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IOSR Journal of Mathematics (IOSR-JM)

e-ISSN: 2278-5728, p-ISSN: 2319-765X. Volume 11, Issue 6 Ver. IV (Nov. - Dec. 2015), PP 26-32

Equi independent equitable domination number of cycle and

bistar related graphs
S K Vaidya1, N J Kothari2

(Department of Mathematics, Saurashtra University Rajkot - 360005, Gujarat, INDIA.)

(L. E. College, Morbi - 363642, Gujarat, India.)

Abstract : A subset D of V (G) is called an equitable dominating set if for every v V (G) D there exists a
vertex u D such that uv E (G) and | deg (u) deg (v) | 1 . A subset D of V (G) is called an equitable

independent set if for any u D, v N (u ) for all v D {u} . The concept of equi independent equitable
domination is a combination of these two important concepts. An equitable dominating set D is said to be equi
independent equitable dominating set if it is an equitable independent set. The minimum cardinality of an equi
independent equitable dominating set is called equi independent equitable domination number which is denoted
by i e . We investigate equi independent equitable domination number of some cycle and bistar related graphs.
Some graph families whose equitable domination number is equal to its equi independent equitable domination
number are also reported.
Keywords: Domination number, equitable domination number, equi independent equitable domination
AMS Subject Classification (2010): 05C38,05C69,05C76.



We begin with simple, finite, connected and undirected graph G with vertex set V (G) and edge set
E (G) . For standard graph theoretic terminology we follow Harary [1] while the terms related to the theory of
domination are used here in the sense of Haynes et al. [2]. A set D V (G) is called a dominating set if every
vertex in V (G) D is adjacent to at least one vertex in D . The domination number (G) is the minimum
cardinality of a dominating set of G . A subset D of V (G) is an independent set if no two vertices in D are
adjacent. A dominating set D which is also an independent set is called an independent dominating set. The
independent domination number i(G) is the minimum cardinality of an independent dominating set. The
concept of independent domination was formalized by Berge [3], Ore [4], Cockayne and Hedetniemi [5,6]. A
brief survey on independent domination is carried out in recent past by Goddard and Henning [7]. A subset D
of V (G) is called an equitable dominating set if for every v V (G) D there exists a vertex u D such that

uv E (G) and | deg (u) deg (v) | 1 . The minimum cardinality of an equitable dominating set is equitable
domination number of G which is denoted by e . This concept was conceived by E. Sampathkumar.
Definition 1.1: For every vertex v V (G) the open neighbourhood set N (v) is the set of all vertices adjacent
to v in G . That is, N (v) {u V (G) / uv E(G)} .
Definition 1.2: The closed neighbourhood set N [v] of v is defined as N[v] N (v) {v} .
Definition 1.3: A vertex v D is an isolate of D if N (v) V (G) D .
Definition 1.4: A vertex u V (G) is degree equitably adjacent or equitable adjacent with a vertex v V (G) if
| deg (u) deg (v) | 1 for uv E (G) .
Definition 1.5: A vertex v V (G) is called equitable isolate if | deg (u) deg (v) | 2 for every u N (v) .
Definition 1.6: The equitable neighbourhood of

denoted by

N e (v) is defined as N e (v)

{u V (G) / u N (v),| deg (v) deg (u) | 1} .

The following concept known as equitable independent set was introduced by Swaminathan and
Dharamlingam [8].
Definition 1.7: A subset D of V (G) is called an equitable independent set if for any u D, v N e (u ) for all
v D {u} . The maximum cardinality of an equitable independent set is denoted by e (G).
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Equi independent equitable domination number of cycle and bistar related graphs
Remark 1.8: Every independent set is an equitable independent set.
Motivated through the concept of equitable dominating set and equitable independent set a new
concept was conceived by Swaminathan and Dharamlingam [8]. This concept was formalized and named as
equi independent equitable dominating set by Vaidya and Kothari [9,10,11].
Definition 1.9: An equitable dominating set D is said to be equi independent equitable dominating set if it is an
equitable independent set. The minimum cardinality of an equi independent equitable dominating set is called

equi independent equitable domination number which is denoted by i .

