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This chapter present a brief introduction of the ESP Course Design Observation.In detail,
it describes background of the observation, the purpose of observation and the report question
of observation.
A. Background of ESP Course Design Observation
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is as a branch of English language Teaching
(ELT) and refereed as applied ELT as the aims and contents of any ESP course is based on
specific needs of the learners. Unlike ESP, English for General Purposes (EGP), where
courses are designed based on general needs of the learners. Although in designing courses
for both ESP and EGP learners, needs analysis has been a primary focus, both differ in the
approach of needs analysis. While ESP courses focus more on specific and immediate needs
of the learners, EGP courses may not focus on specific needs of the learners as learners at that
stage may not be able to specify their contexts of using language.
Teaching of ESP in Vocational School will be effective if the teacher can teach ESP
cleary in order the student of Vocational School can developt their English ability based on
their course. We Observe the teaching of ESP in Vocational School to know how effective of
Teaching ESP .
B. Purpose of Observation
To fulfil the assigment of ESP Course Design and to know how the teaching of ESP in
Vocational School.
C. Report Question of ESP
- Is the teacher connect the lesson or material with the lesson before ?
- Is the teacher give the challenge question?
- Is the teacher deliver the advantages of the lesson ?
- Is the teacher demonstrate a thing that correlated with the lesson ?
- Is the teacher deliver the competency that will achieve by student ?
- Is the teacher deliver the lesson plan such as : individual, team work or do the
observation ?
- Is the teacher have capability to appropiate the lesson with learning purposes?
- Is the teacher have ability to connect the lesson with the other relevant knowledge ,
Scient and Thecnology development, and real life/?
- Is the techer present the lesson exactly ?
- Is the teacher present the lesson systematic ?
- Is the teacher give why and how question ?
- Is the teacher stimulus the student to ask ?
- Is the teacher facility the student to try ?
- Is the teacher facility the student to observe ?
- Is the teacher facility the student to analyze ?
- Is the teacher give question to the student to think logical reasoning ?
- Is the teacher present the student activity to communicate?

Is the teacher present the ability on using learning resources ?

Is the teacher present the ability on using learning media ?
Is the teacher produce the interesting message ?
Is the teacher involve the student on using learning resources ?
Is the teacher involve the student on using learning media ?
Is the teacher grow the active participation of the student through teacher interaction ,
student and learning resources ?
Is the teacher give positive respond of student participation ?
Is the teacher present the opended attitude to the respond of student ?
Is the teacher present the conducive individual relation ?
Is the teacher grow the students purity or enthusiasm on study ?
Is the teacher use the oral language clearly and fluently ?
Is the teacher use the writing language correctly ?
Is the teacher involve the student to reflection or summarize the lesson ?
Is the teacher give oral and writing test ?
Is the teacher collect the work result as portofolio material ?
Is the teacher give the directive of next agenda or assigment ?

The Herbartian like the Kantian theory of apperception is based on the conception that mental
activity consists in the clash of two factors; that both unite to form the experience.
apperception is necessary in order to get perception, since the latter is a form of
consciousness in which sensations and their meanings are fused. To recognize an object, or to
give it position and shape, or to ascribe to it reality, is to apperceive it. On the other hand, in
educational discussions apperception usually means not the making of a perception, but
rather the adding to the bare perception the richer significations that are brought by a broader
experience. Thus the educational use of the term conforms a little more closely to its
etymology than does the psychological one.

Ernest N. Henderson (Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy and Education, Adelphi

College) (12:16)

Menurut mc. Donald ( dalam Syaiful, 2002 ) Motivasi adalah suatu perubahan energi dalam
diri seseorang yang ditandai dengan munculnya "feeling" dan di dahului dengan tanggapan
terhadap adanya tujuan.
Dalam belajar motivasi sangat di perlukan. Sebab seseorang yang tidak mempunyai motivasi
dalam belajar tak akan mungkin melakukan aktivitas belajar. Hal ini merupakan pertanda
bahwa sesuatu yang akan di kerjakan itu tidak menyentuh kebutuhannya. Maslow ( dalam
Syaiful, 2002) sangat mempercayai bahwa tingkah laku manusia di bangkitkan dan di

arahkan oleh kebutuhan-kebutuhan tertentu seperti kebutuhan fisiologis, rasa aman, rasa
cinta, penghargaan, aktualisasi diri, mengetahui dan mengerti, dan kebutuhan estetik.
Kebutuhan-kebutuhan inilah menurut maslow yang mampu memotivasi tingkahlaku individu.
Oleh karena itu, apa yang seseorang lihat sudah tentu akan membengkitkan minatnya sejauh
apa yang ia lihat itu mempunyai hubungan dengan kepentingannya sendiri.
peserta didik itu perlu diberikanrangsangan agar tumbuh motivasi pada dirinya. Singkatnya
perlu diberikanmotivasi (Sardiman, 2011:74).
Motivasi berasal dari kata motif yang dapat diartikan sebagaidaya upaya yang mendorong
seseorang untuk melakukan sesuatu(Sardiman, 2011:73).

