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Hospital Administration
Hospital Administrators
Hospital Management is management of working of Hospitals, management as a busin
ess. It comprises medical as well as non medical managers. It includes general a
nd healthcare executives. Different types of administrations depend upon size of
hospitals. So does their duties. The executives or managers who coordinate the
work of hospitals are known as Hospital Administrators.
A hospital administrator is usually an individual who is responsible for day to
day functioning and running of hospital. He participates in and coordinates the
setting of strategic priorities of direction of hospitals.
My objective to compile this paper is to know about what are specific duties, ro
les and responsibilities of a hospital administrator in context to his organiza
tion i.e. hospital and hospital industry.
Author-Christina A McGrairk
According to the author some general duties of a Hospital administrator are:
LINK: A hospital admin. Works as a link between hospital board and medical staff
, other non medical staff and assistant directors.
POLICIES: Coordinates activities and create policies so that all areas of hospit
al and staff function according to objectives of hospital.
HIRING AND TRAINING: It includes recruitment, hiring and training of hospital st
aff such as doctors, nurses and internees.
EVALUATION: It includes evaluating employees and giving the appraisals.
PUBLIC RELATIONS: He should be responsible for hospital’s public relation pursui
ts such as fund raising activities, marketing and community health projects. The
se all tasks are under his charge.
POLICY IMPLEMENTATION: To put in place the policies and procedures and make sure
they are well addressed by hospital staff.
DEVELOP PROGRAMMES: It is hospital admin.’s duty to develop short and long term
programmes for growth and development of hospital.
OVERSEEING: To oversee the hospital operations by supervising other managers and
managing budgets and financial operations are included in hospital administrato
rs’ duties.
Source->Thelife of a hospital administrator.
Author- Brent McNutt
According to author basic function of a hospital administrator is management to
make sure that everything is working the way it should be in hospital. It includ
es proper management of different members of hospital to work in unison. This al
lows the system to take root and guide the regular routine working of all hospit
al staff.
Another issue of hospital administrator is to take employment concerns like scr
eening and promotions. He must learn who should be in which position according t
o qualification and who deserve what?
Another responsibility of hospital administrator to have in hand is Finance. He
has to make decisions on financial solutions to make and break a hospital’s sur
vival. Drafting policies regarding better care of both staff and patients is to
be considered as an offshoot of an administrator’s role in management.
Besides these four aspects, some other little things and tasks vary according to
the level of administrative job and nature of hospital he or she is working in.
Beyond all the most important aspect of a hospital administrator should be leade
rship. It is above all, one of the most vital functions of a hospital administra
tor. After application of all above aspects, it is leadership quality for a H.A.
to actually get the willing cooperation of staff to get things done accordingly
Secondary Source: Internet, Articles, Journals
The changing picture of healthcare industry comprising hospitals, specially clin
ics, medical centers, private healthcare facilities and need of 24/7 patient car
e has raised the profile of hospital administrators. A hospital administrator fu
nctions like a CEO or business manager and is fully responsible for smooth day t
o day running and operations of a hospital. He or she interacts with various aud
iences and stakeholders on regular basis.
In changing scenario of healthcare, hospitals are now run as small or medium siz
ed or large business and involve all conventional operations of business, practi
ces and procedures. Its hospital administrator’s duty to manage the business asp
ects of the hospitals to ensure smooth running of hospitals on all fronts .The b
usiness aspect comprises margins of human resources and personnel establishing p
olicies and procedures, maintaining of computer systems and database, allocating
of budget tracking accounts and finance and other organizational systems. He co
ordinates with professionals’ staff members and employees and assigns them their
In a hospital someone is needed to address the needs of doctors and manage them.
So a hospital administrator can fulfill this need to interact, engage and coord
inate with doctors, physicians, surgeons, nurses, technicians, other medical sta
ff and any other professional involved in primary care, treatment and rehabilita
tion of patients. He is needed to draw up schedules for resident doctors, medica
l staff, and work for their needs and ensure and motivate them to perform their
primary duties like looking after patients, professionally and ethically. He sho
uld also coordinate with external specialists and consultants in case of emergen
cies and other special surgeries.