Illustration 1.10: In figure 1, D {v1 , v2 , v3 , v5 , v7 , v9 } is equitable independent set as well as equitable
dominating set for graph G .

Figure 1
Definition 1.11: For a graph G the splitting graph S (G) of a graph G is obtained by adding a new vertex v
corresponding to each vertex v of G such that N (v) N (v) .
Definition 1.12: The total graph T (G) of a graph G is the graph whose vertex set is V (G) E (G) and two
vertices are adjacent whenever they are either adjacent or incident in G .
Definition 1.13: The shadow graph D2 (G) of a connected graph G is constructed by taking two copies of G
say G and G . Join each vertex u in G to the neighbours of the corresponding vertex u in G .
Definition 1.14: The middle graph M (G) of a graph G is the graph whose vertex set is V (G) E (G) and in
which two vertices are adjacent if and only if either they are adjacent edges of G or one is a vertex of G and
the other is an edge incident on it.
Definition 1.15:[12] Duplication of a vertex vi by a new edge e vivi in graph G produces a new graph G
such that

N (vi) N (vi) {vi } .

Definition 1.16: The graph K1,n is called a star. It is the graph with n 1 vertices a vertex of degree n called
the apex and n pendant vertices.
Definition 1.17: Bistar is the graph obtained by joining the apex vertices of two copies of star K1,n .


Main results

Theorem 2.1: i (S (Cn )) (S (Cn )) (Cn ) n.


Proof: Let v1 , v2 ,..., vn be the vertices of path Pn and u1 , u2 ,, un be the corresponding vertices which are
added to obtain S (Cn ) . Here d (ui ) 2, d (vi ) 4 and vertex ui is not adjacent to any other vertex u j . This
implies that vertices ui ' s are equitable isolates. Therefore they must belong to every equitable dominating set
of S (Cn ) . While subgraph induced by V (S (Cn )) {u1 , u2 ,, un } is cycle Cn . Which implies that

e (S (Cn )) e (Cn ) n
Now consider a set which satisfies above lower bound as D S {u1 , u2 ,, un } where S is an equitable
dominating set of Cn . Observe that D is an equitable dominating set of S (Cn ) as u1 , u2 ,, un are equitable
isolates and other vertices are equitably dominated by set S . This implies that
e (S (Cn )) e (Cn ) n (Cn ) n
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Equi independent equitable domination number of cycle and bistar related graphs
Also D is an equitable independent as vertices of S are not adjacent to each other and u1 , u2 ,, un
are equitable isolates. Hence D is an equi independent equitable dominating set of S (Cn ) and

i e (S (Cn )) e (S (Cn )) (S (Cn )) n .

n 0 mod 5
Theorem 2.2: T Cn
2n n 0 mod 5
Proof: Let v1 , v2 ,, vn be the vertices of Cn and e1 , e2 ,, en be the edges of Cn . Then V (T (Cn )) {v1 , v2 ,,
vn , e1 , e2 ,, en } and | V (T (Cn )) | 2n . Observe that T (Cn ) is four regular graph. Therefore every vertex can
dominate five vertices including itself. Which implies that
(T (Cn ))
Now depending upon the number of vertices of Cn , consider following subsets of T (Cn ) .

For n 0 (mod 5) , D v5i 1 , u5 j 3 / 0 i

,0 j with | D |



for n 1,2 (mod 5) , D v5i 1 , u5 j 3 / 0 i ,0 j with | D | ,


for n 3,4 (mod 5) , D v5i 1 , u5 j 3 / 0 i ,0 j with | D | .


