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Muslim world is passing through criticaljunctions. It has witnessed

unprecedented waves of violence, sabotage andterrorism. As a consequence, it has
attracted world attention on the need tograpple the problem of terrorism. Anti-Islamic
elements, however, havemanipulated the situation to exploit. They have given derogatory
projection tothe magnanimity of Islam. They have advanced open accusation that Islam is
areligion of terrorism. This is indeed unfortunate and tragic. For, theaccusation reflects
sheer ignorance of Islamic teachings. Also, it is tantamountto the refutation of Islamic
tenets. Islam, on the other hand, is the pioneerchampion of humanism and benevolence.
An illegitimate murder of any human soulis forbidden in unequivocal and categorical

Inaddition, Islam had enshrined superb and supreme values, affection,

cooperation,justice and moderation in words and actions.

The presentbook represents a modest endeavor to project Islamic values and teachings.
Inparticular, it demonstrates that Islam is identifiable with peace. Terrorism isa concept
alien to Islam. To understand Islam in terroristic context is, infact, an absolute
misunderstanding of Islam.

This bookincorporates impelling evidences based on the most important two sources
ofIslamic teachings, the Glorious Quran and Sunnah of Allah's Messenger (peace
andblessings of Allah be upon him) and the precedents of the rightfully-guidedCaliphs.

Islam is the champion of peace. It advocates noterrorism in any form or manifestation.

To provide illuminations to themultifarious ideas expressed in this work, the author
provided neededinformation with scholastic skills. Brevity and comprehensiveness are
blended.Their presentation attracts the interests of the common reader.

Jihad or waging war for the sake of Allah I and to raise thebanner of Islam is a doctrine
of crucial importance. In no event, however, it isexplicable in terms of terrorism. The
author has made fine analysis on thevariance of the two concepts, Jihad and terrorism. He
has highlighted the superbexcellence of Jihad. Likewise, he has castigated the viciousness
of terrorism.

The work is indeed penetrating. The objective-mindedWesterners will find it useful.

They will find in it an inspiration towardsIslam.

May Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) bless the author andaccept his endeavor to spread the
cause of Islam.

Dr. Mohammed SaidDabas

Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia


All Praise is due to Allah Almighty. Peaceand blessings be upon our Prophet and
Messenger; Mohammed (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him), his beloved family,
and his rightly-guided Companions.

Terrorism is one of the harshest terms, and an unpleasantexpression used in world

dictionaries. Islam and Muslims, who are completelyinnocent of such accusations, have
been allegedly accused with terrorism. Infact, the term terrorism became a parallel
Companion for Islam. This is veryunfortunate and highly unfair. We believe that persons
with ignorance with thereality of Islam would dare to label Islam and Muslims with such

There is a group of people, however, who areactive in launching such alleged

accusations against Islam and Muslims.Terrorism has appeared with certain reasons.
Terrorism did not come from vacuumor from nowhere. Terrorism is the product of
accumulated strong pressures thatcould no longer be borne or controlled. Terrorism is
very much like a balloon,which has been filled up with hot air, to the point that made the
balloon readyto explode. We all are aware of the fact that, 'too much pressure would,
surely,produce an explosion'.

A terrorist is the one who terrorizespeople, causing injustices to them, forces them to do
thing against their will,confiscates their territories, wealth or bans their freedom. A
terrorist is theone who exploits other people's national wealth, land, natural resources
andefforts, and employ all of that for his purposes and to serve his objectives. Assuch, an
exploiter is a Pharaoh, with a new style or name. Allah, the Almighty,states in the
Glorious Quran, Sura Ghafir [The Forgiver] 40:29, which reads asfollows:“ O my
People! Yours is the dominion this day: ye have the upperhand in the land: but who
will help us from the Punishment of Allah, should itbefall us? Pharaoh said: I but
point out to you that which I see (myself); nordo I guide you but to the Path of Right!”.

Man-madelaws, all over the world, are following the same pattern. The real objective
ofthe governments, in most countries of the world, is not to bring peace andtranquility to
their people. The actual objective is to ensure happiness andprosperity to a selected group
of people at the cost of the rest of the people.The national applicable laws are not
comprehensive and do not serve theinternational community. National laws and
regulations would serve a specificcountry, nations, people, race, region, specific era or
regime. The underlyingreasons are the shortcomings in the national system itself, as it is
not gearedfor the international community in the first place, or for the humanity atlarge.

Islam, on the other hand, is a comprehensivereligion. It is meant to serve all types of

international communities. Islam ismeant for all races and classes of people. Mohammed,
the Messenger of Allah(subhanahu wa ta'ala), received the Divine message to address the
needs of theentire humanity, and not Arabs in the Arabian Peninsula only.
Therefore,Mohammed's relationships with all types of peoples and systems that
surroundedhim was amicable. His faith had a great result in absorbing their hatred
andanimosity at the time. All parties appreciated the truthfulness, the frankness,the
decency and the honesty in the method of treatment of Mohammed (peace andblessings
of Allah be upon him). Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him) was
remote from any type of hypocrisy, falsehood and two-facedness.Mohammed (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) was truthful in establishingjustice, even against his
closest kin or closest friend. Mohammed (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him),
wholeheartedly, hated all types of oppressionand injustices. In fact, Mohammed (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) wasextremely successful in obtaining the respect and
reverence even from his justand impartial enemies, masses and intellectuals. Mohammed
(peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) aimed to serve the entire human race with his
moral,social, spiritual and economic systems. His mission was not oriented to serve
aspecific category or group of people. Mohammed (peace and blessings of Allah beupon
him) founded the ideal human society, which maintained best of fraternalties, friendly
relationships and peace with their enemies. Allah, the Almighty,states in the Glorious
Quran, Sura al-Momtahina [The Tried One] 60:9, whichreads as follows:“ Allah only
forbids you, with regard to those who fightyou for (your) Faith, and drive you out, of
your homes, and support (others) indriving you out, from turning to them (for
friendship and protection). It issuch as turn to them (in these circumstances) that do

As such, Islam is a universal, comprehensive, Divine, humanand natural faith and way of
life. Islam is meant for every soul. Allah(subhanahu wa ta'ala) degraded such blind
followers, as Allah, the Almighty,states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Zukhruf 43:22,
which reads asfollows:“ Nay! They say: We found our fathers following a
certainreligion, and we do guide ourselves by their footsteps”.
The truth is that Islam has the best of morals, values.Islam is a Divine religion and a
human, It is understood, because of its'clarity, simplicity, frankness and direct method, by
all classes and categoriesof people, regardless of education, culture, social and economic
status. Man is,indeed, an enemy of what he does not know. It is truly fantastic to see
thatverdicts are based on thorough study and investigation.

Itis hoped that this short introduction stirs the motivations of the researchersand unbiased
scholars who are keen to understand Islam. Of course, the beautyand awesomeness of
Islam is only vividly evident to those who live by it andpractice it. One of the simple
evidences of the greatness of this Divine faithis its' resistance to changes for the last
fourteen centuries. This isregardless of the weak support extended by the followers of
Islam, and the vastwar waged against it by its vicious critics. Besides all these odds, we
noticethat the Divine religion of Islam is widely spreading in the various parts ofthe
world, on its own merits and values and for no other reasons. It isinspiring to see
multitudes of people are embracing Islam as a way of life andas a religion. What is
behind all this vast expansion of Islam all over theworld? It is the honesty, the clarity, the
simplicity, the openness, the logicalconcepts and the fulfillment of all wants and desires
of the simple as well asthe sophisticated intellectuals who find in Islam a full satisfaction.
Thissatisfaction includes all their spiritual, moral, practical and logicalexpectations of
both lives. Islam, beyond doubt, is the Divine religion thatprotects man against falling
into the celibacy. Similarly, Islam protects thehuman-being against indulging in full state
of materialism. If an intelligentperson became so indulgent with such selfish needs. In
fact, Allah (subhanahu wata'ala) described such group of people as follows in the
Glorious Quranal-An'aam [The Cattle] 7:179, which reads as follows:“ Many are the
Jinnsand men We have made for Hell: they have hearts wherewith they understand
not,eyes wherewith they see not, and ears wherewith they hear not. They are likecattle,
nay more misguided: for they are heedless (of warning)”.

This, in brief, is the contents of this booklet. I do hopeand pray that Allah (subhanahu wa
ta'ala) would benefit us all from what weread, hear and say. This is a humble effort
presented with a pure intent tocontribute to the wealth of human information.

In addition,the writer offers an open invitation to all those who are interested in
learningmore about Islam to communicate with him at the given address. He would be
moredelighted to answer questions and inquiries about Islam and provide
additionalliterature on Islam to the possible extent.

The authorexpresses his deep gratitude to Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala). By the same
token,he is himself responsible for all shortcomings, commissions and omissions inthis
booklet. Therefore, the author requests all the readers to forgive all thecommissions and
omissions, which he over-sighted, and seeks the pardon andforgiveness from Allah, the

May Allah's Blessingsand Mercy be upon Mohammed (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him), HisProphet and Messenger to mankind, and may Allah's blessings also be
upon thosewho rightly follow the guidance and the footprints of the Messenger of
Allahuntil the Day of Judgment.

Abdur-Rahman A. Al-Sheha
P.O. Box59565,
Riyadh 11535,
Saudi Arabia.

What Does Islam Mean?

The word Islam means, 'peace', whichimplies the total submission to Allah, the
Almighty, and the Lord of all worlds.It is He, Who enjoined all good things and warned
against all evils. A Muslim,therefore, is a person who complies with all what Allah, the
Almighty, our Lordenjoined, and quits all what Allah, the Almighty, refrained. In fact, a
Muslimis a person who fully adheres to the Commandments of Allah, the Almighty,
andall what Allah predestined for man on earth. Allah, the Almighty, states in theGlorious
Quran, Sura al-Baqarah [The Cow] 2:131, which reads as follows:“Behold! His Lord
said to him: Bow (thy will to Me): he said: I bow (my will) tothe Lord and Cherisher of
the Universe”.

"Peace", furthermore, is one of the Attributes of Allah, the Almighty,blessed be His

Names and Attributes. Allah, the Almighty, states in the GloriousQuran, Sura al-Hashr,
[The Gathering] 59:23, which reads as follows:“Allah is He, than Whom there is no
other god; the Sovereign, the Holy One, theSource of Peace (and Perfection), the
Guardian of Faith, the Preserver ofSafety, the Exalted in Might, the Irresistible, the
Supreme: Glory to Allah!(High is He) above the partners they attribute to Him”.

"Peace"is also one of the names of Jannah, Paradise.Allah, the Almighty, states in the
Glorious Quran, Sura al-An'am, [The Cattle],6:127, which reads as follows:“ For them
will be a Home of Peace in thepresence of their Lord: He will be their Friend, because
they practiced(righteousness)”.

"Peace"is also the greetingexchanged by the dwellers of Jannah, Paradise when they all
meet their Lord,Allah, the Almighty. Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
Suraal-Ahzab, [the Confederates], 35:44, which reads as follows:“ Theirsalutation on
the Day they meet Him will be Peace!: and He has prepared for thema generous

"Peace"is the greetingsexchanged by the believing Muslims when they meet one
another, or when onepasses by another, or when one calls another, or even when one
enters his ownhome and finds no one there, he offers the greeting of peace unto the
angels whoare present in that place, and upon his own soul. Muslims greet one another
asfollows, 'May the Peace be upon you, the Blessings of Allah (subhanahu wata'ala) and
His Mercy'. It is, indeed, a beautiful and fascinating to greet oneanother; those whom one
knows in person, and also those whom one does not know,per se. Such a greeting brings
people closer together, removes any type ofill-feelings, hatred and disdain from the hearts
of people and it increaseslove, affection, respect and closeness between the community
members. In fact,such affection would bring peace of mind, tranquility to the life and
happinessto the society. The greeting of "peace" helps establish security and
increasesmutual trust. This kind of affection was practiced by the Allah's
Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). He (subhanahu wa ta'ala)
consideredit as an act that completes a Believer's faith, as he (peace and blessings ofAllah
be upon him) declared, which reads as follows:“ You would not enterJannah, Paradise
until you acquire [full] faith. You would not acquire [full]faith until you love one
another. Should not I guide you to an action, which ifyou maintain you would love one
another? [Then] Salaam spread the greeting of"peace" Salaam [as much as you
could] amongst you [in the community]”This Hadith is reported by Muslim.

Additionally, Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to

haveanswered as follows, when he was asked, 'What is the best type of Islam?' He(peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) answered, which reads asfollows:“ Offer food
generously to others, initiate the greeting of'peace' [in the community], to those whom
you know and also to those whom youknow not”This Hadith is reported by both,
Bukhari and Muslim.

The essential purpose of embracing Islam and accepting it asa way of life is to gain the
Pleasure of Allah, the Almighty. Through submissionto Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) a
Believer will acquire tranquility and peace ofmind, live a decent, clean and obedient life
and look forward for a sound,secure and happy life in the Hereafter. A Believer always
attempts to seek thepath that pleases Allah, the Almighty, in all his affairs. Allah, the
Almighty,states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Maedah, [The Table], 5:15-16, which
readsas follows:“ O People of the Book! There hath come to you Our
Messenger,revealing to you much that ye used to hide in the Book, and passing over
much(that is now unnecessary): There hath come to you from Allah a (new) light and
aperspicuous Book. Wherewith Allah guideth all who seek His good pleasure to waysof
peace and safety, and leadeth them out of darkness, by His Will, unto thelight, guideth
them to a Path that is Straight”.

Islam, therefore, is the Divine religion of "Comprehensive Peace", in allconnotation of

the term. Within the community, Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon
him) is reported to have said, which reads asfollows:“ A Muslim is the person from
whom other Muslims feel securedagainst [attacks] of his tongue and hands. An
immigrant, [on the other hand] isa person who [fully] forsakes what Allah, the
Almighty, has declared as banned[and unlawful to practice]”This Hadith is reported by
both, Bukhari andMuslim.

In fact, Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) is further reported
to have declared, which reads asfollows:“ A Believer is a person who is [fully] trusted by
otherpeople”This Hadith is reported by both, Tirmithee, No. 11726, 6:530.

Islam, on the international level, urged to establish"peace" on mutually agreed terms that
are based on mutual respect, honor, andno-war pacts. This, in general, is Islam, and it is
more candid in inter-stateinteractions. This, of course, is based on the verse revealed in
the GloriousQuran al-Baqarah, [The Calf] 2:208, which reads as follows:“ O ye
whobelieve! Enter into Islam whole-heartedly; and follow not the footsteps of theEvil
One; for he is to you an avowed enemy”.

In orderto maintain such "Peace" in the community at all levels and in all arenas,
Islamcommanded its Believers to stop all types of aggression, and resist all types
ofoppression. Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Baqarah,[The
Calf] 2:194, which reads as follows:“ The prohibited month, for theprohibited month,
and so for all things prohibited, there is the law ofequality. If then any one
transgresses the prohibition against you, transgressye likewise against him. But fear
Allah, and know that Allah is with those whorestrain themselves”.

As a substantial evidence ofits "Peace", mission, Islam exhorts upon its Believers to
respond favorably topeace treaty if offered by the enemies during the course of war. In
turn, itsuggests that Islam rejects terrorism and genocide. Allah, the Almighty, statesin the
Glorious Quran, Sura al-Anfal, [The War Booties] 8:61, which reads asfollows:“ But if
the enemy inclines towards peace, do thou (also) inclinetowards peace, and trust in
Allah: for He is the One that Heareth and Knoweth(all things)”.

We may also note here that thoughIslam is very keen for "Peace", it does not accept or
even condone, that Muslimsare humiliated, or their pride is injured in maintaining peace.
However, Muslimsare commanded to cherish peace. Nevertheless they are equally
commanded topreserve their pride, honor and integrity. Allah, the Almighty, states in
theGlorious Quran, Sura Mohammed 47:35, which reads as follows:“ Be not wearyand
faint-hearted, crying for peace, when ye should be uppermost: for Allah iswith you,
and will never put you in loss for your (good) deeds”.

Did Islam Spread by Force?

The basic Islamic teachings defy such aclaim. This is a false accusation, which is
repeated, blindly, by enemies ofIslam. Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
Sura al-Baqarah, [TheCow] 2:256, which reads as follows:“ Let there be no compulsion
inreligion: Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Evil and believesin
Allah hath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold, that never breaks. AndAllah
heareth and knoweth all things”.

Allah, theAlmighty, further states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Yunus, [Jonna],
10:99,which reads as follows:“ If it had been thy Lord's Will, they would allhave
believed, all who are on earth! Wilt thou then compel mankind, againsttheir will, to

Allah, the Almighty,further states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Kahf [The Cave] 18:29,
which reads asfollows:“ Say, The Truth is from your Lord: Let him who will, believe,
andlet him who will, reject (it): for the wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire
whose(smoke and flames), like the wall and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if
theyimplore relief they will be granted water like melted brass, that will scaldtheir
faces: How dreadful the drink! how uncomfortable a couch to reclineon!”.

Allah, the Almighty, also, states in theGlorious Quran, Sura al-Nahl, The Bees 16:82,
which reads as follows:“ Butif they turn away, thy duty is only to preach the Clear

Allah, the Almighty, also, states in the Glorious Quran,Sura al-Ghashiyah [The
Overcoming Burden], 88:21-22, which reads asfollows:“ Therefore do thou give
admonition, for thou art one to admonish.Thou art not one to manage (men's) affairs”.

Allah,the Almighty, further states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Al-Noor, [The
Light],24:54, which reads as follows:“ Say: Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger:but if
ye turn away, he is only responsible for the duty placed on him and yefor that placed
on you. If ye obey him, ye shall be on right guidance. TheMessenger's duty is only to
preach the clear (Message)”.

Allah, the Almighty, further states in the Glorious Quran,Sura al-Tawbh [The
Repentance], 9:6, which reads as follows:“ If oneamongst the pagans ask thee for
asylum, grant it to him, so that he may hear theword of Allah; and then escort him to
where he can be secure. That is becausethey are men without knowledge”.