A hospital administrator has to liaise with vendors, contractors, insurance fir
ms, suppliers and other partners on a regular basis. Keeping the hospital stocke
d with drugs, medicines, food items, hospital equipment, systems, allied hospita
l gadgets and machinery is a priority item. This is a critical responsibility so
as to ensure that the primary and tertiary care of patients and the specialized
needs of doctors and surgeons are not compromised. The administrator has to hav
e sound negotiation skills to draw up the right contracts, follow-up on orders a
nd maximize purchasing power with vendors and suppliers.
The care and treatment of patients in the hospital is a major responsibility of
the hospital administrator. He or she has to ensure the availability and deliver
ability of quality facilities and amenities for all patients. The administrator
has to motivate the medical teams and related staff members to perform their rol
es, tasks and functions to the best of their abilities to make the patients feel
comfortable at all times. He or she takes rounds of all rooms and centers where
patients are housed or improving and, if necessary, makes quick, informed decis
ions to assuage or improve patient care
A hospital administrator interacts with a governing board or trustees or other o
wner-management professionals of the hospital to undertake review of policies an
d frameworks. Experienced administrators also train trainee doctors, newly induc
ted nurses and assistant staff and other assistant administrators. Depending on
budget allocation and resources, the hospital administrator establishes programs
for medical research, preventive medicine and community welfare. He or she is a
lso involved in various public awareness health care campaigns and social advoca
cy activities. The administrator attends fundraising events, local health counci
l meetings and professional industry conferences.
1. Prepare annual funding estimates, forecasting the demand for services a
nd allocating budgets.
2 Improve and maintain delivery of the health service by planning the services a
nd accounting for the cost of care and the distribution of staff
3 Represent the health service by attending meetings, seminars and functions
4 Talk to members of the community, local interest groups, local politicians, in
dustrial associations and the media in relation to the organization and/or servi
ces provided
5 Act as liaison officer between the governing body of the health organization a
nd health authorities.
6 Manage staff in areas such as cleaning, safety, maintenance, records and accou
Take part in identifying problems and needs within the health service by attendi
ng staff meetings.
7 Liaise with medical and nursing staff.
8 Interpret industrial awards and other regulations concerning staff employment
9 Develop and put in place new policies and procedures .
10 A hospital administrator has to perform numerous functions to check day to da
y tasks within hospital.
His duties may include planning, organizing, leading, controlling, employment,
management etc. He has to keep a sharp eye on the hospital staff but deal very p
olitely. As a planner, an administrator has to review all policies and budget pl
an of the hospital. He organizes and attends all staff meetings to discuss funct
ioning of all plans and efficient availability of services. He deals with HR iss
ues, conducts interviews, hire new staff and make announcements of performance
appraisals, awards, and promotions. Hiring and firing of employees requires thei
r consultancy. Hospital administrator should have ability to analyze and solve t
he problems. To meet these duties efficiently, he must be courteous and good com
municator with good organizational and interpersonal skills. He should keep comp
uter skills, knowledge of business issues and medical terms as well. A person, w
ho joins this career, has an opportunity to be promoted to the senior managing p
A hospital medical director needs to have a contract that spells out his or her
duties and responsibilities and reporting relationships, and that contains the
basic provisions ordinarily found in executive employment contracts, dealing wit
h subjects such as compensation, vacation and sick leave, termination, retiremen
t, insurance coverage, job-related expense reimbursement, professional advanceme
nt expenses, performance and salary review, etc. Even with a comprehensive emplo
yment contract, the issue of what needs to be done to recognize the medical dire
ctor in the governance documents of the institution--the hospitals bylaws and th
e medical staff bylaws--remains. Hospital bylaws usually contain detailed statem
ents of the duties of the institution s chief executive. The hospital medical di
rector is ordinarily perceived as an executive employee. The issue of whether o
grant the status of corporate officer to the medical director would only arise a
s a practical matter at an institution in which the chief executive has been gra
nted corporate officer status. It would be very unlikely that a corporate office
of medical director would exist in the absence of the chief executive s being a
corporate officer.
