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Polaris Graphic Apparel Attribution Project

Attribution: Plain to Print

Systems Process Flow

Business Analyst: Paulina Morillo

Analyst Application (ApparelNET): Azalia Soriano / Charles Patton
Business Analyst (PKMS): Don Showers
Analyst Application (Planning): Chris Harbert
Analyst Application (COMS): Doug Winter
Manager Consultant Technology (SAP): Ron Thrush

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Polaris Graphic Apparel Attribution Project

Table of Contents

Systems Process Flow......................................................................................................3

Set up Attirbution SKU(0).................................................................................................4
Customer Orders in COMS / SAP (1)...............................................................................6
Planning demand in Min-Max Tool(2)..............................................................................7
Attribution work order in AVYX Motif (3).....................................................................10
Attribution work order form COMS / SAP to PKMS (4)...............................................13
Attribution work order from AVYX to ApparelNET (5).................................................15
Attribution ASN from PKMS to ApparelNET (5)...........................................................17
Attribution work order status from ApparelNET to TTS...............................................21
Country of Origin and Labor from CVS to ApparelNET (6)..........................................22
Attribution Shipping Case Labels..................................................................................23
Attribution work order shipments from ApparelNET to MITS (7).................................24
Attributed Manifest from In-transit MITS to PKMS (7).................................................28
Attribution Customs Documentation.............................................................................29
Inventory from PKMS to ACI (8)...................................................................................30
Inventory from ApparelNET to ACI (8)..........................................................................31
Tracking Attribution Work Orders ................................................................................32
Current Process vs. SAP ...............................................................................................34

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Application Systems Flow

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Set up Attribution SKU (0)
Data Foundation set up new Attribution SKU in APS: style, SKU, manufacturing path, bill of
materials, routing, and path destination plant.

Manufacturing Path (Plant + SKU) is released to ACI when path complete indicator is Y, one
SKU is marked as Corporate Standard, and end date indicator is N.
Manufacturing Path

Bill of Materials (BOM)

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Path Destination Plant

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Customer Orders in COMS / SAP (1)

Attribution Process starts here. Attribution Customer Orders are created in COMS by
Customer Service group. SAP will replace COMS at the end of April.

All open attribution orders are sent daily to a holding area (Sportswear Data Warehouse).
COMS and SAP will use the same holding area.

COMS populates DW_ORDER and DW_ORDER_ITEM tables. These tables reside in

CISDB Oracle database (Sportswear Data Warehouse).

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Planning demand in Min - Max Tool (2)

Planning (Min-Max Tool) pulls customer orders demand from the Sportswear Data

Customer orders demand is summarized by SKU in Min-Max Tool. It has three columns that
helps planning group determine demand of Attributed garments: Primary on Hand, Primary
WIP, and Primary Long Bookings.
1. Primary on Hand shows plain and attributed garments inventory
2. Primary WIP shows open attribution work orders
3. Primary Long Bookings shows Customer orders

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Primary on hand inventory information comes from daily Inventory balance from ACI.

Primary WIP (Work in Process) information comes from open attribution work orders in AVYX

WIP information comes from CORP_PROD_ORDER table (AVYX table).

Program iss350.pco reads ACI transactions from INVENTORY_TRANS_CPT and


Program iss352.pco in script iss1100d reads nightly transactions from

PROD_ORDER_TRANS and applies the transactions to the CORP_PROD_ORDER and

Scrip iss1100d has a dependency on ACI jobs:

ow_aci314_aci_daily,ow_aci2007d_aci_daily, and ow_aci530_aci_daily.

Primary Long Bookings comes from customer orders in COMS and after implementation of
SAP it will come from SAP.

Primary on hand inventory information comes from INVENTORY_DAILY table which is

populated by program iss927.pco in script iss1028 which runs daily and reads

Primary Long Bookings comes from DW_ORDER and DW_ORDER_ITEM (Sportswear

Data Warehouse tables). The following criteria is used to pull customer orders:
Customer status < 30
Credit hold indicator > 1
And demand post date not null

Min-Max Tool is populated every day using a batch job that runs at night. Min-Max Tool rules
1. SKU must be dependent on a blank SKU. This must be clarified in the Adoption
2. Data Foundations loads the SKUs, in the Min/Max table.

