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Vitamins are organic substances in food, which are required in small amounts but
cannot be synthesized in adequate quantities by the body and therefore have to be
provided from the environment.
Contrary to popular belief, deficiencies of vitamins still occur in affluent countries,
for example deficiencies of folate, vitamin B and Vitamin D and C.
These are particularly common in people on fad diets, vegan and alcoholics.
Deficiency diseases are more prevalent in developing countries. For example,
Vitamin A deficiency is a common cause of blindness in the developing countries.
Why you should know about Vitamins

Taking Vitamin tablets is fashionable especially in affluent countries (if the number
of websites on vitamins is any indication). As new researches bring out conflicting
results, the recommendations about Vitamins continue to swing between just
enough to mega-dose therapies. Therefore it is important to be aware of what the
Vitamins are.
Following is a brief introduction to vitamins and their sources:
Vitamin A: Retinol. Carotene compounds responsible for transmitting light sensation

in the retina of the eye. Deficiency leads to night blindness.

Dietary Sources of Retinol

Liver (richest natural source)

Egg yolk
Fish and Liver oils
(Retinol or carotene is added to margarine in Britain and other countries.)
Beta-carotene: An antioxidant that protects cells against oxidation damage that can

lead to cancer. Beta carotene is converted, as needed, to Vitamin A. Food sources of

beta carotene include vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and
other leafy green vegetables; and fruit such as cantaloupes and apricots. Excessive
carotene in the diet can temporarily yellow the skin; a condition called carotenemia,
commonly seen in infants fed largely on mashed carrots.
Dietary Sources of Carotene
Carrots (richest source)
Dark Green leafy vegetables
Some yellow and red fruits
Red palm oil

Vitamin B1: Thiamin, acts as a coenzyme in body metabolism. Deficiency leads to beriberi, a disease of the heart
and nervous system. Thiamin is especially important as a supplement for persons with serious liver conditions.

Dietary Sources of Thiamin

Wheat germ, whole meal wheat flour and bread
Yeast, legumes, nuts
Pork, duck Marmite
Oatmeal, fortified breakfast cereals
White bread if flour enriched
Cods roe, other meats

Vitamin B2: Riboflavin, essential for the reactions of coenzymes. Deficiency causes inflammation of the lining of the
mouth and skin.

Dietary Sources for Riboflavin

Liver, kidney, Milk, yoghurt, cheese
Marmite, wheat germ, meat
Mushrooms, broccoli, avocado
Fortified white flour and breakfast cereals

Vitamin B3: Niacin, an essential part of coenzymes of body metabolism. Deficiency causes inflammation of the
skin, vagina, rectum and mouth, as well as mental slowing. Niacin is used in the treatment of cholesterol disorders.

Dietary Sources of Niacin

Liver, kidney
Meat, fish
Yeast (brewers), Marmite
Peanuts, bran, legumes
Whole meal wheat

Vitamin B6: Also called pyridoxine, a cofactor for enzymes. Deficiency leads to inflammation of the skin and mouth,
nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness and anemia. Vitamin B6 can be helpful in certain patients with nerve
conditions, such as carpal tunnel syndrome.

Vitamin B12: An essential factor in nucleic acid synthesis (the genetic material of all cells). Deficiency leads to
insufficient and enlarged red blood cells (megaloblastic anemia), as can be seen in pernicious anemia.

Folate (folic acid): Folic acid is an important factor in nucleic acid synthesis (the genetic material of all cells).
Deficiency leads to insufficient and enlarged red blood cells (megaloblastic anemia). It is used in some persons as a
supplemental therapy to prevent side effects from medications, such as methotrexate (RHEUMATREX) and
sulfasalazine (AZULFADINE).