Even if the medical director is not a corporate officer, it does not mean that a
hospital governance document should not contain one or more provisions that des
cribe the medical director s role and responsibilities. It is necessary to consi
der whether the medical staff bylaws or the corporate bylaws is a more appropria
te document in which the address the responsibilities and functions of the medic
al director. The staff bylaws are the governance document created through the jo
int action of the medical staff and the hospital board and serve as the definiti
ve document governing the medical affairs of the institution. It is my experienc
e that the medical staff bylaws usually contain the basic provision concerning t
he medical director s position. The medical director s role and responsibilities
are described in two different, but not mutually exclusive, ways in the bylaws.
One is by including a provision such as the following:
The medical director shall:
* Develop, coordinate, and implement all aspects of educational and research act
ivities of the medical staff.
* Coordinate the functioning of the medical staff and assist in the implementati
on and enforcement of the hospital bylaws, hospital policies and rules and regul
ations of the medical staff.
* Provide leadership in coordination of medical and administrative policies of t
he hospital and the medical staff.
* Act as an advisor to the medical executive committee in all professional matte
rs of the hospital.
* Serve as an ex officio member of all medical staff committees.
The medical director, to perform clinical functions, must hold an appointment in
the active or the consulting category. Such appointment and reappointment shall
be made in the manner set forth in the medical staff bylaws for any other appli
cant to, or member of, the medical staff.
The board may remove the medical director from such office, subject to the provi
sions of the contract between the medical director and the hospital. A recommend
ation to remove the medical director may be made by the medical executive commit
tee for consideration by the board.
As one can readily note, this provision covers more than the medical director s
duties. Than statement of duties is rather unspecific, and the most important la
nguage with regard to duties recognizes that other provisions of the medical sta
ff bylaws and provisions in the staff rules and regulations may or will contain
specific statements of authority and responsibilities. These specific statements
are the second way of expressing the role of the medical director.
In considering specific responsibilities and authority of the medical director t
hat may be included in medical staff bylaws and rules and regulations, the follo
wing should be given attention:
* Granting temporary privileges. - A full credentials process cannot always be c
oncluded before a new physician s services may be desired or needed at the hospi
tal in connection with a pending application for appointment, a request for priv
ileges to care for a specific patient, or granting of locum tenants status. The
credentialing process in such circumstances can be assigned by the laws to the m
edical director. In the case of an applicant for appointment and privileges, thi
s does not bind the hospital to act favorably; it only provides an opportunity f
or the applicant to practice while the full credentialing process is taking plac
. In connection with temporary privileges, the authority should also be given to
the medical director to terminate temporary privileges based on an assessment o
f the performance and conduct of the practitioner granted such privileges. Such
authority can be, and usually is, also granted to the relevant department chairp
erson and/or the chief of staff.
* Corrective action:- The medical director should be given specific authority in
the bylaws to initiate corrective action by submitting a request to the appropr
iate staff committee, usually the medical executive committee. Such a provision
should be accompanied by another provision stating that, if the medical executiv
e committee declines to pursue any request for corrective action, the medical di
rector, on his or her own initiative, may commence a formal investigation for th
e purpose of determining whether corrective action is warranted, and thereby con
tinue the corrective action process.
* Summary suspension:- The need for a hospital executive to possess authority
to impose summary suspension arises when there has been serious violation of the
medical staff bylaws or rules and regulations, or of hospital policies, or when
it appears that a practitioner s conduct requires that immediate action be take
n to protect patients, employees, or other persons in the hospital. The authorit
y to impose a summary suspension should be granted to the medical director, as w
ell as other officials, such as some or all of the elected officers of the medic
al staff and the hospital s chief executive.
