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Course Manual - Kettlebell Workshop

Energy Kettlebell Fitness Academy



CKI (Certified Kettlebell Instructor) LEVEL 1

Copyright 2011, Energy Kettlebell Fitness Academy, EKFA

All rights reserved
Not to be reproduced without permission
These materials are not intended to replace instruction by a qualified teacher nor to
substitute for good personal judgement. In using these materials the reader releases
the author, publisher and distributor from liability for any injury, including death
that might result. The reader understands that no exercise plan should be undertaken
without first consulting a qualified medical professional, and that the reader should
not attempt to perform any act or exercise detailed in these materials for which the
reader is not health enough to safely perform.

Lesson 1 - Introduction - EKFA
1. What is the EKFA
2. Mission
3. Principals
4. Goal of this manual
Lesson 2 - Introduction to Kettlebell training
1. History
2. Benefits
3. Equipment & Safety
4. Breathing
Lesson 3 - Warm ups with Kettlebell
Lesson 4 -Kettlebell Exercises, description & benefits
1. Swing
2. Clean
3. Press
4. Push Press
5. Snatch
6. Squat
7. Long-Cycle Intro
8. Core and Abdominal
Kettlebell Variations
1. Swing
a) Two - Hand Swing
b) H2H Swing
c) Hammer swing
2. Clean
a) Two - Hand Clean
b) One handed bottoms up clean
c) Alternating Clean
3. Presses
a) Bottoms up
b) Push Press
4. Snatch
a) Half Snatch

Lesson 5 - Importance of Rack position - A highlight

Lesson 6- Assessment and Important KB Terms
a) Communication with Members and other lessons
b) Important Kettlebell terms
Lesson 7 - Kettlebell and Functional training
a) Kettlebell and Hypertrophy
b) The body as one unit
Lesson 8 - Practical Exam
Lesson 9 - About EKFA Team

Lesson 1 - Introduction of EKFA

What is EKFA?
EKFA is Energy Kettlebell Fitness Academy part of Energy24x7 Kettlebell Club
based in Pune which promotes Kettlebell & functional Training to trainers &
members in order to make aware of true sport which focuses on enhancing
fitness business and education to trainers.
CEKI (Certified Energys Kettlebell Instructor) level 1 is the foundational course
for all Kettlebell Lifting practiced across globe.
Through proper instruction of the exercises, we in EKFA strive to make the
fast and spreading power of the Kettlebell available to all in order to promote
human potential. Whether as a trainer, coach, athlete, fitness enthusiast, or
curious individual who wants to see first hand the incredible, efficient, and
exciting benefits of Kettlebell Lifting.
The body and brain work together to produce faster results, with an increase in
strength, endurance, flexibility and overall mobility, all while significantly
reducing the risk of injury.
Our mission is the educate and motivate trainers throughout India/Asia in
Kettlebell & Functional training in different levels so that maximum number
of people could take advantage of this tool to be healthy & fit every passing day.
Principals of EKFA
1. Training movements not muscles
2. Sharper inter-connectivity of 10 body system
2. Dynamic well being
3. Cellular health
Goal of this Manual
Goal is to give you correct information & practical experience on Kettlebell.
We would ensure your experience with EKFA Certification is World class.
What will we cover?
Kettlebell lifts with correct form, theory behind lifts and individual examination
for lifts.

Lesson 2 - Introduction of Kettlebell Training

A kettlebell is traditonal Russian

training tool. The kettlebell or girya
(Russian) is a cast iron weight
(resembling a cannonball with a
handle) used to perform ballistic
exercises that combine cardiovascular
strength and flexibility training.
History :
Also known as a Girya in Russian, a
kettlebell looks like a metal cannon
ball with a flat bottom and a handle
molded to it. Kettlebells have long
been used as a dynamic tool to
develop strength and endurance.
Their origin is still a matter of
speculation, but archaeological
records show evidence of their use
in Ancient Greece. They made their
way to Russia about 1700, where they
happened to be used as a weight
measure for grain and goods. At the end of the market day, at folk festivals
and fairs, farmers started swinging and lifting kettlebells to show their
strength, and quickly found out health benefits related to this activity.
Development of kettlebell sport in Russia is related to the name of the
founder of heavy athletics Doctor V. Kraevsky. Through 1870 to 1880,
he travelled around Europe, gathering information about physical culture
and the development of sports in view to improve health and well being.
He introduced exercises with kettlebells and barbells to the Russian athletic