As noted above,there are multiple proofs from the Divine revelation of the Glorious
Quran todefy such a false accusation against the Divine religion of Islam. Islam is
a"Faith" and "Belief". Faith and belief must be fully dwelt in the heart and mindof a
Believer, and must not be, by any means, a lips service only. Uttering thewords that
indicate faith is, in no way, a satisfactory act according to thefaith of Islam. In fact, Allah,
the Almighty, exposes heinous and wicked intentsunderlying the declaration of faith.
Allah, the Almighty, states in the GloriousQuran, Sura al-Hujurat, [The Chambers] 48:14,
which reads as follows:“ Thedesert Arabs say, We believe. Say, Ye, have no Faith, but ye
(only) say, We havesubmitted our wills to Allah, for not yet has Faith entered your
hearts. But ifye obey Allah and His Messenger, He will not belittle aught of your deeds:
forAllah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”.

As such, apure faith and belief, by no means, can enter by force, against the free-will ofa
person. Any person may utter one thing by his tongue, but hide another thingdeep in his
heart. For this very reason, Allah, the Almighty, states in theGlorious Quran, Sura al-
Nahl, [The Bees] 16:106, which reads as follows:“Anyone who, after accepting Faith in
Allah, utters Unbelief, - except undercompulsion, his heart remaining firm in Faith -
but such as open their breast toUnbelief, on them is Wrath from Allah, and theirs will
be a dreadfulPenalty”.

Any system, regardless of its source,requires a protective force to preserve its values,
spread its principles,ensure a fair application of such principles, monitor the execution
ofrespective penalties against those who reject the system, or even parts thereof.Force, in
reality and in essence, is the executive authority of any system.Force ensures, as pointed
out earlier, the application of all laid values andprinciples of any system in order that
such system to prosper, continue, andlast in effect. Allah's Messenger (may Allah be
pleased with him) is reported tohave declared, which reads as follows:“ Truly, Allah, the
Almighty, warnspeople with the authority [or the power of the ruler/governor] more
than what Hedoes with the Divine revelation of the Glorious Quran”(Kanz-
ul-'Ummal[The Workers' Treasure]).

Historically, Allah's Messenger(may Allah be pleased with him) stayed in the sacred city
of Makkah thirteenyears, calling and inviting his people, the dwellers of Makkah, and the
visitorsof Makkah, to Islam. He preached Islam to them in every possible way.
Heencountered all types of harassment, hatred, boycott, threats, attacks,oppression,
physical aggression and false accusation from his people. In fact,Allah's Messenger (may
Allah be pleased with him) was not alone in his sufferingand afflictions. All those who
believed in the Message of Islam and followed itshared his sufferings. In fact, Allah's
Messenger (may Allah be pleased withhim) passed, helplessly, by the people who were
being tortured for their faithin Islam and believing in the Messenger of Allah (subhanahu
wa ta'ala) , and heremarked which reads as follows:“ Be patient, the family of Yaser!
Jannah,Paradise is your permanent abode [God Willing]”(Al-Hakim, al-

The enemies of Allah's Messenger (may Allah bepleased with him) and His Message of
Islam, even reached to the point of makinga serious conspiracy to assassinate him, in
order to stop his preaching ofIslam. Yet, though he was informed about their conspiracy
to kill him, he onlycommented, which reads as follows:“ O Allah! Please guide my
people asthey know no better!”.

Allah, the Almighty, inreality, commanded His Messenger; Mohammed (may Allah be
pleased with him) , tobe patient, forbearing and tolerant to his people, as the road of
propagation ofthe Message of Islam is rather long, thorny, tough, and extremely
difficult.Islam represents a war against all types of falsehood, evil, tyranny, anddeception.
Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Ahqaf46:20, which reads as
follows:“ Therefore patiently preserve, as did (all)Messengers of inflexible purpose;
and be in no haste about the (Unbelievers). Onthe Day that they see the (Punishment)
promised them, (it will be) as if theyhad not tarried more than an hour in a single day
(Thine but) to proclaim theMessage: but shall any be destroyed except those who

Allah's Messenger (may Allah be pleased with him) continuedto approach visiting tribes,
who came to Makkah, every year, and in everypossible occasion, toaccept Islam and give
their pledge of allegiance tosupport him. Nonetheless, finally, a group of the people of the
city of Yathrib,nowadays known as the Madinah of the Prophet, believed in the Message
ofMohammed (may Allah be pleased with him), and gave him their pledge ofallegiance
to fully support him, and defend him in the same way as they defendtheir own wealth,
valuables, honor, integrity and household. These peoplepromised to honor their pledge if
Allah's Messenger (may Allah be pleased withhim) immigrated to their hometown and
settle there with them, along with therest of the Believers. Thus, we note here that Allah's
Messenger (may Allah bepleased with him), after thirteen years of his commission as a
Messenger ofAllah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), and the deliverer of the Message of Islam,
nevershed a drop of blood throughout these long years in the city of Makkah. Quraish,the
Prophet's (may Allah be pleased with him) tribe, confiscated his wealth andproperties, as
well as the wealth and properties of his Companion immigrants.Yet, the Prophet (may
Allah be pleased with him) was not commanded to fightagainst them until two years after
his immigration to Madinah. The Prophet's(may Allah be pleased with him) enemies,
however, increased. Again, the Prophet(may Allah be pleased with him) at his own,
disliked war against his compoundenemies.

The city of Madinah was in route of the merchants'caravan to Syria. Allah's Messenger
(may Allah be pleased with him) intended toimpose a type of economic sanction on the
tribe of Quriash. He intended to applyforce on them to let him propagate his faith to
others. He aimed at protectingthe innocent, gullible, and poor Believers. The Prophet
(may Allah be pleasedwith him) also intended to compensate to the Believers this
confiscated wealthand properties in Makkah. The commercial caravan, led by a leader of
Quraishtribe, namely Abu Sofyan, prior to his embracing Islam, escaped the ambush
andsurvived of the attack. The leaders of Quraish, however, on learning about
theincident, prepared a sizable army and all war equipment they had, and headed tofight
against Islam and Muslims. Consequently, the battle took place. It was thefirst battle in
Islam. Mohammed (may Allah be pleased with him), and hisBelievers utterly victorious.
Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,Sura al-Hajj, [The Pilgrimage] 22:40-
41, which reads as follows:“ (Theyare) those who have been expelled from their homes
in defiance of right, (for nocause) except that they say, Our Lord is Allah. Did not
Allah check one set ofpeople by means of another there would surely have been pulled
down monasteries,churches, synagogues, and mosques, in which the name of Allah is
commemorated inabundant measure. Allah will certainly aid those who aid His
(cause); for verilyAllah is Full of Strength, Exalted in Might, (able to enforce His
Will). (Theyare) those who, if We establish them in the land, establish regular prayer
andgive regular charity, enjoin the right and forbid wrong: with Allah rests theend
(and decision) of (all) affairs”.

Furthermore,Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Nisa, [The
Women]4:75, which reads as follows:“ And why should ye not fight in the cause
ofAllah and of those who, being weak, are ill-treated (and oppressed)? Men,
women,and children, whose cry is: Our Lord! Rescue us from this town, whose people
areoppressors; and raise for us from thee one who will protect; and raise for usfrom
thee one who will help!”.

In essence, allvictories that Allah's Messenger (may Allah be pleased with him)
achieved,rendered the entire Arabian Peninsula within a period of twenty three years
tothe rule of Islam. During this period, approximately, only three hundred andseventy
five people were killed in the fighting that took place during hisleadership. This indeed is
a great achievement.
It is alsoimportant to know that his rightly-guided Companions and Caliphs followed
hislead after his demise. The leading Companions of Allah's Messenger (may Allah
bepleased with him) conquered countries, replaced governments, and spread Islam
bytheir best morals, and standards. These individuals were, by no standards, equalin
number or war equipment, preparations, and skills to the people of thevanquished lands.
One of the new reverting people [converts] to Islam, in ourtime, namely Basheer Ahmad
said, 'One of the most puzzling questions to me, andone of my most serious concerns,
prior to accepting Islam and embracing it as away of life is, we, Christians, claim that
Islam spread by the edge of sword.'Therefore, I posed the following question to myself,
'If that claim is true,why, then, we notice that many people, in every corner of the world,
stilladhere to Islam and embrace it, join it, and accept as a way of life? Why do wenotice
people come to join Islam daily, without any compulsion or force by anyone?' (Dr.Imad-
du-Deen Khalil, 'What Do They Say about Islam?', p.295).

Let's examine whether Islam is the only religion that isknown to spread by the use of
force? Of course, this is the way Islam isdescribed by some of biased enemies. In fact, it
is totally devoid of such afalse accusation, as it would be determined and established
through thefollowing arguments.

Let's take a comparative look at whatis stated in the Glorious Quran and in both the New
Testament; the Bible, andthe Old Testament, the Torah. In the Book of Deuteronomy:
23:10, and after, weread the following:Let's take a comparative look at what is stated in
theGlorious Quran and in both the New Testament; the Bible, and the Old Testament,the
Torah. In the Book of Deuteronomy: 23:10, and after, we read the following:

• " 10. And I stayed in the mount, according to the first time, forty days andforty
nights; and the Lord hearkened unto me at that time also, and the Lordwould not
destroy thee.
• 11. And the Lord said unto me, Arise, take thy journey before the people,that they
may go in and possess the land, which I sware unto their fathers togive unto

Additionally, in Mathew 10:25, we comeacross the following:"It is enough for the

disciple that he be as his master,and the servant as his lord. If they have called the master
of the houseBe-elze-bub, how much more shall they call them of his household?"

Moreover, Jostaf Lopond, in his book, The ArabsCivilization, states, ' Force was never a
factor in the spread of the GloriousQuran. In fact, Arabs left the freedom of choice to the
people they overcome andconquered. Some of the Christians, who converted to Islam and
took the Arabiclanguage as a medium of communication, were merely impressed with the
Arabsconquerors' justice. Such people never noticed any such astounding justice
fromtheir previous masters. Secondly, such converts noticed a great ease in dealingwith
the Islamic life, faith and principles.' (Ibid, page 314).
Was Worldly Gains the Aim of the Islamic Conquests?

For many, who do not know much about theessential Islamic principles, it is easy
to be swayed and think that earlyMuslims and Arabs, participated in wars against other
nation for expansions,lust for fame, worldly gains and luxuries. This is, of course, a
purematerialistic approach. Let's present some facts about the Islamic life andprinciples.
Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), at thebeginning of his life
as a Prophet and Messenger of Allah, was approached by hispeople, lured in every
possible way and by every possible means, to back off hisCall to Islam. The Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) wasoffered to attractive worldly gains, but he
declined. The Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) was literally asked,
which reads asfollows:“ If you need masterhood over all the Arabian Peninsula, we
wouldensure this for you. If you need marriage, we would offer you, free, to marrythe
most beautiful [virgin] girl in the Arabian Peninsula. The Prophet (peaceand blessings
of Allah be upon him) was offered excess of wealth that no oneever possesses in the
Arabian Peninsula, but he denied this offer as well. TheArab leaders of the tribe of
Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) made all such offers to
Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) with one condition, to
quit and stop the call to his religionand faith and stop castigating of pre-Islamic Arabs'
pagan beliefs in the idols.The Prophet's (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
simple, direct andhonest reply to all such luring and lucrative human offers was "No".
Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) declared full rejection
toall these tempting offers. The response, in the words of the Prophet (peace
andblessings of Allah be upon him) was as follows, By Allah! If they were able toplace
the sun in my right hand and the moon in my left hand in order to pressureme to
abandon the call for this mission, I would not. I would not surrender andaccept their
requests until either this Call [the religion of Islam] becomespredominant and widely
accepted and practiced in the Arabian Peninsula, or else,my head is removed of my
body”Ibn Hisham, The Biography of Mohammed(peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him), vol.1, p.170.

Itis worth noting here that, if the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) was
eager to fulfill his human needs and materialistic ambitions, he couldhave easily accepted
such irresistible materialistic offers. He could haveeasily accepted their offers, fulfilled
his earthly and worldly needs and closethat chapter in his favor. Of course the Prophet
(peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him)did not entertain any of those lucrative offers
of the pagans. Infact, the letters of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) tothe kings, governors and rulers, which he sent to the neighboring countries
andprominent world's leaders, were very clear. He (peace and blessings of Allah beupon
him) stated in his letters to them, which reads as follows:“ You maykeep your leadership
and ownership of all what you possess, The only thing herequires them to do is to
accept Islam as a way of life and obey the Commands ofAllah (subhanahu wa ta'ala).
In his letter to Heraciouls, the renowned Romanleader and ruler, the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) said,In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, Most
Merciful. From Mohammed; theMessenger of Allah, to Heraciouls, the renowned
Roman leader and ruler. Peaceunto him, who follows the guidance. Thereafter, I
would like to call you toaccept Islam and practice it as a way of life. Surrender yourself
to Allah, bysubmitting to Islam, you would [surely] salvage yourself [and be safe].
AcceptIslam as a way of life and I assure you that you would get a double reward.
Ifyou chose not to accept Islam, then you shall bear all the sins of the peopleunder
your leadership”.

Allah, the Almighty, statesin the Glorious Quran, Sura Al-Imran, [The Family of Imran]
3:64, which reads asfollows:“ Say: O People of the Book! come to common terms as
between usand you: that we worship none but Allah; that we associate no partners with
Him;that we erect not, from among ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah.
Ifthen they turn back, say ye. Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowingto
Allah's Will)”.

Anas (may Allah be pleased withhim), one of the Companions of Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him), once reported that, which reads as follows:“
Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) was never approached
forreward to a person who accepts Islam, but condoned it. Once, a man came
andasked for reward if he accepted Islam, and the Prophet (peace and blessings
ofAllah be upon him) offered him [from the Islamic treasury] a [huge] herd ofsheep
that was grazing in a valley between two mountains [at Madinah]. As such,the man
who received the reward went back to his folks and told them, O Mypeople! Accept
Islam, as Mohammed (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)gives a reward that
the recipient never fears poverty. [All the people relatedto this man accepted Islam and
joined Muslims]. Anas (may Allah be pleased withhim) continued in his report, A man
would accept Islam only for materialisticgains, but as soon as he feels the sweetness of
Islam the faith would becomedearer to the heart of such person, more than the entire
world and itspossessions”This Hadith is reported by both, Bukhari and Muslim.

Let's also examine the actual inheritance of the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him), which he left behind after hisdeath. Amr bin al-Harith (may Allah be pleased
with him) reported, which readsas follows:“ the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah
be upon him), upondeath, left no Dirham, Dinar, slave, maid or anything else, other
than his whitemule, his weapon, and a piece of land that was declared as a charity
forMuslims”This Hadith is reported by Muslim.

In fact,the Prophet's (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) own armor, at the timeof
his death, was bonded against a pawn with a Jew for a measurement of barleyfor his
family's food. How could any sensible person, then, accuse Mohammed(peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) with the love and charms ofmaterialistic gains and

o There is, yet, another example: Omar bin Al-Khattab (may Allah
be pleasedwith him), the second rightly-guided Caliph and
Companion of the Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon
him), during whom rein Islamic conquests reacheda vast area in
the known world then, his stomach made a rattling noise due tolack
of proper diet. Upon hearing the rattling of his own stomach, Omar
(mayAllah be pleased with him) exclaimed,“ [O My dear
stomach], rattle or donot rattle! By Allah! You would not get
properly filled until all Muslims haveenough to eat [and enjoy a
proper diet]”(Baihaqi, 9:42).

o During the Battle of Uhud, the Prophet (peace and blessings of

Allah be uponhim) commented,“ Get up to gain [as a result of
your fight for the causeof Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) Heaven
[paradise,] which is as spacious as theheavens and earth put
together!”A man named Omair bin al-Hemam (mayAllah be
pleased with him) heard the Prophet's (peace and blessings of
Allah beupon him) statement. As such, this man raised the question
to Allah's Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),“
O Prophet of Allah! Did yousay [the reward is] Heaven
[paradise,] which is as wide as the heavens and earthput
together! The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) answeredpositively. The Companion said, Blessed be it!
Blessed be it! [i.e. the reward].The Prophet (peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him) asked the man, What urgedyou to say
what you said? The man replied, O Prophet of Allah! The only
hope Ientertain is to be one of the dwellers of this Paradise! The
Prophet (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) commented,
Surely, you are one of the dwellersof this Paradise. Upon
hearing such a word from the Prophet (peace and blessingsof
Allah be upon him) , the man got few dates out of his bag to eat
before thefight began. But, the man threw the dates in the air
and uttered, By Allah! If Ilived to finish eating these dates it
would be a very long life! He rushed tofight the enemies of Islam
with all his might until he was killed”(Muslim reported this

o The booties of the early Muslims of the wars were sufficient to let
them tolead a very prosperous and gracious life. But, we notice
that Muslims did notstop at that point. The real motive behind all
the wars and conquests was,truly, to call other peoples to the Word
of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) and thereligion of Islam. This is
evident, of course, by the freedom of choice offeredto the
conquered people, whether they would like to accept Islam as a
religionand way of life, and if they do, they would be entitled to all
the rights ofborn Muslims. Such conquered people would also be
required to do the same asMuslims do. If the conquered people
rejected Islam, but they do not declare waragainst Islam and
Muslims, they would be required to pay, what is called, 'HeadTax'
[Jizyahh]; a meager amount of tax in exchange for the protection
of theirlives, properties and wealth, secured by the Islamic state.
Additionally, headtax payers would enjoy all public facilities
offered and maintained by theIslamic state as well. Head tax payers
are not required to pay any additionaltaxes. Muslims, on the other
hand, are required to pay Zakah; charity, the sumof two and half
percent of their annually accumulated funds. This, in general,is
much more than what the head tax payers have to pay annually.
However, if thenon-Muslims in a conquered land refuse to accept
either option, war would bewaged against them in order to deliver
the Message of Islam to the people ingeneral. The essential reason
for waging a war against other non-Muslims is thefact that, some
inhabitants of such non-Islamic countries may, embrace Islam,have
they known its principles and mission. For this essential and
nobleobjective, Allah Knows best, Islam imposes on Muslims to
wage wars in order todeliver the Message of Allah (subhanahu wa
ta'ala) to the non-Muslims.