Program mm010.pco uses planning parameter table to control booking windows and
gathers order information in the Min-Max Tool.

Planning Parameter table has a short term booking window (in weeks), a long term
booking window (in weeks), and a short production forecast window (in weeks). The table
is called MM_BOOK_WINDOW and is defined at the product segment or SKU level
where SKU overrides segment.

There are other jobs that run to get work orders information such as scrip iss2011d. This
scrip runs after iss352.pco. It uses an AVYX exe called bgen to read
PROD_ORDER_ACTUAL and apply changes to the internal AVYX orders. It keeps AVYX
attributed work orders in sync with corp_prod_order. AVYX tables that contains attribution
work order information are:

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Attribution work orders are in corp_prod_order table where order_source_cd = 'AVYX'

and attribute_cd <> ------.

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Attribution work order in AVYX Motif

AVYX screen has three sections:


Green section means that orders were projected to be delivered to the DC on time (to
meet forecast).
Yellow section means that the orders were projected to be delivered to the DC after the
due date of the forecast.
Red section means that the SKU has not been created yet.

Dates across the top of the screen helps to see the due at the Distribution Center.
For instance, if you want to see all of the work orders for style 5186, which are due in the DC
during the week of 3/14/08, you can click on that box, and it will show you all of the
production work orders for those two criteria: style and DC due date (see screen below).

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Select Create and the screen below shows to enter a new attribution work order.

Users enter Attribution work orders in the AVYX Motif interface and can manually transmit the
changes to the production system through the on line button "Update Production database".

When users press the button Update Production database the system is transmitting
the information to corp_prod_order table (AVYX table).

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Once the attribution work orders are uploaded there is a job that runs 4 times a day. AVYX
attribution work orders are sent to a data warehouse where other systems like COMS, SAP,
and ApparelNet can come and retrieve information from it.

Job is311.pco in script iss1029d moves work orders from corp_prod_order where
status code = E (entered) to another table called IPOC_ORDER_TRANS. This table acts
as a data warehouse.

This program also updates update_cd (ipoc_order_trans table) from

PROD_ORDER_LOG to identify if attribution work orders were added A, modified 'C' ,
deleted 'D' or 'K', or deleted and re-added 'R'.

Below is an example of the IPOC_ORDER_TRANS table with destination machine =


SAP will replace COMS in April and attribution work orders will be interfaced to SAP from
AVYX (this will be a pull by SAP).

SAP allocation runs periodically. The work order from AVYX will be in the SAP System as a
type Z220, Stock Transfer Order, which will be allocated inventory based on the allocation
rules. Once it has been allocated to the required threshold, a Delivery Due process will
create a Delivery Note to be dropped to the DC from which the components will be shipped.

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Attribution work order from COMS/SAP to PKMS


COMS allocates inventory and sends attribution work orders to PKMS. Casualwear allocation
job runs at 6:00 a.m., 11:00 a.m., 3:00 p.m., and 1:00 a.m.

SAP will replace COMS in April. Once SAP pulls attribution work orders from AVYX.
Attribution work order will create a Stock Transfer Order to ship product from the DC to the
Attribution Vendor. This work order will be allocated in SAP, and dropped to the DC as a
delivery note and it will be flagged as an ApparelNet work order.

PKMS will load attribution work orders from COMS that have status 20 Ready to download to

Batch allocation job is IAS2000d.scr where moves attribution work orders to

ias_open_work_order table (COMS table).

Attribution work orders are selected and loaded to the Distribution Center. COMS changes
attribution work order status to 23 Batch.

Attribution work orders can be released to the DC automatically in a batch program

DCS1010d.scr only after it meets all requirements, allocation, acknowledged, credit
check, etc in COMS.

Information pass from COMS to PKMS is the following:


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PKMS sends a transaction back to COMS so attribution work orders can be completed. Then
COMS moves the work order from the open to the closed table.