Introduction of Kettlebell Training

In the early 1900's, circus performer, physical culturists and strong men from
around the world (Arthur Saxon, Edgar Mueller and Eugene Sandow)
trained with kettlebells just like the Russian strongmen and athletes. Slowly
kettlebells felt out of favor in the West, but they began to flourish and spread
in the former Soviet Union. Training with kettlebells became common practice
for people in rural areas, the military and Olympic athletes. In addition to their
training program, Soviet Olympic weightlifters utilized kettlebells unilaterally in
order to strengthen their weaker side. To this day, countries of the old eastern
bloc rely on kettlebells for supplementing the training of many of their athletes
and armed forces.

Benefits of Kettlebells are Numerous and Diverse :

1) The posterior chain gets trained explosively through a full range of motion

with kettlebell throws and swings.

2) Kettlebell training involves many unilateral drills, exposing weaknesses and
imbalances throughout the entire body. Also, standing unilateral training
mimics the athletic demands of most sports, and fully engages the core
muscles in every drill.
3) Kettlebells teach the body to absorb force and redirect it, and to accelerate
and decelerate weights. It is a skill athletes use when they change directions
while running and playing for example.
4) The classic Olympic lifts become more accessible using kettlebells.
They are less technically demanding than using a barbell, but still provide the
benefits of ballistic/ explosive power training.
4) Ballistic drills teach the body how to generate and transfer power from the
legs to the arms. An essential and valuable skill for any athlete.
5) Full body ballistic kettlebell drills build explosive power endurance and work
capacity/ GPP (General Physical Preparedness) and help improve RFD
(Rate of force development).
6) The kettlebells displaced centre of gravity and cumbersomeness uniquely
challenges the bodys stabilizer muscles and forces the entire body to
participate in the movement, recruiting more muscles and joints, providing a
much more realistic and functional approach to conditioning.
7) The centre of gravity of the bell is always changing. Coordination, timing,
awareness and agility are required to properly execute the drills.
8) You can train muscles and joints from many angles with numerous
challenging drills that target the entire body, while generating and controlling
forces from the ground up.
9) Kettlebell training builds strength, flexibility and helps injury prevention.
Due to the displaced center of gravity, muscles are often loaded and stretched
through a greater range of motion than with classical training, closely
simulating in the training room what happens on the field.
10) The displaced center of gravity of the kettlebell allows you to use
significantly less actual weight to elicit positive training effects. The leverage
disadvantage requires greater force production than if the weight were much
heavier but balanced in the grip like a dumbbell.

Equipment and Safety :

Footwear :
Although the ideal is to train barefoot, but shoe with flat/solid sole is okay.
Gloves :
Wearing weight lifting gloves is not recommended. This interferes with the
ability of the propriceptors in the hands to communicate with the rest of the
body in terms of adjusting posture and movements.
Weight belt :
With the exception of jerk and long cycle events in competion, a belt should be
avoided. One of the objectives of KB training is to train the body to support/
stabilse itself without outside assistance.
Progression :
Gradually increase your weight, volume and intensity. Failure to do so will lead
to over-training/or injury.
Awareness of body alignment and movement mechanics :
In terms of posture, avoid an excessively rounded spine, shrugged shoulders
and don't let the knee track over the toes frontally, laterally or medically. In
terms of movement, keep your motions smooth, controlled and performed
with intent.
Hand Care :
Due to friction and high repetition nature of many of the lifts, the hands will
develop calluses and potential tears. To remedy this, hand lotion can be used.