Searchod Sources of Folate

Brussels sprouts
Fortified breakfast cereals
Spinach, asparagus, beetroot
Orange, avocado, melon
Potatoes, cauliflower, peas
Marmite and bovril
Wholemeal bread, parsnips
Dried beans

Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid, important in the synthesis of collagen, the framework

protein for tissues of the body, such as those that help to make up the skin.
Deficiency leads to scurvy, characterized by fragile capillaries, poor wound healing,
and bone deformity in children.
Dietary sources of Vitamin C

Black currents, guavas

Green peppers, broccoli, cauliflower (raw)
Oranges and other citrus fruits
Brussels, sprouts, cabbage
Liver is the only animal food that contains it.
Vitamin D: A steroid vitamin, which promotes absorption and metabolism of calcium

and phosphorus. Under normal conditions of sunlight exposure, no dietary

supplementation is necessary because sunlight promotes adequate vitamin D
synthesis in the skin. Deficiency can lead to osteomalcia in adults and bone
deformity (rickets) in children. Vitamin D is used along with calcium as a
supplement in the treatment of the "bone thinning" disorders, osteoporosis.
Dietary sources of Vitamin D

Fish liver oils, e.g.: cod liver oil

Fatty fish, (herring, mackerel, salmon, sardines, pilchards, tuna)
Fortified margarine
Infant milk formulas
Eggs, liver
Vitamin E: Deficiency can lead to anemia.
Vitamin K: An essential factor in the formation of blood clotting factors. Deficiency

can lead to abnormal bleeding. A helpful supplement for patients with liver
conditions that impair the production of the normal blood clotting factors.

Coconut : Coconut is known for its antifungal, anti bacterial properties. Coconut oil forms the base of
many Ayurvedic medicinal preparations.

Cherries : Cherries are good source of many vitamins, minerals and are tasty to eat.
Plums : Plums are sweet, juicy fruit. It is a good source of vitamin c.

Spinach : Spinach is rich in iron and calcium. It helps overcome iron deficiency.
Beetroot : Beetroots contains good amount of folate, potassium and manganese. They are less in calories
and are effective in curing skin problems.

Cauliflower : Cauliflower is highly nutritious and is effective in curing many ailments. It is rich in folate
an dis good for pregnant woman.

Mango : Mangoes are a very popular and widely available fruit. It is rich in potassium and is a known

Tomatoes : Tomatoes are a rich source of lycopene. Lycopene is a potent antioxidant.

Musk Melon - Tropical Delight : Musk melon is a tropical fruit which is been cultivated for a very long
time. It is a rich source of vitamin 'C' and is effective in reducing body heat.

Cabbage - Healing Properties : Cabbage is a well known common vegetable. Its is low in calories and
is long known for its healing properties.

Bitter Gourd - Health Benefits : Bitter Gourd is a tropical vegetable. It is a well known cure for

Avocado - for fitness and health : Avocado is rich in pottasium content. The fruit is also a good
source of vitamins.

Papaya - A rich source of Minerals and Fibre : Papaya has high nutritional benefits. It is rich in Antioxidants, Minerals and Fibre. It also helps in Skin Treatments.

Oats - Fibre food that cures constipation : Oats have some unique fatty acids and antioxidants
which together with Vitamin E slow cell damage.

Nutritional benefits of Watermelon : Watermelon is highly refreshing during summer. It does not
contain cholesterol and helps in eye sight also.

Nutritional benefits of Banana : Banana helps in the treatment of Depression, Anemia, Blood
Pressure, Brain power, Constipation, etc.

Almond: A highly Nutritious fruit : Consumption of Almond lowers cholesterol levels, reduces the risk
of lifestyle diseases and gives overall wellness

: Egg is a healthy and nutritious food. Lecithin in eggs prevents the absorption of
cholesterol of egg and other sources too
Egg: A nutritious food

Calcium: The bone builder: Calcium Builds Strong Bones. Get calcium from greens, beans, or fortified
foods. Vitamin D controls your body's use of calcium.

Healthy food for Stress Free Life: Nutritious and balanced diet is a must to free ourself from the
physical and mental diseases and relieve stress

Mushrooms - A highly nutritious food: Mushrooms are rich in minerals, vitamin D (ergosterol),
thiamin (B1), riboflavin (B2), niacin (B3), dietary fibre as well as all the essential amino acids and are low
in fat and calories.

Gooseberry (Amla) : Rich in Vitamin C: Amla or Gooseberry has many nutritious benefits. The amla
has been found to be the most abundant source of Vitamin C in the plant kingdom

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