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Fooling Mother Nature Is Usually a Bad Idea

Joseph Pizzorno, ND, Editor in Chief

I still remember vividly a debate I had with a medical nature’s triggers to stimulate car-
doctor back in the early 1970s. While attending naturopathic tilage repair are the chemicals
medical school, I was also working as a research assistant at released by damaged cartilage.
the University of Washington School of Medicine. One of the Fever. A key part of the
research medical doctors and I had many, mostly friendly, body’s resistance to infection is
debates about philosophy and treatment. However, our dis- fever. Elevating the body’s temperature both activates immune
cussions stopped when we suddenly came to the realization cells and makes the tissues less hospitable to bacteria and
that our core perspectives were so fundamentally incompati- viruses. In order to be infectious, organisms have to adapt to
ble that all we had left was arguing. With the clarity that the temperature of the tissue of the body they colonize. For
comes from many in-depth conversations with someone who example, rhinoviruses that infect the cooler upper airway and
disagrees with you, I finally was able to effectively articulate sinuses grow best at 33 to 35° C.5 This is why inhaling hot,
my strong beliefs in the healing power of nature and that a wet steam helps treat the common cold.6 This is also why
doctor’s responsibility was to understand what was in nature’s using agents that lower fever actually impair the body’s
way. His position was that nature is flawed and makes mis- efforts to fight infection.7 Animal research has shown that
takes, so the doctor’s role is to fix them. when fever is suppressed, viral infection lasts longer.8 In fact,
As a student at the time, there were no grays for me, and some drugs, such as aspirin, actually increase the production
he was obviously misguided. However, it did not take long in of some viruses.9 Early clinicians recognized the value of
practice to realize that in some situations he was clearly cor- fever. For example, a 19th-century treatment for gonorrhea
rect—as well demonstrated by some of the almost miraculous was increasing the body temperature to between 40.5° C and
success of conventional medicine. Congenital malformation 42.5° C for several hours at a time.10 (Please note that I am not
repair, limiting the effects of shock so the body has the oppor- recommending indiscriminant whole-body hyperthermia
tunity to heal, emerging science for the repair of genetic here, as fevers above 40.5° C are dangerous.) A new study has
defects—there are many examples where the “interventionist” just shown that incubating Neisseria meningitidis B in proteose
approach works very well indeed. The problem, of course, is peptone or whole blood at 40° C instead of 37° C results in a
that the interventionist approach does not work in the long dramatic 90% reduction in growth rate after 8 hours with the
run for most of our patients and is a key cause of the “health inhibition becoming evident after 1.5 hours.11
care crisis.” In fact, there are a lot of examples where the inter- Fear of the Sun. The problem with misguided interven-
ventionist approach demonstrably makes the situation worse. tions is not limited to drugs. The widely promulgated, stupid
Hence, the title of this editorial. Following are a few of the medical advice to avoid the sun to prevent skin cancer may be
more notable: one of the leading, if not the leading, causes of unnecessary
Bacteria. The first time I saw research to support the death and disease. Yes, I rarely use polemics, but I have
idea that bacteria actually could be beneficial to the body was argued against this misadvice for decades. Michael Holick,
a 1970s article (sorry, I could not track it down) where clini- MD, the most prolific vitamin D researcher I’ve found (a
cians in an emergency room measured the rate of healing PubMed search yields 127 articles he has authored or co-
when comparing wound washing with either saline or penicil- authored), has written extensively on the increased level of
lin (back in the days before bacterial resistance) in nonseptic disease and death caused by this advice, as have others. A
injuries. They were surprised to find the exact opposite of recent BMJ (British Medicine Journal) article summarized
what they had expected: sterilizing the wound with penicillin research comparing those with the lowest level of vitamin D
slowed the rate of healing by (if I remember correctly) 35%. to those with the highest and found an odds or hazard ratio of
Clearly part of the trigger that nature uses to initiate the tis- all-cause mortality of 1.8 to 2.1.12 This is comparable to the
sue repair process is the presence of bacteria. risks of cigarette smoking, which is 2.0-2.2!13 (The same BMJ
Inflammation. Another example is the use of aspirin article also notes that those taking vitamin D have an odds/
and other nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) for hazard ratio of 0.71 to 0.93). We evolved in the sun. Multiple
osteoarthritis. While clearly effective at decreasing pain and metabolic activities are activated in our skin upon exposure to
inflammation, these drugs actually inhibit collagen matrix ultraviolet. Common sense needs to be applied.
synthesis, thus impairing cartilage regeneration.1 These are but a few of the many examples I could pro-
Retrospective clinical studies have shown that NSAID use is vide. As we evolved as a species, we developed complex
associated with acceleration of osteoarthritis and increased physiological systems that allowed us to live in diverse, chal-
joint destruction2-4 It would seem that some of Mother lenging environments; protect our bodies from infectious

