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Iso9001 039

New name of LG - VINA Cable


Fire resistant Cable

Tiªu chuÈn qui ®Þnh

Fire Resistant Tests

IEC 60331

H¬n bao giê hÕt, giê ®©y d©n c- sèng trong c¸c toµ nhµ cao èc
®-îc b¶o vÖ bëi c¸c quy ®Þnh nghiªm ngÆt vÒ an toµn ch¸y næ. ViÖc
l¾p ®Æt c¸c hÖ thèng b¸o ch¸y, thiÕt bÞ ph¸t hiÖn khãi, hÖ thèng ®Ìn
cÊp cøu, ®Ìn chíp, tÝn hiÖu, thang m¸y... TÊt c¶ lµ ®Ó b¶o vÖ an toµn Quy ®Þnh yªu cÇu thùc hiÖn cho c¸p
tÝnh m¹ng con ng-êi vµ tµi s¶n. lµ duy tr× m¹ch ®iÖn trong ®iÒu kiÖn ch¸y.

HÖ thèng ®iÖn ®ãng vai trß lµ mét nh©n tè quan träng trong viÖc Specification performance requirements
dËp t¾t khãi, ng¨n c¶n löa lan trµn t¹i c¸c ®iÓm tho¸t hiÓm vµ ®¶m b¶o for cables required to maintain circuit integrity
cøu hé an toµn. NÕu d©y ®iÖn còng bÞ ch¸y, hÖ thèng b¸o ch¸y sÏ under fire conditions.
kh«ng cßn t¸c dông nh- vËy.
C¸p ®iÖn dïng trong m¹ch ®iÖn chèng ch¸y ph¶i tháa m·n thö
nghiÖm do tiªu chuÈn IEC 60331-21 qui ®Þnh.

Residents, owners and regulatory authorities of buildings are now, more than
ever, protected by stringent safety requirements. Electrical installations -
particularly fire alarm systems, sprinklers, smoke detection and extraction
equipment, emergency lighting and evacuation systems, elevator - all merge
to prevent harm to people and damage to buildings and equipment.
The wiring behind the systems prove to be an important factor in preventing
fires from spreading, and stopping smoke from choking off exit points and
allowing a safe rescue. If the wiring is adversely affected, the systems
themselves will have no power to provide their own critical functions.
Stringent tests - including IEC 60331 - are performed to ensure that such
cables are fire-resistant.

Thö chèng ch¸y theo IEC 60331-21(IEC 331)

Fire-Resisting test to IEC 60331-21(IEC 331)

Böôùc - Step Phöông phaùp kieåm tra - Test method Chæ daãn - Performance recommend

Chaùy ôû nhieät ñoä 750°C vaø ñieän aùp kieåm tra

Caàu chì 3Apm seõ khoâng ñöùt,
Böôùc 1 600V trong thôøi gian 90 phuùt.
1st step Flame at 750°C and test voltage of 600V
vaø ñieän aùp chòu ñöïng seõ khoâng
shall be applied for a period of 90 minute. ít hôn caáp ñieän aùp cuûa caùp.

Sau khi ngoïn löûa ñöôïc daäp taét, caùp seõ ñöôïc No failure of any the
laøm laïi nhö böôùc 1 trong khoaûng thôøi gian 3 Apm fuses occurs,
Böôùc 2 and the withstand voltage
2st step
khoâng ít hôn 12 giô.ø
on completion is not less
Not less than 12 hours affer the flame has
than the rated voltage of
been extinguished, the cable shall again be
the cable.
energized as described in 1st step.

Tiªu chuÈn qui ®Þnh

Flame Propagation Tests

IEC 60332

KiÓm tra c¸p trong ®iÒu kiÖn ch¸y.

PhÇn 1: Thö nghiÖm d©y ®¬n vµ c¸p ®¬n c¸ch ®iÖn ë tr¹ng th¸i th¼ng ®øng
PhÇn 2 : Thö nghiÖm trªn bã d©y vµ c¸p trong ®iÒu kiÖn ch¸y.
NhiÒu c¸p t¹o thµnh m¹ng l-íi phøc t¹p trong mäi toµ nhµ, ®i ngang qua t-êng vµ
trÇn t¹o ra m¹ng cung cÊp ®iÖn. Kh«ng may, nh÷ng èng c¸p ®ã lu«n cã vai trß nh-
èng dÉn löa vµ nhiÖt, v× vËy c¸p ®-îc chÕ t¹o tõ nh÷ng vËt liÖu khã ch¸y vµ tù t¾t.
§iÒu nµy cã thÓ thùc hiÖn ®-îc b»ng c¸ch dïng lo¹i vËt liÖu b¶o vÖ cã hµm l-îng
hydroxyt nh«m. Trong tr-êng hîp ch¸y, vËt liÖu sÏ sinh ra nhiÒu tinh thÓ n-íc, ng¨n
ngõa sù tiÕp xóc víi oxy vµ lµm t¾t ngän löa.
IEC 332-3 ®-a ra mét tr¹ng th¸i ch¸y thùc t¹i, vµ chØ râ ph-¬ng ph¸p cho viÖc ®¸nh
gi¸ bã c¸p chèng bÐn löa víi lo¹i vËt t- cã nhiÒu møc ®é b¾t löa. Bã c¸p trong ®iÒu kiÖn ch¸y.
C¸c tµi liÖu kü thuËt ®-a ra cô thÓ phÐp kiÓm tra mµ mét sè c¸p ®-îc bã víi nhau t¹o Bunlded cables under fire conditions.
thµnh nhiÒu c¸ch ®Æt mÉu kiÓm tra.

