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Ramblings of Walt

The semester which began in early November

found me teaching in Leyte Bible College
(LBC), Tacloban City, Leyte. This was ne
cessitated by the action of the Board of

Trustees of Cebu Bible Seminary (CBS) early

in October in terminating me because I teach
that we in the Christian Churches/Churches
of Christ are not the only Christians. For

tunately, my friends the Bantiles, who op

erate LBC, do not agree with the sectarian
attitude of the CBS President and Trustees

and so welcomed me to the faculty of LBC.

This is a more-or-less natural outgrowth of
the friendship with the Bantiles which I

have enjoyed now for 15 years.

I have been commuting each week to Tacloban

City from my home here in Talisay, Cebu.

However, I have now decided to move to:
Walt Prevost

P. 0. Box 115

6500 Tacloban City


I have been teaching Life of Christ and

Bible Geography as well as coaching the new

LBC Male Quartet.
With love, Walt



Missionary to the Philippines





On Furlough through October 19^9J

West Seattle Christian Church

ULOO - U2nd Ave SV/

Seattle, V/A 98II6

19 October I9B9
Norman L, V/eavor, Editor

FOB 21^27
Knoxville, TN 37901
Dear Brother V/eaver:

The October 1969 i;-sue of Horizons arrived this morning.

As I perused it,

I noticed that the Available Speakers List has me listed as "F until 10*90".

My furlough is actually almost pt its end^ Beginning on 1 November I will be

gone on my trip to the National Missionary Convention and then will depart.

Lord willing, to return to the Philipriines,

So, until next furlough in 1991,

you should delete my name from th-;t list#

Also, there is an error in the address of Mrs. V/eber.

It shouid be 381]^.

On 20 November I vjill depart Seattle on my return to the Philippines.

I will

resume my teaching in Visayas Bible Seminary in Tacloban City on the island

of Leyte in the Philippines.


purpose is to prepare Filipino young

people to serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

VBS also intends to be a center of

evangelism for the islands of Leyte and Samar. Tacloban City is the major
city of the two islands and is near the geographical center of the tv;o.

This furlough, my fourth, has been different in that, for the firnt time, I
have been visiting churches vjith the desire to present the need for support
of Visayas Bible Seminary. VBS is in desperate need of support. The tentative

budget shows the need for $2000 per month to adequately support the operation
of VBS,

including salaritjs for six Filipino faculty members.

Funds should be sent to V/est Seattle Christian Church, designated to Walt

Prevost for Visayas Bible Seminary#

I have already sent a change of address to Mission Services. Perhaps I should

also inform you that my address should be changed to that on this stationery.
I hope thfst the information above may be useful to you in upcoming issues of

Keep up tVie good vrorkl

In Christ,

Walt Prevost

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