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"The people that tualked in darkness have

seen a great light:"
Isaiah 9:2
Formardino Address
Wrs, Polly Wilkinson
and Kathleen Pratt

23769 West Edison Roadt

South Bendy Indiana, 46628

^121^J^fnikasuya Iseh^jMsf" Cho


Bible Correspondence. Church Planting. Kindergarten* Ad-vanoelism. Radio. Campus Evanoelism

February, 1969
Dear Co-laborer,

People like you inspire, encourage and invigorate those whom you sustain through
prayer and living giving*
As we have told you before, you are a very special people in
God's sight*
We are confident that the evangelization of Japan is most significant in
spreading the Gospel to all the world*

Happiness is being a part of God's eternal plan*

Voshino (Goodfield) wrote us recently, 'Every day

my life

is very

fine in

And day by day my prayers are being answered and my faith grows stronger. So
I am very thankful to our Lord and to my teacher, l*lr. Pratt*' This young man is a
senior in the university*
We find the college campus ministry very rewarding, and we
pass this word of thanks on to you who make it possible for us to be there to lead these
youth to know Christ*

We are often asked, "Are you accepted in that country?" "What do


think about

your going there to teach Christianity?"

'I think that you are an ambassador from the Kingdom of Heaven to this world,'
wrote a former neighbor and pen friend, Yugo Wori*
'And I think also you are a modern
John who wears a nice suit and drives a very nice car instead of wearing raiment of
camel's hair and eating locusts and wild honey*
I am missing you often and wish to see

your pleasant

and happy face

your own country

and hear your

as long as you can,

cheerful speech.

but I wish

You may wish to stay in

you would coma back

to this country,

and the sooner the better*'

Hideto Yoshii, the college student who lived with us for almost two years, wrote,
'Well, it is getting near June of this year*
When are you coming back to your second
home, Japan?"
To all of you who ask this same question we reply, "We plan to return in
September, sooner or later, the Lord willing*"
The Lord has provided all our needs in the past*


He has provided not a

dollar more,
and sometimes the day before*
We have no reason tc doubt that He will
supply this need at this time, also* We pray these words that Solomon wrote, recorded in
Proverbs 30:8,9* 'Remove far from me vanity and lies: give me neither poverty nor riches;
feed me with food convenient for me: Lest I be full, and deny thee, and say. Who is the
Lord? or lest I be poor, and steal, and take the name of my God in vain."

Pray with us about the ADvangelism, evangelism

strategic field that is wide open to the gospel*

and college campus ministry in this

friary Joyce is looking forward to our return to Japan and her junior and senior
years at Christian Academy* Lydia, well acquainted at C*B,S*, is makirg plans now for
dorm life here
interesting for
help toward his
the Air Force*
preparation for
from all of us*

beginning in the fall*

Singing groups and the basketball team make life

Wark here at the Seminary* Thanks to those churches that have continued
schooling and books* Paul, at Purdue is in line for pilot training with
As for the two of us, we're storing up the things learned this year in
our new term of service. A hearty vote of thanks to all of you faithful
"God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance,.**'


;i/ CO^Ift

"The people that walked in darkness have

Isaiah 9:2
seen a great light:"
Overseas Address

ForwardinQ Address

Wrs. Polly Wilkinson

23769 West Cdison Road,

1210 Kamikasuya, Isehara Cho,

South Bend, Indiana, 46626

Kanagauta Ken, Japan. 259-11

Paul and Kathleen Pratt

Bible Correspondence. Church Planting. Kindergarten. Ad-vanoelism. Radio. Campus Cvanoelism


June. 1969

Dear Christian Friend,

We thank you and God will bless you for your financial support
unceasing prayer for Japan.


It doesn't saetn possible, but it must be true because we have been

sending out announcements that read, 'The Class of Nineteen Hundred Six
ty-Nine of Western Hills High School announces its Commencement Exercises

Wednesday evening, June eleventh at eight o'clock. University of Cincin

nati Field House',

The name card enclosed is that of Lydia Pratt,

It seems such a few years ago that Lydia was born in Mishawaka,


iana while Paul was preaching at the 1V1IL6URN BLUD, congregation, (one of
the congregations that has supported our work since we

went to Japan in

1950). Lydia is enrolled in the Cincinnati Bible Seminary and is looking

foreward to rooming with Joy Lewis, a kindergarten classmate

and friend

from VANDALIA, hilCHlGAN. (The Uandalia congregation, after adding us to

its regular giving provided us with a substantial sacrificial offering at
Easter time.

