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Copyright: 2015 Deshpande RR

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Journal of Alternative Medical Research

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Happy International Yoga Day on 21 June 2015

Prof. Dr. RR Deshpande
Head, Sharirkriya Dept. Ayurveda College, Nigdi, Pune , India
Received Date: July 11, 2015, Accepted Date: July 15, 2015, Published Date: June 30, 2015.

*Corresponding author: Deshpande RR, Head, Sharirkriya Dept. Ayurveda College, Nigdi, Pune , India, Tel: 9226810630; Fax: 91-020-27659578; E-mail:

Yoga is not Gymnastic or one hour program. Like Ayurveda, Yoga

is also life style. We must try to live yoga life. What is yoga Life style?

Yogaha Samatvam Ucchate! There should be balance in each

of our life activity like in eating, sleeping, working, laughing, talking.
We should try to avoid extreme in any condition. In Marathi there
is a saying Aati tithe mati (Any excess spoils the purpose). Laziness
is bad, but workaholic is also bad.
Yogasu karma Kaushalam! Yoga means developing skill in
any of your work. Skillful activity saves your energy, still gives you

Yogastu Chitta vrutti Nirodhaha! You must have control on

your physical & mental activities. This means there you should not
drain away with emotions or your activities. We must use our God
gifted power of Intelligence for the same, to decide what is correct
& what is wrong?
Then, how you can recognize that we have become yogi, after
following above said Yogic Life style?
Sukha Dukhe Samet krutva, Labha alabhav, jaya ajaye!

We, as a yogi can remain stable in any odds in our life. Whether
we get lottery ticket or we are just earning our bread & butter,
whether we win or we lose some times, whether we are honored or
whether we are criticized.

To become Yogi person or to follow yoga Life Style, Step by Step

guidelines are given by Patanjali Like Yam, Niyam, Asan, Pranayam,
Pratyahar, Dharna, Dhyna & Samadhi.

Yam & Niyam are practices for Ethical Code of Conduct & ways
for Physical & Mental Hygiene Asanas are not like Gymnastic or
only Gymnastic. Yea! Physical postures can improve your physical
flexibility but at the same time, we must practice to improve
mental flexibility (by dissolving Ego). Asanas are for our stability.
According to Ayurveda, Asanas are Koshtha Vyayam (exercises for
Chest & abdominal organs). By bending forward & backward, we do
contraction & relaxation of abdominal muscles .There is pumping
like action. This action helps to improve blood supply & circulation
to abdominal & chest organs. This improves nutrition of these
organs & elimination of wastes from this part.
Pranayam or Breathing Yogic Exercises is a Conservation
of Energy Technique. God has given each of us, specific amount of
breaths for our whole life. It is like giving specific pocket money to
a son by his father. So it is now sons responsibility to utilize Pocket
money skillfully. Similarly we must try to learn to utilize these
breaths carefully & conserve our Life Energy. When we become
angry or excited our respiratory rate increases & we lose lot of
Energy. But in calm & stable condition our respiration rate is low. In
Pranayam we reduce our respirations per minute & also we make
them deep i.e .more powerful.
Pratyhar is training to our senses, for not getting them carried

J Alt Med Res

away by our emotions. We should not become slave of our senses.

Rather we should be master of our sensory & motor organs. For
this our mind should remain always connected to our Intelligence
or Inner conscious.
Dharana & Dhyana is Internal Journey towards Inner
Conscious, which is Divine purity inside. When our outer world is
perfectly tuned with Internal world, melody of Joy is created .This
is called as Sat Chit Anand (Eternal Happiness) .Then we can remain
happy, without any reason. This is Samadhi stage of Yoga. Then we
can remain Blissful & Joyful at any moment of our life.
Other than Ashtang Yoga, there are other ways to get same
results. These yoga types are described as Karma Yoga, Jnyana Yoga
& Bhakti Yoga.
I personally feel Karma yoga i.e physically remain engaged in
activity & keeping balance in it, is good for Kapha dominant prakruti
in Ayurveda, because Kapha people has to take care of their Inertia
to maintain Health.

Pitta dominant people should follow Bhakti Yoga, where we

have to keep faith & respect on divine things & surrender in front
of them. This is necessary to dissolve ego of Pitta people. Mantra
yoga is a part of Bhakti Yoga. Om mantra is a Divine Mantra. Why &
How? Om mantra, really has 3 syllabi A,O & M. A Sound vibrations
are useful for proper Genesis of Cells. O Syllabus is for proper
operations (functions) of cell. M sound vibrations makes in time
destruction of degraded cells. So A,O,M syllabi are responsible for
Genesis + Operation + Destruction = GOD = Physiology of Body .
Vata dominant people may follow Jnyana Yoga .Jnyana yoga
means Knowledge based activities .This can reduce unstability &
confusion in Vata people.

Celebrating Yoga Day is Good to create awareness on Yoga, but

to get benefit from yoga, we must able to understand & digest Yoga
Philosophy. Then we can live yoga life & will become Yoga person!

Copyright: 2015 Deshpande RR. This is an open access article

distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which
ermits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
Citation: Deshpande RR (2015) Happy International Yoga Day on
21 June 2015. J Alt Med Res 1(1): 106e.

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