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Stonewall Democrats of Western New York

Meeting Minutes 2/24/09

Meeting called to order at El Museo Gallery by Bruce Kogan at 7:12 pm.

Minutes read from the previous meeting. David Granville motions, Madeline Davis seconds. The
minutes are accepted.

Bruce Kogan states that there is not yet a Treasurer’s Report. The business of the Treasurer's
Report is put off until the March meeting.

Bruce Kogan discusses the James Zappalorti film project, “Stained Glass Windows.” The film
will be based on the Zappalorti, the disabled veteran who was the victim of a hate crime on
Staten Island in 1990. Both Bruce and Kitty Lambert met with Deborah Castillero, who is
involved with the project. The project is looking for letters of support to endorse the project.

Bruce Kogan asks that SDWNY write a letter in support of “Stained Glass Windows.” David
Granville motions that the club write a letter of support. Kitty Lambert seconds. Motion passes

Madeline Davis discusses the film “Swimming with Lesbians,” which focuses on her, the GLBT
Archives of WNY, and the necessity of archiving. The film is ready to be shown sometime in
May; there will be a showing March 2 at Syracuse University as part of a Gender Studies
program. The film will formally premiere at a major film festival.

Bruce Kogan announces a Buffalo Community Forum "What's Next for New York?" to be held
at the Unity Church of Practical Christianity in Buffalo on March 4th, 7 - 8:30 p.m. The forum
will be sponsored by the Empire State Pride Agenda and the New York Civil Liberties Union.
Madeline Davis discusses the possibility of buying spots on local TV for Pride Month, and the
idea for a spot which would involve local GLBT people, with the format of said people saying, “I
am X and I am gay history.”
Bruce Kogan brings up the Buffalo School Board elections. At the previous meeting of the
Executive Committee, the possibility of running GLBT candidates was discussed. David
Granville informs that the potential candidates discussed have all declined to run. It is decided
that the March meeting will be devoted to the School Board candidates.
Tom Gleed asks about what the current School Board endorsement questionnaire looks like.
David Granville mentions that it asks if the candidate will support GLBT issues and promote
understanding. Kitty Lambert mentions that it must include an endorsed candidate must support
the Dignity for All Students Act.
Tom Gleed motions that the Executive Committee considers and cleans up the questionnaire.
Kitty Lambert seconds. Motion passes.
Bruce Kogan announces the schedule for office endorsements in the upcoming year:

• May – Erie County candidates (i.e.: Comptroller)

• June- Erie County Legislature candidates

• July- City of Buffalo, Mayoral

Bruce Kogan introduces guest speaker Liz Smith, from the Working Families Party. Smith
discusses the party’s commitment to progressive candidates. During the discussion, there is talk
about lobbying efforts. Kitty Lambert mentions a recent lobby to NYS Senator Michael
Ranzenhoefer, and how distracted his staffer was. David Granville asks if a connection to the
Log Cabin Republicans may help in future lobbying efforts. It is mentioned that Democratic
NYS Senator Bill Stachowski presents problems in lobbying, i.e. how unreceptive he is to major
GLBT issues. There is discussion whether he should be invited to the April meeting, and how
that meeting date may have to be changed as Albany is in session.
Bruce Kogan introduces Bill Trezevant as a guest, and former endorsed candidate for the Buffalo
Common Council Ellicott District. Trezevant gives remarks, stating that he attended the meeting
to listen.
Bruce Kogan announces that there were constituents of NYS Assemblyman Robin Schimminger
at the last SDWNY meeting, and that they are going to make an appointment with him when he
is not in Albany.
David Granville would like the record to show SDWNY commend Kitty Lambert and Outspoken
for Equality’s Valentine’s Day Rally and counter-protest the weekend past to the Fred Phelps
organization at Alison Des Forges’ memorial. Kitty Lambert says that it was not her, but the
remarkable group of people who made the statement, the change, with the power of the people.
Madeline Davis announces the passage of a California bill on GLBT education issues [will get
specifics]. She emailed NYS Assemblyman Sam Hoyt about a NY version of bill, and Hoyt has a
person working on formulating the bill.
The subject of a future meeting place is discussed. Kitty Lambert states that the Pride Center is
not closing, and has funding through 2013. However, there is a conflict of a religious group at
the Pride Center and SDWNY on Tuesday nights. Bruce Kogan announces that the feasibility of
meeting permanently at the Pride Center be discussed at the next Executive Committee meeting.
David Granville motions the meeting adjourn, in memory of Keith Crippen. Carol Speser
seconds. Meeting adjourns in memory of Keith Crippen.

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