Here N v5i 1 v5i , v5i 2 , u5i , u5i 1 and N u5i 3 v5i 4 , v5i 4 , u5i 2 , u5i 4 . This implies that

N D V T Cn . Then D is dominating set of T Cn

n 0 mod 5
and T Cn
2n n 0 mod 5

Theorem 2.3: i e (T (Cn )) e (T (Cn )) (T (Cn ))

Proof: To prove this result we continue with the terminology and notations used in Theorem 2.2. Here T (Cn )
is a four regular graph. This implies that
e (T (Cn )) (T (Cn ))
Now consider D as -set of T (Cn ) , as given in Theorem 2.2. Observe that vertices of D are not
adjacent to each other. Then D is an independent set of T (Cn ) consequently D is an equitable independent set
of T (Cn ) . Hence D is an equi independent equitable dominating set of T (Cn ) and i e (T (Cn )) e (T (Cn ))

(T (Cn ))
for n 0 (mod 4)

Theorem 2.4: e D2 Cn D2 Cn for n 1,3 (mod 4)
1 for n 2 (mod 4)
Proof: Consider two copies of Cn . Let v1 , v2 ,, vn be the vertices of first copy of Cn and u1 , u2 ,, un be the
vertices of second copy of Cn . Then | D2 (Cn ) | 2n . Observe that D2 (Cn ) is four regular graph. This implies
that minimum

2n n
vertices are essential to dominate V ( D2 (Cn )) and
4 2

Now depending upon the number of vertices of Cn , consider following subsets of V D2 Cn ,

e ( D2 (Cn )) ( D2 (Cn ))

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Equi independent equitable domination number of cycle and bistar related graphs

For n 0 (mod 4) D v4i 1 , u4i 2 / 0 i ,



for n 1 (mod 4) D v4i 1 , u4 j 2 / 0 i , 0 j ,

for n 2,3 (mod 4) D v4i 1 , u4i 2 / 0 i .

Here N v4i 1 v4i , v4i 2 , u4i , u4i 2 and N u4i 2 v4i 1 , v4i 3 , u4i 1 , u4i 3 . Therefore N[ D] V ( D2 (Cn )) . Thus

D is dominating set as well as equitable dominating set of D2 Cn and

for n 0 (mod 4)

e ( D2 (Cn )) ( D2 (Cn )) for n 1,3 (mod 4)
1 for n 2 (mod 4)

for n 0 mod 3

Theorem 2.5: i e ( D2 (Cn )) 1 for n 1 mod 3
1 for n 2 mod 3
Proof: To prove this result we continue with the terminology and notations used in Theorem 2.4. Observe that
vertex vi cannot dominate ui and vice versa. On other hand vertex vi is adjacent to all the vertices of N ui
and vertex ui is adjacent to all the vertices of N vi . This implies that if vertex vi belongs to any equitable
independent set of D2 Cn then ui must belong to that equitable independent set. Therefore

i e ( D2 (Cn )) e ( D2 (Cn ))
Now depending upon the number of vertices of Cn , consider following subsets of V ( D2 (Cn )) ,

For n 0 mod 3 D v3i 1 , u3i 1 / 0 i ,


for n 1 mod 3 D v3i 1 , u3i 1 , vn 1 , un 1 / 0 i ,

for n 2 mod 3 D v3i 1 , u3i 1 / 0 i .

Here N v3i 1 v3i , v3i 2 , u3i , u3i 2 and N u3i 1 v3i , v3i 2 , u3i , u3i 2 . This implies that vertices v3i 1

and u3i 1 are not adjacent to each other. Therefore D is an independent set of D2 Cn . Consequently D is an
equitable independent set of D2 Cn . Also N e [ D] V ( D2 (Cn )) implies that D is an equitable dominating set

D2 Cn .










D2 Cn


for n 0 mod 3

i e ( D2 (Cn )) 1 for n 1 mod 3
1 for n 2 mod 3
Theorem 2.6: i e (M (Cn )) e (M (Cn )) (Cn ) n.
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Equi independent equitable domination number of cycle and bistar related graphs
Proof: Let v1 , v2 ,, vn be the vertices of Cn and e1 , e2 ,, en be the edges of Cn . Then V (M (Cn )) {v1 , v2 ,
, vn , e1 , e2 ,, en } . Here d (ei ) 4, d (vi ) 2 in M (Cn ) and vertices vi are not adjacent to each other. Then
vertices v1 , v2 ,, vn are equitable isolates. Therefore they must belong to every equitable dominating set of

