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Reviewer Recommendation and Comments for Manuscript Number SNB-D-15-01382

Measurement of solution concentration using high sensitivity total-internal-reflection heterodyne
Original Submission
Dedi Irawan, Ph.D (Reviewer 1)


Edit Review


Recommendation: Major Revision

Submit Review To Journal Office

Overall Manuscript Rating (1-100): 60

Manuscript Question(s):

Scale Rating

Please rate on a scale of 1-3 whether the Graphical Abstract is a meaningful and an
accurate representation of the article. 1 = Meaningful; 2 = Not Meaningful; 3 = Not
Provided. For more information, see


Reviewer Blind Comments to Author:

This article is recommended to be published in Journal of Sensors and Actuators B by completing the following
questions and highlights.
The following are list of questions and suggestion for the author
What means by "By specifying the relation curve of the phase difference "versus the concentration c, the
concentration c can thus be estimated with the measurement of the phase difference" (at the end of section 2.1, page
8). Please describes more details, if possible describe it by using mathematical expression.
I did not find the description of a sentence "This method has advantages of high stability and high resolution
because of common-path configuration and heterodyne phase measurement" in the results and conclusion. "High
stability and high resolution" based on what? or it should be compare with other results with difference methods.
Please re-check English structure and grammatical and writing style i.e "In addition to using a small TIR prism
and yielding a high sensitivity" (to infinitive : to + V).
Avoid long paragraph by remembering that one has a main sentence (topic sentence) and some supporting
Is it possible to compare experimental result and theoretical model of phase difference as function of solution
Reviewer Confidential Comments to Editor:
For each question, please use the following scale to answer (place an x in the space provided):
"To what extent does the article meet this criterion?"
Fails by a large amount
Fails by a small amount
2 x Succeeds by a small amount
Succeeds by a large amount
Not applicable
The subject addressed in this article is worthy of investigation.
0 __1 __2 _x_3 __4
The information presented was new.
0 __1 __2 _x_3 __4
The conclusions were supported by the data.
0 __1 _x_2 __3 __4
Is there a financial or other conflict of interest between your work and that of the authors?

5/24/2015 6:14 PM

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