8 Integrative Medicine • Vol. 9, No. 2 • Apr/May 2010 Pizzorno—The Path Ahead

agents; and repair tissues when they became damaged. Blithely ist and molecular biologist Mirko Beljanski discovered 2 plant
interfering with these systems may, in the short term, seem a extracts that appeared to inhibit the growth of cancer cells
good idea but often leads to unexpected, undesirable conse- without causing any harmful side-effects: Pao pereira and
quences. Whenever I learn of a new therapy or theory of Rauwolfia vomitoria. In more recent times, clinical studies
health care—whether from a conventional or natural medi- using a combination of the pao and rauwolfia extracts have
cine source—my first rule of thumb is, “What would Mother yielded encouraging preliminary results by reducing prostate-
Nature say?” specific antigen levels in men and improving symptoms of
However, let’s not go overboard here. We know the fol- benign prosthetic hyperplasia. Our article this issue entitled
lowing: bacteria can overwhelm the immune system, suturing “Two Herbal Extracts Protect Prostate Cell DNA” by Melissa
a wound speeds the healing process; excessive release of Burchill, RD, CDN, summarizes this research.
inflammatory chemicals can become a self-perpetuating pro- Following our mission to advance integrative medicine,
cess hastening damage to cartilage and other tissues; when a we are reviewing and publishing more articles on acupuncture
fever gets above about 105o F, our ability to regulate body and Chinese medicine. Our review article on cancer pain by
temperature starts to fail; and severe sunburn does increase Harrie Anne Kessler, MS, MAc, LAc, will be of value to clinicians
risk of skin cancer. As we have discussed many times, we need advising their patients with this challenging disease. Pain is a
both supportive and interventionist health care. That is 1 pervasive, major symptom of most cancer disorders and can
reason the time is so ripe, and the world is becoming ever have a major impact on a patient’s quality of life.
more receptive, to integrative medicine. Conventionally, pain is treated with analgesic medications,
However, when I look at the list of the top 10 drugs most many of which can have profound side effects. Acupuncture
commonly used in the United States today, almost all of them has been used to treat pain, including cancer pain, for millen-
are primarily symptom relief, ie, simply fooling Mother nia. There is a growing body of research supporting its efficacy
Nature. So the high incidence of adverse drug reactions (prop- in alleviating pain with minimal or no negative side effects.
erly prescribed drugs are the fourth leading cause of death) Thus, acupuncture can be a useful adjunct to conventional
and the increasing burden of disease we suffer should be no therapies in the treatment of cancer pain.
surprise. We need a health care system that prioritizes work- In the second part of his review on the Standardized
ing with nature rather than against it, while understanding Information on Dietary Ingredients (SIDI) Program, Rick
that, indeed, sometimes (but only SOMETIMES) Mother Liva, ND, RPh, discusses its strengths and weaknesses, includ-
Nature’s past solutions are not the best available or she may ing running through an example form on raw materials to be
be overwhelmed and we have to intervene. used by botanical manufacturers. I especially like Rick’s use of
The effective integrative medicine clinician understands specific examples to make his important points.
the balance and makes the right call. Christy Lee-Engel, ND, LAc, and Chris Adams, MD, are
among the founders of One Sky Wellness Associates, a decade-
In This Issue old integrative medicine practice in Seattle, Washington.
As I have said in the past, I enjoy the periodic submis- They have a lot to teach on what they found works and what
sions we receive from clinicians and educators who think doesn’t. Last summer I spent a fascinating evening with these
deeply about health and try to see patterns that help us under- dedicated physician-healers. I hope you enjoy your time with
stand our new medicine. Here we have the second and final them as much as I did.
installment of allostatic medicine by W. John Diamond, MD As usual, John Weeks’ Industry Insights provides useful
(Part I was published in IMCJ. 2009;8.6:40-44.) In part II of news about the politics and business of integrative medi-
this article, Dr Diamond focuses on the role of the central cine. I think of particular importance is the issue of effective-
nervous system in its adaptation to chronic disease, and he ness research.
explains how it accomplishes this regulation by a newly My last task each issue before sending off my editorial is
coined anticipatory regulatory concept called allostasis—a to read and comment on Bill Benda, MD’s, BackTalk. I save Bill
process that increases bodily efficiency by matching resources until last as a treat to reward myself for getting another issue
to perceived anticipated need. off to the printer—he always makes me think, and I always get
Sadly, Dr Diamond passed away in December 2009 while at least a couple usually rueful chuckles. I won’t spoil his evi-
we were doing the final edits on Part II, so this is a particu- dence-based medicine article, but go to PubMed and do the
larly poignant and much appreciated article (and also the search “BMJ parachute use 2003” to see the article I happened
reason why there was a 1-issue break in the publishing of this to have read while writing this editorial.
second part). Dr Diamond’s son, Dave, told us, “You should The BMJ conclusion14: “As with many interventions
know that the last thing my father ever read was the article in intended to prevent ill health, the effectiveness of para-
IMCJ. While he physically could not read the entire article, he chutes has not been subjected to rigorous evaluation by
gained great comfort that his allostatic theory found circula- using randomised controlled trials. Advocates of evidence
tion.” We, too, are glad and are honored to be able to present based medicine have criticised the adoption of interventions
his work as a testament to a life well lived. evaluated by using only observational data. We think that
Last century (it stills seems strange to say this), biochem- everyone might benefit if the most radical protagonists of