Breathing :
Diaphragmatic or Bio-mechanical Breathing :
This typically involves inhaling and pressurizing on the eccentric part of the
movement and exhaling during or at the top of the concentric part of the
movement. Breathing in this manner creates pressure in the thoracic cavity
protects spine. This method is best used when lifting maximal weights and/or
acclimating to a new exercise.
Ex : Squat - inhale on the way down and exhale on the way up.
Anatomical Breathing :
This breathing is performed in a manner opposite of what is outlined above.
Inhale on the concentric portion and exhale on eccentric portion. This method
is best used when lifting sub-maximal weights for high repetitions.
Ex : Snatch - exhale on the way down and inhale on the way up.
Key principals training for time one of the base premises of what we teach is to
focus on training for time - In other words, doing progressively longer and longer
sets until you reach a designated goal. In competition, this goal is typically 10
mins but can be as high as 20,30 or even 60 mins.

Lesson 3 - Joint Mobility Warm ups

1. Front and Side raises with Kettlebells :

Warms up - Shoulder joints
2. Body Pass/Sling shot :
Warms up - Shoulders, hip joint
3. Halo :
Warms up - Shoulder joint
4. Chest stretching :
Warms up - Pectoralis minor/Major
6. Side bend :
Warms up - Hip joint, External obliques
7. Head to Knee touch with Feet together (KB in hand) :
Warms up - Hips, gluteal group, Hip flexors
8. Hip Twisting with side bending (KB on back) :
Warms up - Core
9. Forward and Back touch with KB
Warms up - Hip joint/ shoulders
10. Squat with hands up :
Warms up - Core, Glutes, Hamstrings, Quadriceps
11. Diagonal Chop :
Warms up - Obliques, serratus anterior, core
12. Walking Lunges :
Warms up - Core, leg muscles
Additional Variations (Moderate to Advance) :
1. Alternating Punches :
Warms up - Shoulders, core, upper back
2. Overhead Kettlebell Walk :
Warms up - Entire body

3. Figure 8 :
Warms up - Shoulder joints, upper pecs
4. Posterior Deltoid stretching /with wider grip (option)
Warms up - Post delt, core
5. Achilles tendon warm up (heal stretch)
Warms up - Ankle joint
6. Figure 8 (passing thru legs)
Warms up - Hips, Abdomen, arms, core
7. Spot Jumping lunge
Warms up - Entire body

Lesson 4 - Kettlebell Exercises, description & benefits

Kettlebell exercises :
The swing is first and basic exercises in KB training. It's a back and forth motion
of the arm holding KB between the legs with shoulder acting as a hinge.
The height of the swing should be around chest level as the bell moves up
by keeping the knees straight. Drive should be through hip.
Primary muscles involved :
Full body movement, focuses on musculature of posterior chain. Involves core
majorly, Glutes, Hamstrings, quadriceps and lower back.
Benefits :
Swing is fundamental of KB exercise. It teaches hip extension how to produce
and reduce force and also linking of upper and lower body as one unit.
Breathing :
1. Exhale as move the bell down between the legs and Inhale as bring towards
chest (for first few reps)
2. Exhale as you move the bell down between the legs, Inhale in between as
you move the bell up and exhale once again as you bring the bell in front of
Reps per minute :
5-20 RPMs


Clean is combination of swing and rack. Catching the bell across forearm
and biceps is commonly know as Rack position.
Primary muscles involved :
Same as swing in addition latisimus dorsi and biceps get activated due to
pulling movement of KB while racking.
Benefits :
Benefits similar to Swing in addition to that rack position teaches how to
relax under load. While racking KB grip strength and shoulders get worked.
Breathing :
Inhale as you swing KB up towards your chest and exhale as you rack KB,
then inhale as you rest. Exhale as you swing KB between the legs and
continue with same breathing process.
Reps per minute :
5-20 RPMs


Press is simple overhead movement done without using legs, from the rack
position lift the bell up straight keeping less distance between your hand &
ear. Bring back the bell in rack position.
Primary muscles involved :
Shoulders, triceps and upper back are primary muscles involved.
Benefits :
It's a strict upper body movement, develops shoulders, triceps. Swing, clean
and press when done together are entire body movement which works
in integrity.
Breathing :
Use diaphragmatic breathing - Inhale while racking and exhale on top as you
push up.
Reps per minute :
5-20 RPMs