Permendikbud No. 65 Tahun 2013 tentang Standar Proses Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah
telah mengisyaratkan tentang perlunya proses pembelajaran yang dipandu dengan kaidahkaidah pendekatan saintifik/ilmiah.
Banyak para ahli yang meyakini bahwa melalui pendekatan saintifik/ilmiah, selain dapat
menjadikan siswa lebih aktif dalam mengkonstruksi pengetahuan dan keterampilannya, juga
dapat mendorong siswa untuk melakukan penyelidikan guna menemukan fakta-fakta dari
suatu fenomena atau kejadian. Artinya, dalam proses pembelajaran, siswa dibelajarkan dan
dibiasakan untuk menemukan kebenaran ilmiah, bukan diajak untuk beropini apalagi fitnah
dalam melihat suatu fenomena. Mereka dilatih untuk mampu berfikir logis, runut dan
sistematis, dengan menggunakan kapasistas berfikir tingkat tinggi (High Order
Thingking/HOT). Combie White (1997) dalam bukunya yang berjudul Curriculum
Innovation; A Celebration of Classroom Practice telah mengingatkan kita tentang
pentingnya membelajarkan para siswa tentang fakta-fakta. Tidak ada yang lebih penting,
selain fakta, demikian ungkapnya. 13:30
Pembelajaran scientific merupakan pembelajaran yang mengadopsi langkah-langkah saintis
dalam membangun pengetahuan melalui metode ilmiah. Model pembelajaran yang
diperlukan adalah yang memungkinkan terbudayakannya kecapakan berpikir sains,
terkembangkannya sense of inquiry dan kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa (Alfred De Vito,
1989). (13:36)

Menurut pendapat Hounston (1987), aspek-aspek dari partisipasi yang dapat dijadikan alat
ukur tingkat partisipasi siswa dalam proses pembelajaran, antara lain:

kerja sama dan keterlibatan dalam kelompok

siswa yang terlihat berpartisipasi pasti terlibat dan turut serta dalam diskusi-diskusi
dan kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakan dalam kelompok dengan harapan
tercapainya tujuan dalam kelompok tersebut.


mengajukan pertanyaan
siswa yang terlihat berpartisipasi pasti mengajukan pertanyaan-pertanyaan, dan
pertanyaan tersebut mengenai materi yang belum jelas yang telah diterangkan oleh


berani memberikan tanggapan terhadap jawaban siswa lain

siswa yang terlihat berpartisipasi pasti turut serta dalam menanggapi jawaban siswa
lain, hal ini bisa dilakukan dalam diskusi kecil maupun diskusi besar dalam kelas


memberikan kesimpulan
siswa yang terlihat berpartisipasi pasti dapat menyimpulkan materi yang telah
dipelajari. Dengan bisa menyimpulakan materi, siswa tersebut dianggap mengusai
materi dengan baik dan berpartisipasi dalam proses pembelajaran


menjawab pertanyaan yang diajukan guru maupun siswa lain

siswa yang terlihat berpartisipasi pasti bisa menjawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan dari
guru maupun siswa mengenai materi pelajaran yang diajarkan dalam proses
pembelajaran di kelas


mengerjakan soal di depan kelas

siswa yang terlihat berpartisipasi pasti berani mengerjakan soal di depan kelas. Hal ini
baik untuk melatih keberanian siswa dalam hal maju di depan siswa lain
Menurut Hanif (1998) tinggi rendahnya partisipasi siswa dalam pembelajaran di kelas
dapat dilihat dari keadaan atau aktivitas yang terjadi dalam pembelajaran. Partisipasi
siswa dikatakan tinggi jika lebih dari 70% siswa terlibat dalam proses pembelajaran.
Partisipasi siswa dikatakan sedang jika 40% - 70% siswa terlibat dalam proses
pembelajaran. Partisipasi siswa dikatakan rendah jika kurang dari 40% siswa terlibat
dalam proses pembelajaran (13:58)

Moh. Asad (1986:150) menjelaskan bahwa dimensi ini menggambarkan sejauhmana seorang
guru memberi batasan dan memberi struktur terhadap perannya dan peran siswanya untuk
mencapai tujuan yang telah ditetapkan.

Menurut Cony Semiawan (1991:98) hal ini sangat dimakhlumi, karena guru merupakan salah
satu pemegang peranan yang sangat strategis dalam proses pembelajaran, sekaligus sebagai
pelaksana kurikulum yang berada pada jajaran paling depan dalam lembaga pendidikan.
Oemar Hamalik (2001:27) menyatakan bahwa guru merupakan key person dalam kelas, guru
yang memimpin dan mengarahkan kegiatan belajar para siswa.,%20M.Pd./Peran%20Guru
%20Dalam%20Pendidikan%20Nilai%20Pada%20Anak.pdf (14:07)

Breen dan Candlin dalam Nunan(1989:87) mengatakan bahwa peran guru adalah sebagai
fasilitator dalam proses yang komunikatif, bertindak sebagai partisipan, dan yang ketiga
bertindak sebagai pengamat. (14:18)

