leg is heavy repeat four to six times
My left leg is heavy repeat four to six times
My legs feel completely calm
My right arm is warm repeat four to six times
My left arm is warm repeat four to six times
My right leg is warm repeat four to six times
My left leg is warm repeat four to six times
My legs and arms feel completely calm
My arms are heavy and warm repeat four to six times
My legs are heavy and warm repeat four to six times
My heartbeat is slow and easy repeat four to six times
My heart feels calm
My breathing is slow and easy repeat four to six times
My breathing feels calm
My stomach is warm repeat four to six times
My stomach is relaxed repeat four to six times
My stomach feels completely calm
My forehead is cool repeat four to six times
My scalp is relaxed repeat four to six times
My whole body is calm
My whole body is relaxed
I am calm and relaxed

Some of Karens Favorite Affirmations to Use at This Point May be:

I trust my higher self

I listen with love to my inner voice
I release all that is unlike the attitude of love
I forgive and I set myself free

As you train your body to act and not react, you will feel an amazing amount of peace!
You can find greater joy, health, wellness, forgiveness and security (financially, emotionally and spiritually) by
practicing Autogenic Training and Affirmations together.
You are the best!

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