Push press is a dynamic movement as compared with Press, it involves leg
movement with your press movements. With the driving force from the legs
the lifter propels the KB upwards with legs locked before the arms get locked.
Primary muscles involved :
Quads, glutes, core, shoulders, triceps and upper back are primary muscles
Benefits :
It's a strict upper body movement, with the driving force from the legs the
joints, tendons, and ligaments are conditioned, along with shoulders and
triceps. Entire body works together as one unit.
Breathing :
Exhale as you dip your knees, then inhale in between followed by exhale on
hand lockout. Remember your knees get lock out first before your elbow gets
Reps per minute :
5-20 RPMs


Snatch movement is primarily swinging movement, as lifting KB overhead after
completing swing movement. Snatch movements involves shoulder jerking
in co-ordination with legs. Snatch is less of shoulder and more of hip movement
generated from ground. Final fixation of KB is when arms and legs are locked
out. Rest period is when you lockout your arms at top.
Primary muscles involved :
Snatch is full body movement. Posterior chain (Calves, Hams, glutes and back)
are majorly involved apart from that core, shoulders, triceps and biceps are also
Benefits :
Due to little rest position, snatch is classified as difficult exercise. It develops
strength, explosiveness, endurance, work capacity and core strength. Improves
grip strength significantly. Also teaches body to produce/reduce force which can
effectively used for sport specific training.
Breathing :
Use anatomical breathing - Initially inhale as you push bells up and exhale as
you swing the bell back between legs. While in rest position (while you lock up)
you can take several breathes to recover.
As you progress, use 3 exhales, 1. Exhale as you swing bell between legs, 2. As
you lift the bell near your chest, 3. As you lockout your arms.
Inhale as you move hand towards gravity (top to bottom).
Reps per minute :
12-16 RPMs


CORE and Abdominal :

All the movements initiate from Core, which is called power house of body.
Swing/snatch/jerk/longcycle do train core muscles, but some of the exercise
below mentioned with KB targets core directly.
Primary Muscles :
Traditional physical training refers Core to six packs, its misconception that
only abdominal are called Core. It consists glutes, pelvic, lower back, obliques
and abdominal muscles.
Benefits :
Core is the link between upper body (torso) and lower body (limb). Maximum
injuries to athletes happen if core is week. Conditioning of core provides strong
and stable link and makes resistant to injury.
Different Variations :
- Get-up sit up
- Turkish get up
- Windmill
- Low windmill
- High windmill
- Russian twist

ABS and Core steps


Windmill - Low

Windmill - High

Lesson 5 - Importance of Rack position - A highlight

The rack is an essential position to master since it is:

- A resting position
- The finish of a clean
- A platform to do jerks and overhead presses

This position is quite technical and feels unnatural at first, until one gets
used to it. While it is possible to hold a kettlebell in what "looks and feels
like a rack" position (straight back, elbows not in contact with the body), it
craves a lot of unnecessary tension in the whole arm all the way down to
the hand.
Translation: By trying to muscle the bell into place the athlete won't be able
to hold it in place for as long as he possibly could. While it is easy to do with
a light kettlebell or in a short set, it quickly becomes tiring with a heavier
bell or a long set. More importantly, it puts undue stress on the shoulder belt
and back.
Key Points :
- elbow(s) down on the hip bone, upper arm in contact with the torso
- hand(s) close to the center line
- hips pushed forward
- knees locked
- handle facing down and neutral wrists
- false grip to protect the fingers
In the proper rack position there is only a minimal load distribution onto the
back. Elbow(s) are kept tucked into the hip, just above the iliac crest, or at
least as close to the body as possible. Athletes with good flexibility can rest
the elbows snugly into the little hollow above the iliac crest. The weight is
transferred directly onto the hip, not the back or shoulders. This close contact
is essential for maximal upward drive of the bell when doing jerks.

Resting the elbows on the crest of the ilium reduces the excessive forces of
gravity and the resulting stress on the joints, as well as increases the efficiency
of motor actions (leg drive).
In the rack position, the legs are straight. While the upper body is leaning
back, the pelvis should be pushed forward by actively activating the glutes,
which provide extra stability for the lower back.

Lesson 6 - Assessment and Imp KB terms

Assessment :
Before any type of direct instructions begin, assessment of individual client
is mandatory.
Assessment before KB Workouts :
In regard to assessing movement ability, we strongly recommend doing some
type of movement screen.
Understand clients need before any kettlebell exercise is designed. X ray of
lower back or spine is important before you design any program.