o One of the greatest generals of Islam, namely, Khalid bin

AlWaleed (mayAllah be pleased with him); a resolute general
throughout his career, beforeIslam and after embracing it, expired
while he owned only a horse, a sword, anda servant. Where could
any one find a trace of materialistic life in theinheritance of such a
great Muslim general and warrior?

o A man called Shaddad bin al-Hadi (may Allah be pleased with

him), reportedthat a Bedouin came to Allah's Messenger (peace
and blessings of Allah be uponhim) and expressed interest in
Islam. The Bedouin soon embraced Islam. TheBedouin expressed
his interest to Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be
upon him) to immigrate with him to Madinah. As such, Allah's
Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) asked
Muslims to take care of theBedouin, [which they did]. The
Muslims fought a battle against the pagans and asa result, they won
some war booties. Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah
be upon him) distributed the booties among his Companions. The
Bedouin wasgiven a share of the booties, due to his participation in
the fight. The Bedouinasked, 'What is this for?' Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) stated, 'This is a share
of the booties for your participation in thefight.' The Bedouin
uttered, 'I did not give you my pledge of allegiance forworldly
gains. In fact, I followed you and embraced Islam hoping that an
arrowof a fighting enemy would hit my throat, then I die, then I
would be rewardedwith Jannah, Paradise.' Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) commented on the
statement of the Bedouin, 'If you are truthful with Allah(subhanahu
wa ta'ala) , surely, Allah would fulfill your desire.' Muslims
stayedwithout war for a while. Later on, a battle was fought, and
the Muslims foughtagainst the enemies of Islam. Not before long,
the Bedouin was found dead, withan arrow in his throat. He was
carried forward and brought before the Prophet(peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him). Allah's Messenger (peace
andblessings of Allah be upon him)inquired, 'Isn't he the same
Bedouin?' The peopleanswered affirmatively. Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim)said, 'This man was,
truly, truthful with Allah. Therefore, Allah (subhanahuwa ta'ala) is
Truthful with him.' Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah
be upon him) gave his cloak to be used as a shroud for the martyr
Bedouin.The funeral was brought forward. Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him) offered a funeral prayer
onto the soul of this Bedouin. The Prophet(peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) said the following in hissupplication for the
soul of the martyr,“ O Allah! This is Yourslave-servant, who
immigrated for Your cause. He was killed as a martyr. I am
awitness for that”(This Hadith is reported by Nasaiee). The
incident isself-expressive. The Bedouin refused to accept his
entitled share of the warbooties, as he wanted the reward from
Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) alone.

o The books of the Islamic history are replete with numerous

narratives ofpeople with such caliber. All such incidents confirmed
that there was nointerest in the worldly gains by the early Muslims.
Their main concern was tocall people to join the Divine religion of
Muslims. They expected rewardpromised by the Prophet (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him), as he saidwhich reads as
follows:“ If a single soul, male or female, is guidedthrough you
[i.e. a Muslim] to Islam, it is best for you than the entire
[red]cattle [of the world]”(Sharh Ma'ani al-Athar [The
Explanation of theReports] 3:207). In fact, many Muslims
willingly gave up their entire wealth andlife savings upon their
conversion to Islam. Some early Muslims were deprived oftheir
own wealth because their families boycotted them in anger of
embracingIslam. Others were extremely involved and indulged
with Islamic propagation.Thus, they gave up all other worldly
engagements. For instance, in the Battle ofNahawand, one of the
major and decisive battles in Islam, a prestigiousCompanion of the
Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), al-No'manbin
Moqren al Mozani (may Allah be pleased with him), offered the
followingsupplication, 'O Allah! Please, honor Your Divine
religion, and make YourBelievers victorious. 'O Allah! Please, let
me be the first martyr in thebattle. O Allah! Please, grant my eyes
the true pleasure to see the bestconquest that grants honor
anddignity to Islam. O people! Put faith in Allah,He would shower
you with His Mercy'. Can any objective person note any charm
ofmaterialistic life in such a "war speech". The main objective is
surely to seekthe Pleasure of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), and the
sincere wish to call othersto accept Islam.
o The Muqawqis, the Ruler of Egypt, sent his messenger to the
Muslim General,Amr bin al-Aas (may Allah be pleased with him),
who conquered Egypt. The MuslimGeneral was holding the
Babylon fortress in siege. The Egyptian Ruler asked hisspying
messengers to report on what they observed. They all had a
consensus ontheir observation. They said, 'We have noticed that
they prefer death over life.They prefer to be modest and humble,
rather than proud and arrogant. We havenoticed no interest among
them in worldly gains and possessions. They sit on thefloor and
their leader sits like one of them. No one could differentiate
betweenthe leader and the led, the master and the slave. They are
almost alike,irrespective of their ranks.' Thomas Carlyle, in his
book, The Heroes, declinedto accept that Islam spread with the
edge of the sword, as enemies of Islam liketo make a big
propaganda. Mr. Carlyle comments in his book as follows:
' Theattackers of Islam claim that Islam would not have spread, if it
was not for theuse of the sword and force. But, let us ask, 'What is
the thing that brought thesword to existence?' The sword is the
force and the power of this religion. Thereligion is a true one. In
fact, any new ideas come to any society are createdor conceived in
the mind of one single person. As such, this man's belief isopposed
by the rest of the world. Therefore, if such a person was capable
ofholding a sword and fight, alone, against the entire world, by
God, the chancesfor such a fighter to loose are very rare. In
general, I feel that the Truth mayspread itself in every possible way
and by using every possible means availablefor it to be spread.
Can't we all notice that Christianity, at times, didhesitate to use the
sword? Charlemagne fought against Saxons tribes to spreadhis
faith. I, personally and truly, do not care whether the truth is spread
bysword, tongue or any other tool or weapon. Let's permit the truth
to use speech,media or fire arms, in order to spread and establish
its authority over people.Let's permit the truth to fight and struggle
using every possible meanavailable; hands, feet, legs, nails or else.
Surely, only what is not worthy ofvictory would be defeated'.
Islamic Principles are Based on Humanism and Non-Violence

The Divine religion of Islam is a religionof mercy, kindness and benevolence. In

fact, Islam is against brutality,violence and viciousness. Allah, the Almighty, urged all
Muslims to follow thepattern of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him). Allah,the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran addressing Mohammed (peace
andblessings of Allah be upon him), as in Sura Al-Imran, [The Family of Imran]3:159,
which reads as follows:“ It is part of the Mercy of Allah that thoudost deal gently with
them. Wert thou severe or harsh-hearted, they would havebroken away from about
thee: so pass over (their faults), and ask for (Allah's)forgiveness for them; and consult
them in affairs of moment). Then, when thouhast taken a decision, put thy trust in
Allah. For Allah loves those who puttheir trust (in Him)”.

The teachings of Islam exhortupon every Muslim to show mercy, and kindness to every
gullible and poor person.Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is
reported to havesaid, which reads as follows:“ The merciful and kind people would get
theMercy of the Merciful Lord, Allah, the Almighty. Be merciful to those [people]on
earth, and Allah, the Almighty, Who is in Heaven, would grant you [His]Mercy”(This
Hadith is reported by Tirmithee).

Furthermore, Islam requires that mercy and kind treatment should be meted out toall
people, including the fighting enemies of Muslims. Allah's Messenger (peaceand
blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said, which reads asfollows:“ Be kind
and merciful to the captives”(Al-Mu'jamal-Kabeer [The Grand Dictionary of Hadith]
22:393). If thus was the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) command to
Muslims concerning theenemies who are fighting against them, what would be the
treatment towards thepeaceful people? Islamic mercy is not limited to human being only.
Rather, itcovers also to animals as well. In fact, several reports confirm the blessedreward
for individuals who are kind to animals in general, and suffering animalsin particular.
Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) isreported to have said,
which reads as follows:“ While a man was on a trip[in the wilderness], he felt very
thirsty. He searched for water, and found awell. He managed to go to the bottom of the
well in order to get to the water,as he had no equipment to reach the water from the
surface. He suffered a greatdeal to reach to the bottom of the well. The man managed
to quench his thirstand came out of the well. Upon reaching the surface he noticed a
dog with histongue stretched out because of severe thirst and inability to reach the
waterat the bottom of the well. The man thought to himself, Surely, this dog issuffering
the same hardship I suffered because of severe thirst. Thus, the manwent down the
well again, with a great difficulty, and holding one of his shoesby his teeth, filled the
shoe with water and brought it back up to the thirstydog. The dog drank and went
away. Allah, the Almighty, appreciated the action ofthis man and forgave his entire
previous sins. One of the audience, who heardthe statement of the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him)inquired, O Messenger of Allah! Would we be
rewarded for being kind and mercifulto animals? Allah's Messenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him)asserted, truly, there is a blessed reward for being kind
and merciful to everyliving creature that has a wet liver [i.e. alive animal]”(This Hadith
isreported by Bukhari).

In fact, a woman deserved the penaltyand the wrath of Allah, the Almighty, and was to
become one of the dwellers ofthe Fire of Hell, as a result of her cruelty to a cat. Allah's
Messenger (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said, which
reads asfollows:“ A woman would become a dweller of the Fire of Hell, as a resultof ill
and cruel treatment of a cat. The woman locked the cat up and tied her.She did not
offer proper food for the cat, and neither let it fetch for her ownfood in the
surrounding”(This Hadith is reported by both, Bukhari andMuslim).

The list of the Prophet's (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) commands to
Muslims to be kind, merciful, and kindheartedeven to animals is endless. We only cited
above few examples. Some otherexamples are as under:

• Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is

reported tohave said, while passing by a donkey that was tattooed
on his face,“ MayAllah's Curse descends on the person who
placed this tattoo on the face of thedonkey”(This Hadith is
reported by Muslim). Ibn Omar (may Allah bepleased with him) is
reported to have passed by a group of young men from thetribe of
Quraish who set up a bird as a shooting target. They were
shootingtheir arrows on that bird, as a target. Ibn Omar (may Allah
be pleased with him)inquired, 'Who placed this bird as a shooting
target? May Allah's Curse descendon the person who did. Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) is reported
to have said, which reads as follows:“ Allah, theAlmighty, curses
the person who sets any living creature as a shooting
targetaiming to shoot it”(This Hadith is reported by both, Bukhari

• Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is

reported tohave said while passing by a camel who appeared to be
extremely thin of hunger,“ Be mindful and honor the
Commandments of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala)concerning
these animals, which can't express its needs by speech. Ride
themwhile they are in good shape. Eat them while they are also
in good shape”(This Hadith is reported by Abu Dawood).

• Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

commandsMuslims to show kindness in every action, even at
slaughtering an animal.Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him) is reported to havesaid, which reads as
follows:“ Allah, the Almighty, prescribes perfectionin every
action. If you kill, be perfect in your killing. If you slaughter
ananimal for meat, perfect your act of slaughtering. Sharpen
your knife and begood, kind, and merciful to the animal you are
about to slaughter. Give theslaughtered animal the best comfort
you can while being slaughtered”(This Hadith is reported by

• Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is

reported tohave said, on noticing someone shooting, for fun, a little
bird, and leaving itto die for no reason,“ This little bird would
argue, before Allah, theAlmighty, on the Day of Judgment, O My
Lord! This man killed me for no reason ofbenefit to him”(This
Hadith is reported by Ahmad and Nasaiee).

If such was the mercy and kindness to animals and livingcreatures, what about the
human being, who is given full preference, honor andrespect over all other creatures?
Allah, the Almighty, states in the GloriousQuran, Sura Isra [The Night Journey] 17:70,
which reads as follows:“ Wehave honored the sons of Adam; provided them with
transport on land and sea;given them for sustenance things good and pure; and
conferred on them specialfavors, above a great part of Our Creation”.

War Operation in Islam

Basically, Islam calls for peacefulinteractions with all peoples of all the countries.
Islam, as we explainedearlier, is a Divine religion of peace, submission and mercy.
Though Allah, theAlmighty commands to wage war at times as a final remedy. He limited
theapplication of such Command in the following five situations:

1. Defense against life, property, wealth of the nation and

nationalborders.This is based on the verse revealed in the
Glorious Quran, Suraal-Baqarah [The Cow] 2:190,“ Fight in the
cause of Allah those who fightyou, but do not transgress limits;
for Allah loveth not transgressors”(This is called Jihad according
to Islamic terminology. The essential differencebetween war and
Jihad is the latter's main objective is to deliver and spreadthe
Divine Word of Allah, the Almighty, and spread the divine religion
of Islamand not for any materialistic and worldly gains. As for war,
in broad andgeneral terms, it is waged for personal, governmental
and expansionist purposes,or for colonization purposes, or for
exploitation purposes, or even to bragabout the force and power of
one country, government, or nation against another.Islam does not
condone any of the above objectives and purposes).

2. Redress the oppression of persons oppressed or assisting

thedefenseless.This makes war a humanitarian need. Allah, the
Almighty, statesin the Glorious Quran, Sura Nisa [The Women]
4:75,“ And why should ye notfight in the cause of Allah and of
those who, being weak, are ill-treated (andoppressed)? Men,
women, and children, whose cry is: Our Lord! Rescue us
fromthis town, whose people are oppressors; and raise for us
from thee one who willprotect; and raise for us from thee one
who will help!”. This is based onthe verse revealed in the Glorious
Quran, Sura Anfal [War Booties] 8:72,“Those who believed, and
adopted exile, and fought for the Faith, with theirproperty and
their persons, in the cause of Allah, as well as those who
gave(them) asylum and aid, these are (all) friends and protectors,
one of another.As to those who believed but came not into exile;
ye owe no duty of protectionto them until they come into exile;
but if they seek your aid in religion, it isyour duty to help them,
except against a people with whom ye have a treaty ofmutual
alliance. And (remember) Allah seeth all that ye do”.

3. Breach of covenants, pacts and treaties.This is based on the

verserevealed in the Glorious Quran, Sura Al-Tawbeh [The
Repentance] 9:12-13,“But if they violate their oaths after their
covenant, and taunt you for yourFaith, fight ye the chiefs of
Unfaith: for their oaths are nothing to them: thatthus they may
be restrained. Will ye not fight people who violated their
oaths,plotted to expel the Messenger, and took the aggressive by
being the first (toassault) you? Do ye fear them? Nay, it is Allah
Whom ye should more justly fear,if ye believe!”.

4. Disciplinary action against obstinate and unjust

aggressors.Allah,the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura
Hujurat [The Chambers] 49:9,“ If two parties among the
Believers fall into a quarrel, make ye peacebetween them: but if
one of them transgresses beyond bounds against the other,then
fight ye (all) against the one that transgresses until it complies
with theCommand of Allah; but if it complies, then make peace
between them with justice,and be fair: for Allah loves those who
are fair (and just)”.

5. Defending against Islam as a religion and its propagation.Islam

isan universal faith and religion. Islam is not for a specific people
only. Allpeoples must learn about Islam and comply with its
commandments. FollowingIslam, or converting to it, however, is
not an objective Muslims seek. Finaldestiny is only in the Hands of
Allah. All people must learn about the goodness,justice,
brotherhood, love, equality and peace for all that Islam
teaches.Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura
Anfal [War Booties]8:39,“ And fight them on until there is no
more tumult or oppression, andthere prevails justice and faith in
Allah altogether and everywhere; but if theycease, verily Allah
doth see all that they do”.
Ifthe enemies of Islam stop the war and accept peace, Muslims are obliged to stopthe
war as well, and it becomes unlawful for them to pursue war any more. Allah,the
Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Nisa [The Women] 4:90,“Except those who
join a group between whom and you there is a treaty (Of peace),or those who approach
you with hearts restraining them from fighting you as wellas fighting their own people.
If Allah had pleased, He could have given thempower over you, and they would have
fought you: therefore if they withdraw fromyou but fight you not, and (instead) send
you (guarantees of) peace, then Allahhath opened no way for you (to war against

Asfor other types of wars, such as pursued for colonization, expansionism andvengeance
resulting in destruction and great losses are banned and declaredunlawful in Islam. Wars
waged to demonstrate force are also prohibited in Islam.War, in Islam, is a means to
spread the Word of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala).Allah, the Almighty, states in the
Glorious Quran, Sura Anfal [The War booties],8:47,“ And be not like those who started
from their homes insolently andto be seen of men, and to hinder (men) from the path
of Allah: for Allahcompasseth round about all that they do”.

Additionally, Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) isreported to
have declared, which reads as follows:“ He, who fights inorder to make the Word of
Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) the most supreme, is theone who is fighting for the cause
of Allah”(This Hadith is reported byboth, Bukhari&Muslim).

Although Islam permits fightingfor necessary reasons, it directs the fighters to observe
certain manners andethics. Islam does not permit fighters to kill indiscriminately. It
commands tokill those who fight against them, or assist other fighters in a battlefield.
Asfor the elderly people, minors, women, sick, wounded, or even people who
secludethemselves in worship, all such categories of people are not to be killed, oreven
bothered, by Muslim fighters. A wounded individual, in a battle field,fighting against
Muslims, is banned to be killed as well. Islam even bansmutilation of the bodies and
cadavers of killed enemies. Furthermore, Islam bansthe killing of the enemies' animals,
the destruction of the homes and dwellingsof the enemies. Additionally, Islam bans to
pollute the potable water of theenemies and their wells. Islam also does not permit
Muslim fighters to chase thefleeing enemies' fighters. Islam considers all the
aforementioned items as actsleading to the disruption of the society. Allah, the Almighty,
states in theGlorious Quran, Sura al-Qasas [The Stories] 28:77,“ But seek, with
the(wealth) which Allah has bestowed on thee, the Home of the Hereafter, nor
forgetthy portion in this World: but do thou good, as Allah has been good to thee,
andseek not (occasions for) mischief in the land: for Allah loves not those who

Furthermore, Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to

have said, which reads asfollows:“ Begin your fight with the Name of Allah
(subhanahu wa ta'ala)against those who declare the state of apostasy in Allah. Fight
[against theenemies], but do not breach your contracts or covenants. Do not mutilate
thebodies of the fighters killed. Do not kill a newly born baby”(ThisHadith is reported
by Muslim).