For two years now, the BRANCH HILL CHURCH, Loveland,


another former ministry has also been having a regular part in our work.)
All four of our children are Christians seeking God's leading for their


P?iul S. Pratt Jr., son nfRev.

and Mrs. Paul S. Pratt Sr.,
'ormer South Bend resident.s, is

ANSWERS TO PRAYER- fflrs, Daikuzono, preacher's wife at Kajiki has been

released from the hospital
The enrollment of the kindergarten

P^'.rl of Purdue

l.'niversity's Air
Force ROTC

Kajiki is sixty-six students, almost double that of last year...... The

Japan Christian Convention this year was 'the best ever'.
Eleven Mis

years or

more service to Japan......Mr. Homori, our student in O.B.S. is evangel

izing in his hometjJwrr"ar8a, Kajiki, during his summer vacation.

\'.ilved in plan
ning a space

evangelistic^jDeifiCing with the SGUTHSIDE CHURCH, Danville, 111,(a regular

suppdrting*^hurch) resulted in^four baptisms.. Bro, Thomas More has been

city with facet{

of life for a city

of 300 persons

caM^d^o the ministry th|,d^...,At the Mission Emphasis Week at C.B.S,

l^lafiCjiyblicaHy dedicajtd^ himself to "Serve as a missionary in whatever
field GToc.' readsV.^^H^ree^ others pledged themselves to Japan, one of whom
was Sylvia ^ims^'^^ark was presented with a trophy on Honors Day as high


spend two years

iu space.
The semester

rebounHef dh the basketball team.

project involves

research in a

A clippino from the May 8. 1969 South Bend Tribune.

sionaries were honored by the Japanese for having given twenty

junior cias.s in-


lives. Any investment in the education of a missionary's children is

wise one. We are forever grateful to all of you.


;.ffj .support system and industry.

Pratt, an industrial management

m.ajor, is participating in plan*
"ing the city's industry.

An 'apple of gold' (Proverbs 25:11) "If I've helped you, pass it


with ^ good deed to someone else." This is what my mother-in-law

to me when I thanked her for helping us when one of the children was born.

This was the principle she lived by and one of many which she taught her
children, relatives, neighbors and friends.

Few women are as blessed as

I by the life of such a godly mother-in-law.

Mrs, Roger Burnham, a member of the NORTHWAY CHURCH, South Bend, Ind.

has been serving as mailing secretary for us. Thanks! Betty, for giving
of yourself in this way. This congregation, too, has shared with us for
the past eleven years in these labors.

Please report any

new addresses

or chanoe of address to her at 19194 Helen, South Bend. Ind. 46637.


will save us lOp on every letter by giving us this change.

We return to Japan in September. "Now unto

Him that is

able to

exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,.." (Eph. 3:20)





a/ f



"The people that walked in darkness

seen a great light:"

Formardino Address
23769 West Edison Road
South Bend* Indiana, 4662B

^-^"w^sWas Address
^''lZiO^Kamikas^ay:-4sBfiara Cho,

T, ^ul and Kathleen Prat.t'^


Kanagawa ^en, Japan. 259-11

Bible CorresDondence. Church Plantinq, Kindergarten. Ad-vanoelism. Radio. Campus Cvanoelism

September, 1969
Dear Christian Friend,

**What made us friends, you and !? I think I know the reason why* The
best in me and the best in you*..* Hailed each other because they knew**** That
always and always since life began***Our being friends was a part of God's plan*'
"Time flies like an arrow*" The study and fellowship here at C*B*5* has in
spired and envigorated us and we return to irhe work with renewed zeal and hope*
These are days of tearful farewells but we really wouldn't have it any other way*
"He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed, shall doubtless come

again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him*" (Psalms 126:6)
As of August 26th Marv Joyce was on her way back to Japan* alone*