Important Kettlebell terms :

Rack :
Rack is position where you can park kettlebell in many lifts. It's the
place from where all pressing, pushing and jerking begin.
Reps-per-minute (RPMs) :
The RPMs are the number of repetitions completed in 1 minute.
Lockout :
It is defined as full extension of legs and arms.
Minutes per hamd (MPH) :
It indicates how many minutes required before each hand switch within set.
It dictates overall length of each set.
Reset :
This is period of recovery or active rest between exercise sets within each
routine. Reset allows for a recovery of kettlebell lifter, ready for next set.

Lesson 7 - Kettlebell and Functional training

Kettlebell and Hypertrophy :

Ballistic kettlebell exercises (such as snatch, jerk, clean and swing) have a
short time under tension because the movement is explosive.
Each rep lasts a second or less. About three-quarters of the rep is performed
mostly by the initial burst, therefore the actual amount of time where the
muscles are producing a forceful contraction is around one-third of a second.
This stimulus is not enough to produce marked hypertrophy, but enough to
improve muscle tone and strength. Apart from volume, the important
component when it comes to stimulating growth is the eccentric, or lowering,
portion of the movement. Its during this phase that most of the muscle
damage occurs, and this is one of the main stimulators of hypertrophy.
With a ballistic kettlebell exercise, the eccentric portion is de-emphasized by
allowing the bell to drop quickly to the rack position or into a swing.
This is very advantageous for athletes competing in weight divisions
and people not wanting to put on extra mass!
However, for people interested in putting on mass, more conventional lifts
like presses and squats would be recommended, as the time muscles spend
under tension is longer on those lifts. The kettlebell is a flexible tool, and
the training form will dictate the results obtained. Consider that even
kettlebell athletes use conventional strength training to assist their
performances. Although kettlebells are versatile and can be used as a
standalone tool.

The body as one unit :

The human body is one unit, one complete
system. It works that way and likes to be
trained that way. When strength is acquired in
ways that do not correspond to the patterns
in which it is intended to actually be used
(such as isolation of body parts, restricted
range of motion, not training in multi-planes
of direction), the neuromuscular aspects of
training have not been considered.
Some forms of training leave the body prone
to potential injuries because of the too many
weak links in the kinetic chains. Sports involve rapid changes of directions,
stressful positions and loading under rotational forces. If you have never
trained in that way and slowly increased your resistance threshold, your
joints and sinews will have less likely chances to withstand such forces.
It is one of the main difference between functional (Athletic) and non functional
(Aesthetic) strength training. Voluminous work of moderate intensity is
required to strengthen the tendons, joints and ligaments.
These structures develop at a slower rate than muscle, which can lead to
injuries if people rush to lift too heavy before their bodies are ready for it.
Strong sinews are not only helpful for injury prevention but also for sports
performance. When a tendon is stretched, the elastic energy is stored within
this structure. This deformation energy is recoiled and used to enhance motor
output in the concentric phase of the shortening cycle.
For the athlete, it transfers as a higher/ longer jump, a more efficient stride.
For the average person, this is again something we use in our daily tasks.
Our daily actions are full body movements, so why train any different?
Safely swinging a kettlebell overhead doesnt allow the mind to wander from
the exercise, therefore helping to establish a good mind to muscle connection,
the importance of which is often neglected today. It is commonly accepted to
train mindlessly while reading a magazine or watching a screen. Needless to
say, training this way does not maximize potential benefits.

6 Reasons Why Kettlebell Training is Great for Your Back

60-80% of all individuals experience low-back pain at some point
in their lives. Following is a list of 6 reasons why kettlebells are great
for your back.
1. Kettlebell Training Strengthens the Gluteal Muscles :

Individuals with low back dysfunction often exhibit gluteal amnesia,

and if not overcome with proper recruitment pattern practice, it is likely to
lead to more back problems, since the erector spinae musles have to
compensate for the glutes in the lifting task. The Gluteal muscles are made
up of the Gluteus Maximus, Medius, and Minimus.
Kettlebell training strongly emphasizes the gluteal muscle group.
2. Kettlebell Exercises Promote Flexibility of the Hip Flexors :