* Other specific responsibilities:- Many hospitals, in medical staff rules and
regulations or a credentialing manual, set forth the detailed process for creden
tialing. This set of provisions or document may contain specific responsibilitie
s of the medical director in connection with the process. For example, the medic
al director may be designated as the recipient of information that staff members
possess and wish to share regarding an applicant for medical staff membership.
The medical director may also be the designated recipient of information supplie
d by other institutions with respect to an applicant and the hospital representa
tive to conduct an interview of each applicant for medical staff appointment or
for the granting of temporary privileges.
The medical director may also be assigned the responsibility to make other deter
minations, such as directing that a consultation be held in view of the patient
s condition, developing and maintaining the roster for emergency department back
up coverage by members of the medical staff, and deciding which patients shall b
e admitted to, or maintained in, a special care unit when space is at a premium.
In addition, the medical director may be assigned specific authority in other s
pecifically described areas, such as those that require interaction with the hos
pital s legal counsel in connection with clinical and clinically related activit
ies, including compliance with hospital consent policies, organ donation request
policies, and policies relating to release of information. The issue to be reso
lved at each hospital is to what extent it is believed desirable to specify the
responsibilities of the medical director in these matters.
In setting forth specific responsibilities, there is the important question of
the extent to which parallel authority in these areas should be granted to the p
resident or chief of the hospital s medical staff, and other officers. The answe
r on specific issues depends in part upon the traditions of, and "political" cli
mate within, each hospital. For example, the authority to impose summary suspens
ion should not be vested, in the author s opinion, only in the medical director;
it also should reside with the chief of staff and department chairpersons. On t
he other hand, specific responsibilities in connection with the credentialing pr
ocess, such as receiving the initial responses from other institutions in connec
tion with assessments of applicants for appointments, can be given solely to the
medical director. Mention was made at the beginning of this article of the cont
ract between the medical director and the hospital. Also addressed was the use o
f the medical staff and/or corporate bylaws in dealing with the role of medical
director. Related to, but separate from, these two documents is a third document
--the position description for the medical director. The position description se
rves at least two major purposes.
First, it sets forth the required qualifications and the activity the hospital e
xpects the medical director to perform, and thus is essential to the recruitment
process. Its language should indicate with some precision how the incumbent is
expected to be involved with the medical staff, and thus reflect an understandin
g that has been reached at the institution because of the medical staff leadersh
ip s involvement in its development.
Second, because it provides greater detail regarding the functions and duties of
the medical director than the aforementioned documents (parts may also be incor
porated by reference in the contract), it can serve as a template that can, and
should, be employed in assessing the medical director s performance. This should
not be taken to mean that the position, and its description, may not be in a pr
ocess of evolution at the institution, but there needs to be an understanding, a
t any given time, on the part of all concerned, as to what is expected of the in
dividual holding the position in order to maintain accountability.
In the final analysis, the allocation of responsibilities between the elected le
adership of the medical staff and the medical director depends on the particular
situation in each institution. There is a certain amount of specific authority
that, if not granted, will tend to diminish the importance of the medical direct
or and impede his or her ability to carry out the broad responsibilities contain
ed in the basic provision in the medical staff bylaws.
One should not discount the impact of the personal characteristics of an individ
ual medical director on the staff s acceptance of the authority granted in the m
edical staff bylaws. A staff may strongly resist changes in authority based on a
n incumbent s relationship with the staff s elected leadership. Experience seems
to indicate that the extent to which consensus between the medical staff leader
ship and the medical director is reached on specific issues affects successful a
ccomplishment of the medical director s objectives.
