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Lesson one
Q.1: Write the scientific term:
1- The temperature at which the matter starts to change from a solid state to a
liquid state.


2- The temperature at which the matter starts to change from a liquid state to a
gaseous state.


3- Elements that react with Oxygen when exposed to the humid air.
4- Elements that react with Oxygen after a period of time may be several days.
5- Materials result from Mixing two metals or more with a certain ratios.

Q.2: Define each of the following:

- Density: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Melting point: -------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemical activity for elements: ------------------------------------------------

Q.3: problems:
1. A piece of metal has a mass of 189 gram , volume of 3cm3. Calculate its density.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2. A cube of a certain material has aside length = 10 cm. Calculate its density.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3. In an experiment for determination the density, the mass of the used beaker
(empty) was 25 gm., the mass of the beaker (containing liquid) was 75 gm,
Calculate the density of the liquid if its volume is 50 cm3.

Q.4: Put ( ) or (x):

1- The volume of 1kg wood is equal to the volume of 1kg silver.

2- The gold, silver and copper alloy is used in making jewels.

3- The heating coils are made from nickel chrome.

4- Acids and Alkalis solutions are good conductors of electricity.

5- Solution of sugar in water and of hydrogen chloride in benzene can't

conduct electricity.
6- Silver, platinum and gold has weak chemical activity.

Q.5: Complete the following:

1- Materials are differing from each other in some characteristics such
as ------------------, ------------------- and ------------------2- Materials that have ------------------ density than water float on it, but materials
that have ----------------- density than water sink in it.
3- Light columns are painting from time to time to protect them from ---------4- ----------------- is an example for the soft solids at ordinary temperature, while
-------------------- is an example for substance that need heat to get soften, and
---------------- is an example for substances which can't be soften if heated.
5- Gases are --------------------- conductors of electricity.

Q. 6: Give reason for each of the following:

1- Ice float-in the polar regions-on the surface of water.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- The volume of 1 kg wood is larger than volume of 1 kg iron.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- Water is not used in extinguishing petrol fires.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- It is not right to leave sodium and potassium exposed to the humid air.

5- The materials that are made form iron are painting with silver and gold, layers.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- Both gold and silver are used in making (manufacture) of jewels.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7-the balloons which rise up in the air are filled with helium or hydrogen gas.

Q. 7: Choose the correct answer:

1- ------------ is an example of materials that can't be softening by heat.
[Iron copper sulphur]
2- The equal volumes for different materials have ---------------- Masses.
[Equal different constant]

Q. 8: Different questions:
a. When you put four similar balls in the volume, mass and type in four beakers
contain different liquids, the four beakers appears as in following figures:

Arrange the four liquids descending according to their densities.

b. Choose from (a) that is suitable to (b):

1- The measuring unit of density.

- gram.

2- The measuring unit of Mass.

- Cm.

3- The measuring unit of volume.

- Cm3.

4- The measuring unit of length.

- gm / cm3.

c. If you know that the density of the natural milk is 10.03 gm/cm3. How can you
identify the quality of the milk you have bought.

d. A graduated cylinder with 25 cm3 of water has put on a plate of the balance and
on another plate of the balance there was a graduated cylinder with
If the density of mercury is 13.6 gm/cm3 and density of water is 1gm/cm3:
Does the two plates of balance will be balanced? And why?

e. Write briefly about the life applications of metals and chemical activity.

f. Mention the most important melting point life applications.


Lesson 2
Q. 1: Write the scientific term:
1- The smallest particle of matter which can be existed freely and carries matter


2- The simplest pure form of a substance, we couldn't decompose it chemically

into a simpler substance.


3- The product of a combination of two or more different elements with constant

weight ratios.

4- The process of changing the matter by heating from liquid state.

5- The process of changing the matter by heating from solid state into liquid state.
6- The spaces between molecules of matter.


7- The forces among matter molecules.


8- The building unit of molecule.


Q.2: What is meant by:

1- Molecule: --------------------------------------------------------------------------2- Intermolecular spaces: -----------------------------------------------------------3- Melting: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------4- Element: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------5- Compound: ------------------------------------------------------------------------6- Evaporation: -----------------------------------------------------------------------

Q.3: Put ( ) or (x):

1- When mixing 200cm3 of alcohol with 300 cm3 of water you get 500cm3. ( )
2-When heating a solid material, the intermolecular spaces increase between their molecules.
( )
3- Water molecule is composed of one carbon atom and one hydrogen atom. ( )
4- The volume of water and alcohol mixture is smaller than its volume before mixing.
( )
5-Its difficult to break a piece of iron with your hands.
( )
6-Solids have a definite shape, while liquids take the shape of the container. ( )

Q.4: Write the scientific term for each of the following:

a. Spreading of the perfume odors at all directions of the room after leaving the


b. The water in a beaker will be colored after putting potassium permanganate in



c. Disappearing the salt after a period of time when putting it in water.


d. The volume of alcohol and water after mixing is less than their volumes before


e. It is difficult to fragment the piece iron with your fingers.

f. The solid material has a definite shape while the liquid has indefinite shape.