Weak glutes are associated with tight hip flexors. The major hip flexor
muscles are the Ilopsoas (Illicus & psoas major), and the rectus femoris
(one of four of the quadricep muscles). Overdeveloped and tight hip flexors
contribute to lower back pain by causing the pelvis to tilt forward. To
counteract this, kettlebells promote hip flexor flexibility and strengthen
the abdominal muscles. This reduces pelvic tilt and decreases lower back

3. Kettlebell Training Develops Back Extensor Endurance

The major back extensor muscles are the erector spinae group, which are
the spinalis (medial), the longissimus (center) and iliocostalis (lateral). When
it comes to the muscles of the back, lower back strength...does not appear
to reduce the odds of back problems, muscular endurance does.
There is no better method for developing back extensor endurance than high
repetition Kettlebell swings or snatches.
5. Sensible Ballistic Loading Reduces the Odds of Arthritis
Repetitive ballistic loading of kettlebell swings and other quick lifts appears
to be highly beneficial to your joints, provided you do not over do it. Joints
subjected to heavy impact are relatively free of osteoarthritis in old age and
those subjected to much lower loading experience a greater incidence of
osteoarthritis and cartilage fibrillation.It appears that the cartilage of joints
subjected to regular impulsive loading with relatively high contact stresses is
mechanically much stiffer and better adapted to withstand the exceptional
loading of running or jumping than the softer cartilage associated with low
loading. Thus, joint cartilage subjected to regular repetitive loading remains
healthy and copes very well with impulsive loads, whereas cartilage that is
heavily loaded infrequently softensthe collagen network loses its cohesion
and the cartilage deteriorates.
6. Kettlebell Exercises are Great for Strengthening the Mulitfidus Muscle
Weakness in this small intrinsic spine muscle has been linked
to back problems.
Kettlebell exercises ... safely recruit and strengthen the

Lesson 8 - Practical Exam

EKFA Kettlebell Practical exam (Level 1) :

As per International Standards (with guidance from IKFF & WKC) we have
tried to create a exam pattern which will test your physical abilities to perform
under load.
Being little stringent on exam patterns, if you fail to deliver you can repeat
once again with no extra cost.
If distance is matter, you could shoot a video and email, after assessment
you can be given a certificate of Certified Kettlebell Instructor - Level 1
Internationally lifts tested for exam are 20kg and 12kg for mens and women
respectively, but EKFA taking overall consideration (for Indians) focuses
not only on overall endurance but the execution of lifts done correctly till
last rep.
Compulsory Lifts to be undertaken for exam in given manner (with 1 min
pause after every lifts) :

Swings (100)
Swing, Clean and Push Press (16 each hand)
Snatch (25 each hand)
Full squat (30)

Mens - Perform with 16kgs, Women - Perform with 8kgs

Written exam : 30 questions written exam, 28 objective questions and 2
subjective to be completed in 30 minutes.

Agility Ladder

Agility is the ability to change the direction of the body in an efficient and
effective manner and to achieve this you require a combination of
balance, speed, strength and co-ordination.
Agility is the ability to respond quickly. It is about being able to move
quickly and accurately without having to think too much about it. If the
players on a team are strong and agile then the team will be very difficult
to beat. There are various exercises that can be used to improve
response time and to make a player more agile and they are known as
agility exercises.
In sports like football agility training can help player get out of tough
corners and avoid serious injury by moving quickly. Runners can get out
faster from the gate with the help of agility training. In sports like soccer
and basketball, agility training can improve a player's ability to handle the
ball. A great agility exercise that does not require any special equipment
is running at different speed at random intervals.