The process of defining the authority of the medical director is an evolving on
e. As comfort with, and acceptance of, the presence of a medical director grows,
the raising of turf issues respecting the relative authority and status of the
elected medical staff leadership and the medical director are diminished. This i
s not to suggest that conflict is always present, even at the inception of the m
edical director s tenure, but it is shortsighted not to recognize that the proce
ss of establishing the authority of the medical director often can trigger or ex
acerbate conflict because of concern by the medical staff that its prerogatives
are being circumscribed by creation of the position of medical director.
1.To formulate, interprets, and implement policies.
2. To plan and organize activities associated with peace-time and war time healt
h services administration, such as manpower, medical logistics, medical food ser
vice, hospitalization and aero-medical evacuation of patients, medical facilitie
s repair, maintenance, construction, modification, and housekeeping, equipment m
aintenance and repair, information systems, clinical engineering, inpatient and
outpatient records, and morale and welfare services for patients and medical per
3. To coordinate health services programs. Coordinate with comptroller, civil
engineering, civilian and federal agencies, and other Air Force functions and ac
tivities to execute health services programs.
4. To advise the medical professional staff and other staff health services offi
cers on administrative matters pertaining to health services programs.
5. To maintain link with civilian, military, and other federal activities to ke
ep up current in areas of interest to health services administration.
6. .To monitor and direct health services programs. To interprets and direct the
implementation of policies governing health services programs.
7. To direct the management of health services functions such as medical logist
ics, fiscal management, managed care, care human resource management, patient ad
ministration, aero medical evacuation, medical facility construction, modificati
on, and design, and medical research administration.
8. To develop financial plans and budget estimates for Air Force health service
s programs. Direct the preparation of biometric reports, directives, corresponde
nce, and memoranda pertaining to health services administration.
9. To control the utilization of health services program funds in collaboratio
n with the medical commander and comptroller. Prepare and exercises emergency, d
isaster, and defense plans, and monitors readiness training.
10. To integrate cost management, quality and access to care issues into healt
h services.
1. PERSONNEL SECTION - Development and administration of a comprehensive manpowe
r development program which includes recruitment and selection, promotion, train
ing, employee welfare and benefits, manpower planning and research.
2. PROPERTY AND SUPPLY SECTION - Procurement, storage, inventory, distribution a
nd disposition of hospital supplies, materials, and equipment.
3. HOUSEKEEPING SECTION - Develop and maintain clean, safe and sanitary environm
ent for patients and hospital personnel.
4. LINEN AND LAUNDRY SECTION - Ensure adequate supply of clean linens for patien
ts and hospital units.
5. ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE SECTION - Installation, operation and maintenance
of electrical, mechanical and communication equipment and allied facilities inc
luding buildings and vehicles.
6. MOTOR POOL SECTION (TRANSPORT) - Convey transport patients, hospital official
s and personnel to their destination.
7. SECURITY FORCE - Ensure safety of hospital patients, facilities and personnel
, maintain peace and order, and enforce hospital rules and regulations.
8. MEDICAL SOCIAL SERVICE -The Medical Social Service function is to see to it t
hat patients attain emotional equilibrium as they are assisted with other needs
which interfere in hospitalization and treatment.
9. MEDICAL RECORDS - Process, maintain, analyze and safe keep all medical recor
ds created in this hospital; prepares hospital statistical reports; and formulat
e and develop effective policies, systems and procedures for the efficient opera
tions of the section.
10. PHARMACY SECTION - Ensures continuous supply of drugs and medicines to patie
nts by maintaining an adequate quantity in stocks of those approved by the Pharm
acy Therapeutic Committee. Dispenses, compound drugs for in and out patients. Co
ntrols the purchasing, requisitioning, safekeeping and issuing of drugs. Maintai
ns records and files of dangerous drugs and other pharmaceuticals as required by
law. Serves as the Drug Informant Center
11. DIETARY SERVICE – Maintain or enhances the health of the patients and person
nel by providing them with high quality and nutritious food through an efficient
Dietary Service; Provides or serves safe, nutritious and attractive food throug
h careful planning, wise procurement and proper preparation of balanced and sati
sfying meals within budgetary limits; Implements diet prescription in coordinati
on with physician and nurse; Provides nutrition consultation and education servi
ces to patients as well as in-service training to both dietary personnel and oth
er related fields; Promotes and maintains cooperation with other department in t
he hospital towards total patient care.
