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Since the advent of the automotive air conditioning system in the 1940's, many things have
undergone extensive change. Improvements, such as computerized automatic temperature control
(which allow you to set the desired temperature and have the system adjust automatically) and
improvements to overall durability, have added complexity to today's modern air conditioning
system. Unfortunately, the days of "do-it-yourself" repair to these systems, is almost a thing of
the past.
To add to the complications, we now have tough environmental regulations that govern the very
simplest of tasks, such as recharging the system with refrigerant R12 commonly referred to as
Freon (Freon is the trade name for the refrigerant R-12, that was manufactured by DuPont).
Extensive scientific studies have proven the damaging effects of this refrigerant to our ozone
layer, and its manufacture has been banned by the U.S. and many other countries that have joined
together to sign the Montreal Protocol, a landmark agreement that was introduced in the 1980's
to limit the production and use of chemicals known to deplete the ozone layer.
Now more than ever, your auto mechanic is at the mercy of this new environmental legislation.
Not only is he required to be certified to purchase refrigerant and repair your air conditioner, his
shop must also incur the cost of purchasing expensive dedicated equipment that insures the
capture of these ozone depleting chemicals, should the system be opened up for repair. Simply
put, if your mechanic has to spend more to repair your vehicle - he will have to charge you more.
Basic knowledge of your air conditioning system is important, as this will allow you to make a
more informed decision on your repair options.
Should a major problem arise from your air conditioner, you may encounter new terminology.
Words like "retrofit" and "alternative refrigerant" are now in your mechanics glossary. You may
be given an option of "retrofitting", as opposed to merely repairing and recharging with Freon.
Retrofitting involves making the necessary changes to your system, which will allow it to use the
new industry accepted, "environmentally friendly" refrigerant, R-134a. This new refrigerant has
a higher operating pressure, therefore, your system, dependant on age, may require larger or
more robust parts to counter its inherent high pressure characteristics. This, in some cases, will
add significantly to the final cost of the repair. And if not performed properly, may reduce
cooling efficiency which equates to higher operating costs and reduced comfort.

Vehicles are found to have primarily three different types of air conditioning systems. While each
of the three types differ, the concept and design are very similar to one another. The most
common components which make up
these automotive systems are the
ACCUMULATOR. Note: if your car has
an Orifice tube, it will not have a Thermal
Expansion Valve as these two devices
serve the same purpose. Also, you will
either have a Receiver-Dryer or an
Accumulator, but not both.
For more information on Air
Conditioning, check out The Automotive
Air Conditioning Information Server


The problem aircond car

1 ) Based on your knowledge,give the common symptom & problems
for this situation and give your explained how to solve this problem .
Aircond is up due to leaking pipes gas. Are meeting (joints) / This leak can occur in
a few places in the joints usually tight note, leak yamg system due to puncture.
However,aircond was mixed with a liquid lubricant (lubricant) to keep the
compressor gas. If the system leaks, and lubricating fluid will be removed gas. This
fluid is important, less if, the compressor can be jammed and damaged. Aircond
functioning as a heat carrier gas 'of the car to outside.If aircond little or no gas, no
heat can be transferred. So, aircond wind will remain heat
Cooling coil (cooling coil) is dirty. Heat from the wind in the cabin of the car is
transferred when they touch the metal surface on cooling .If the coil cooling coils
are dirty with dust caught as a result of condensation of water on it, was eficiecy so
heat transfer note, as cold as the wind aircond note
The condenser fans (in the engine) are not working properly or not turning. So,
there is no winds help to cool the gas / liquid aircond hot itu.Expectly speeding car
because the wind went into the engine room to help cooling .So gas / liquid aircond
not cooled (heat is not removed from the system), the system can not works well
The compressor is damaged. Many reasons can be faulty compressor. Often
because 'jammed' on the bearing (bearing) and piston (piston type that) or
compressor blades. If the piston or compressor blades 'jammed' usually caused
lubricating fluid has been depleted as a result of leaks. Compressor function is to
compress the gas into liquid form and thus the gas temperature increases more
than the outside temperature (ambient) so that later the wind outside can 'throw'
the heat. If gas is not compressed and its temperature does not rise above the
temperature of the wind outside, the heat in the gas can not be transfer .Selain of
the expansion valve (expansion valve) also do not work well for spray. So aircond
wind in the cabin stays not cool.

Temperature control device (aircond button on the dashboard) damaged is. If it is damaged,
there is no for the system to work.The temperature sensor is damaged input. The temperature
sensor task is to see if the coolness the desired effect is achieved or note. This information will
be given to Luc compressor system for on or off. Alarm filters (filter drier) was dirty or clogged.
This will disrupt the flow of liquid next aircond interfere with the duties of the system. Valve
developer (expansion valve) is damaged or blocked. It can happen if there are impurities (foreign
material) in the pipe system. This valve has a small hole, such as the nozzle aerosol. Blocked If,
the liquid is sprayed into the properly and will interfere with heat transfer gas

How to track system has been damaged?