M (Cn ) . While subgraph induced by V (M (Cn )) {v1 , v2 ,, vn } is cycle Cn . This implies that

e M Cn e Cn n Cn n

Now consider a set which satisfies above lower bound as D S {v1 , v2 ,, vn } where S is an equitable
dominating set of Cn . Observe that D is an equitable dominating set of M (Cn ) as v1 , v2 ,, vn are equitable
isolates and other vertices are equitably dominated by set S . This implies that
e (M (Cn )) e (Cn ) n (Cn ) n
Also D is an equitable independent as vertices of S are not adjacent to each other and v1 , v2 ,, vn are
equitable isolates. Hence D is an equi independent equitable dominating set of M (Cn ) and

i e (M (Cn )) e (M (Cn )) (M (Cn )) n .

Theorem 2.7: The graph obtained by duplication of each vertex of


by an edge then

i (G) (G) (Cn ) n

Proof: Let v1 , v2 ,, vn be the vertices of Cn and G be a obtained by duplication of each vertex vi of Cn by an

edge ui ui 1 . Then V (G) {v1 , v2 ,, vn , u1 , u2 ,, u2n } . Here vertices u2i 1 and u2i are equitably adjacent to each
other but they are not equitably adjacent to vertex vi . Therefore at least one vertex from {u2i 1 , u2i } must belong
to every equitable dominating set of G . While subgraph induced by V (G) {u1 , u2 ,, u2n } is cycle Cn . This
implies that
e (G) e (Cn ) n (Cn ) n
Now consider a set which satisfies above lower bound as D S {u1 , u2 ,, u2n } , where S is e set
of Cn . Then D is an equitable dominating set of G , as vertices u1 , u2 ,, u2n are equitable isolates and
remaining vertices are dominated by set S . This implies that
e (G) e (Cn ) n (Cn ) n
Also D is an equitable independent set as vertices u1 , u2 ,, u2n are equitably non adjacent to vertices of S and
vertices of S are not adjacent to each other. Hence D is an equi independent equitable dominating set of G
and i e (G) e (G) (Cn ) n .

1 for n 2
Theorem 2.8: i e ( B 2 n, n ) ( B 2 n, n )
3 for n 3
Proof: Consider Bn , n with vertex set {u, v, ui , vi } where u, v are apex vertices and ui , vi are pendant vertices.
Then V ( Bn2, n ) V ( Bn, n ) and E( Bn2, n ) E( Bn, n ) {ui u j , ui v, vi v j , vi u /1 i, j, n,i j} . Note that d (ui ) d (vi )

n 1 and d (u) d (v) 2n 1 .

Case 1: n 2
In this case vertex u is equitably adjacent to all the vertices. Hence i e ( Bn2, n ) e ( Bn2, n ) 1 .
Case 2: n 3
Here vertex ui is equitably adjacent to all the vertices u j where i j and similarly vertex vi is
equitably adjacent to all the vertices v j where i j . Therefore one vertex from ui ' s say u1 and one vertex
from vi ' s say v1 must belong to every equitable dominating set of Bn2, n . While vertex u is equitably adjacent
to v only. This implies that

e ( Bn2, n ) 3
Now consider a set which satisfies above lower bound as D {u, u1 , v1} . Here

N e (u) N e (u1 ) N e (v1 )

V ( Bn2,n ) . Therefore D is an equitable dominating set of Bn2, n and e ( Bn2,n ) 3 . Also vertices u, u1 and v1

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Equi independent equitable domination number of cycle and bistar related graphs
are not equitably adjacent to each other. This implies that D is an equitable independent set of Bn2, n . Hence D
is an equi independent equitable dominating set of Bn2, n and i e ( Bn2, n ) e ( Bn2, n ) 3 .
Theorem 2.9: i e ( D2 ( Bn, n )) e ( D2 ( Bn, n )) 4n 2
Proof: Consider two copies of Bn , n . Let A {u, v, ui , vi /1 i n} and B {u, v, ui, vi /1 i n} be the
corresponding vertex sets of each copy of Bn , n . Then V ( D2 ( Bn, n )) A B and E( D2 ( Bn, n )) {uui , uui, uui ,

uui, vvi , vvi, vvi , vvi, uv, uv, vu, vu} . Note that d (ui ) d (ui) d (vi ) d (vi) 2 , d (u) d (u) d (v) d (v)