Abu Bakr (may Allah bepleased with him), the first Muslim Caliph, gave the following
advice to thedispatched Muslim army, which was heading to a battle against the enemies
ofIslam, 'Wait before you leave. I would like to give you the following tenadvices:

1. Do not betray [your enemies].

2. Do not steal from the war booties before its proper and lawful
3. Do not breach your pledges and covenants with your enemies.
4. Do not mutilate the bodies of the killed fighters.
5. Do not kill a little, minor child, a woman, or an elderly man.
6. Do not cut or burn a palm tree [or any other tree for any reason].
7. Do not cut a fruit bearing tree.
8. Do not slaughter a sheep, a cow or a camel, except for your food.
9. You may come across people who seclude themselves for the
worship of God.Leave them alone. Do not bother them or cause
any disruption to their lives.(Tabari, Vol.3, p.226).

Similarly, Muslims must declarewar prior to the beginning of the fight. This is because
Muslims are neitherbetrayers, nor dishonest fighters. Islam imposes some of the best of
war ethicsand morals onto the Muslim fighters. Islam requires full adherence to
justiceand no oppression to the fighting enemies. Omar bin ABudulAziz (may Allah
bepleased with him), one of the Muslim Caliphs, was approached by a delegation
offighters of the city of Samarqand. They complained about the Muslim leader;Qutaibah,
who took them by chance. The Caliph sent a letter to the governor ofSamarqand
commanding him to assign a judge to investigate this matter, and ifthe judge sentenced
that Muslims should get out of the city and leave it, theymust comply with. The governor
of Samarqand assigned a judge named Jomai' binHader al-Baji, who passed his verdict
that Muslims should leave the city, whichthey opened and conquered. The Muslim army
commander must first declare warproperly against the people of Samarqand, prior to
invading it. The Muslim armyleader must warn the people of Samarqand prior to launch
an attack. This wouldgive them a chance to prepare themselves for the fight. This is the
Islamicethical approach towards fighting. The attacked must not be taken by a
suddenattack. The people of Samarqand, however, hated to restart another war
andaccepted the Islamic rules' ("Fotuhul-Buldan" [Countries Conquest], Balathuri,p.428).

As for captives and prisoners of war, Islamprohibits torturing, humiliating, terrorizing,

intimidating, mutilation of theirbodies or starving them to death. Allah, the Almighty,
states in the GloriousQuran, Sura Insan [The Human Being], 76:8-9,“ And they feed, for
the loveof Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive, (Saying), We feed you forthe
sake of Allah alone: no reward do we desire from you, nor thanks”.

The Islamic state has the full freedom to either release theprisoners of war without any
ransom, or to set ransom, or else release them inexchange for the release of Muslim
prisoners of war. This is based on the verserevealed in the Glorious Quran, Sura
Mohammed 47:4,“ Therefore, when yemeet the Unbelievers (in fight), smite at their
necks; at length, when ye havethoroughly subdued them, bind a bond firmly (on
them): thereafter (is the timefor) either generosity or ransom: until the war lays down
its burdens. Thus (areye commanded): but if it had been Allah's Will, He could
certainly have exactedretribution from them (Himself); but (He lets you fight) in order
to test you,some with others. But those who are slain in the way of Allah, He will never
lettheir deeds be lost”.

As for the defeated non-Muslimsresidents of the conquered countries, i.e. Christians and
Jews, they should betreated with respect. Their women must not be mingled with. Their
wealth andproperties must be preserved and honored. Their integrity, dignity and
honormust be maintained. They must not be humiliated by any way or means. Their
homesand dwellings must remain unharmed. They should be dealt with fairly and
justly.They should be offered equal to the treatment to the Muslims. Their Divine
faithmust be preserved, honored and dignified, so long as they respect and obey
theIslamic tenants and Divine religion. This is based on the verse revealed in theGlorious
Quran, Sura al-Haj [The Pilgrimage] 22:41,“ (They are) thosewho, if We establish them
in the land, establish regular prayer and give regularcharity, enjoin the right and
forbid wrong: with Allah rests the end (anddecision) of (all) affairs”.

The best proof ofevidence reflecting this situation with the example set by Omar bin al-
Khattab(may Allah be pleased with him), the second Muslim Caliph, to the inhabitants
ofJerusalem upon entering it as a conqueror. He has written to them as follows,'In the
Name of Allah, the Beneficent, Most Merciful. The following is thepledge of allegiance
given by Omar bin al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased withhim), the Chief of the Believers
to the dwellers of Jerusalem. Their lives,wealth, properties, churches and crosses are
secured. None of them should beforced to leave their faith. None of them is to be hurt'.

Surely, there is nothing comparable recorded in the history of mankind. Webelieve that
this is the best form of nobility, justice and tolerance from theconqueror's side towards
the vanquished. Others have stripped the defeatedpeople from all rights, including the
right to a decent life. Omar binal-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), could have
easily dictated all histerms and conditions against the defeated Christians and Jews at the
time. Buthe did not. In essence, this is the real justice, tolerance, and beauty ofIslam; the
Divine religion of peace, justice and tolerance. The laws of Allah,the Almighty, must
apply to all people without any exception.

Non-Muslims living under the Islamic rule must pay a headtax called Jizyah; a minimal
tax imposed on the non-Muslim residents in anIslamic country, or in a country conquered
by Muslims. They, however, are theindividuals who, willingly, chose to maintain their
faith. This tax is of threetypes as follows:

 Head tax of the rich and the affluent people. This is estimated,
then, asforty-eight Dirhams of silver, taken annually, from each
 Head tax of the middle-class individuals such as merchants,
businessmen, andfarmers. This is estimated, then, as twenty four
Dirhams of silver, taken fromeach individual, annually.
 Head tax taken from the laborers and craftsmen who are in
business. This isestimated, then, as twelve Dirhams of silver, taken
from each individual,annually.

Head tax is imposed for the protection of thenon-Muslims, living under Islamic governed
state. The honor, integrity, wealthand life of such persons would be protected by the
Islamic government againstall possible encroachments. Such protection includes all rights
which areenjoyed by the Muslims.

Khalid bin al-Waleed (may Allah bepleased with him), one of the most renowned
Muslim war generals, in one of hispledges of allegiance to the non-Muslims living in the
Islamic state says, ' Ihave given you my pledge of allegianceto accept your head tax and
in return,protect you against all possible odds [that we generally protect
ourselvesagainst]. If we succeed in offering you the protection we would take the
headtax. If not, then you would not pay it until we can provide you such protection'
(Balathuri's history).

L. Veccia Vaglieri, in her booktitled Defending Islam, says: ' Conquered people by
Islamic governments weregiven full freedom to maintain and preserve their faith and
traditions providedthat individuals who elect this option and do not accept Islam as a way
of life,would pay a fair head tax to the Islamic government. Head tax was less than
whatMuslims pay to their government. Non Muslims, residing under Islamic ruledstate,
paid such tax in exchange for the general blanket protection offered bythe Islamic
government extended for its' own people ' (L. Veccia Vaglieri,Defending Islam, p.).

Another evidence of the justice andfairness of the Islamic system is the following: There
are certain classes ofpeople who were exempted from the payment of the head tax. They
were: the poorand needy, the minor, the women, the monks, priests, or rabies, the
permanentlydisabled individuals and the blinds. In fact, Islam imposed the protection
rightunto the Islamic government and proper welfare system to be provided for theirneeds
from the Islamic Treasury. In Khalid bin al-Waleed t, pledge of allegianceto the non-
Muslims of al-Heerah, in Iraq, the following was written, 'Anynon-Muslim living under
the protection of the Islamic state grows old andbecomes unable to work, or becomes a
terminal patient, or becomes broke andbankrupt in such a manner that he would be
entitled for charity by his ownpeople's faith, would no longer be required to pay the head
tax. Such individualwould be provided for his essential needs from the Islamic Treasury,
along withhis family' (Abu Yousef, in his book Al-Kharaj, p. 144).

Omar bin al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), was sitting once and an oldJew
passed by asking people to give him a charity. Omar (may Allah be pleasedwith him)
inquired about the welfare of such individual. He was informed thatthe man was living as
a non-Muslim under the rule of the Islamic state andprotection, paying head tax. Omar
(may Allah be pleased with him) declared, 'Wehave not been fair to you! We have
imposed head tax on you and charged you suchtax when you were young and able, and
now we are not providing you with theproper social care and welfare.' As a result, Omar
(may Allah be pleased withhim) took the man to his own home, fed him and offered him
proper clothing. Omar(may Allah be pleased with him) further, commanded the Muslim
Treasurer, 'Lookinto the case of this man, and those of similar situation, and give them
asufficient income form the Islamic Treasury, along with their families. Allah,the
Almighty, stated in the Glorious Quran Sura Tawbah [The repentance] 9:60,“ Alms are
for the poor and the needy, and those employed to administerthe (funds); for those
whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to thetruth); for those in bondage and in
debt; in the cause of Allah; and for thewayfarer: (thus is it) ordained by Allah, and
Allah is full of knowledge andwisdom”. The poor are the Muslims. The needy are the
People of the Book'(Abu Yousef, in his book Al-Kharaj, p.126).

LiseLictenstadter; a German scholar, in her book titled, Islam and the Modern Age,states,
'The option given to the people of Persia and Rome or the West, duringthe time of the
spread of Islam, was not to be killed by the sword, or acceptIslam. In fact, the option was
either to accept Islam as a way of life, or elseto pay the head tax [in exchange for the
protection]. This is a praiseworthyplan which was applied later on in England during the
rein of Queen Elizabeth'(Islam and Modern Age, p. 67. See also, Ahmad Shalabi,
Comperative ReligiousStudies, Vol 3, p.174).

In regards to the treatment of thenon-Muslims living under the rule of the Islamic state,
they are fully entitledfor full protection and respect for all rights. Allah, the Almighty,
states inthe Glorious Quran, Sura Momtahinah [The Tried ne] 60:8,“ Allah forbidsyou
not, with regard to those who fight you not for (your) Faith nor drive youout of your
homes, from dealing kindly and justly with them: for Allah loveththose who are just”.

Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said,
which reads asfollows:“ I would be defending, on the Day of Judgment, any
oppressednon-Muslim who was given a pledge of security to be properly protected
under therule of the Islamic State, but was not given the proper full protection, or
elsehe was charged over his abilities [to do or pay], or forced [against his willand
acceptance] to pay any unnecessary amount [of money]”(This Hadith isreported by Abu
Islamic Champions Total and Comprehensive Peace

A close examination of the Islamicteachings shows the following:

1. Respect for the human soul.Islam values the human soul a great
deal.For this reason, Islam imposes death penalty [Qisas] against
intentional killingof an innocent soul. As for unintentional killing,
it has a different penalty,which is called [Deyyah] blood-money,
which is a sizable sum of money, given tothe heirs of the person
killed. It is like substitution money. This blood-moneyis by no
means an equal for the loss of the person killed, but it is rather
afinancial substitution for the harm they suffer as a result of the
loss of theirloved one.Kaffarah, atonement, on the other hand, is
an emancipation ofan owned slave. If the unintentional killer does
not have the means to possess aslave and emancipate him for the
cause of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), as anatonement for his sin,
such a killer is required to observe a continuous fastfor two months
period. If the murderer cannot observe this fast for a
legitimatereason he is obliged to feed sixty poor people [a
sufficient meal]. Thisatonement, however, is an act of worship by
which the sinner seeks pardon andforgiveness from Allah, the
Almighty, for his unintentional sin of killing ahuman soul. All this
is done to demonstrate the importance of the human soul inIslam.
Surely, it is too grave to resort to acts of killing, threatening,
oreven attacking a human soul for no legitimate reason. Moreover,
Islam prescribesa severe penalty for killing a human soul. If a
killer realizes that he/she willbe killed in retaliation and penalty for
his crime, they would surely thinktwice before committing a crime
of killing an innocent soul. It is believed ifthe penalty is anything
less that being killed in just retribution for thecrime; the criminals
would never quit committing their crimes. The same appliesto all
capital punishmentsHudoodin Islam. Capital punishments in
Islamare most decisive, efficient, and effective penalties ever
known to man onearth. All types of capital punishments in Islam
are imposed and prescribed byAllah, the Almighty, for a very
essential and noble reason: the preservation andmaintenance of the
human life. Allah, the Almighty, states in the GloriousQuran, Sura
al-Baqara [The Cow] 2:179,“ In the Law of Equality there
is(saving of) Life to you, O ye men of understanding; that ye may

Furthermore, Islam does not rest with physicalpenalties. In fact,

there is, yet, a harder and an everlasting penalty in theFire of Hell;
where a criminal would have a permanent abode with humiliation
andendless tortures. Criminals in this world would suffer the Wrath
of Allah, theAlmighty, in the Hereafter. Allah, the Almighty, states
in the Glorious Quran,Sura al-Nisa [The Women] 4:93,“ If a man
kills a Believer intentionally,his recompense is Hell, to abide
therein (forever): and the wrath and the curseof Allah are upon
him, and a dreadful penalty is prepared for him”.

2. Islam believes in equality of human status.This, of course,

appliesto both, male and female alike. When Allah, the Almighty,
first created ourgreat grandfather, Adam (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him); the fatherfor the entire humanity, he created
his wife; our grandmother Eve (peace andblessings of Allah be
upon him), and from both of them the progeny of Adam(peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) was generated and produced.
Thishonorable couple, Adam and Eve (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him),represent the essential roots of the entire
human race. Therefore, all humansare created equal in Islam.
Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,Sura al-Nisa [The
Women] 4:1,“ Mankind! Reverence your Guardian-Lord,
whocreated you from a single Person, created, of like nature, his
mate, and fromthem twain scattered (like seeds) countless men
and women; fear Allah, throughWhom ye demand your mutual
(rights), and reverence the wombs (that bore you):for Allah ever
watches over you”.

Furthermore, Allah's Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be

upon him) is reported to have said,“[All] people are the children
of Adam (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim). Adam
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is created
fromsoil”(This Hadith is reported by Ahmad).

As such, every humansoul forms the progeny of the first reverend

couple; Adam and Eve (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him).
Allah, the Almighty, states in the GloriousQuran, Sura al-A'raf
[The Heights] 7:27,“ O ye Children of Adam! let notSatan seduce
you, in the same manner as he got your parents out of the
Garden,stripping them of their raiment, to expose their shame:
for he and his tribewatch you from a position where ye cannot
see them: We made the Evil Onesfriends (only) to those without

Initially, the entirehuman race believed in the common faith and

spoke the common language. AsMuslims we believe this tenant.
The vast reproduction of the human race and therapid
multiplication of their numbers covered wide areas of the earth. As
aresult, the human race witnessed many splits in the population of
the world andthe initiation of many dialects and languages. The
colors of the human race wereidentical to the new environment
they lived in. The environment where peoplelived affected their
traits, manners and characters. As such, different people,with
different colors, and different natures were founded. Consequently,
thethinking style, the life style, and the faith have also reflected
variations.Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura
Younus [Joanna] 10:19,“ Mankind was but one Ummah, but
differed (later). Had it not been for aWord that went forth before
from thy Lord, their differences would have beensettled between

Islam regards each human being, regardlessof race, color,

language, creed, faith, religion, or home country on an
equalfooting with other human beings. All human beings are equal
before Allah, theAlmighty; the Creator. The different categories
appear at the application andexecution of the Laws of Allah, the
Almighty. Allah, the Almighty, states in theGlorious Quran, Sura
al-Hujurat [The Chambers] 49:13,“ O mankind! Wecreated you
from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you
intonations and tribes, that ye may know each other (not that ye
may despise eachother). Verily the most honored of you in the
sight of Allah is (he who is) themost righteous of you. And Allah
has full Knowledge and is well-acquainted (withall things)”.

All human beings are also equal in terms offreedom. Omar bin al-
Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him), initiated thiscall some
fourteen centuries ago. Omar bin al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased
withhim), declared, 'When did you enslave people to you, though
their own mothersgave birth to them free?'

Therefore, every human being, in the sight ofIslam, is entitled to

the following:
• Freedom of thinking and freedom of opinion.Allah's
Messenger (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him)
commanded his rightly-guided Companions, andin fact,
every Muslim, to declare the truth, express honest opinion
and refrainfrom intimidating others. Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allah beupon him) is reported to
have said,“ A person who knows the truth anddoes not
declare it is a mute devil”(Reported by Tirmithee).

Additionally, once, Ali (may Allah be pleased with him)

passed a verdictas a sentence during the Caliphate of Omar
bin al-Khattab (may Allah be pleasedwith him). Ali (may
Allah be pleased with him) passed the sentence based on
hispersonal views. Omar (may Allah be pleased with him)
was asked his opinion onthe verdict of Ali (may Allah be
pleased with him). Omar (may Allah be pleasedwith him)
was told, 'We are sure your verdict regarding the same issue
isdifferent. Why you do not abrogate the verdict of Ali
(may Allah be pleased withhim)?' Omar bin al-Khattab
(may Allah be pleased with him), commented, 'If theverdict
that Ali passed was concerning the meaning of the Glorious
Quran or aninterpretation of Hadith, I could have abrogated
it. But, Ali's verdict is amatter of mere opinion. Opinion is,
in fact, an open and public issue. No one ofus knows for
sure which is the best opinion in the Sight of Allah
(subhanahu wata'ala)'.

• Freedom of access to lawful income and

ownership.Islam urges,encourages, and permits access to
lawful income. Allah, the Almighty, states inthe Glorious
Quran, Sura al-Nisa [The Women] 4:7,“ From what is left
byparents and those nearest related there is a share for
men and a share forwomen, whether the property be
small or large, a determinate share”.

