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Numerology Chart: Lee Christopher Grant

Birthday: July 22, 1967

Core Numbers

Karmic Number: 22/4

Lifepath: 52/7
Attitude: 29/11/2
Power Number: Find Out Now!
Challenge Numbers

First: 3
Third: 2
Forth: 2

Minor Events
Find Out Now!
Pinnacles (In Years)


- 1995: 29/11/2
- 2004: 45/9
- 2013: 74/11/2
& beyond: 30/3

Cycles (In Years)

1967 - 1996:

1997 - 2023: Find Out Now!

2005 - 2013: Find Out Now!
2024 & beyond: Find Out Now!
Major Events
Find Out Now!

22/4 Birthday (Karmic) Number

Click here to see the meaning of the Number 22/4 In Tarot

The day you were born bears great significance in

understanding who you are and where your talents lie. The
day of birth indicates some special talent you possess. It is a
gift to you that will help you along your Life's Path. Your day
of birth is the least significant of the four core numbers, but
perhaps the most finite, in that it reveals a specific ability
you possess in a marked degree.
The number 22 is a Master Number of Sacred Structuralization. People with a number
22 appearing in the name or birth date generally are endowed with special tendencies
toward leadership and inspiration that set them apart from mass consciousness.
Because the numbers are of intensified vibration and potency, those who possess them
may feel like they have a heightened obligation in life, such as greater requirements of
self-discipline and purification of consciousness. People with Master Numbers is not easy
to fit into society. They may find themselves ahead of time and others may find their far
time theories and ideas threatening.
Number 22 may manifest in a person as a tendency to over-evaluate self-importance,
tp exaggerate information and personal credentials, to promote hasty causes, to
resents lack of recognition and to misuse wisdom or power.
Those who are not recognizing their gift might be apathetic toward human needs, at the
extreme use heightened awareness for criminal goals or black magic, unable to adapt
self to group needs, envy of others success.
Consciously accepting their gift, person with number 22 integrates higher wisdom into
organizational administration, masters control of self and environment, puts universal
goal ahead of self-pride. Might become a practical mystic.

Birth Card: Six of Clubs

Six of Clubs have an exceptionally perceptive mind. This is a reason, why this
card is considered the card of intuition. Success in occupation will come through
understanding of human nature.
Qualities of the Birth Card are modified by astrological influences of planets associated with
the Sun position at the moment we are born. If you are born on July, 22 1967 00:00, the
planetary ruler for your astrological sign (Cancer) is Moon. Your Sun is
positioned approximately in the Third decan of Cancer, ruled by Neptune and Jupiter.
Find out the exact degree of your Sun placement to make sure your Planetary and Decanate cards are
All Sixes have a special significance and mission in life. Six is the Double Trinity, - the divine is
reflected in the human. Number Six is the number of Soul. It stands for beauty, harmony, order and
completion, - the "Law and Order". Having this birthday means that you have a passion for everything
being in the right place. You are a natural diplomat who needs involvement with others where you can
share you warm charm, intuitive intellect, and friendly responsibility of well-being of others. If the Six
misses inner realization of their definite purpose in life, they may develop selfishness and lack of
The combination of sensitive quality of number Six with the mental attributes of the Club suit, Six of
Clubs have an exceptionally perceptive mind. This is a reason, why this card is considered the card of
"intuition". If you haven't recognized this sixth-sense in yourself, the awareness of this potential may
encourage you to develop it. It could prove the tremendous aid in relationships and work, and in














Six of Clubs have the power to overcome all obstacles. They know the "answers". They bear the brand
of destiny, and the inner self urges them to its fulfillment. When they fail they are invariably unhappy,
for they feel they have compromised their Plan, and nullified the greater part of their power.
Six of Clubs often worry about doing less than is expected from them. They worry about not being
able to commercialize their talents, and most of all, they worry about their health, and the progress of
people they love. If you are Six of Clubs, you must know that you have been working very hard in










