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Long before the earth

Before there was light

Lord You were

Endless are You God

No time can contain all you are

There's no other God before You

There is no one to replace you

You are forevermore

And there's no other God I call to

You are the One that I cling to

You are forevermore

Faithful are You God

You never change

Lord You are

Only You are God

Forever You reign above it all

There's no other God before You

There is no one to replace you

You are forevermore

And there's no other God I call to

You are the One that I cling to

You are forevermore

There's no other

No one Greater

There is none like You


There's no other God before You

There is no one to replace you

You are forevermore

There's no other God I call to

You are the One that I cling to

You are forevermore

There's no other God before You

There is no one to replace you

You are forevermore

There's no other God I call to

You are the One that I cling to

You are forevermore.

You are forevermore.

W and M--Aaron Shust, Jason Ingram, Justin McKay and Brett Rutledge

2008 Bridge Building Music/White Spot Publishing,

West Main Music, Windsor Hill Music, 8 Music Square West

CCLI License #1501423

I believe in one God,

the Father Almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth,

and of all things visible and invisible.

And in one Lord Jesus Christ,

the only-begotten Son of God,

begotten of the Father before all worlds;

God of God, Light of Light,

very God of very God;

begotten, not made,

being of one substance with the Father,

by whom all things were made.

Who, for us men and for our salvation,

came down from heaven,

and was incarnate by the Holy Spirit

of the virgin Mary,

and was made man;

and was crucified also for us

under Pontius Pilate;

He suered and was buried;

and the third day He rose again,

according to the Scriptures;

and ascended into heaven,

and sits on the right hand of the Father;

and He shall come again, with glory,

to judge the quick and the dead;

whose kingdom shall have no end.

And I believe in the Holy Ghost,

the Lord and Giver of Life;

who proceeds from the Father

and the Son;

who with the Father and the Son

together is worshipped and glorified;

who spoke by the prophets.

And I believe in one holy catholic

and apostolic Church.

I acknowledge one baptism for the

remission of sins;

and I look for the resurrection

of the dead,

and the life of the world to come.


The Nicene Creed (381)

God, our Father, full of power

Maker of the heavens,

Maker of the world

Forming all things, seen and unseen

Truly the Almighty

beyond all measured worth

Holy is His Name

We believe the Lord our God is One

Father, Spirit, Son; This is our God!

We believe forever He will reign

Let the church proclaim:

This is our God!

Our Lord Jesus sent to save us

Born unto a virgin, lived a perfect life

Greatly suered, dying for us

From the grave Hes risen,

seated now on high

Holy is His Name

We believe the Lord our God is One

Father, Spirit, Son; This is our God!

We believe forever He will reign

Let the church proclaim:

This is our God!

Jesus will come back again

To judge the living and the dead

Usher in the age to come

Let everyone sing Amen

Jesus will come back again

To judge the living and the dead

Usher in the age to come

Let everyone sing Amen

Let everyone sing Amen

Spirit, holy, One in glory

Speaking through the prophets

Empowering the Church

Life is given by and through Him

With the Son and Father,

worshiped and adored

Holy is His Name

We believe the Lord our God is One

Father, Spirit, Son; This is our God!

We believe forever He will reign

Let the church proclaim:

This is our God!

This Is Our God

W and MNeil DeGraide, Dave Fournier, Zach Jones, Doug Plank, and George Romanacce

2015 Sovereign Grace Praise

CCLI License #1501423

Rock of Ages, cleft for me

Let me hide myself in Thee

Let the water and the blood

From Thy wounded side which flowed

Be of sin the double cure

Save from wrath and make me pure

All the labors of my hands

Could not meet Thy laws demands

Could my zeal no respite know

Could my tears forever flow

All for sin could not atone

Thou must save, and Thou alone

Nothing in my hands I bring

Simply to Thy cross I cling

Naked come to Thee for dress

Helpless, look to Thee for grace

To Thy fountain, Lord, I fly

Wash me Savior or I die

While I draw this fleeting breath

When my eyes shall close in death

When I soar to worlds unknown

See Thee on Thy judgment throne

Rock of Ages, cleft for me

Let me hide myself in Thee

Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me

Music and additional lyrics by Bob Kauflin

Lyrics by Augustus Toplady

1998 Sovereign Grace Praise

CCLI License #1501423

O great God of highest heaven

Occupy my lowly heart

Own it all and reign supreme

Conquer every rebel power

Let no vice or sin remain

That resists Your holy war

You have loved and purchased me

Make me Yours forevermore

I was blinded by my sin

Had no ears to hear Your voice

Did not know Your love within

Had no taste for heavens joys

Then Your Spirit gave me life

Opened up Your Word to me

Through the gospel of Your Son

Gave me endless hope and peace

Help me now to live a life

Thats dependent on Your grace

Keep my heart and guard my soul

From the evils that I face

You are worthy to be praised

With my every thought and deed

O great God of highest heaven

Glorify Your Name through me

You are worthy to be praised

With my every thought and deed

O great God of highest heaven

Glorify Your Name through me

O Great God
W and M--Bob Kauflin

2006 Sovereign Grace Praise

CCLI License #1501423

Man of sorrows, Lamb of God

by His own betrayed.

The sin of man and wrath of God

has been on Jesus laid.

Silent as He stood accused,

beaten, mocked and scorned.

Bowing to the Fathers will,

He took a crown of thorns.

Oh, that rugged cross, my salvation,

where Your love poured out over me.

Now my soul cries out, hallelujah,

praise and honor unto Thee.

Sent of heaven, Gods own Son

to purchase and redeem.

And reconcile the very ones

who nailed Him to that tree.

Oh, that rugged cross, my salvation,

where Your love poured out over me.

Now my soul cries out, hallelujah,

praise and honor unto Thee.

Now my debt is paid,

it is paid in full

by the precious blood

that my Jesus spilled.

Now the curse of sin

has no hold on me.

Whom the Son sets free,

oh is free in deed.

Now my debt is paid,

it is paid in full

by the precious blood

that my Jesus spilled.

Now the curse of sin

has no hold on me.

Whom the Son sets free,

oh is free in deed.

Oh, that rugged cross, my salvation,

where Your love poured out over me.

Now my soul cries out, hallelujah,

praise and honor unto Thee.

See the stone is rolled away,

behold the empty tomb.

Hallelujah, God be praised,

Hes risen from the grave.

Oh, that rugged cross, my salvation,

where Your love poured out over me.

Now my soul cries out, hallelujah,

praise and honor unto Thee.

Oh, that rugged cross, my salvation,

where Your love poured out over me.

Now my soul cries out, hallelujah,

praise and honor unto Thee.

Praise and honor unto Thee.

Man of Sorrows
W and MMatt Crocker and Brooke Ligertwood

2012 Hillsong Music

CCLI License #1501423

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