12. ACCOUNTING SECTION - Systematic recording of all financial transactions, pre
paration of financial statements and relevant reports, and maintenance and safek
eeping of the hospital’s Book of Accounts.
13. BUDGET SERVICE - Prepares the Work and Financial Plan and provision of fund
estimates for hospital programs and projects.
14. CASHIER SERVICE - Receipt, deposit, custody and disbursement of cash/collect
ion of the hospital (Cash Management)
15. MEDICARE AND BILLING SECTION - Admits, classifies Pay and Medicare Patients,
orients patient with regard to privileges, obligations, responsibilities during
the course of confinement. Prepares statement of account on service and bills r
endered to patient. File records, bills and statement of account.
16. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE – Directs and supervises the activities and functions
of administrative units to effectively deliver quality support services.
1. Plans, organizes, and directs the overall nursing service activities in all c
linical and special areas in the health fields of maternal and child nursing, me
dical and surgical nursing.
2. Defines the philosophy, goals, objectives and policies of the hospital, and i
nterprets them to the nursing staff, patients, and the community.
3. Develops the basic, functional and position organization chart that will allo
w for an open communication horizontally and vertically to ensure smooth operati
ons of the service.
4. Develop program methods of the major functions of the service.
5. Formulates qualification standards, job specifications and job descriptions o
f various categories of nursing personnel in line with the hospital policies and
Civil Service Commission rules and regulations and the Nursing Law.
6. Delegates assignments with commensurate authority to ward supervisors and fol
lows this up.
7. Determines and makes recommendations concerning hospital wards’ facilities, e
quipment and surgical supplies affecting nursing care, and plans for allocation
and utilization of space and equipment to ensure safe environment for patients a
nd working personnel.
8. Formulates and implements nursing care policies and standards operating proce
dures as guides for the nursing personnel and initiates periodic revision of som
e as need arises.
9. Determines the staffing needs based on patients’ conditions ranging from the
minimally-ill, moderately-ill or critically-ill to ensure smooth operations of t
he service.
10. Makes general nursing rounds weekly and as the need arises and look into pat
ients nursing needs and ward conditions to ensure safe environment and safe care
11. Cooperates in providing referral system between the hospital and community h
ealth centers and other agencies. Assigns and re-assigns nursing personnel perio
dically to meet the needs of nursing service. Provides opportunities for growth
and development of personnel-recognizes personnel and professional abilities, ma
intains continuing staff development program. Develops and carries guidance and
counseling program.
12. Cooperates with individual/group in other departments or services in carryin
g forward the work of the hospital as a whole.
13. Supervises and coordinates activities of nursing personnel engaged in specif
ic nursing services such as Obstetrics, Pediatrics, Surgical or Medical, or from
two or more clinical nursing divisions.
14. Supervises Senior Nurse in carrying out their responsibilities in the manage
ment of nursing care. Evaluates performance of Senior Nurse and nursing care as
a whole. Inspects clinical nursing division to verify that patient needs are met
15. Plans and organizes orientation for clinical nursing division staff members
and participates in guidance and education programs. Interviews pre-screened app
licants and makes recommendations for employing or for terminating employees.
16. Visit clinical nursing divisions to oversee nursing care and to ascertain co
ndition of patients. Gives advice for treatments medications, and narcotics, in
accordance with medical staff policies in absence of physician. Arranges for eme
rgency operations and relocations of personnel during emergencies. Admits or del
egates admissions of new patients.
17. Assigns duties to professional and ancillary nursing personnel based on pati
ents’ needs, available staff, and service needs. Supervises and evaluates work p
erformance in terms of patient care, staff relations and efficiency of service.