The professional field is more comfortable with Six of Clubs than the commercial. Their path is light,
not a labor. They should never overwork, or allow themselves to become mentally tired. The mind
must be keen, active, and aware at all times. Six of Clubs are good executives and know that they

must work to attain the place they should hold. They can rise on the top of any chosen field. To truly
realize the tremendous potential hidden in their card, they will need to apply great deal of personal
discipline. Again, overwork should be avoided for the sake of their psychical and spiritual health. Six of
Clubs have wisdom and great power to provide an immeasurable service to the world.
Six of Clubs are usually content with their life, lack of travel and the steady progress. For more
restless birthdays, the available type of work may seem monotonous.
The women have a strong mother instinct and a desire to be good wives. The men have loyalty and
devotion to family interests but should guard against being dominated by women. Six of Clubs are
charming and friendly. Marriage is usually fortunate and happy, but in personal relationships should
guard against taking too much for granted.
Success in occupation will come through understanding of human nature and application of innate
knowledge. Mental pursuits are best - educational, judiciary, political, or the educational aspect
(teaching, writing) of any given talent.
If there is a card, that gives a promise to become rich, it will be the Six of Clubs. You have to earn
your fortune, but for sure it's waiting for you. All Six of Clubs efforts bring recognition and fame.
Money can be made through psychic or intuitional gifts, even without any commercial motive. If you
are Six Of Clubs, don't allow money take a first place; if you do, the peace of mind threatened, and
the selfishness develops.

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52/7 Life Path number

Click here to see the meaning of the Number 52/7 In Tarot

Your Life Path number is derived from your date of birth, and
is considered to be the most influential number in your
numerological chart. It is sometimes referred to as the
destiny number. Life path number tells you what path you
need to take in order to fulfill your destiny, and indicates the
traits that the individual should adopt in order to reach his or
her full potential.
The number 7 is the most mystical of all numbers. Seven is the number of a Soul and
symbolizes "Spiritual Victory", quest for higher truth. In silence, peace and selfexamination we go toward perfection. In criticism of others, suspicion, judgment, and
Sevens are highly intuitive. They has a reservoir of inspired wisdom combined with
inherited analytical ability, which could reward them through expressions of spiritual
leadership, business analysis, marketing, artistic visions, and scientific research.
Operating on spiritual side of their individuality can bring Sevens to the great heights,
and drop them off if they neglect their true spiritual identity.

29/11/2 Attitude Number

Click here to see the meaning of the Number 29/11/2 In Tarot

The Attitude Number is the outlook a person present to the


The number 11 is a Master Number of Revelation. People with a number 11 appearing

in the name or birth date generally are endowed with special tendencies toward
leadership and inspiration that set them apart from mass consciousness. Because the
numbers are of intensified vibration and potency, those who possess them may feel like
they have a heightened obligation in life, such as greater requirements of self-discipline
and purification of consciousness. People with Master Numbers is not easy to fit into
society. They may find themselves ahead of time and others may find their far time
Number 11 may manifest in a person as a tendency to be idealistic, fanatical, lacking
practical realities, to use their divine gift for self purposes. If the person is not realizing
his or her abilities, Eleven may reject to apply inspiration and afraid of higher energies
and gifts, be overcritical, oversensitive to public reactions, cynical toward society.
Consciously accepting their gift, Eleven seeks to express higher consciousness, unites
spiritual truth to material plane and may become inventive, visionary leader.