• Freedom of learning and teaching.Islam supports,

encourages andadvocates the freedom of learning for every
member in the society. Allah'sMessenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said,“
Seeking knowledge is an obligatory duty unto every
Muslim”(ThisHadith is reported by Baihaqi). In fact, Islam
classifies the act ofmonopolizing essential, useful and
Islamic knowledge, concealing it from others,and un-
sharing it with them, that renders the doer to be the
recipient of theWrath of Allah, the Almighty, and His
Penalty. Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be
upon him) is reported to have said,“ Aknowledgeable
person who is asked to share his knowledge with others
but refusesto do so and hides his information would
suffer a harness of fire on the Day ofJudgment”(This
Hadith is reported by Abu Dawood and Tirmithee).

• Every body is entitled to benefit from the wealth,

minerals, and naturalresources of the earth.Allah, the
Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,Sura al-Molk, [The
Kingship] 67:15,“ It is He Who has made the
earthmanageable for you, so traverse ye through its tracts
and enjoy of theSustenance which He furnishes: but unto
Him is the Resurrection”.

• Every body is entitled for leadership position in the

society, if hepossesses the necessary
qualifications.Ability and efficiency are the maincriteria
required for holding leadership positions in the Islamic
society, asopposed to color and race, for instance. Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) is
reported to have said,“ If a person is assignedthe charge
of the Muslim affairs, he appoints a person because of
favoritism,irrespective of his qualifications, he would
deserve the Wrath and Curse ofAllah (subhanahu wa
ta'ala) . Allah, the Almighty, would not accept any of
hisactions. Such a person would be in the Fire of
Hell”(This Hadith isreported by al-Hakim).

3. The unity and inviolability of the religion.Islam considers

thebasis of religion as intact. Religious teachings are, essentially,
the same fromProphet Adam (may Allah be pleased with him) until
Mohammed (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him). The
religions of all Prophets of Allah (subhanahu wata'ala) are
basically the same. All Divine religions are based on
monotheism.All Divine religions are revealed by Allah, the
Almighty. Allah, the Almighty,states in the Glorious Quran, Sura
al-Shura [Consultation], 42:13,“ Thesame religion has He
established for you as that which He enjoined on Noah -that
which We have sent by inspiration to thee - and that which We
enjoined onAbraham, Moses, and Jesus: namely, that ye should
remain steadfast in Religion,and make no divisions therein: to
those who worship other things than Allah,hard is the (way) to
which thou callest them. Allah chooses to Himself thosewhom
He pleases, and guides to Himself those who turn (to Him)”.

Allah, the Almighty, also states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-
Nisa[The Women] 4:163-5,“ We have sent thee inspiration, as We
sent it toNoah and the Messengers after him: We sent inspiration
to Abraham, Isma'il,Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, to Jesus, Job,
Jonah, Aaron, and Solomon, and toDavid We gave the Psalms.
Of some Messenger We have already told thee the story;of others
We have not, and to Moses Allah spoke direct. Messengers who
gave goodnews as well as warning, that mankind, after (the
coming) of the Messengers,should have no plea against Allah:
for Allah is Exalted in Power, Wise”.

Allah, the Almighty, also states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Al-
Ana'am[The Cattle] 6:83-6,“ That was the reasoning about Us,
which We gave toAbraham (to use) against his people: We raise
whom We will, degree after degree:for thy Lord is full of wisdom
and knowledge. We gave him Isaac and Jacob: all(three) We
guided: and before him, We guided Noah, and among his
progeny, David,Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses and Aaron: thus do
We reward those who do good: AndZachariah and John, and
Jesus and Elias: all in the ranks of theRighteous”.

Allah, the Almighty, also states in the GloriousQuran, Sura Al-

Imran [The Family of Imran] 3:33,“ Allah did choose Adamand
Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of Imran above

Allah, the Almighty, also states in the Glorious Quran,Sura Hud

11:50,“ To the 'Ad People (We sent) Hud, one of their
ownbrethren. He said: "O my people! Worship Allah! ye have no
other god but Him.(Your other gods) ye do nothing but invent!”.

Allah, theAlmighty, also states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Hud

10:61,“ To theThamud People (We sent) Salih, one of their own
brethren. He said: O my People!Worship Allah: ye have no other
god but Him. It is He Who hath produced you fromthe earth and
settled you therein: then ask forgiveness of Him, and turn to
Him(in repentance): for my Lord is (always) near, ready to

Allah, the Almighty, also states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Hud
10:84,“ To the Madyan people (We sent) Shu'aib, one of their
own brethren: hesaid: O my people! Worship Allah: ye have no
other god but Him. And give notshort measure or weight: I see
you in prosperity, but I fear for you the Penaltyof a Day that will
compass (you) all round”.

Allah, the Almighty,also states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-

Baqarah [The Cow] 2:136,“ Sayye: We believe in Allah, and the
revelation given to us, and to Abraham,Isma'il, Isaac, Jacob, and
the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, andthat given to
(all) Prophets from their Lord: we make no difference between
oneand another of them: and we bow to Allah (in Islam)”.

Islam aimsat eliminating all aspects of racism and dislikes

prejudiced-oriented partygatherings. Islam, equally, disapproves all
acts leading to disputes, fights,among individuals and peoples.
Islam requires its followers to believe in theDivine Messages and
Scriptures of all previous nations [community] in order toeliminate
any hatred or biased feelings. Islam considers such an act as one
ofthe essential tenants of faith. Allah, the Almighty, states in the
GloriousQuran, Sura al-Anbiya [The Prophets] 21:85,“ And
(remember) Isma'il,Idris, and Zul-kifl, all (men) of constancy
and patience”.

Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is

reportedto have said, when he was asked about the reality of faith
in Islam,“Faith is to believe in Allah, His Angels, His Divine
Books/Scriptures, the FinalDay of Judgment, and the fate, good
and evil”(This Hadith is reported byMuslim).

ο The Glorious Quran presents Prophet Moses (peace and

blessings of Allah beupon him) as a an example of the
Prophets and Messengers of Allah, the Almighty.He was
privileged to speak directly with Allah (subhanahu wa
ta'ala). Allah, theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
Sura al-Ahzab [The Confederates] 33:69,“ O ye who
believe! be ye not like those who vexed and insulted
Moses, butAllah cleared him of the (calumnies) they had
uttered: and he was honorable inAllah's sight”.
ο Islam treats the original unadulterated Torah as a source of
Guidance andLight for people. Allah, the Almighty, states
in the Glorious Quran, Suraal-Maidah [The Table] 5:44,“ It
was We who revealed the Law (to Moses):therein was
guidance and light. By its standard have been judged the
Jews, bythe Prophets who bowed (as in Islam) to Allah's
Will, by the Rabbis and theDoctors of Law: for to them
was entrusted the protection of Allah's Book, andthey
were witnesses thereto: therefore fear not men, but fear
Me, and sell notMy Signs for a miserable price. If any do
fail to judge by (the light of) whatAllah hath revealed,
they are (no better than) Unbelievers”.
ο The Glorious Quran commends the people of Prophet
Moses (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) who
followed his teachings as an honorable Ummah
[people].Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
Sura al-Baqarah [The Cow]2:122,“ O Children of Israel!
Call to mind the special favor which Ibestowed upon you,
and that I preferred you to all others (for MyMessage)”.
ο The Glorious Quran mentions, with commendation,
Prophet Jesus (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) as
it does to Prophet Moses (peace and blessingsof Allah be
upon him) and all other Prophets and Messengers of Allah,
theAlmighty. In upholding his honor, the Glorious Quran
regards Jesus (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) as
the Word of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), andthe Rouh
[Spirit] that Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) created. Allah, the
Almighty,states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Al-Imran [The
Family of Imran] 3:45-6,“ Behold! The angels said: O
Mary! Allah giveth Thee glad tidings of aWord from
Him: his name will be Christ Jesus. The son of Mary,
held in honor inthis world and the Hereafter and of (the
company of) those nearest to Allah, Heshall speak to the
people in childhood and in maturity. And he shall be (of
thecompany) of the righteous”.
ο The Glorious Quran regards Virgin Mary [Mariyam], the
mother of ProphetJesus (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) as a truthful, honorable, andhighly vitreous
woman. Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
Suraal-Maidah [The Table] 5:75,“ Christ, the son of Mary,
was no more than aMessenger; many were the
Messengers that passed away before him. His mother
wasa woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily)
food. See how Allah dothmake His Signs clear to them;
yet see in what ways they are deluded away fromthe
ο The Glorious Quran commends the original undistorted
Bible as equal to theTorah; it is a source of Guidance and
Light for people. Allah, the Almighty,states in the Glorious
Quran, Sura al-Maidah [The Table] 5:46,“ And intheir
footsteps We sent Jesus the son of Mary, confirming the
Law that had comebefore him: We sent him the Gospel:
therein was guidance and light, andconfirmation of the
Law that had come before him: a guidance and an
admonitionto those who fear Allah”.
ο The Glorious Quran praises the faithful believers who
believed and followedthe teachings of Prophet Jesus (peace
and blessings of Allah be upon him) askind people
(Ummah). Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious
Quran, Suraal-Hadid [The Iron] 57:27,“ Then, in their
wake, We followed them up with(others of) Our
Messengers: We sent after them Jesus the son of Mary,
andbestowed on him the Gospel; and We ordained in the
hearts of those who followedhim Compassion and Mercy,
but the Monasticism which they invented forthemselves,
We did not prescribe for them: (We commanded) only the
seeking forthe Good Pleasure of Allah; but that they did
not foster as they should havedone. Yet We bestowed, on
those among them who believed, their (due) reward,
butmany of them are rebellious transgressors”.

As such, eachMuslim is duty bound, by faith, to believe in all the Prophets and
Messengers ofAllah, the Almighty. He is equally commanded to believe in the
Divine Books andScriptures revealed and sent down to them. He is also
commanded to respect,cherish, honor and every Divine Law revealed by Allah,
the Almighty, to anyprevious people (Ummah). A Muslim is obliged to believe in
the brotherhood ofthe previous followers of the Book, who certainly believed and
welcomed theMission of Mohammed (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
Muslims believealso that the Message of Allah's Messenger, Mohammed (peace
and blessings ofAllah be upon him) is the Final Divine Message to mankind on
earth. The Divinerevelation ceased after the departure of Allah's Messenger,
Mohammed (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him). Allah, the Almighty,
states in the GloriousQuran, Sura al-Ahzab [The Confederates], 33:40,“
Muhammad is not thefather of any of your men, but (he is) the Messenger of
Allah, and the Seal ofthe Prophets: and Allah has full knowledge of all things”.

Muslims believe that the Divine Message of Mohammed (peace and blessingsof
Allah be upon him) abrogates all previous Divine Messages. Abrogation, by
nomeans, is denying the message totally or even partially. It rather means
thatMuslims are to believe in the essence of the previous Divine Messages, but
theyare not demanded to execute their teachings. Allah, the Almighty, states in
theGlorious Quran, Sura Al-Imran 3:85,“ If anyone desires a religion otherthan
Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in
theHereafter he will be in the ranks of those who have lost (all spiritualgood)”.

Islam urges the followers of previous Divine Faiths tobelieve in the Divine
Message of Mohammed (peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim). Allah, the
Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Baqarah [TheCow] 2:137,“ So if
they believe as ye believe, they are indeed on theright path; but if they turn
back, it is they who are in schism; but Allah willsuffice thee as against them,
and He is the All-Hearing, theAll-Knowing”.

Allah, the Almighty, has explained the situation ofthe Disbelievers who fully deny
the Divine Message of any previous Prophet.Allah, the Almighty, states in the
Glorious Quran, Sura al-Nisa 4:150-1,“Those who deny Allah and His
Messengers, and (those who) wish to separate Allahfrom His Messengers,
saying: We believe in some but reject others. And (thosewho) wish to take a
course midway. They are in truth (equally) Unbelievers; andWe have prepared
for Unbelievers a humiliating Punishment”.

Secularism in matters of Faith and skepticism towards Divine Messagesare

categorically castigated by Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala). Allah, theAlmighty, states
in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Ana'm [The Cattle] 6:159-163,“ As for those who
divide their religionand break up into sects, thouhast no part in them in the
least: their affair is with Allah: He will in theend tell them the truth of all that
they did. He that doeth good shall have tentimes as much to his credit: he that
doeth evil shall only be recompensedaccording to his evil: no wrong shall be
done unto (any of) them. Say: "Verily,my Lord hath guided me to a Way that is
straight, a religion of right, the Path(trod) by Abraham the true in faith, and he
(certainly) joined not gods withAllah. Say: Truly, my prayer and my service of
sacrifice, my life and my death,are (all) for Allah, the Cherisher of the Worlds;
No partner hath He: this am Icommanded, and I am the first of those who bow
to His Will”.

Infact, the approach that Islam pursued to call people of other Faiths is
anobjective dialogue that brings people together to the Word of Allah,
theAlmighty, and His Divine Message and Teachings. Allah, the Almighty, states
inthe Glorious Quran, Sura Al-Imran [The Family of Imran] 3:64,“ Say: OPeople
of the Book! come to common terms as between us and you: that we
worshipnone but Allah; that we associate no partners with Him; that we erect
not, fromamong ourselves, Lords and patrons other than Allah. If then they
turn back, sayye. Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to

Islam also urges its followers to respect the feelings ofthose who differ with them
in religion. Islam condemns the offensive languageagainst those who differ with
Muslims in faith. Allah, the Almighty, states inthe Glorious Quran, Sura al-Ana'm
[The Cattle] 6:108,“ Revile not yethose whom they call upon besides Allah, lest
they out of spite revile Allah intheir ignorance. Thus have We made alluring to
each people its own doings. Inthe end will they return to their Lord, and we
shall then tell them the truth ofall that they did”.

Islam exhorts upon its followers to have ameaningful and sincere dialogue with
those who differ with their religion.Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious
Quran, Sura al-'Ankabut [The Spider]29:46,“ And dispute ye not with the People
of the Book, except with meansbetter (than mere disputation), unless it be with
those of them who inflictwrong (and injury); but say, We believe in the
Revelation which has come down tous and in that which came down to you; our
God and your God is One; and it is toHim we bow (in Islam)”.

Therefore, conversion by force has nobasis in Islam. Allah, the Almighty, states in
the Glorious Quran, Suraal-Baqarah [The Cow] 2:256,“ Let there be no
compulsion in religion:Truth stands out clear from Error: whoever rejects Evil
and believes in Allahhath grasped the most trustworthy hand-hold that never
breaks. And Allah hearethand knoweth all things”.

Allah, the Almighty, also states in theGlorious Quran, Sura Yunus [Joanna]
10:99,“ If it had been thy Lord'sWill, they would all have believed, all who are
on earth! Wilt thou then compelmankind, against their will, to believe!”.

Islam, therefore,commands Muslims to attract the non-Muslims towards their

Faith with the beautyof its percepts. This approach is known in Islam as the
guidance by example, asopposed to the Guidance of Allah, the Almighty. Allah,
the Almighty, states inthe Glorious Quran, Sura al-Kahf [The Cave] 18:29,“ Say,
The Truth isfrom your Lord: Let him who will, believe, and let him who will,
reject (it):for the wrong-doers We have prepared a Fire whose (smoke and
flames), like thewall and roof of a tent, will hem them in: if they implore relief
they will begranted water like melted brass, that will scald their faces: How
dreadful thedrink! how uncomfortable a couch to recline on!”.

Islamenunciates justice and dispenses it even to its Non-believers. Allah,

theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Shura [The Consultation]
42:15,“ Now then, for that (reason), call (them to the Faith), and standsteadfast
as thou art commanded, nor follow thou their vain desires; but say: Ibelieve in
the Book which Allah has sent down; and I am commanded to judgejustly
between you. Allah is our Lord and your Lord: for us (is theresponsibility for)
our deeds, and for you for your deeds, there is nocontention between you and
us. Allah will bring us together, and to Him is (our)final goal”.

Islam gave man the full freedom of choice in termsof faith. Islam believes in the
freedom of the human beings. They may accept orreject any faith or belief. Islam
gave the freedom to the People of the Book andprevious Scriptures to maintain
their faith and practices. Islam forbids thedismantling of the churches and
synagogues. Islam prohibits the breaking anddestruction of the cross of the
Christians. Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) is
reported to have said, concerning the peopleof the previous Scriptures and other
faiths,“ Leave them alone in termsof faith”(This tradition is reported by Tabri,
vol 3, p.226). Islam gavethe people of the previous Scriptures to eat, drink and
wear what their religionpermits them to do. Islam prohibits destroying the pigs of
the people ofprevious Scriptures. Islam also forbids spilling the wines and liquors
of suchpeople. Islam also entitles the people of the previous Scriptures to
practicethe practices of their religion insofar as marriage, marital
relationships,divorce and lawful financial transactions are concerned.

To demonstratea practical example, Omar bin al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased

with him), thesecond Caliph, applied such provisions. While Omar (may Allah be
pleased withhim) was inside the Resurrection Church in Jerusalem, the time for
Muslims'prayer entered. Omar (may Allah be pleased with him) left the Church,
wentoutside, and offered the prayer outside the Church. Omar (may Allah be
pleasedwith him) informed the priest of the church, 'Have I offered my prayer
insidethe Church, some Muslims may claim in the future, 'The Church is a place
whereOmar (may Allah be pleased with him) offered his prayer. Thus, they might
havean excuse to destroy the Church, and erect a Mosque, in its' place [A thing
thathe despised to do], (from the History of Tabari).

Similarly, Omar (mayAllah be pleased with him) offered a pledge of allegiance as

follows, This is apledge of security offered by Omar bin al-Khattab (may Allah be
pleased withhim); the Leader of the Believers, to the inhabitants of Ilea, in terms
ofPeace. Omar (may Allah be pleased with him)gave them his pledge to have
securityand peace against their lives, wealth, churches, crosses and all
theirdenominations. Their churches are not to be occupied [i.e. by
Muslims],destroyed, reduced in size, or to limit the Christian owned
propertiessurrounding the churches. The crosses are not to be tampered with. The
wealth ofthe Christians should not be encroached or possessed unlawfully [by
Muslims],and that Christians would not force or compelled against their own will
[i.e. toaccept Islam], (from the History of Tabari).

