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Absolute Value

the distance of a number from zero on a number line

Absolute Value Equation

Equation whose graph forms a V that opens up or down

Additive Inverse
Two numbers whose sum is 0

Algebraic Expression
A mathematical phrase involving at least one variable and
sometimes numbers and operation symbols.

Arithmetic Sequence
a sequence in which each term is found by adding the
same number to the previous term

Axis of a symmetry
The line that divides a parabola into two matching halves.

a number that is multiplied repeatedly

a polynomial with two terms

A number multiplied by a variable in an algebraic

Common Difference
the fixed number added to each term of an arithmetic

Common Ratio
The ratio between any two consecutive terms in a
geometric sequence.

Compound Inequalities
two inequalities that are joined by and or or

Consecutive Integers
Integers that differ by one

a quantity that does not vary

Continuous Data
Numerical data values that can be MEASURED

Coordinate Plain
a plain in which a horizontal # line and a vertical # line
intersect at there 0 points also called a coordinate grid

Ordered pairs that identify points on a coordinate plane.

an example that proves a statement false

Cross Products
A cross product of two fractions is the product of the
numerator of one fraction with the denominator of the
other fraction.

Decay Factor
The base, b, in the exponential function y=ab^x, where 0

Degree of a Monomial
The sum of the exponents of the variables of a monomial

Degree of a Polynomial
The degree of the term with the greatest exponent for a
polynomial in one variable.

Degree of a Vertex
The number of edges that meet at a vertex

Difference of Squares
A difference of squares is an expression of the form a-b. It
can be factored as (a+b) (a-b).

Direct Variation

A linear function that can be expressed in the form y=kx

where k does not equal 0

Distributive Property
a (b+c) = ab + ac

the possible values for the input

Segments connecting vertices

an item in a matrix

Elimination Method
solving systems by adding or subtracting equations to
eliminate a variable

A mathematical sentence that contains an equals sign.

a number that shows repeated multiplication

Exponential Decay
When a>0 and 0<b<1, the function y=ab^x

Exponential Growth
y=ab^x, a>0 and b>1

A relation that assigns exactly one value in the range to
each value of the domain

Geometric Sequence
A number sequence formed by multiplying a term in a
sequence by a fixed number to find the next term.

Growth Factor
The number B in an exponential growth function of the
form y=ab^x, where b>1

An equation that is true for every value.

A mathematical sentence that compares the values of two
expressions using an inequality symbol.

Whole numbers and their opposites

Irrational Number
A number that cannot be written as a ratio of two integers.
Irrational Numbers in decimal form are non terminating and
non repeating.

Like Terms
Terms with exactly the same variable factors in a variable

Linear Equation
An equation whose graph forms a straight line

Linear Inequality
an inequality in two variables whose graph is a region of
the coordinate plane that is bounded by a line

a rectangular arrangement of numbers in rows and

the arithmetic average of a distribution, obtained by
adding the scores and then dividing by the number of

The middle value in an ordered set of numbers

The number that occurs most often in a set of data

An expression that is a number, a varible, or a product of a
number and one or more varibles.

a mathematical expression that is the sum of a number of

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