3 First Challenge Number

The Challenge number represents the main issue you must
deal with during this period of your life. There are only 4
periods and 4 challenge numbers. If you have this number in
your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion Number this
challenge will not be as difficult to learn, nor as strongly felt.
The Number 3 is the number of Trinity. Threes inhibit the creative drive that seeks
expression. Number 3 departure from the Number 2 - the source of balance and
harmony, and so it's always looking to find this balance in creating something new.
There is an urge in self expression and variety. Talkative and highly communicative,
Threes can relate to many different cultures and concepts due to the flexibility hidden in
The biggest challenge of all Threes is uncertainty. Easily getting bored, they can move
from one job to another, switch projects and lovers. The high creative force of Threes
can lead them either happiness or unhappiness. One who understands his or her goals
and a makes a major decision in life, who follows it directly and straight up without
worry and uncertainty, achieves heights other numbers can only dream about. The
number Three (3) is the closest number to the Source, but the Light may become a
Dynamite when there is deviation and the pursuit of temptation.

1 Second Challenge Number

The Challenge number represents the main issue you must
deal with during this period of your life. There are only 4
periods and 4 challenge numbers. If you have this number in
your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion Number this
challenge will not be as difficult to learn, nor as strongly felt.
The Number 1 suggests a strong sense of independence, desire to excel and to lead. It
is the most ambitious number and can bring those who identified with it to the greatest
heights. "Dream the impossible dream" is the deepest motivation of these people, and
the hidden motive is self-acceptance. Number 1 promotes masculine energy expressed
as action and accomplishment.
Number 1 represent Desire. It can be desire to love, knowledge, wealth or wisdom.
Number 1 isn't usually known for their patience, because they have so much to
accomplish in this lifetime and so little time to do it and there's no time to stay and look
inside themselves, or waiting for others. They may appear selfish at times, but it comes
from a compelling urge for freedom and action, and preoccupation to establish their
own identity.

2 Main (Third) Challenge Number

The Challenge number represents the main issue you must
deal with during this period of your life. There are only 4
periods and 4 challenge numbers. If you have this number in
your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion Number this
challenge will not be as difficult to learn, nor as strongly felt.
The Number 2 represents Union - the Father-Mother Principle, and so cooperation and
association. Two (2) are always in eternal search for their other half - their
complement. Two is a number of peacemaker. They understand the law of harmony and
desire to balance their life and those around them. They may feel incomplete without
someone to share their love, ideals, wealth or work. Symbolically, the prime challenge
of Twos is fear, fear of being alone, but on a higher place, they just feel unhappy where

Twos are very sensitive and could appear a bit shy and perceptive. It also gives them
developed intuition, patience and the ability to nurture others. The happy Twos are
those, who accept their needs in a complimentary relationship and go to create them.
That gives them freedom to be the way they are, instead of being compelled into
addictive behavior patterns.

2 Fourth Challenge Number

The Challenge number represents the main issue you must
deal with during this period of your life. There are only 4
periods and 4 challenge numbers. If you have this number in
your core numbers or in your Hidden Passion Number this
challenge will not be as difficult to learn, nor as strongly felt.
The Number 2 represents Union - the Father-Mother Principle, and so cooperation and
association. Two (2) are always in eternal search for their other half - their
complement. Two is a number of peacemaker. They understand the law of harmony and
desire to balance their life and those around them. They may feel incomplete without
someone to share their love, ideals, wealth or work. Symbolically, the prime challenge
of Twos is fear, fear of being alone, but on a higher place, they just feel unhappy where

Twos are very sensitive and could appear a bit shy and perceptive. It also gives them
developed intuition, patience and the ability to nurture others. The happy Twos are
those, who accept their needs in a complimentary relationship and go to create them.
That gives them freedom to be the way they are, instead of being compelled into
addictive behavior patterns.


Pinnacles show the major transformation in our life. The pinnacle numbers show the
direction we precede in certain times and changes we are destined to make to fulfill our
mission in life.