2. Islam calls for a fruitful cooperation with the

Christians.Suchcooperation is based on mutual interest. It is also
oriented to serve the bestinterests of the human society at large.
Allah, the Almighty, states in theGlorious Quran, Sura al-Maidah
[The Table] 5:2,“ Help ye one another inrighteousness and piety,
but help ye not one another in sin and rancor: fearAllah: for
Allah is strict in punishment”.

Furthermore, theProphet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him) is reported to have said,“ All human beings are [like]
children of Allah, the Almighty. The mostbeloved to Him is that
who is most beneficial to His children”(Reportedby Bazzar).

Islam, in order to achieve this objective, followed thefollowing


♣ Islam calls for intermingling with other peoples and

nations, based on theDivine teachings. As such, Islam
admits and accepts all previous Messengers andScriptures,
but, Islam emphasizes the concept of Monotheism of God.
Allah, theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-
Hujurat [The Chambers] 49:13,“ O mankind! We created
you from a single (pair) of a male and a female,and made
you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other
(not that yemay despise each other). Verily the most
honored of you in the sight of Allah is(he who is) the
most righteous of you. And Allah has full Knowledge and
iswell-acquainted (with all things)”.

♣ Islam calls upon its followers to love good things for all
other people,regardless of creed, color, or national origin.
The Prophet (peace and blessingsof Allah be upon him) is
reported, narration of Abu Hurairah (may Allah bepleased
with him), to have said,“ Allah's Messenger (peace and
blessingsof Allah be upon him), once inquired, 'Who,
amongst you, would carry thefollowing words [of
wisdom], act upon them, and teach them to others who
wouldalso act upon them?' Abu Hurairah (may Allah be
pleased with him), answeredpositively. Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him), uponthat,
held the hand of Abu Hurairah (may Allah be pleased
with him), and countedfive items as follows: '1) Avoid all
items declared by Allah (subhanahu wata'ala) and Islam
as restricted, thus, you become the best worshipper of
Allah,the Almighty. 2) Accept what had been predestined
for you by Allah, theAlmighty, you would be the richest
man. 3) Be good to your neighbor, you wouldbe
characterized as a Believer. 4) Like for others what you
like for yourself,you would be characterized as a Muslim.
5) Lessen your laughter, since too muchlaughter would
cause the heart to die”(This Hadith is reported

♣ Islam calls upon all Muslims to tender a meaningful, and

sincere free adviceto all people. This point is based on a
statement of Allah's Messenger (peaceand blessings of
Allah be upon him),“ Islam is the religion of
advice.People inquired, O Prophet of Allah! To whom
advice should be offered? Allah'sMessenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him)is reported to have
said,[Offer your pure and full advice] to Allah, the
Almighty, to His Book, to HisProphet, to the Muslims'
leaders, and to the general body of Muslims”(This Hadith
is reported by Muslim).

i. A pure advice to Allah, the Almighty:This is to

fully commit to Hisfaith and religion. To worship
Him Alone, wholeheartedly. To decline, reject
anddiscard any rival set up to Allah, the Almighty.
To remember Allah, theAlmighty, to have any liking
to Him, His Unique Attributes and Blessed Names.
Toaccept fully and wholeheartedly that Allah, the
Almighty, Alone, Who is incharge of all the affairs
of all creatures, forever, until the Day of
Judgment.To believe that whatever Allah, the
Almighty, wills, would happen and whateverHe
does not, would never take place. To, fully follow
the Commandments of Allah,the Almighty, and
avoid all engagements that He restricted and
forbade us to getinvolved or practice.

ii. A pure advice about Allah's Book:This is to

firmly believe that theBook is a Divine Scripture,
revealed by Allah, the Almighty, to His
Messenger,Mohammed (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him). Also, it implies to believethat
the Glorious Quran is the last Divine Book revealed
from Allah, theAlmighty, to mankind. Additionally,
it means to accept all items listed aslawful in the
Divine Book [i.e. the Glorious Quran] and declare
them as lawful,and vice versa. Also, it means to
accept all items listed therein as unlawfuland
prohibited. Furthermore, it connotes to accept,
apply and follow theteachings and instructions of
the Glorious Quran as an obeyed constitution
andFull Guide rules.

iii. A pure advice about Allah's Prophet:This is to

obey what heenjoined, shun away from what he
refrained, believe his statements, love andrespect
him, and respond to his call, practices and
instructions, and propagatethem amongst people at

iv. A pure advice about Muslims' leadership:This is

to obey them, solong as they do not call for, or
impose any rules that tend to disobey thecommands
of Allah, the Almighty, His Divine Glorious Quran,
His Prophet (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon
him) and the teachings of Islam in general. Toassist
them by guiding them to all the good points. To be
cautious not to berebel and fight against them, so
long as they apply Islam and its rulesthroughout
their government agencies. To offer them matured
and most pureadvice, kindly and gently. To remind
them with the general body of Muslims'rights and

v. A pure advice for general Muslims:This is to

guide them to the bestin terms of religion and
worldly affairs. To assist them achieve their goals,
ifand when possible. To prevent any inconvenience
against them, if and whenpossible. To like for them
what one likes for himself, and to hate to cause
themany harm as one hates to cause harm to his
own soul. To treat them as one likesto be treated.

Enjoin good and forbid evil.Muslims are commanded to pursue

everyappropriate means that lead to enjoining good and forbidding
evil, based onone's ability, knowledge, and authority. This action
is, indeed, a safety valvefor securing peace, tranquility and stability
in any society or community. Acommunity where this practice is
vogue would be safe against oppression,corruption and the spread
and application of the "Law of the Jungle". Bymanifestation an
unlettered person would be educated, an un-thoughtful
personwould be guided and become matured, a delinquent person
would be corrected, anda straightforward person, who is on the
Straight Path, would be aided andsupported. This is based on the
verse revealed in the Glorious Quran, Suraal-Maedah [The Table]
5:2,“ Help ye one another in righteousness andpiety, but help ye
not one another in sin and rancour: fear Allah: for Allah isstrict
in punishment”.

Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) is

reported to have said,“ He, amongst you, who sees avice being
practiced [condoned, or promoted] should correct it by hand. If
oneis not capable to correct it by hand, let him use his tongue
[and declare suchpractice as un-acceptable and not condoned].
If one is not even capable to raisehis voice, and use his tongue to
reject the ill practice, the least one could dois, to disapprove by
heart, such an ill practice [by asking Allah, the Almighty,to help
remove such an ill, un-condoned, intolerable, and
unacceptedpractice]”(This Hadith is reported by Muslim).

Allah's Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) also

is reported to have said,“ The example of the person who
observes the restraints of Allah, theAlmighty, and that who does
not, is like a group of people who travel in a ship.The owners of
the ship decide to split the ownership. As such, a portion of
thegroup got the upper deck, while the other portion got the
lower deck.Consequently, whenever the people of the lower deck
wanted to get water from theriver, they had to go to the upper
deck and cause botheration to the people ofthe upper deck. As
such, the occupants of the lower deck of the ship decide todrill a
hole in the wall of their portion of the ship. However, if the
people ofthe upper deck permit them to execute their plan and
condone it, they would allsink and drown in the water. But, if the
people of the upper deck refused to letthem drill a hole in the
wall of their, and restricted them to do so,they wouldall be sound
and safe of sinking”(This Hadith is reported by Bukhari).

Furthermore, Allah, the Almighty, declared in the Divine

revelation, theGlorious Quran, that His Wrath descended unto
certain previous nations[peoples], as a result of their negligence to
enjoin good and forbid evil.Allah, the Almighty, states in the
Glorious Quran, Sura al-Maedah [The table]5:79,“ Nor did they
(usually) forbid one another the iniquities whichthey committed:
evil indeed were the deeds which they did”.
Islam urges to seek beneficial knowledge.Furthermore, Allah,
theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Zmar [The
Groups] al-Zumar [TheGroups], 39:9,“ Is one who worships
devoutly during the hours of thenight prostrating himself or
standing (in adoration), who takes heed of theHereafter, and
who places his hope in the Mercy of his Lord, (like one who
doesnot)? Say: Are those equal, those who know and those who
do not know? It isthose who are endued with understanding that
receive admonition.' Also, Allah'sMessenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said,Seeking
knowledge is obligatory for every Muslim”(This Hadith isreported
by Ibn Majah&Baihaqi).

Islam ensures environment preservation.Islam warns

againstenvironmental hazards. It ensures the protection of the lives
and/or propertiesof others in the community as a result of
purposeful pollution. In fact, Islamis serious and adamant on this
point. For instance:

1. Islambans all types of environmental pollutions such as:

waterresources and else. Allah's Messenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him)is reported to have said,“
Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon
him) forbids people to urinate in stagnant
water”(ThisHadith is reported by Muslim).
2. Islamforbids people to urinate or place garbage in the
middle of thepublic passages, or in the shady places, which
people use for rest andrecreation.
3. Islamwarns against all actions that result in environmental
hazards.Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
Sura al-A'raf [The Heights]7:56,“ Do no mischief on the
earth, after it hath been set in order, butcall on Him with
fear and longing (in your hearts): for the Mercy of Allah
is(always) near to those who do good”. Also, Allah, the
Almighty, states inthe Glorious Quran, Sura al-Baqarah
[The Cow] 2:204-5,“ There is the typeof man whose
speech about this world's life may dazzle thee, and he
calls Allahto witness about what is in his heart; yet is he
the most contentious ofenemies. When he turns his back,
his aim everywhere is to spread mischiefthrough the earth
and destroy crops and cattle. But Allah loveth
2. Islam calls Believers to engage in productive works for
publicinterest.Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
Sura al-Molk[The Kingship] 67:15,“ It is He Who has made the
earth manageable foryou, so traverse ye through its tracts and
enjoy of the Sustenance which Hefurnishes: but unto Him is the

3. Islam wages war against all types of intoxicants for the

protection ofhealth and preservation of private wealth.Allah,
the Almighty, states inthe Glorious Quran, Sura al-Maedah 5:90,“
O ye who believe! Intoxicantsand gambling, (dedication of)
stones, and (divination by) arrows, are anabomination of Satan's
handiwork: eschew such (abomination), that ye mayprosper”.

4. Islam is emphatic on upholding human dignity and family

honor.Allah,the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-
Isra [Night Journey] 17:32,“ Nor come nigh to adultery: for it is a
shameful (deed) and an evil,opening the road (to other evils)”.

Furthermore, Allah, theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran,

Sura al-Noor [The Light] 24:23.“Those who slander chaste
women, indiscreet but believing, are cursed in thislife and in the
Hereafter: for them is a grievous Penalty”.

Furthermore, Allah stated in the Glorious Quran Sura al-Noor

[TheLight], 24:19,“ Those who love (to see) scandal published
broadcast amongthe Believers, will have a grievous Penalty in
this life and in the Hereafter:Allah knows, and ye know not”.

Also, Allah stated in the GloriousQuran Sura al-Baqarah [The

Cow], 2:188,“ And do not eat up your propertyamong yourselves
for vanities, nor use it as bait for the judges, with intentthat ye
may eat up wrongfully and knowingly a little of (other)

Furthermore, Allah stated in the Glorious Quran Suraal-Isra [Night

Journey] 17:35,“ Give full measure when ye measure, andweigh
with a balance that is straight; that is the most fitting and the
mostadvantageous in the final determination”.

Additionally, Allah,the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,

Sura al-Ana'm [The Cattle] 6:152,“ And come not nigh to the
orphan's property, except to improve it, untilhe attains the age of
full strength; give measure and weight with (full)justice; no
burden do We place on any soul, but that which it can bear,
wheneverye speak, speak justly, even if a near relative is
concerned; and fulfill theCovenant of Allah: thus doth He
command you, that ye may remember”.

Additionally, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon

him) isreported to have said,“ A sinner only monopolizes [the
food of thepublic]”(This Hadith is reported by Muslim).

5. Islam exhorts upon donation, on a permanent basis, in the

form ofendowment for the public interest.Endowment in Islam
has two types, asfollows:
1. Private endowment: This type is dedicated to the progeny
of the person whooffers such endowment. The progeny and
family members of the grantor would bewell off, and they
would not need to ask others to donate to them. This type
hasa stipulation, however, that the funds of the endowment
would be given to thepublic interest charitable work upon
the death of the last person of the progenyof the donor.
2. General endowment: This type is dedicated to charitable
works, such as:building hospitals, schools, roads, public
libraries, mosques, communitycenters, orphanages, elderly
homes and other beneficial projects of generalpublic
interest for the community and the society at large.

6. Islam stresses financial, social and spiritual support of

orphans, anddestitute.Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious
Quran, Suraal-Baqarah [The Cow] 17:35,“ Give full measure
when ye measure, and weighwith a balance that is straight; that
is the most fitting and the mostadvantageous in the final

Additionally, Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be

upon him) is reported to have said,“ The orphan's sponsor and I
are in Jannah, Paradise, like these [twofingers; the index and
the middle fingers, indicating how close they are, whichis a great
honor]”(Reported by Tirmithee).

Furthermore, Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be

upon him) is reported to have said,“ [By Allah!] One would not
become a Believer until he likes for his[believing] brother what
he likes for his own”(This Hadith is reportedby Muslim).

7. Islam calls to wage war against all types of famine and

starvation.Muslims are urged to employ all types of available
resources to handlecatastrophic situations. Islam calls upon
Believers to emancipate helplessslaves and maids. Allah, the
Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Suraal-Balad [The City (of
Makkah)] 90:12-14,“ And what will explain to theethe path that
is steep? (It is:) freeing the bondman; Or the giving of food in
aday of privation”.

Islamic Morals Stand for Peace

The entire code of Islamic ethics ensureshappiness of the society at large. This
code forbids all types of actions thatinstigate evil and implant hatred in the hearts and
minds of people.Accordingly, if the members of the society apply Islamic code of ethics
theywould, surely, enjoy peace, security, tranquility and happiness in the society.All
values of the Islamic morality produce a better person and an upright humanbeing;
generous, patient, perseverant, kind, loving, and courteous individual.The essential
criterion of the Islamic morality is to eradicate harmful actions,attitudes and behaviors."
All acts that displease Allah, the Almighty, areunlawful. If a Muslim practices any of the
forbidden acts, he would exposehimself to the dislike or, the Wrath of Allah, the
Almighty, both in this worldand in the Hereafter. In fact, the Arab poet declares, nations
are but theirmorals. If the morals of the nations are bygone, nations would be also

Examples of Acts Prohibited in Islam

Islam has denounced vehemently thefollowing acts. At the same time, it has
strictly prohibited their practice.

• Sorcery and magic of all types. This is based on the

statementreported in the Hadith of Allah's Messenger (peace and
blessings of Allah beupon him),“ Avoid the seven killing items.
People inquired, O Prophet ofAllah! What are these killing
items? Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon
him) said, [These are], 1) Associating others in the worship
ofAllah (subhanahu wa ta'ala). 2) Sorcery and magic of all
types. 3) Killing aninnocent soul, without any legitimate reason.
4) Accepting, giving and dealingwith usury. 5) Eating up
[abusing] the [guarded] orphan's funds. 6) Backing outand
fleeing away from the battlefield [upon facing the enemies]. 7)
Falselyaccusing innocent female Believers [with fornication,
adultery, or moralcorruption]”(This Hadith is reported by both,
Bukhari and Muslim).

• Islam condemns aggression and oppression. Islam, in

reality,castigates all acts of aggression against others, by word,
hand, instrument orelse. Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) states in the
Glorious Quran Sura Shura [TheConsultation] 42:42,“ The blame
is only against those who oppress menwith wrong-doing and
insolently transgress beyond bounds through the land,defying
right and justice: for such there will be a Penalty grievous”.

Additionally, Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,

Suraal-A'raf [The Heights] 7:33,“ Say: The things that my Lord
hath indeedforbidden are: shameful deeds, whether open or
secret; sins and trespassesagainst truth or reason; assigning of
partners to Allah, for which He hath givenno authority; and
saying things about Allah of which ye have noknowledge”.

Moreover, Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon

him) is reported to have said,“ Allah (subhanahu wa
ta'ala)inspired me [to say the following]: Be humble so as no one
oppresses another andno one brag with pride over another”(This
Hadith is reported by Muslim).

Allah, the Almighty, also, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-
Tawbeh[The Repentance], 9:6,“ If one amongst the Pagans ask
thee for asylum,grant it to him, so that he may hear the Word of
Allah; and then escort him towhere he can be secure. That is
because they are men without knowledge”.

Islam disapproves to deprive people of their assets, infringe upon

theirfreedoms, and hurt their feelings, even if they are non-
Believers. Islam urgesto support both the oppressed and the
oppressor. Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon
him) is reported to have said,“ Support [andcome to the aid of]
your brother whether being oppressed, or if he is theoppressor. A
man [who heard this statement from Allah's Messenger (peace
andblessings of Allah be upon him)] and inquired, I would
support my brother if heis oppressed, but what about if he is the
oppressor? Allah's Messenger (peaceand blessings of Allah be
upon him)asserted, [You support him by] stopping himfrom
being an oppressor. That is the way to support an
oppressor”(ThisHadith is reported by Bukhari).

Islam does not differentiate the victim,Muslim or non-Muslim. All

members of the society, regardless of creed or faithare entitled to
full protection of their rights to life, property and wealth.This is
based on the statement reported in the Hadith of Allah's
Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),“ He who
[unlawfully] kills anon-Muslim, residing under Islamic rule,
[and given a pledge of security to beprotected], would not smell
the fragrance of Jannah, Paradise. The fragrance ofJannah,
Paradise would be smelled at a distance of forty years
travel”(This Hadith is reported by Bukhari).