Q.5: Complete the following:

1- The liquid element that composed of one atom is ------------------- while that
composed of two atoms is ---------------------2- ------------------- take the shape of the container, while ------------------ has no
definite shape.
3- Hydrogen molecule is composed of ---------------------, while inert gas molecule
is composed of --------------------4- Molecules are composed of small parts called ---------------------5- Molecules of the matter are in ------------------ motion.
6- Table salt molecule is composed of --------------- atom and ------------- atom.
7- Changing of matter from solid state to liquid state is called ----------------, while
changing it from liquid state to gaseous state is called -----------------8- Water molecule is composed of ----------------- atoms with ------------ atom.

Q.6: Write the atomic components of the following molecules:

1- Sodium Chloride: -------------------------------------------------------------2- Neon: --------------------------------------------------------------------------3- Copper: -------------------------------------------------------------------------4- Nitrogen: -----------------------------------------------------------------------5- Water: --------------------------------------------------------------------------6- Bromine: -----------------------------------------------------------------------7- Mercury: ------------------------------------------------------------------------

8- Oxygen: -------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q.7: Which of the following molecules presents the Sodium Chloride and
which presents water and which presents Oxygen molecules and why?

) a(

)c (


Q.8: Compare between:

1- Element and Compound.



2- Melting and evaporation.



3- Solid, liquid and gaseous materials from the attraction forces and
the intermolecular spaces.
Point of Comparison
The attraction
The intermolecular spaces

Q. 9: Complete:










Q.10: Mention an activity to Explain:

1-Matter is composed of molecules.

2- Molecules of matter in a continuous motion.


3- The presence of the intermolecular spaces between molecules.


4- The presence of different attraction force between molecules.


Lesson 3
Q.1: Write the scientific term:
1- Positive charged particles exist inside the nucleus.
2- Negative charged particles revolve around the nucleus.
3- Number of positive charges that found inside the nucleus.
4- The amount of energy gained or lost for the electron to transfer from an
energy level to another.


Q. 2: Give reason for each of the following:

1- Scientists use the symbols for the elements.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2- The nucleus of the atom has a positive charge.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3- The nucleus of the atom is concentrated in its nucleus.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------4- Mostly, the mass number is larger than the atomic number.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5- The atom is electrically neutral in the normal state.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6- The equation (2N2) is not applied for the levels higher than the 4th one.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------7- The energy level (M) is filled with (18) electrons.

8- The energy level (K) is filled with electrons before the energy level (L).
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------9- The atom (10Ne) can't share in the chemical reactions in the normal conditions.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10- The atom (11Na) is chemically active.

Q. 3: The following figures represent the electronic configuration

for some elements:






Study these figures well then answer:


The atomic no. for each atom.


The mass no. for each atom.


The no. of electrons for the outer most energy level.


The no. of energy levels that filled with electrons.


No. of neutrons for each atom.


Q. 4: Choose the correct answer

1- The symbol of copper atom is -------------.

[C - Cu - Ca]

2- The symbol of Sodium atom is -------------.

[S - Si - Na]

3- The energy level that filled with (18) electrons is -------------. [K - L - M]

4- The energy level that has the most energy is -------------.
[(K) Level (Q) level (N) level]
5- The smallest individual unit of matter which can share in chemical reaction
is -------------.

[Molecule - atom - compound]

6- An element has atomic no. = 17 and mass no. = 35, the no. of its neutrons is
= -------------.

[11 - 35 - 18]

Q. 5: can you define me:

1- Atom: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
2- Mass no.: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------.
3- Atomic no.:----------------------------------------------------------------------------.
4- Quantum: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------.

Q.6: Complete the following:

1- The nearest energy level to the nucleus is --------- and the farthest is --------.
2- The proton has ----------- charged, while the electron has ----------- charged.
3- The no. of electrons that saturates energy level can be calculated by the
4- The outer energy level of the nucleus can't carry more than --------------- or
--------------- by electron to travel from level to anther.
5- Quantum is the amount of energy that ---------------- or --------------- by the
electron to travel to another.
6- The symbol of the Calcium is ------------- and Copper is -------------.
7- Mass no. = ---------------- + -----------------.

8- Atomic no. is the number of ---------------- that exist inside the nucleus of the
atom or the no. of -------------- that revolve around the nucleus.

9- Number of the neutrons = ------------------ -------------------

Q.7: In the potassium (_K) study the following:a- The electronic configuration.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------b- No. of neutrons: --------------------------------------------------------------------c- No. of protons: ---------------------------------------------------------------------d- No. of electrons: -------------------------------------------------------------------e- Atomic no.: -------------------------------------------------------------------------f- Mass no.: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Q. 8: Complete the table:




Element symbol




No. of electrons




No. of protons




No. of neutrons




Atomic no.




Mass no.




Electronic configuration




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