Pizzorno—The Path Ahead Integrative Medicine • Vol. 9, No. 2 • Apr/May 2010 9

evidence based medicine organised and participated in a
double blind, randomised, placebo controlled, crossover
trial of the parachute.” A N INDISPENSIBLE REFERENCE

Joseph Pizzorno, ND, Editor in Chief

1. Shield MJ. Anti-inflammatory drugs and their effects on cartilagesynthesis and renal
function. Eur J Rheumatol Inflam. 1993;13(1):7-16.
2. Brooks PM, Potter SR, Buchanan WW. NSAID and osteoarthritis—help or hin-
drance? J Rheumatol. 1982;9(1):3-5.
3. Newman NM, Ling RS. Acetabular bone destruction related to nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs. Lancet. 1985;2(8445):11-14.
4. Solomon L. Drug induced arthropathy and necrosis of the femoral head. J Bone Joint
Surg Br. 1973;55(2):246-261. $18.95
5. Fowler AW. A/H1N1 flu pandemic. Fever as nature’s engine? BMJ. 2009 Dec plus shipping
31;339:b3874. and handling
6. Tyrrell D, Barrow I, Arthur J. Local hyperthermia benefits natural and experimental
common colds. BMJ. 1989;298(6683):1280-1283.
7. McCracken J. A/H1N1 flu. HPA advice on antipyretics does not contradict NICE.
BMJ. 2009 Sep 1;339:b3501.
8. Husseini RH, Sweet C, Collie MH, Smith H. Elevation of nasal virus levels by suppres-
sion of fever in ferrets infected with influenza viruses of differing virulence. J Infect Dis.
9. Stanley ED, Jackson GG, Panusarn C, Rubenis M, Dirda V. Increased virus shedding
with aspirin treatment of rhinovirus infection. JAMA. 1975;231(12):1248-1251.
10. Fajardo LF. Pathological effects of hyperthermia in normal tissues. Cancer Res.
1984t;44(10 Suppl):4826s-4835s.
11. Dixon G, Booth C, Price E. Fever as nature’s engine. Part of beneficial host response?


BMJ 2010;340:c450
12. Pearce SH, Cheetham TD. Diagnosis and management of vitamin D deficiency. BMJ.
2010 Jan 11;340:b5664.
13. Boyle P. Cancer, cigarette smoking and premature death in Europe: a review includ- More than 66 million Americans (nearly one in three
ing the Recommendations of European Cancer Experts Consensus Meeting, Helsinki, adults) are afflicted with some type of arthritis. It can be
October 1996. Lung Cancer. 1997;17(1):1-60.
14. Smith GC, Pell JP. Parachute use to prevent death and major trauma related to gravi- a debilitating illness limiting everyday movements such
tational challenge: systematic review of randomised controlled trials. BMJ. as walking, standing, or even something as simple as
2003;327(7429):1459-1461. holding a pencil. The laundry list of conventional drugs
used to help arthiritis merely mask the symptoms and
are often accompanied by serious side effects.
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