Provides for nursing care and cooperates with other members of medical care team
in coordinating patients’ total needs. Identifies and studies nursing service p
roblems and assists in their solutions. Observes nursing care and visits patient
s to insure that nursing care is carried out as directed and treatment is admini
stered in accordance with physician’s instructions and to ascertain needs for ad
ditional or modified services. Maintains safe environment for patients. Operates
or supervises operation of specialized equipment assigned to unit and provides
assistance and guidance to nursing team as required.
18. Accompanies physician on rounds to answer questions, receives instructions a
nd notes patients’ care requirements. Reports to replacement on next tour on con
dition of patients or of any untoward or unusual actions taken. May render profe
ssional nursing care and instruct patients and members of their families in tech
niques and methods of home care after discharge.
19. Collects clinical data thru the process of interviewing observations using a
ll senses and clinical instruments and utilization of diagnostic examination rep
20. Implement nursing actions and legal orders of the physician.
21. Evaluates results of interventions and revise plan to cope with changing con
ditions of the patient.
22. Endorse patients and give attention to patients’ comfort and safety.
23. Assists the midwife in maintaining cleanliness and orderliness of the unit.
24. Delivers clean medical supplies to patient care units and collect used suppl
ies, instrument sets, rubber goods, etc.
25. Reviews patient’s pre-operative preparation including spiritual.
26. Assists in emergency operations when other professional staff are not availa
27. Makes general assessment of patients in the recovery room and confers with h
ead nurse nursing management of each patient.
1. Provides qualified individuals with practical and scientific knowledge in the
diagnosis and treatment of diseases.
2. Installs a sense of responsibility, discipline and compassion in the manageme
nt of surgical patients.
3. Develops adequate administrative ability and leader- ship qualities.
4. Trains qualified individuals to practice various clinical disciplines in area
s where their expertise are needed within the context of national dispersal prog
5. Develops and implements a training strict and fair selection process the admi
ssion of
resident physicians.
6. Maintains a good atmosphere for teaching and learning in the different clinic
al departments.
1. Prepares the medical graduate in the specialized practice of Clinical and Ana
tomic Pathology.
2. prepares future teachers of Clinical and Anatomic Pathology.
3. Gives the physician sufficient skill and experience to practice the science a
nd art of Clinical Pathology independently and competently
4. Supports the spirit of keeping abreast with the current trends of concepts an
d practice by reading, experience and research.
5. Imparts to the trainee the role of Clinical Pathology in relation to other fi
elds of medicine.
6. Inculcates the ethic practice of Clinical Pathology.
Develops knowledge, attitudes, and skills of professional radiologist and evalu
ate him.
1. Provides quality medical care services to as many out- patients as possible.
2. Provides the widest coverage of quality health care for the people not for cu
rative only but also primitive and preventive health care to minimize the develo
pment of diseases.
3. Ensures that health services are always available to the people.
4. Provides health services that are within the financial competence of the peop
5. Provides health services based on what the people really needs and what the h
ospital can provide.
6. Provides facilities for training of health workers and initiate medical resea
rch for the improvement of the quality of health care.
1. Provides a plan for the reception area and treatment of patients who need eme
rgency services.
2. Provides a well organized with adequate facilities, adequate enough to assure
prompt diagnosis and the institution of appropriate emergency attendance for ca
re and management.
3. Checks the medicine cabinet in the Emergency Room if the necessary emergency
medicines are available for the next 24 hrs.
1.Vice president- business development:
He develops, administers and implements the business development, marketing, str
ategic planning and functions of hospital into its development and various affil
iates, under the direction of President and CEO
2.Hospital Chief Financial Officer:
His duties include financial reporting, annual and special audits, grant managem
ent, funds accounting, investment activities and to serve as financial resources
for strategic planning. He is responsible for providing financial direction and
execution towards achievement of hospital goals.