• Islam denounces unkind treatment towards parents. This is

based onthe verse revealed in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Isra
[The Night Journey]17:23-4,“ Thy Lord hath decreed that ye
worship none but Him, and that yebe kind to parents. Whether
one or both of them attain old age in thy life, saynot to them a
word of contempt, nor rebel them, but address them in terms
ofhonor. And, out of kindness, lower to them the wing of
humility, and say: MyLord! Bestow on them thy Mercy even as
they cherished me in childhood”.

This is based on the statement reported of Allah's Messenger

(peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) that,“ Allah's
Happiness [in a person]stems from the parents' happiness [with
their child], and the Dismay of Allah(subhanahu wa ta'ala), also
stems from the unhappiness and dismay of parents[from their
own children]”(This Hadith is reported by Tirmithee).

• Islam teaches benevolence towards the kindred. This is based

on theverse revealed in the Glorious Quran, Sura Mohammed
(peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) 47:22-3,“ Then, is it to
be expected of you, if yewere put in authority, that ye will do
mischief, in the land, and break yourties of kith and kin? Such
are the men whom Allah has cursed for He has madethem deaf
and blinded their sight”.

Additionally, this is basedon the report of the Hadith of Allah's

Messenger (peace and blessings of Allahbe upon him),“ A person
breaking family ties will not enter Jannah,Paradise”(This Hadith
is reported by both, Bukhari and Muslim).

Breaking ties with family and the kindred implies many things:
1. absence of mutual exchange of visits,
2. carelessness towards the needy relatives;
3. and indifference to extend financial and social assistance to
the destitutefamily members.

Islam appreciates the charitable donation from a richperson to a destitute.

However, a charitable donation from a rich family memberto a needy family
member carries a double reward. It is a charity, on the onehand, to the poor and
needy person. At the same time, however, it is a type ofreunion between family
members that is also rewarded by Allah, the Almighty.Similarly, if a person is
poor and is unable to extend financial support torelatives, his visit, care and
affection, are also rewarded by Allah, theAlmighty. This is based on the statement
reported in the Hadith of Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him),“ Establish a goodrapport with your family members and immediate
relatives, even by [as little as]greeting them and asking about them”(Reported
by Bazzar, Tabaranee andIbn Haithami in Majma Al-Zawaid).

• Islam prohibits misusing the wealth and the assets of an

orphan.Orphans are weak and incapable of managing their funds.
An orphan guardian is,therefore, responsible, to the best of his
abilities, to manage wisely thefinance and the affairs of his guarded
orphan. This is based on the verserevealed in the Glorious Quran,
Sura al-Nisa [The Women] 4:10,“ Those whounjustly eat up the
property of orphans, eat up a fire into their own bodies:they will
soon be enduring a blazing fire”.

• Islam despises abuse of authority and the brutality of the

governingelite. A Muslim ruler must be honest with his people and
must not betraythem in any way. This is based on the verse
revealed in the Glorious Quran, SuraIbrahim 14:42-3,“ Think not
that Allah doth not heed the deeds of thosewho do wrong. He but
giveth them respite against a Day when the eyes willfixedly stare
in horror”.

Additionally, this is based on thestatement reported in the Hadith

of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him),“
If Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala) entrusted a personwith an
authority but the person entrusted did not offer his best
possibleadvice to his constituents, such person would be
disallowed to enter Jannah,Paradise”(This Hadith is reported by

• Islam castigates all false testimonies. In fact, false testimonies

areconsidered major sins. In fact, if a person intentionally insists
on doingon a regular basis, he would be considered out of the
realm of Islam. Allah, theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
Sura al-Furqan [The Criterion] 25:72,“ Those who witness no
falsehood and, if they pass by futility, they passby it with
honorable (avoidance)”.

This is based on the Hadith ofAllah's Messenger (peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him),“ Should Iinform you about the
most heinous sins? The Companions [who were in the
presenceof Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him)] said, Pleasedo. Allah's Messenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) continued, [Themost heinous
sins are] to associate others in worshipping Allah, and to be a
badand disobedient to your parents. Allah's Messenger (peace
and blessings of Allahbe upon him) was leaning on the floor, but
he sat straight [i.e. to demonstratethe importance of the
following statement he was about to say]. Then he said, togive a
false statement and a false testimony. Allah's Messenger (peace
andblessings of Allah be upon him) repeated the last statements
several times. TheCompanions wished that Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) quit repeating it”(This
Hadith is reported by Bukhari).

• Islam prohibits taking a deliberate and false oath. This type of

oathis intentional and oriented to secure some unlawful gains. This
oath is calledGhamoos [immersing] oath, as it would immerse the
oath taker in the Fire ofHell. Allah, the Almighty, states in the
Glorious Quran, Sura Al-'Imran [TheFamily of Imran] 3:77,“ As
for those who sell the faith they owe to Allahand their own
plighted word for a small price, they shall have no portion in
theHereafter: nor will Allah (deign to) speak to them or look at
them on the Day ofJudgment, nor will He cleanse them (of sin):
they shall have a grievousPenalty”.

Also, this is based on the Hadith of Allah's Messenger(peace and

blessings of Allah be upon him),“ Whosoever takes, by hisright
hand [i.e., falsely and intentionally] the right of another Muslim
wouldbe entitled for the Fire of Hell and would be deprived the
entry of Jannah,Paradise. A man raised a question as follows:
[would the doer be subjected tosuch punishment] even if the
thing that he abuses from his Muslim brother'srights is
negligible? Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be
uponhim)commented, [Yes. It is so.] Even if the right of the
Muslim brother was abranch of Arak [a wooden branch tooths
brush]”(This Hadith is reportedby Muslim).

The punishment of such a minor sin is so severe due to sizeof the

heinous sin. Taking the rights of others falsely and abusing
other'srights is such a significant sin in Islam.

• Islam denounces betrayal and breach of mutually agreed

contracts.Islam enjoins upon Muslims to be truthful. Islam
commands to fulfill promisesand warns against breaking promises
and dishonoring contracts. Islam stresses onfulfilling all trusts to
the right people and warns against denying even aninsignificant
amount entrusted to a person as a trust. Allah, the Almighty,states
in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Anfal [The War Booties] 8:27,“ O
yewho believe! Betray not the trust of Allah and the Messenger,
nor misappropriateknowingly things entrusted to you”.

Islam declares 'keepingsecrets' as one of the acts of trust. Allah's

Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him)is reported to
have said,“ If a person said somethingto another person, then
turned around [to make sure that there was no one elseto hear
what he said to his Companion], such statement becomes a trust
[secret]to the listener”(This Hadith is reported by Tirmithee and
Abu Dawood).

Similarly, Islam categorized seeking a consultation, as a trust as

well.Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
is reported to havesaid,“ A consulted person is entrusted [with
whatever he hears from theperson seeking his consultation and
honest opinion and advice]”(Ibid).

In fact, Islam reflects a blend of faith and good trust.

Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is
reported to have said,“ There is no faith for a person who is not
trustworthy. There is no[principle] religion for a person who
breaches his pledge of allegiance”(This Hadith is reported by
Baihaqi and Ahmad).

Moreover, the Prophet(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)

is reported to have said,“ Ifa person possesses four vices he would
be categorized as a full hypocrite. Ifone possesses one vice [of
those four] he would be [one forth] hypocrite unlesshe cures
himself from such a poor vice. These vices are as follows: 1) To
liewhenever he speaks. 2) To break the promise. 3) To betray the
trust. 4) Tobreach a covenant”(This Hadith is reported by both,
Bukhari and Muslim).According to another narration of Muslim,“
A person would be categorizedas such even if he maintains his
daily prayers, observes the fast of Ramadan,and claims that his is
a Muslim”.

• Islam prohibits backbiting. Backbiting is to mention things

aboutpeople that they hate to be known by among people, even if
such points are true.This kind of act breeds hatred and disdain
among people. Also, it jeopardizesthe honor and dignity of the
person attacked. This is based on the Hadith ofAllah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),“ Do youknow what is
backbiting? The Companions present at the time said,
Allah(subhanahu wa ta'ala) and His Messenger know best!
Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him)
commented, [backbiting] is to mention something,in the back of
a person, who despises for others to know about him. One of
theCompanions inquired, O Prophet of Allah! What about if the
point raised in theback of another person truly exists in him,
would this still be categorized asan act of backbiting? Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be
uponhim)commented, Backbiting is a vice that exists in the
character of an absentperson. However, if the absent person does
not possess such a bad quality, thenyou are committing a worst
mistake and sin by deforming his character andpersonality
[which is a grievous sin and accusation]”(This Hadith isreported
by Muslim).

• Islam condemns hatred, contempt and resentment against

others. Suchvices provoke to act in revenge in any possible way.
Once, Allah's Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) was asked,“ O Prophet ofAllah! Who is the best type of
men? Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon
him) asserted, Every warm hearted person and true person.
TheCompanions who were present raised a question to Allah's
Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) saying, O
Prophet of Allah! We know the trueperson. But, what about the
warm hearted person? Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of
Allah be upon him) commented, He is the pious, pure person,
the[almost] sinless, with no oppression [or transgression on the
rights of others],a person who possesses no hatred or envy in his
heart for others”(Reported by Tirmithee). Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim) illustrated to Muslims
the results of envy as follows,“ Envy [andjealousy] eats up the
good deeds as the fire eats up [burns] wood”(ThisHadith is
reported by Abu Dawood).

• Islam disallows social boycott. Allah's Messenger (peace

andblessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said,“ Do
not boycottone another, do not turn your backs to each other, do
not hate one another, donot envy one another and be all, slave-
servants of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala),like brethrens. A
Muslim is not allowed to part with his Muslim
brethren[purposely, as a result of a quarrel, anger or dispute] for
more than three[nights]”(This Hadith is reported by both, Bukhari
and Muslim).

• Islam refrains from cursing. Allah's Messenger (peace and

blessingsof Allah be upon him) is reported to have said,“ People
who cuss andcurse would not be permitted to be witnesses or
interceders on the Day ofJudgment”(This Hadith is reported by

In fact, Islambans cussing and cursing even against enemies.

Rather, Islam rather encouragesMuslims to pray for the guidance
of such people to the Right and Straight Path.This is based on the
Hadith of Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allahbe upon
him), Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him) wasonce asked,“ O Prophet of Allah! Should I pray against
pagans and idolsworshippers? Allah's Messenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him)commented, I am only
commissioned as a mercy [for mankind] and I was
notcommissioned as a cursor of others”(This Hadith is reported
by Muslim).

• Islam condemns the practices of misery and being stingy with

money.Islam considers wealth as a trust. Allah (subhanahu wa
ta'ala) entrusted manwith handling for a specific period of time; the
lifetime duration. Man is toemploy this gift, trust and wealth to
spend wisely for his living expenses andessential needs. He is
commanded to abstain from being lavish on unnecessary
orluxurious items. A Muslim is also obliged to spend on his
immediate familymembers, and other poor and needy relatives,
neighbors and community members.Allah's Messenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to havesaid,“ A
treacherous, stingy and miser person who talks time and again,in
every occasion and in every potential opportunity about his
donation andassistance to other needy and poor individuals,
would never enter Jannah,Paradise”(This Hadith is reported by

Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is

also reported to havewarned on disastrous consequences of a
society where misery becomes a commonpractice saying,“ Be
mindful of oppression. Oppression will representmultiple layers
of darkness on the Day of Judgment. Be mindful of misery, as
itdestroyed people before you. Misery compelled people [before
you] to shed theblood of their own people [for nor legitimate
reason], and pushed them to breakthe laws set for them as
banned and forbidden”(This Hadith is reportedby Muslim).

• Islam disapproves lavish spending. Allah, the Almighty, states it

inthe Glorious Quran, Sura al-Isra [The Night Journey], 17:26-
27,“ Andrender to the kindred their due rights, as (also) to those
in want, and to thewayfarer: but squander not (your wealth) in
the manner of a spendthrift. Verilyspendthrifts are brothers of
the Evil Ones; and the Evil One is to his Lord(Himself)

Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him),

also, is reported to have said,“ Allah, the Almighty,restricts you to
be disobedient to your mothers, to decline giving the poor
andneedy for the cause of Allah, to ask people charity if you do
not truly need it,and to bury girls alive. He (peace and blessings
of Allah be upon him) also,dislikes for you to tattle-tale, to often
ask people to give you, and to wasteyour funds foolishly”(This
Hadith is reported by both, Bukhari andMuslim).
• Islam disdains exaggeration. Allah, the Almighty, states in
theGlorious Quran, Sura al-Baqarah [The Cow] 2:185,“ Allah
intends everyfacility for you; He does not want to put you to
difficulties. (He wants you) tocomplete the prescribed period, and
to glorify Him in that He has guided you;and perchance ye shall
be grateful”.

Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) is

also, reported to have said,“ Offerglad tidings and do not chase
people away. Ease the life of people and do notmake it difficult
[and unbearable for them]”(This Hadith is reported byboth,
Bukhari and Muslim).

• Islam castigates arrogance and false demonstration. Allah,

theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Luqman 31:19,“
And bemoderate in thy pace, and lower thy voice; for the
harshest of sounds withoutdoubt is the braying of the ass”.

Allah's Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) is

reported to have said, concerning arrogance,“ A person, whose
heart contains an atom weight of arrogance, would notenter
Jannah, Paradise”. One of the Companions who was present at
thetime, asked Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him),“ O Prophet of Allah! If one of us likes to wear good
clothes and goodshoes, [how would he be looked at?]. Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him)
commented, Arrogance is to deny the truth and eat up therights
of others and despise them”(This Hadith is reported by Muslim).

Furthermore, Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be

uponhim) also said,“ He, who drags his clothes [behind him] in
arrogance,Allah, the Almighty, would not look at him on the Day
of Judgment”(ThisHadith is reported by both, Bukhari and

• Islam prohibits all acts leading to dispute, quarrel and feud

amongstpeople. Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
Sura Al-Imran[The family of Imran], 3:103,“ And hold fast, all
together, by the Ropewhich Allah (stretches out for you), and be
not divided among yourselves; andremember with gratitude
Allah's favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joinedyour
hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became brethren; and ye
were onthe brink of the Pit of Fire, and He saved you from it.
Thus doth Allah make HisSigns clear to you: that ye may be

Similarly, Islam bansall forms of suspicion and evil thoughts about

others. Allah, the Almighty,states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-
Hujurat [The Chambers] 49:12,“ O yewho believe! Avoid
suspicion as much (as possible): for suspicion in some casesis a
sin: and spy not on each other, nor speak ill of each other behind
theirbacks. Would any of you like to eat the flesh of his dead
brother? Nay, ye wouldabhor it. But fear Allah: for Allah is Oft
Returning, Most Merciful”.

Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is

alsoreported to have said,“ Avoid suspicion [and evil thoughts at
any cost],as suspicion is the worst conversation one could ever
make”(This Hadithis reported by Bukhari).

• Islam commands Muslims to be accurate in reporting. Allah,

theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Hujurat [The
Chambers], 49:6,“ O ye who believe! if a wicked person comes to
you with any news,ascertain the truth, lest ye harm people
unwittingly,and afterwards become fullof repentance for what ye
have done”.

• Islam suggests control over temper and the use of offensive

language.This is based on the statement reported in the Hadith of
Allah's Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him),“ A
Believer is not a personwho attacks the integrity of others, curses
others, uses foul language and beunpleasant in his speech with
others”(This Hadith is reported byTirmithee).

• Islam forbids showing happiness over the sufferings of

others.Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him)is reported to havesaid,“ Do not demonstrate any happiness
upon seeing your brethren'stragedy [or catastrophe]. Allah
(subhanahu wa ta'ala)would be Merciful to thelatter and afflict
you with such problems”(This Hadith is reported byTirmithee).

• Islam advises Muslims not to interfere with things that do not

concernthem. Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) isreported to have said,“ One of the signs of being a
good Muslim is tobecome unconcerned with areas that do not
concern him”(This Hadith isreported by Tirmithee).

• Islam suggests control over anger. Allah, the Almighty, states in

theGlorious Quran, Sura al-Shura [Consultation], 42:37,“ Those
who avoid thegreater crimes and shameful deeds, and, when they
are angry even thenforgive”.

• Islam despises attitudes of contempt and depreciation towards

others.Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-
Hujurat 49:11,“ O ye who believe! let not some men among you
laugh at others: it may bethat the (latter) are better than the
(former): nor let some women laugh atothers: it may be that the
(latter) are better than the (former): nor defame norbe sarcastic
to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames:ill-
seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one)
after he hasbelieved: and those who do not desist are (indeed)
doing wrong”.

• Islam does not condone to acquire the assets of others. Such an

actis bound to create hatred and provoke evil in the society and it
would stirchaos in the community. This is based on the statement
reported in the Hadith ofAllah's Messenger (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him),“ Whoevertakes, by force, a right of a
Muslim, Allah, the Almighty, would cause him todwell in the
Fire of Hell on the Day of Judgment and restrict him to
enterJannah, Paradise. One of the Companions who was present
at the time inquired, 'OProphet of Allah! What about if the item
that a person takes by force was littleand negligible? Allah's
Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon
him)commented, [that is the punishment] even of the item was as
little andinsignificant as a wooden tooth brush from an Arack
tree-roots”(ThisHadith is reported by Muslim).

• Islam rejects unjust ruling and sentences. A judge, in Islam, is

anexecuting agent and not a legislature. If a judge becomes unjust
in hisverdicts, then the judge is, actually, betraying the trust he is
entrusted.Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura
al-Maedah [The Table]5:44,“ If any do fail to judge by (the light
of) what Allah hathrevealed, they are (no better than)

This is alsobased on the Hadith of Allah's Messenger (peace and

blessings of Allah be uponhim),“ The judges [in general] are
three [classes], two of which are thedwellers of the Fire of Hell,
and one is in Jannah, Paradise. A judge who knowsthe truth and
judges accordingly would be dwelling in Jannah, Paradise. A
judgewho knows the truth, but purposely deviates from it would
be dwelling in theFire of Hell. [The third type of judges is a]
judge who passes his sentencewithout possessing appropriate
knowledge, such a judge would be dwelling in theFire of Hell as

One of the Companions, who was present atthe time raised the
following question,“ What is the sin of the judge whowas not
truly aware of the truth and reality of the case? Allah's
Messenger(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
commented, His [serious] sin is, heshould not function at the
post of the judge until he is truly knowledgeable ofhis area”(This
Hadith is reported by al-Hakim).

