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Course Outline (for non IT related course)

Chapter One:

How are resources are managed

Information Management
Importance of Importance of Information Management
o Increasing Complexity of the management task
International Economics Influences
Complexity of Technology
Shrinking Time frames
Competitive pressure
Social Pressure
o Improve problem-solving tools
The Modern Manager
o Where managers are found
o What managers do
Management Skills
o Communication
o Problem Solving
o Computer Literacy
o Information Literacy
The Manager and systems
o What is a system?
o Elements of a system
o What is a subsystem?
o What is a super system?
o The Business system
o Physical system and Conceptual Systems
Data versus Information
The Information services organization
o The information specialist
The need for a complete information system
o Internal and Environmental Sources
o Formal and Informal systems
o Written and Oral Media
o Past, Present, and Projected Information
The computer as an element in an information
o Systems
o Evolution in size
o Basic Computer components
The evolution of computer-based Information systems
o The Initial focus on data
o The new focus on information
o The revised focus on decision
o The current focus on communication
o The potential focus on consultation

Chapter Two:

Introduction to Management Information System

Theory of the Management and the Organizations

o What is a Theory?


Coherent group
General Propositions
Class Phenomena
o Theory in business
o Why study theory?
o Information and Theory
Management theory
o The classical theory of management
Performance standards
Management by exception
Management functions
Management levels
o The behavioral theory of management
o The decision theory of management
o The contingency theory of management
Mintzbergs Managerial Roles
o Interpersonal Roles
o Informational Roles
o Decisional roles
Importance of management theory to information management
Organizational Theory
o The Classical theory of organization
o The Behavioral theory of organization
o The Contingency theory of organization
Importance of organization theory to information management
Systems Theory
o General systems theory
o A systems view of the firm
o Network resource flows
Systems theory of management and organization

1. Understand why there is so much interest in the use of computers for management
2. Know where managers are found, what they do, and what basic skills possess.
3. Know the difference between computer literacy and information literacy
4. Know what is meant by a system, subsystem, and super system and how they relate to a
business organization



Appreciate the importance of a conceptual system in managing physical system

Know the difference between data and information
Understand what is meant by a complete information system
Know the components of a computer-based information system ( CBIS ) and how they
9. The appreciate the difficulty of justifying the cost of a CBIS
10. Understand how the CBIS is implemented through a series of phases and recognize the
primary roles played by the manager and the information specialist
11. Understand the necessity for a firm to adopt a formal policy on information resources

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