3.Director of Cath Lab and Cardio Intervention:
Person on this position is responsible for approving timekeeping, employee eval
uation, meeting applicable regulatory standards, approving supply orders and str
ategic planning of department
4.Director Risk Management :
Person on this position is responsible for approving timekeeping, employee evalu
ation, meeting applicable regulatory standards, approving supply orders and depa
rtment strategic planning.
5. Lead Case Manager:
Its functions include: Leadership Participates in plans and creating the strate
gic, operational, service design and other organizational plans and policies to
achieve the mission and vision of hospital.
6. Chief clinical officer:
The Chief Clinical Officer is responsible for overseeing the provision of suppor
t services including but not limited to: Quality Assurance, Dietary, Performance
Dialog Process, performance improvement. The Chief Clinical Officer acts as the
Chief Privacy Officer. The Chief Privacy Officer shall oversee all ongoing acti
vities related to the development, implementation, maintenance of, and adherence
to the organization’s policies and procedures.
7. Director of Pharmacy:
. The Director of pharmacy establishes and coordinates all pharmaceutical servic
es for the facility. Responsibilities include: development and monitoring of dis
tributive services including control of pharmaceutical purchasing, receipt, stor
age, compounding, and dispensing; development, monitoring and continuous improve
ment of both clinical pharmacy staff/services and distributive staff; consultati
on with medical staff and patient care providers as an advisor/educator regardin
g pharmaceutical care. Oversees and directs departmental activities to ensure qu
ality services for both internal and external customers. Serves as a resource to
, and collaborates with others to advance the hospital mission.
8. Marketing Manager:
Under the supervision of the Senior Manager of Business Strategy and Market Deve
lopment, the Marketing Manager for Strategic Planning is responsible for the dev
elopment and implementation of strategic marketing plans. Working as part of a t
eam, the Marketing Manager brings the expertise to analyze business opportunitie
s based upon market needs as well as short and long-range organizational priorit
ies. The serving collaborates with the Manager of Market Research and Planning,
Senior Interactive Marketing Manager, Public Affairs Specialist, Network Develop
ment Specialist and Senior Manager of Marketing Communications to develop compre
hensive plans, including elements such as strategic market analysis, marketing o
bjectives & strategies, marketing tactics, and program tracking. Working with
Division Chiefs and Administrative Directors, the incumbent identifies key physi
cian and consumer audiences by market segment and develops marketing and communi
cations strategies. The Marketing Manager is assigned as a marketing consultant
to senior management, hospital administrators, physicians, and other clinical st
aff responsible for specific service lines. The incumbent also works closely wi
th marketing communications staff on the development of marketing communications
9. Director of Emergency Services:
He functions as a leader in health care and as a part of the health care team. H
e will be responsible for the coordination of Emergency Department unit function
s, preparation and management of the unit budget in cooperation with the Chief
Financial Officer and Chief Nursing Officer. Responsible for development and coo
rdination of unit QA activities. Responsible for proper utilization of Human Res
ources. Assists with the development of the nursing department and hospital wide
strategic planning.
10. Patient Care Director:
. The Patient Care Director has complete responsibility for the management and
direction of patient care in the hospital. Specific responsibilities include:
a) Setting goals and objectives in accordance with the hospital s strategic init
b) Planning, organizing, directing, and monitoring unit activities on a 24-hour
c) Fiscally responsible for the unit, facilitating efficient and cost effective
daily operations.
d) Coordinating and evaluating the effectiveness of staff, unit performance, and
system operations.
Like all industries to go with proper working, attain what are goals of organiza
tion, to cope with growing competition around, it has became essential for the h
ospitals as well to work in proper way. Proper coordination is needed for proper
working of all hospitals and every department in it. Hospital administrators ar
e those who help run hospitals. To properly oversee the working of every departm
ent, finance, quality, nursing, housekeeping, laundry etc. This is the reason wh
y hospital administrators are becoming big need for hospital industry.
11. www.ncbi.nlm.nih.govt

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