She will

be a full time boarder at the Christian Academy dorm until we arrive Sept* 29th*
We will leave Chicago at 11:45 AM aboard Northwest Airlines' flight #3 that day*
Speaking of our return, we are happy for the renewed invitation from Mr* lijima
representing the Tokyo preachers*
"We always remember you in our prayer and are looking forward to
seeing you here in Japan again* The Hammonds and the Pattons are
going home next year* We need you, so please prepare your way for
coming to Japan* God bless you all in every way and let us see you
here and work together for the victory of God. With love in Christ*

Y^r brother in Jasus,

We have bad news from across the Pacific* In mif^ftugust the^Ksjiki church
building in Kagoshima

was lifted off the floor and

turned into rubble by a ty

The church has arranged to borrow more than S800 toward repair of the
kindergarten's tile roof*
The group will meet there until such a time as f2500
or so is provided for a reinforced concrete block structure to replace the frame
structure which was demolished* Please pray for the group and-forward -any-gifts
earmarked as such to 23769 W. Edison Rd^, South Bend, Indiana, 46628*





SEPTEMBER 23-26.1969

Susumu Kojima
Lived with our family

With' his Christian bride

He is now at U

of Chi.

August seems to be the month for family reunions in the U.S. On August 17th
we had a kind of ^Japanese family' reunitfn, too.
The Bob Warrick family (on
furlough from Tokyo)> Hope and Tom Schmidt, Sylvia Sims (daughters of the Harold
Sims, Tokyo), and Goro Kuwabara (senior student at C.B.S.) all joined our family.
The occasion was the coming of Mr. Yoichi Muto to Cincinnati.
He has been a
long time preacher of the gospel in Tokyo and conducts our correspondance course
in addition to teaching English and Bible at the Y.M.C.A. there. He was able to
come to the U.S. as one of three supervisors of a group of 52 students in a Y.M.
C.A. summer study course at the University of Louisville.
The next week was a repeat performance with a different group of visitors.
Master Sargeant Bill Miller and his family brought Mrs. Exie Fultz (on furlough
from Tokyo) and Susumu Kojima to our home. Susumu became a Christian twelve
years ago under Mrs. Fultz' leading and was honored by his b ank with the chance
for two years study at the University of Chicago toward his masters degree in

business management. The Bill Millers were a tremendous help to the entire missionary family in Japan during their three years of service with the Air Force.
Susumu's address in Chicago will be International House. 1414

59th St.,


caqo. fllinois. 60?3T.

Wb praise God for good news from across the Pacific. Noriko Ayabe, a former
student of ours at Isehara and Mr.Sakuramoto, a fiiend at Kobe were both baptized
in recent months. Both of them, having had a time making decisions bear fine
testimonies for Christ.

Paul David spent the month of August in training at Gunter Air Force Base,
Alabama, served as commander of his unit, attained a high reting and gained ex
perience in flying a jet. Mark had a full-time job until his scheduled week of
C.S.Camp came up and then joined Pz^of. Biays for a canoe trip up into Canada.

He begins his sophomore year at C.B.S,

Lvdia is living in the dormitory and
looking forward to her freshman year at the Seminary.
We naturally agree with
A.B. McReynolda who" has oft repeated that "The best dollar you'll ever invss^^^s

that which you send to aseist a loyal Bible college."

On August Ist we met with fifteen men from I up

l iij~ft^iii^Ji i in 1 1 i iiii in

the South Bend area to consider the setting up- cwj^-etfi^advisory boardl^The fol
lowing was then decided: (1) The Advisory Bo^rdi^will be helpful as a-'^sponsible
agency and for consultation on business and

. (2)

total of 10 sponsoring congregations in that arBa^&Bnred''''tB^oTnt to it as a lo

gical geographic canter for such a body. So, two men (the preacher and an elder)
from each church could participate in such a meeting. (3) Other sponsoring con
gregations outside the South Bend area shall be given an invitation to partici
pate in decisions as they are able to attend or by expression of their opinions
through absentee letters. (4) Mr. Ernie Wilkinson is to serve as go-between for
the Pratts and as chairman of such meetings.
"Brethren, pray for us.

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