2n 2 and vertices ui , ui, vi , vi are not adjacent to each other. This implies that vertices ui , vi , ui, vi are note
adjacent to each other. Then vertices ui , vi , ui, vi are equitable isolates. Therefore they must belong to every
equitable dominating set of D2 ( Bn, n ) . While rest of vertices u, u, v, v can be equitably dominate by either u, u
or v, v . This implies that

e ( D2 ( Bn, n )) 4n 2
D {u1 , u2 ,, un , v1 , v2 ,, vn , u1, u2 ,, un , v1, v2 , , vn u, u } . Then N e [ D] V ( D2 ( Bn, n )) with | D | 4n 2 .
Therefore e ( D2 ( Bn, n )) 4n 2 . While vertices of D other than u, u are equitable isolates and u, u are not
adjacent to each other. This implies that D is an equitable independent set of D2 ( Bn, n ) . Hence D is an equi
independent equitable dominating set of D2 ( Bn, n ) and i e ( D2 ( Bn, n )) e ( D2 ( Bn, n )) 4n 2 .

for n 2
Theorem 2.10: i e ( S ( Bn, n )) e ( S ( Bn, n ))
4n 3 for n 3
Proof: Consider Bn , n with vertex set {u, v, ui , vi /1 i n} where ui , vi are pendant vertices. In order to obtain

S ( Bn, n ) add u, v, ui, vi vertices corresponding to u, v, ui , vi , where 1 i n .

Case 1: n 2
In this case vertices u1, u2 , v1, v2 are equitable isolates. Therefore they must belong to every equitable
dominating set of S ( B2,2 ) . Observe that N e (u) {u1 , u2 , v} , N e (v) {v1 , v2 , u}, N e (u ) {u1 , u2 , u1, u2 , v},

N e (v) {v1 , v2 , v1, v2 , u} . From this consider D {u, u, v, u1, u2 , v1, v2 } . Then N e [ D] V (S ( B2,2 )) . Therefore

D is an equitable dominating set of S ( B2,2 ) and e (S ( B2,2 )) 7 . While vertices u1, u2 , v1, v2 are equitable
isolates and other vertices u , v, u are note equitably adjacent to each other. This implies that D is an equitable
independent set of S ( B2,2 ) . Hence D is an equi independent equitable dominating set of S ( B2,2 ) and

i e (S ( B2,2 )) e (S ( B2,2 )) 7 .
Case 2: n 3
In this case d (ui) d (vi) 1 , d (u) d (v) n 1 , d (ui ) d (vi ) 2 , d (u) d (v) 2n 2 . Note
that vertices ui , vi are not adjacent to each other and not adjacent to ui, vi . Then vertices ui , vi , ui, vi, u, v are
equitable isolates. Therefore they must belong to every equitable dominating set of S ( Bn, n ) . While remaining
vertices u and v are equitably adjacent to each other. Therefore at least one vertex from {u, v} must belong to
every equitable dominating set of S ( Bn, n ) . This implies that

e (S ( Bn, n )) 4n 3
Now consider a set which satisfies above lower bound as D {ui , vi , ui, vi, u, v, u /1 i n} with | D | 4n 3 .

N e [ D] V (S ( Bn,n )) . Therefore D is an equitable dominating set of S ( Bn,n ) . Also D is an equitable

independent set as all the vertices of D other than u are equitable isolates. Hence D is an equi independent
equitable dominating set of S ( Bn, n ) and i e (S ( Bn, n )) e (S ( Bn, n )) 4n 3 .



The equi independent equitable dominating set is a combination of two concepts equitable
dominating set and equitable independent set. We derive equi independent equitable domination number of
some cycle and bistar related graphs
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Equi independent equitable domination number of cycle and bistar related graphs

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