SAP will replace COMS in April. Once PKMS has executed the Delivery Note, PKMS will
send a Warehouse Confirmation back to SAP. SAP will do an Inventory movement related to
that confirmation called a Post Goods Issue, which removes this inventory from SAP.

Distribution Center receives Attribution work orders from COMS or SAP and starts to process.
Below screen shows pick ticket ready to be waved.

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Attribution work order in ApparelNET


ApparelNET retrieves attribution work order information from AVYX where attribution work
orders have status Entered and destination is ApparelNET. Job runs daily every 42 minutes
between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m.

Job "Copy AVYX Attribution Orders" gets all the data of the attribution work order from
"IPOC_ORDER_TRANS table in "PROD1" database.

Selection criteria used in this query are:

Destination machine name (ipoc.dest_mchn_name) = 'ANET' (ApparelNET) and
Work order status (ipoc.IPOC_ORDER_STATUS_CD) = 'E' (entered)

The ipoc_order_trans table is populated primarily by program iss311, which runs daily
(multiple times).

Ipoc_order_trans table is populated by entries in the prod_order_log (updated from AVYX

for work orders), prod_order_buy_log (updated by the old Purmaint purchasing system),
purge program (iss1048m.scr), aci770.pco (ACI job), and Work Order Maintenance (VB

Attribution work order has status E for entered and will change to C (Complete) when the
destination system had picked work order up.

ApparelNET doesnt update status to C instead uses a table called AttributionLots that
has a field called ProcessedIND and helps to know which work orders had been
processed from AVYX. ApparelNET doesnt update the status of the IPOC table.

If Planning adds, changes, or deletes a work order, IPOC_ORDER_TRANS table will create a
new record each time with status (ipoc_order_status_cd) of 'E' (entered) and updated code of
A, C, or D.

ApparelNET will insert a new record if update code is A (add)

ApparelNET will update only quantity and destination fields if update code is C (change)
ApparelNET will do nothing if update code is D (delete) (New enfacement will address

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ApparelNET adds work orders with status Planned (PL). Work orders will remain in this
status until an ASN from PKMS is received in ApparelNET. Then work order status changes
to In-transit (IT).

ApparelNET updates the following tables using IPOC information.


ApparelNET users will need to know the planned work order if they want to see it. The
information is limited. See screen below. New enhancement will create a report to list all the
planned work orders.

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Polaris Graphic Apparel Attribution Project

Attribution ASN from PKMS to ApparelNET


PKMS (AN1 Server) reads PKMS shipments for selecting Attribution Work Orders that need
to be routed to ApparelNET (Attribution Plant). Selected Attribution Work Orders are written to
tables to be sent to ApparelNet. This job runs every 65 minutes.

Screen shows PKMS pick ticket with status 90 Shipped to Attribution facility.

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PKMS creates an ASN (flat file) to send to the FTP site every 30 minutes.

PKMS uses the AN3 Server to read the data tables (SHHEAD00 and SHDETL00)
created by the AN1 server, to create an ASN (flat file). See below example.
975 Header (Manifest # 8R03761)
810 Detail (Work order # 1339669, quantity 0000240 pieces)
910 Trailer (Number of work orders in a manifest 0000005 and manifest # 8R03761




000781912 20N



Once PKMS sends the ASN to ApparelNET, it updates work orders status as processed. The
Attribution Work Order is closed at the time the shipment is made in PKMS.

A service PKMS-MITS Monitor runs every 5 minutes to process the flat file from the FTP site
to ApparelNET.

ApparelNET receives a flat file and moves work order status to In-transit (IT).

The following tables are updated when ASN is received in ApparelNET:


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Once user updates the ASN to On-site the attribution work orders status updates to Not
Received and stays in this status until work orders are received at the attribution plant.

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Attribution work orders change to different status throughout the process in the Attribution
facility until attributed finished goods are ready to be shipped to a Distribution Center.

Receive RC

Issue IS

Produce PR

Produce and Pack PP

Manifest MN

Ship SH

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Attribution work order status from ApparelNET to

TTS (Disable)

ApparelNET sends plant inventory balance to TTS if flag in ApparelNET is enabled. DC to

attribution plants and Sewing to Attribution plants have this flag disable.