Following are key attributes of agility:

The ability to maintain equilibrium when stationary or moving
through the coordinated actions of our sensory functions (eyes,
ears and the proprioceptive organs in our joints)
The ability to move all or part of the body quickly
The ability of a muscle or muscle group to overcome a resistance
The ability to control the movement of the body in co-operation
with the body's sensory functions e.g. catching a ball (ball, hand
and eye co-ordination)
Muscle memory and Foot Speed using and agility ladder
Muscle memory is frequently referred to as motor learning. Essentially,
when you do something over and over and over, your body
remembers this as procedural memory.
Muscle memory is learning a physical motor task into memory through
repetition lots of it.
Your feet learn to move faster. Whether you are a volleyball setter, a
football quarterback, a basketball point guard, a baseball shortstop or
just about any other position in an athletic event, you can improve
your foot speed and become quicker, faster, and stronger.
What Agility Ladder Training Does
Agility ladder training isnt for sissies. This is a serious workout for serious
athletes and you may be one. Someday. These drills are going to help you
learn how to move on and off the court. When you move during a basketball
game, for example, you need to move quickly while also assessing your
placement in relation to the hoop while also turning to get away from
another player. This is a complicated set of movements, but training with a
speed ladder can and will help you succeed.

Agility ladder drills:


Fast feet
Lateral fast feet
Base shuffle
In and out
Lateral in and out
Single leg dissociation
Hop scotch
Lateral hops


In and out crawl

EKFA Founder / Leaders / Mts

About Head Coach - Parag Mhetre :
Participated and stood 5th at World Kettlebell Championships in Germany, Nov 14.
Launched Kettlebell training in UK, Nov 14.
Gold Medalist at Asia Kettlebell Lifting (2x24kgs) with 59 reps at Bangkok,
Thailand - Oct 13
Gold Medalist at Asia Pacific Kettlebell Lifting (2x24kgs) with 62 reps at
Jakarta, Indonesia - March 14
Presented first International assignment on Kettlebell & Body weight training
at Singapore - Feb 2013
First in India to promote Kettlebell training and Kettlebell sport across Nation.
Conducted first International Kettlebell & body weight training workshop
at Singapore - Feb 13
Trained over 1000 trainers across India in 3 years.
Introduced Kettlebells in Indian Army.
Speaker in Bodypower Fitness expo.
Key International Certifications :
Certified Kettlebell teacher Level 2 (Fitness and Movement Dynamics) from
IKFF, Athens, Greece -2012
Certified Strength and Conditioning Fitness Trainer from World Kettlebell Club
from Chicago USA- 2011
1:1 coaching lessons from Russian Sergie Merkulin (16x world champion)
in Indonesia.

About Master Trainers / EKFA Team :

- Helius Dsouza, EKFA Master Trainer
- Urmi Kothari, EKFA Leader
- Simran Hotchandani, EKFA Leader
- Upendra Potdar, Business Dev Manager - Asia

Parag @ World Championships, Germany

Kettlebell and Functional Training

Pioneer in Functional Training and Kettlebell Training :

Functional Training (8 DVDs) / 4 Manuals :
- Multifunctional Training (MFT)
- Suspension Training
- Foam roller
- Trampoline
- Agility ladder
- Cardio Kickboxing
- Plyometrics
Kettlebell Training (1 DVD / 1 Manual / 1 Kettlebell)

EKFA Kettlebell DVDs - Author - Parag Mhetre

40KBT is 4 months training program, starting from

basic KB lifting to little advance lifting packed in 4
months. The workouts are to be done
alternate days for 3 times a week.
Workouts can be done by anyone and can be
understood easily. Workouts are implemented, used
by housewifes, IT professionals and have come
across unbelievable results.
DVD has entire instructions of workouts in Hindi and
HD quality video.
Best buy for trainers/ Fitness enthusiasts.

OMT is for those individuals who want to workout at

home with or without personal trainers. DVD gives
complete instructions of workout done 3 times a week
with Kettlebell and own body weight.
OMT ensures you result of 3-4 kgs if weight loss in
one months time. If you are getting ready for marriage
or any special event after 1 month, this DVD is for
DVD has entire instructions of workouts in English
and HD quality video.
Best buy for trainers/ Fitness enthusiasts.

EKFA Branded Functional Training Equipments

Competition Grade Kettlebells (International Std)

Casting Kettlebells

Olympic Weight lifting Belts

(Made in Russia)

Olympic Lifting Shoes

(Made in India, Russian Style)

Suspension Trainer

Energy Kettlebell Fitness Studio & Academy Pvt Ltd

3rd Floor, Gitanjali, Nr Medipoint Hospital
Aundh, Pune - 411007, /
Cell : +91-7303382255, Email :

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