Florez (1999) dalam Santrock (2008) mengemukakan bererapa strategi yang dapat
digunakan oleh guru agar dapat berbicara secara jelas pada saat proses pembelajaran
berlangsung. Strategi yang dimaksud oleh Florez adalah harus dilakukan dengan
menggunakan tata bahasa yang benar, kosa kata yang dapat dipahami dan tepat pada
perkembangan anak, melakukan penekanan pada kata-kata kunci atau dengan mengulang
penjelasan, berbicara dengan tempo yang tepat, tidak menyampaikan hal-hal yang kabur, dan
menggunakan perencanaan dan pemikiran logis sebagai dasar berbicara secara jelas di kelas.
2.3 (
Learning for mastery or mastery learning, are terms coined by Benjamin Bloom in 1968
and 1971 respectively. Bloom hypothesized that a classroom with a mastery learning focus as
opposed to the traditional form of instruction would reduce the achievement gaps between
varying groups of students (Guskey 2007). In Mastery learning, "the students are helped to
master each learning unit before proceeding to a more advanced learning task" (Bloom 1985)
in contrast to "conventional instruction".
The important :
The material that will be taught to mastery is broken down into small discrete lessons that
follow a logical progression. In order to demonstrate mastery over each lesson, students must
be able to overtly show evidence of understanding of the material before moving to the next
lesson (Anderson, 2000).

2.6 (
Media are the means for transfering or delivering messages. It is called the educational
medium when the medium transfers message for the purpose of teaching. (Li-Ling KUO ,
Important :
Teaching media are very important. Without application of teaching media in classroom, none
of learning theory priciples could be fulfilled. It would take a lot of exertion to reach a good
teaching communication without application of teaching media. It's impossible to coordinate
teaching with learning without using media. Though it spends time and effort to design,
produce and select media, the teacher's endeavor is worthy, and half the work with double the





Observed Aspect
Aperception and Motivation
Connect the lesson or material with the lesson before
Give the challenge question
Deliver the advantages of the lesson
Demonstrate a thing that correlated with the lesson
Delivering competency and Lesson Plan
Deliver the competency that will achieve by student
Deliver the lesson plan such as : individual, team work or do the
Core Activity
The ability of lesson material
Have capability to appropiate the lesson with learning purposes
Have ability to connect the lesson with the other relevant knowledge ,
Scient and Thecnology development, and real life
Present the lesson exactly
Present the lesson systematic
Applying Scientific Approach
Give why and how question




Stimulus the student to ask

Facility the student to try
Facility the student to observe
Facility the student to analyze
Give question to the student to think logical reasoning
Present the student activity to communicate
Using Study Learning Resources/ Learning Media
Present the ability on using learning resources
Present the ability on using learning media
Produce the interesting message
Involve the student on using learning resources
Involve the student on using learning media
Participation of The Student on Learning
Grow the active participation of the student through teacher
interaction , student and learning resources
Give positive respond of student participation
Present the opended attitude to the respond of student
Present the conducive individual relation
Grow the students purity or enthusiasm on study
Using Correct and Suitable Language on Learning
Use the oral language clearly and fluently
Use the writing language correctly
Learning Closing
Involve the student to reflection or summarize the lesson
Give oral and writing test
Collect the work result as material paper
Give the directive of next agenda or assigment


Aperception and motivation

Based on the observation the teacher didnt give apperception and motivation. Whereas
according to The Herbartian like the Kantian theory of apperception is based on the
conception that mental activity consists in the clash of two factors; that both unite to form the
experience. Apperception is necessary in order to get perception, since the latter is
a form of consciousness in which sensations and their meanings are fused. To
recognize an object, or to give it position and shape, or to ascribe to it reality, is
to apperceive it. On the other hand, in educational discussions apperception
usually means not the making of a perception, but rather the adding to the bare
perception the richer significations that are brought by a broader experience.
Thus the educational use of the term conforms a little more closely to its
etymology than does the psychological one. (Ernest N. Henderson Ph.D., Professor of

Philosophy and Education, Adelphi College


Maslow ( dalam Syaiful, 2002) sangat mempercayai bahwa tingkah laku manusia di
bangkitkan dan di arahkan oleh kebutuhan-kebutuhan tertentu seperti kebutuhan fisiologis,
rasa aman, rasa cinta, penghargaan, aktualisasi diri, mengetahui dan mengerti, dan kebutuhan
estetik. ( (12:30))


Delivering competency and Lesson Plan

based on the observation the teacher didnt deliver competence and lesson plan to the
The ability of lesson material

Based on the observation the teacher have capability to appropiate the lesson with learning
purposes because the teacher gave the materials about conditional sentences which was
suitable with the 2013 curriculum. The teacher didnt have ability to connect the lesson with
the other relevant knowledge, Scient and Thecnology development, and real life. The teacher
present the lesson exactly because the teacher gave conditional materials that which was
relevan with student routine activity that was when the teacher gave the example if Persib
becomes the winner in AFC competition, the Persib supporters will celebrate it happily.
Present the lesson systematic

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