• Islam forbids talking ill about others and making fun of them.
Allah,the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Humazah
[Mocking], 104:1,“ Woe to every (kind of) scandal-monger and

• Islam forbids calling others with bad names. This is based on

theverse revealed in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Hujurat [The
Chambers] 49:11,“ O ye who believe! Let not some men among
you laugh at others: it may bethat the (latter) are better than the
(former): nor let some women laugh atothers: it may be that the
(latter) are better than the (former): nor defame norbe sarcastic
to each other, nor call each other by (offensive) nicknames:ill-
seeming is a name connoting wickedness, (to be used of one)
after he hasbelieved: and those who do not desist are (indeed)
doing wrong”.

• Islam restricts spying on others.Islam bans tapping on others by

allmeans. This is based on the verse revealed in the Glorious
Quran, Suraal-Hujurat [The Chambers] 49:12,“ O ye who believe!
Avoid suspicion asmuch (as possible): for suspicion in some
cases is a sin: and spy not on eachother, nor speak ill of each
other behind their backs. Would any of you like toeat the flesh of
his dead brother? Nay, ye would abhor it. But fear Allah:
forAllah is Oft-Returning, Most-Merciful. Allah's Messenger
(peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) is reported to have
said, A person who listens to the chat ofothers, who hate him
doing so, would have heated liquidated lead in his ears onthe
Day of Judgment”(This Hadith is reported by Bukhari).

• Islam bans tattle telling and warns the doer with a severe
punishment onthe Day of Judgment. A tattle-teller breaks up
amiable relationships betweenpeople and breeds animosity, and
creates a situation of chaos in the society.Allah, the Almighty,
states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Qalam [The Pen]68:10-11,“
Heed not the type of despicable man, ready with oaths,
aslanderer, going about with calumnies”.

Allah's Messenger (peaceand blessings of Allah be upon him) is

reported to have said,“ Atattle-teller would not be allowed to enter
Jannah, Paradise”(ThisHadith is reported by both, Bukhari and

One of the sure resultsof tattle-telling is the spread of rumors,

hatred and anger among members of thecommunity. As such, this
may lead to murders or a disorder in the community.Islam neither
accepts nor condones such situation. Allah's Messenger (peace
andblessings of Allah be upon him) is reported to have said,“ A
Muslim isnot permitted to part his Muslim brethren [angrily] for
a period exceeding threenights. If upon meeting one another
every one goes in a different direction,shunning away from his
Muslim brethren. The best of the two [disputing persons]is the
one who initiates the greeting to the other”(This Hadith isreported
by both, Bukhari and Muslim).

• Islam forbids the exploitation of others like destitute or

theelderly. Islam is concerned to cement a well integrated society.
Islam aimsat establishing an affectionate, loving, and fraternal
community. Allah, theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura
al-Nisa [The Women] 4:36,“Serve Allah, and join not any
partners with Him; and do good to parents,kinsfolk, orphans,
those in need, neighbors who are near neighbors who
arestrangers, the Companion by your side, the way-farer (ye
meet) and what yourright hands possess: for Allah loveth not the
arrogant, the vainglorious”.

• Islam refrains from causing any inconveniences to neighbors in

any formpossible. Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of
Allah be upon him)isreported to have said,“ By Allah! A person
would not become a [full]Believer! By Allah! A person would not
become a [full] Believer! [Repeating thesame phrase twice.] The
Companions asked, 'O Prophet of Allah! Who is thisperson?'
Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him)
commented,He is the one with whom a person whose neighbor is
neither safe nor secureagainst [all of his] harms and evils”(This
Hadith is reported by both,Bukhari and Muslim).

Islam Urges Believers to Observe the Following

• Islam ensures full justice by actions and statements. Allah,

theAlmighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Nahl [The
Bees], 16:90,“Allah commands justice, the doing of good, and
liberality to kith and kin, andHe forbids all shameful deeds, and
injustice and rebellion: He instructs you,that ye may receive

Justice and fairness arecommanded and required in all situations,

when one is happy and satisfied, andwhen one is upset and
unsatisfied, with Muslims and with non-Muslims alike.Allah, the
Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Maedah [The
Table],5:8,“ O ye who believe! stand out firmly for Allah, as
witnesses to fairdealing, and let not the hatred of others to you
make you swerve to wrong anddepart from justice. Be just: that
is next to Piety: and fear Allah. For Allahis well-acquainted with
all that ye do”.

• Islam enjoins altruism and urges Muslims to practice it.

Philanthropyand benevolence are some of the results of altruism, if
practiced by the membersof the society. Allah, the Almighty, states
in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Hashr[The Gathering] 59:9,“ But
those who, before them, had homes (in Medina)and had adopted
the Faith, show their affection to such as came to them
forrefuge, and entertain no desire in their hearts for things given
to the(latter), but give them preference over themselves, even
though poverty wastheir (own lot). And those saved from the
covetousness of their own souls; theyare the ones that achieve

• Islam urges to maintain righteous company. Muslims are

advised tostay aloof from bad company. Allah's Messenger (peace
and blessings of Allah beupon him) is reported to have said,“ The
example of good and evilcompanions is like that of a person who
is carrying musk and the blacksmith whois blowing his blower
over the fire to get it going. A musk carrier would eithergive you
a bit of it, or you may buy a little from him or at the least,
youwould smell good perfume from him. As for the blacksmith
who is blowing hisblower over the fire you may either burn your
clothes [if you sit by him], orelse you would be disturbed with the
sparkles of his fire, or the least [harmyou may get] is to get
disturbed with the bad odor coming from him [and
hisplace]”(This Hadith is reported by both, Bukhari and Muslim).

• Islam enjoins to assist people in making up better

relationships.This is especially so when there is a rift in the
relationship between people.Allah, the Almighty, states in the
Glorious Quran, Sura al-Nisa [The Women]4:114,“ In most of
their secret talks there is no good; but if oneexhorts to a deed of
charity or justice or conciliation between men, (secrecy
ispermissible): to him who does this, seeking the good Pleasure
of Allah, We shallsoon give a reward of the highest (value)”.

• Islam suggests maintaining a good character and morals. Good

moralsand virtues are essential for a better society. Allah's
Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him)is reported to
have said,“ Amongst thebest Believers are the persons with the
best of morals and characteristics andthose who are most kind to
their family members”(This Hadith is reportedby Tirmithee).

• Islam enjoins on Muslims to offer their help and assistance to

othersfree of charge and for the Pleasure of Allah (subhanahu
wa ta'ala). Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be
upon him) is reported to have said,“ Do favors for those who
deserve to be done for them, and also for thosewho do not
deserve to be done for them. If the doer did the favor for those
whodeserve it [and they are worthy of it] it is fine and good, and
if not, the doer[of the favor] himself is one of those who are
worthy for favors”(Reported by Tirmithee).

• Islam enjoins on Muslims to be generous. Generosity brings

peoplecloser to each other and enables the generous to gain the
love and affection ofothers. Allah's Messenger (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) is reportedto have said,“ Allah,
the Almighty, loves two traits; to be good toothers and to be
generous to them. Similarly, Allah, the Almighty, hates twotraits;
to be mean to others and to be miser to people. [On the other
hand,] IfAllah, the Almighty, favors a person, He would employ
him to assist othersachieve their goals and fulfill their needs”.

There is acriterion, however, for generosity in Islam. The criterion

of generosity inIslam is the verse of the Glorious Quran Sura al-
Isra [The Night Journey],17:29,“ Make not thy hand tied (like a
niggard's) to thy neck, norstretch it forth to its utmost reach, so
that thou become blameworthy anddestitute”.

The generosity criterion is set in Islam in order tocontrol it, so as it

would not exceed limits set out by Islam. Allah, theAlmighty,
states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Isra [The Night
Journey],17:26-7,“ And render to the kindred their due rights, as
(also) to thosein want, and to the wayfarer: but squander not
(your wealth) in the manner of aspendthrift. Verily spendthrifts
are brothers of the Evil Ones; and the Evil Oneis to his Lord
(Himself) Ungrateful”.

• Islam enjoins Muslims to be kind and benevolent to others.

Allah'sMessenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) is
reported to have said,“ Allah, the Almighty, would be [extremely]
Kind and Merciful to the kindand merciful people to others. Be
kind to those on earth, the One in Heavenwould be Kind and
Merciful to you”(This Hadith is reported by Tirmitheeand Abu
• Islam commands Muslims to be kind and accommodating to
others andencourages people to do so. Allah's Messenger (peace
and blessings of Allahbe upon him) is reported to have said,“
Being kind to others is good inevery matter and if kindness is
removed [from the hearts of people], thesituation becomes
worst”(This Hadith is reported by Muslim).

• Islam enjoins on Muslims to hide omissions of others, and help

each otherto achieve their decent and honest goals. Allah's
Messenger (peace andblessings of Allah be upon him) is reported
to have said,“ Whosoeveralleviates a Believer's hardship of this
world, Allah, the Almighty, wouldalleviate his hardship and
difficulty of the Day of Judgment. Whosoever easesthe terms on
[a financially] stranded person, Allah, the Almighty, would
easehis difficulties in both this world and the Hereafter.
Whosoever hides thedefects of a Muslim in this world, Allah, the
Almighty, would hide the defectsof that person both in this world
and in the Hereafter. Allah, the Almighty,would continue to
assist a slave-servant so long as such person is extending hishelp
and assistance to his Muslim brethren”(This Hadith is reported

• Islam enjoins upon patience. Patience is good in all

situations.People are encouraged to be patient in order to perform
their religious duties.People are equally urged and encouraged to
practice patience in order toavoidall evils. Allah, the Almighty,
states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Tur 52:48,“ Now await in
patience the Command of they Lord: for verily thou art inOur
eyes: and celebrate the praises of they Lord the while thou

Islam also urges and encourages Muslims to be patient onwhat

they have been predestined for such as: poverty, hunger, lack of
resources,terminal illness or else, and fear. Allah, the Almighty,
states in the GloriousQuran, Sura al-Baqarah [The Calf] 2:155-7,“
Be sure We shall test youwith something of fear and hunger,
some loss in goods or lives or the fruits (ofyour toil), but give
glad tidings to those who patiently persevere. Who say,when
afflicted with calamity: To Allah we belong, and to Him is our
return. Theyare those on whom (descend) blessings from their
Lord, and Mercy, and they arethe ones that receive guidance”.

In fact, Allah, the Almighty,illustrates the reward of the patient

people as follows in the Glorious QuranSura al-Zumar [The
Groups], 39:10,“ Say: O ye My servants who believe!Fear your
Lord. Good is (the reward) for those who do good in this
world.Spacious is Allah's earth! Those who patiently persevere
will truly receive areward without measure!”.

• Islam enjoins Muslims to control their temper and forgive

others, thoughone is capable to take revenge. Such attitudes, of
course, strengthen therelationships and ties amongst people and
create a better atmosphere within thesociety. Islam promised a
great reward for controlling one's temper. Allah, theAlmighty,
praises in the Glorious Quran the individuals who maintain such
anoble character. Allah, the Almighty, states in the Glorious Quran,
SuraAl-'Imran [The Family of Imran] 3:133-4,“ Be quick in the
race forforgiveness from your Lord, and for a Garden whose
width is that (of the whole)of the heavens and of the earth,
prepared for the righteous. Those who spend(freely), whether in
prosperity, or in adversity; who restrain anger, and pardon(all)
men; for Allah loves those who do good”.

Also, Allah, theAlmighty, commands to do well, even though they

have done unwell and weremistreated with evil acts. All this is
done with the hope that people would getcloser to each other and
mane forge affection towards to each other. Allah, theAlmighty,
states in the Glorious Quran, Sura Fussilat, 41:34,“ Nor
canGoodness and Evil be equal. Repel (Evil) with what is better:
then will hebetween whom and thee was hatred become as it
were thy friend andintimate!”.

The above stated are glimpses of what Islamcommands Muslims to comply with
in their life for the Pleasure of Allah, theAlmighty. Both Quran and Sunnah of
Allah's Messenger (peace and blessings ofAllah be upon him) provide additional
commands related to high morals.


In conclusion, we would like to point outhere that by no means we are able to

cover all the aspects of such a vast topicin such brevity. However, the topic is very
important and sensitive. We havesimply provided an outline summation. We have also
presented guidelines to thosewho differ with Islam. We also alluded to the relationships
with such peoplefrom an Islamic viewpoint. Islam builds its foundations of relationships
on theprinciples of public and mutual interests of all the parties concerned. Islam isa
"Well Wisher" for all, so long as the Laws of Allah, the Almighty, arerespected and the
Divine Word is delivered to all individuals of the society.Islam postulates no compulsion
or force for its acceptance. Islam wishes wellfor all regardless of color, creed, geographic
location and nationality. Islambelieves that the tightest grip of faith is, 'to love for the
cause of Allah,the Almighty, and to hate for the same cause, and not for any other
specialinterests, worldly desires and whims.' As a Muslim, if you hate someone, you
donot hate him for his own person. Rather, you hate the evil you see in him whichshows
his negligence to the Commandments of Allah, the Almighty. Allah, theAlmighty, states
in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-'Araf [The Heights], 7:199,“ Hold to forgiveness;
command what is right; but turn away from theignorant”.

To dislike someone does not entitle aMuslim to attack the person he dislikes or assaults
on his wealth or properties,unless Islam permits such an attack. This, of course, is the true
and genuinebeauty of Islam. Islam, as many people know, is a Divine religion, complete
codeof ethics and practices that brings people out of other deities' worship to thefold of
the true worship of Allah, the Almighty, alone. Islam brings people fromthe darkness to
the true light of guidance. Islam brings people out of theinjustices done to them in various
systems, to the vast, comprehensive and truejustice of Islam. Allah, the Almighty, states
in the Glorious Quran, Suraal-Baqarah [The Calf] 2:257,“ Allah is the Protector of those
who havefaith: from the depths of darkness He will lead them forth into light. Of
thosewho reject faith the patrons are the Evil Ones: from light they will lead themforth
into the depths of darkness. They will be Companions of the Fire, to dwelltherein

Islam educates Muslims to bepeaceful, forgiving and caring. As such, Islam establishes
social justice in thesociety. Islam exhorts upon Muslims to be good to others without
expecting itsreturn reward. Consequently, the honor and integrity of the recipient would
bemaintained. Islam educates Muslims to respect and honor the Divine instructions.As
such, every member in the society feels secure, safe and peaceful. No one, inthe true
sense of Islamic society, fears to be attacked, killed, destroyed orstolen. Islam educates
Muslims to be selfless and to like for others, and wishfor them what he likes and wishes
for his own soul. As such, the entire societywould feel a mutual spirit of social system
and welfare. The old would be kindto the young and minor. The young would be merciful
and helpful to the old,helpless and needy, with honor, love and respect demonstrated at all
times. Therich would be inclined to help the poor and needy for the reward from Allah,
theAlmighty, and to gain the Pleasure of Allah (subhanahu wa ta'ala), not forworldly
gains and reputation. As such, the statement of Allah's Messenger (peaceand blessings of
Allah be upon him) would be fulfilled,“ the example ofthe Believers in their love and
affection of one another is like that of theorgans of one body. If one organ aches, the
rest of the body would becomefeverish and the person would not be able to sleep [until
the aching organ feelsbetter and healthy]”.

We wish that this booklet wouldserve as a guide for the seekers of the truth, those who
would seek to achievethe bliss in Jannah, Paradise, and for those who seek the true
salvation fromthe Fire of Hell and its everlasting and humiliating tortures.

The point is, truly, a serious one; especially as everyoneknows that death is the final
destiny of every living being. However, if deathis the end of torture; it would be still be
tolerable and acceptable, but, whatis after death? That is a crucial question.
Muslims, as wellas others, believe in the Resurrection after death. Muslims believe in
rewardand punishment after Resurrection. Muslims also believe in eternity and
eternallife, either in the bliss of Eden, or in the blaze of the Fire of Hell. As forthose who
truly accept Islam as a way of life; they surely took the safe paththat leads to happiness
and the bliss after death. As for those who commit evilacts in this world against innocent
people and without any just basis, theywould be punished and penalized for what they
have committed against innocentpeople. However, if one commits any acts of
disobedience against theCommandments of Allah, the Almighty; it is totally up to the
Will and Mercy ofAllah (subhanahu wa ta'ala). If Allah Wishes to torture the evil-manger,
thereis no one to intercede on behalf of the evil doer, unless Allah permits.Otherwise, if
Allah, the Almighty, wishes to pardon such evil doer, He would doso out of His Mercy,
Kindness and Generosity.

As for thosewho turn away to Islam, or turn their backs to it and die as Non- Muslims,
we dobelieve that such people would be stay in eternity in the Fire of Hell.

Therefore, we urge every sensible, thoughtful and respectivehuman being to seek true
salvation for his soul by his actions, and based on theMercy of Allah, the Almighty. We
encourage every person to seek the Right andStraight Path that leads to Jannah, Paradise;
that is the Path of Allah, theAlmighty; the Path of Islam; the total submission to Allah.
This is the Paththat leads to a sure permanent happiness for eternity. Allah, the
Almighty,states in the Glorious Quran, Sura al-Saff [The Line] 61:8,“ Theirintention is
to extinguish Allah's Light (by blowing) with their mouths: butAllah will complete (the
revelation of) His Light, even though the Unbelieversmay detest (it)”.

May Allah's Peace and Blessings beunto His slave servant Messenger, Mohammed
(peace and blessings of Allah be uponhim), his rightly-guided Companions, and those
who follow the same path whichthey took until the Day of Judgment, amen.

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