If flag is enabled then a nightly batch job will get a snapshot of the inventory and add the
appropriated TTS code. This job is the last step of the ACI autosys job and runs daily at
11:30 pm. The following are TTS transactions sent from ApparelNET:
OnSite (not plant transfers): 900
OnSite and In Transit form Plant transfers: 920
Receive and all issued: 901,902
Produced and Packed, and Manifested: 904
Northbound shipments: 918
Suspended: 905,906
Reconciled: 990

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Country of Origin and Labor from CVS to ApparelNET (6)

ApparelNET retrieves from CVS country of origin and labor cost information daily at 10:00
am, 1:00 pm, 4:05 pm, and 10:05 pm.

ApparelNET has two jobs APS SKU & Mfg Paths & CVS and "Cost Value Statement
Interface that run a stored procedure uspStyleColorCost_GetCVS".

APS SKU & Mfg Paths & CVS job runs daily at 4:05 pm and 10:05 pm and "Cost Value
Statement Interface" job runs daily at 10:00 am and 1:00 pm.

ApparelNET retrieves from CVS_DETAILS_VIEW view the following data:

Cut Plant
Textile Plant
Size Range
Effective Date
Component Type
Attribution Labor

When a manifest is created it validates the following information:

1. Bill of Lading has to exist to be able to create a Manifest
2. Manifest is created as a Finished Good Shipment type, with a specific and valid
destination code
3. Cases added to a manifest have to be within the same Business Unit and Destination
code as the manifest
4. Cases should also have a CVS available

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Attribution shipping case Labels

ApparelNET prints shipping labels at the attribution facility.

ApparelNET loads ChampionStylesXREF table from APS da.BU_SKU_XREF table in

PROD1 database.

If there is a record in the ChampionStylesXREF table and both SKUs (CSW/CHP) are
different, it will print both SKU's and Attribution code is from the Champion SKU.

If there is a record in the ChampionStylesXREF table and both SKUs (CSW/CHP) are the
same, it will print the Casualwear SkU with the Champion Attribute Code.

If there is not a record in ChampionStylesXREF table it will print only one SKU. (CSW)
with the Casualwear Attribute Code if it is different than '------.

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Attribution work order shipments from ApparelNET to MITS


Shipments in ApparelNET have to pass through the following steps:

Close Manifest

Close BOL
Customs Reports
Manual process
Transmit BOL

Sent to MITS

Pick up Complete

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Close Manifest

Close Bill of Lading

Transmit BOL
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Pickup complete

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ApparelNET sends shipment to In-transit system MITS every 42 minutes between 2:00 am
and 11:30 pm from Monday to Saturday, and between 7:00 am to 11:30 pm on Sunday. It
takes only manifests that are marked as Transmitted.

ApparelNET "Send manifests transmission" job transfers a flat file via FTP to MITS. This
job runs on the SQL server.

Flat file contains a header = 975 and details= 810 (see data example below).

9751530384P804004P 11 027293 554168
975153038670160167 VI 966805 SMLU4898453 APL20080206153038060700872VI
975153038U715934U7 VI 192112 SMLU8498772 SML20080206153038300714649G4
975153038U715937U7 11 192112 SMLU8498772 SML2008020615303830071465211
8104P804004P 000000012
4P1545451S2227 G41407D550X90
00000120080201091855C000000000001 89872901 S2227 0020080206153038ANET
8104P804004P 000000012
4P1545504S2227 G41407D550X90
00000120080201091855C000000000001 89872901 S2227 0020080206153038ANET
8104P804004P 000000012
4P1545505S2227 G41407D550X90
00000120080201091855C000000000001 89872901 S2227 0020080206153038ANET

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Attributed Manifest from In-transit MITS to PKMS (7)

Once ApparelNet Shipments go to the In-transit system MITS, PKMS will check every 30
minutes and will load attributed manifest to PKMS.