29/11/2 First Pinnacle: Age 0 - 28

First Pinnacle number is associated with Spring of your life
and also with Heart Suit and the element of Fire. Your early
associations with family and friends, the fist call of love and
the urge for mating. You are learning the main principles of
parent and child, husband and wife, brother and sister,
friend and friend.
The Number 2 represents Union - the Father-Mother Principle, and so cooperation and
association. Two (2) are always in eternal search for their other half - their
complement. Two is a number of peacemaker. They understand the law of harmony and
desire to balance their life and those around them. They may feel incomplete without
someone to share their love, ideals, wealth or work. Symbolically, the prime challenge
of Twos is fear, fear of being alone, but on a higher place, they just feel unhappy where
Twos are very sensitive and could appear a bit shy and perceptive. It also gives them
developed intuition, patience and the ability to nurture others. The happy Twos are
those, who accept their needs in a complimentary relationship and go to create them.
That gives them freedom to be the way they are, instead of being compelled into
addictive behavior patterns.

45/9 Second Pinnacle: Age 29 - 37

Second Pinnacle number represents changes in your life
during your Summer period. This period is associated with
Clubs suit and the Air element. This is second stage of life:
the educational or learning period, the period of developing
mental strategies and raising intelligence. The number
associated with your Second Pinnacle correlates to debates,
arguments, disputed, all mental processes, psychological
reactions, news, media.
The number 9 signified the Completion of a cycle - it completed the circle of number
one through nine. Nine include all numbers and all planets, therefore it stand as a

Universal Number. It can symbolize the lifetime of fulfillment, when Nine is dedicated to
service - anywhere, everywhere, to anyone. Because of its size of extension, Nine is the
most emotional influence we have to deal with. Nines love more than the rest - and
they suffer more; they give more than the rest - and leaves them more deprived; they
are more idealistic than the rest - and they become more disillusioned. Nines are being
given so much from their birth, that it is their mission to establish Universal Love and
the Brotherhood of Man.
Nines come to this world to experience the power of letting go. They might learn from
an early childhood that there are either relationship, beliefs, values or personal power
must be given away. It is one of the most difficult but also the most fulfilling number of
all. Once accessed the power of letting go, Nines are happy and carefree. They don't
get attached to people and things in life. They see themselves as a part of big picture
and feel in tune with the cosmic flow.

74/11/2 Third Pinnacle: Age 38 - 46

Third Pinnacle number represents changes that are due in
Fall quarter of your life, the season of Diamond suit and
Water element. At this time we receive Abundance are reap
the harvest of our effort in first two periods.
The Number 2 represents Union - the Father-Mother Principle, and so cooperation and
association. Two (2) are always in eternal search for their other half - their
complement. Two is a number of peacemaker. They understand the law of harmony and
desire to balance their life and those around them. They may feel incomplete without
someone to share their love, ideals, wealth or work. Symbolically, the prime challenge
of Twos is fear, fear of being alone, but on a higher place, they just feel unhappy where

Twos are very sensitive and could appear a bit shy and perceptive. It also gives them
developed intuition, patience and the ability to nurture others. The happy Twos are
those, who accept their needs in a complimentary relationship and go to create them.
That gives them freedom to be the way they are, instead of being compelled into
addictive behavior patterns.

30/3 Forth Pinnacle: 47 & beyond

Forth Pinnacle number is associated with Winter season,
Spades suit and the Earth. Winter is a period of rest,
stillness, hardness, cold. This is time for Truth and Wisdom,
spiritual awakening and initiation.
The Number 3 is the number of Trinity. Threes inhibit the creative drive that seeks
expression. Number 3 departure from the Number 2 - the source of balance and
harmony, and so it's always looking to find this balance in creating something new.
There is an urge in self-expression and variety. Talkative and highly communicative,
Threes can relate to many different cultures and concepts due to the flexibility hidden in
The biggest challenge of all Threes is uncertainty. Easily getting bored, they can move
from one job to another, switch projects and lovers. The high creative force of Threes
can lead them either happiness or unhappiness. One who understands his or her goals
and a makes a major decision in life, who follows it directly and straight up without
worry and uncertainty, achieves heights other numbers can only dream about. The
number Three (3) is the closest number to the Source, but the Light may become a
Dynamite when there is deviation and the pursuit of temptation.

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