If the system broken wind in the cabin is limit there cool.But certain symptoms to
guess which part is damaged note. The wind is cold and the wind from the is water
vent is strong note - conditioning coils have a dirty or clogged, the fan was broken.
If the fan rotates faster no wind and loud boot, something prevented the ventilation
ducts (duct aircond) Maybe the flapper has been broken or dropped.
The wind is cold and the compressor keeps on or engaged non-stop while we put
aircond at moderate or low - aircond shortage causes the compressor to work more
to achieve the required temperature gas. Perhaps there is a leak. The wind is cold
and the compressor flash on flash off again and again - the compressor system is
'censor pressure', if the pressure in the pipe was enough, the compressor will stop.
If the compressor is' on and off 'times many, this means the flow system gas / liquid
aircond was blocked everywhere, in usually' valve expansion.
The wind does cool when the car stopped note a little cold when the car is moving
boot - the condenser fan (in the engine) does work well to cool the liquid aircond
note. Aircond leak was probably the cause.The engine stops when the aircond
turned on gas - compressor the jammed limit.
There is no sound even after turning the compressor is turned aircond - whether the
switch is damaged or belt aircond compressor (aircond belting) has dropped out.

2) According to the problem above,sketch the label the air conditioning system in vehicle
and explain the operation of each component correctly.

The basic components of system A / C

-His job is to compress the gas R-134a and send them to condenser. We understand from the
name itself of the compressor, in which there is a piston (piston) to be moving all the time while
the system A / C on. When no moving parts, the lubrication system will be mandatory to avoid
wear on the piston.Cause it is essential to ensure lubrication inside the compressor is always in
good condition.
-Shaped like a small radiator condenser which serves to remove heat from the gas R-134a with
the help of a fan and the air from the outside when the vehicle move.Gas which has been
compressed by the compressor was still a high-pressure gas and it is only through tubes hot
.After the smooth on the condenser, the heat removed by air moving through the tube and fin
condensers fine.As water becomes steam when heated, it will melt again after cooling
(condensation / condensation).
-The role of absorbing / separating water from fluid refrigerant R-134a.In the there dessicant
materials (such as water-absorbing packets in boxes of new shoes), which will absorb water.

Why need to make sure water does not mix with the coolant will be described shortly.

4.Expansion valve
-valve serves to control fluid flow before entering the coil. Fluid cooling liquid refrigerant and
high-pressure condition was to be released gradually as the temperature adjustment that we make
of the air will pass kabin.Fluid expansion valve and turns gas.The temperature around 0 degrees
5.Cooling coil / evaporator
-If the fluid turns into gas refrigerant after passing through the expansion valve, it will enter the
cooling coil / evaporator shaped.Gas will absorb a lot of heat with outside air and cooling coil
produces sejuk.Next the blower (blower) reject the cold air into the cabin space. while the
refrigerant gas moves back to the compressor and bring the heat absorbed from the cabin earlier.
By understanding the basic functions of each component of the system A / C, we should be able
to anticipate where the malfunction based on the symptoms that we experience during the A / C
we damaged.
1Finished gas.But part of why it was leaking? It may happen that prevents blockage of gas flow
due to the formation of ice and thus causing pressure system A / C condensers are high.So also
leaked when hit by a stone ejection. Leaks can also be detected by the presence of oily
impression on air conditioner vent in the dashboard.
2. A / C cold snap, snap hot.Usually a when this problem occurs, the air coming out of the vent
hot air conditioner while the vehicle is stopped and cooled down when drive.The cause is a hot.
Gas condenser cooling fan could not return to the liquid form and thus failed to absorb heat
during the cooling coil.
3.A / C cold but there were harsh noise during the switch A / C diON. The bearing signs of
damage to the compressor or the compressor oil has dry .The purpose sure bearing damaged, it
can be changed without having to change the compressor unit compressor oil baru.If dry, forced
changed because there is a probability that the internal system has been severely damaged
4.The oxygen not cold and high engine rpm when the switch A / C ON.Ini means of magnetic
clutch in compressor function. Compressor not need quite a lot of energy to move, because the
car maker will create a system where the engine a little moan when driving the compressor to
avoid engine off if the A / C is opened during enjin idle (idling).


As a conclusion , the air conditioner or A/C is one of an important system in a car

that helps to create and maintain the car to become more comfortable and feels
better when driving . It makes the cars surrounding become cold in warm days and
makes the surrounding become warm in cold weather . This is because the air
conditioner controls the humidity of the car . It also removes or push hot air from
inside the car to outside to remove the heat from inside of the car . It works and
functions like a heat pump that can transfer heat from inside to outside of a car .
The air conditioner must be serviced properly and frequently . This is done because
it needs a regular maintainance is to prevent it from over producing and polluting
because the refrigerant used in a cars air conditioner . Finally please pay more
attention to your cars air conditioning system so that it produces cool air and
doesnt pollute the environment .

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