AN5 Server checks for ASN shipments from ApparelNet every 30 minutes, in tables
MIHEAD00 and MIDETL00, loading the manifest information into MITS.

IT1 Server will execute job MIIF96XRE (WM2001) or WM1F007R (WM2006) every 30
minutes, to retrieve ApparelNET attributed manifests to be loaded into PKMS. This Server
feeds the PKMS interface files.

I09 Server reads the interface files every 2 minutes loading in-transit manifest information
into IDCASE00 table (PKMS table).

Once cases are received at the Distribution Center. PKMS sends a receipt transaction to
MITS for inventory to be relived from in-transit. Attributed finished goods are added to

Transaction is sent via the C01 Server job CW28X2RE (WM2001) or WMIF12R
(WM2006). These jobs write a transaction to the MITS transaction file MANFPIX00.

IT2 server will execute job MIMF08X0RE (WM2001) or WMIF013R (WM2006) every 10
minutes to retrieve the transactions from MANFPIX00 and update MITS to relieve the intransit inventory.

MITS in-transit inventory is updated by case in table MANFCAS00 and PKMS adds
attributed finish garments to inventory.

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Polaris Graphic Apparel Attribution Project

Attribution Customs Documentation

All Hanesbrands Inc. import shipments should contain the following import documentation
provided to the Customs Brokers for Customs clearances:

Detail Packaging List Manifest

Commercial Invoice
Signed Assemblers Declaration
Visa (if applicable)
Inland Transportation Documents
International Transportation Documents - Bill of Lading
Textile Declaration (single or multiple country)
Importers endorsement
Special trade program certificates (where applicable)
General Certificates of Origin

Trade Program for Attribution is DR-CAFTA

o All apparel is DR-CAFTA eligible.
o Apparel plain garment is removed from Warehouse location (offshore or USA) and
send to an Attribution facility for being attributed.
o Attribution inventory is shipped directly to customer in USA or Distribution Center in
Key Requirement:
The apparel will be required to make entry as a DR-CAFTA entry with zero duty.

o Need to know the specific origin of the attributed garment (yarn, fabric, finishing,

cutting, sewing, movements credentials, attribution)

There are no fungible (apply %) inventory abilities.
Must be able to specify the garment to the shipping case origin, history and origin
supporting details.
Manufacturing Identity (MID) is the operation where the apparel is attributed,
assembled, or knit to shape.

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Inventory from PKMS to ACI


PKMS loads tables that have the inventory summary, inventory detail, and inventory
transactions and every night ACI will get those files and update their files.

ACI daily jobs ACI314.scr will retrieve transactions and ACI326.scr will retrieve Inventory
from PKMS.

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Inventory from ApparelNET to ACI


ApparelNET sends an inventory balance, inventory detail, and inventory transaction files to
ACI (Apparel Cost and Accounting) application regardless if it is an attribution or sewing

Job anet_aci_tts_int_eod-1_d.bat is scheduled to run from Monday thru Saturday at

11:30 pm. This job is part of the Autosys job. This job is written to not duplicate data
when it's re-run; it starts with the last transaction sent previously.

Attached are some examples of data passing in this interface:

Inventory Balance

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Inventory Detail

Inventory Transaction


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Tracking Attribution Work Orders

Planning group has the ability to track Attribution work orders using Workorder Inquiry and
an Excel spreadsheet. There is a nightly job that updates status of the attribution work orders.

The Current Operation column has the same operations in both screens. These are both
fed from the routing in APS, and also the status in the manufacturing process.

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There is another application IAS workorder Maintenance which shows the status of the
attribution work order before it leaves the DC. Once it leaves the DC, this application loses
the work order. Below screen shows, that Work order # 1349141 has allocated at 100%, is at
a status 23 (batch & pick), and that the DC should be able to see. It shows information in real

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Polaris Graphic Apparel Attribution Project

Attribution Process
Current Process vs. SAP

SAP will support the following order statuses:

Order Status = 70 (Cancelled)
Order Status = 40 (Shipped)
Order Status = 30 (Partial Shipped)
Order Status = 20 (Allocated)
Order Status = 10 (Received)

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