Tests on electric cables under fire conditions.

Part 1 : Tests on a single vertical insulated wire or cable
Part 3 : Tests on bunched wires and cables under fire condition.
Cables form a complex matrix in every building, traversing walls and ceilings to
create a web of electrical power. Unfortunately, these cables also act as conduits for
fire and heat, so cables must be fashioned of inflammable and self-extinguishing
components. This can be achieved by utilising a protective material containing
aluminium hydroxide. In the event of fire, the material releases water crystals, and at
the same time produces water vapour, which stops the entrance of oxygen and
snuffs out the flame.
The IEC 60332-3 specification creates a realistic fire situation, and specifies
methods for assessing the flame retardance of bunched cables with varying
densities of combustible material.
This technical report gives details of a test where a number of cables are bunched
together to form various test sample installations.

Cã 3 møc ®é kiÓm tra tuú theo l-îng chÊt ®èt kh¸c nhau thu ®-îc trong mét bã c¸p.
IEC 60332-3-22 - Sè mÉu yªu cÇu ®Ó cung cÊp mét l-îng 7 lÝt vËt liÖu phi kim lo¹i sÏ ®-îc bã trªn thang vµ ®èt trong
40 phót.
IEC 60332-3-23 - Sè mÉu yªu cÇu ®Ó cung cÊp mét l-îng 3,5 lÝt vËt liÖu phi kim lo¹i sÏ ®-îc bã trªn thang vµ ®èt trong
40 phót.
IEC 60332-3-23 - Sè mÉu yªu cÇu ®Ó cung cÊp mét l-îng 1,5 lÝt vËt liÖu phi kim lo¹i sÏ ®-îc bã trªn thang vµ ®èt trong
20 phót.
C¸c mÉu c¸p ®-îc ®Æt th¼ng ®øng c¹nh nhau vµ ®èt trong thêi gian quy ®Þnh. Sau khi t¾t nguån ®èt, phÇn thµnh than
sÏ kh«ng v-ît qu¸ 2,5 mÐt.

3 tests categories to test different amount of combustible material contained in a bundle of cable.
IEC 60332-3-22 - The number of test pieces required to provide a total volume of 7 litres of non-metallic material shall be
(Former IEC 332-3A) bunched on a ladder exposed to flame for 40 minutes.
IEC 60332-3-23 - The number of test pieces required to provide a total volume of 3.5 litres of non-metallic material shall be
(Former IEC 332-3B) bunched on a ladder and exposed to flame for 40 minutes.
IEC 60332-3-24 - The number of test pieces required to provide a total volume of 1.5 litres of non-metallic material shall be
(Former IEC 332-3C) bunched on a ladder and exposed to flame for 20 minutes.
The cable specimens are placed vertically next to each other and then exposed to the flame for a specified duration. After the
burning has ceased, the charred or affected portion should not exceed a height of 2.5 meters.
Tiªu chuÈn qui ®Þnh

Acid Gas Emission Tests

IEC 60754
KiÓm tra sù sinh khÝ trong khi c¸p ch¸y
Löa ch¸y cã thÓ sinh ra Halogen do viÖc ®èt ch¸y PVC hay c¸c nguyªn liÖu kh¸c. KhÝ HCL kÕt hîp víi n-íc trong m¾t mòi
miÖng, h¬i thë vµ phæi sÏ t¹o thµnh axit hidrochloric g©y mÊt ph-¬ng h-íng ë con ng-êi. §iÒu nµy sÏ g©y ra sù ho¶ng lo¹n
do vËy kh«ng thÓ tù tho¸t ra khái ®¸m ch¸y vµ lµm t¨ng nguy c¬ tö vong v× suy h« hÊp do hÝt ph¶i khÝ carbon monoxit.
H¬n n÷a, trong khi ch¸y c¸c chÊt chlorine, bromine hay fluorine cã trong c¸c vËt liÖu cña toµ nhµ kÕt hîp víi c¸c vËt liÖu kim
lo¹i ë xung quanh lµm háng hÖ thèng m¸y tÝnh, thiÕt bÞ v¨n phßng vµ lµm ph¸ hñy toµn bé toµ nhµ.
IEC 60754-2 qui ®Þnh ph-¬ng ph¸p tÝnh ®é acid cña khÝ trong qu¸ tr×nh ®èt ch¸y vËt liÖu trªn c¸p b»ng c¸ch ®o ®é pH vµ ®é
dÉn ®iÖn. Ph-¬ng ph¸p nµy qui ®Þnh tû träng cña pH kh«ng nhá h¬n 4,3 trong 1lÝt n-íc, vµ ®é dÉn ®iÖn kh«ng v-ît qu¸

Test on gases evolved during combustion of electric cables.

A fire can produce corrosive halogen gases, generated by burning PVC or chlorine containing material. HCI gas combines with the water
in the eyes, mouth, throat, nose and lungs to form hydrochloric acid, which contributes to loss of co-ordination and orientation. This in
turn can lead to a feeling of panic and inability to exit the building, thus increasing potential fatalities by inhalation of carbon monoxide
and oxygen depletion.
Additional dangers exist in a fire situation. Chlorine, bromine or fluorine, found in building materials, can combine with the condensation
on all metallic materials in the proximity of a fire thus resulting in high levels of corrosion which will damage computers and office
machines. Structural ferrous metals can be so corroded that the building has to be demolished.
IEC 60754-2 specifies a method in determining the degree of acidity of gases evolved during the combustion of materials taken from
electric cables by measuring pH and conductivity. This standard requires the weighted pH value of not less than 4.3 when related to 1 litre
of water, and the weighted value of conductivity should not exceed 10 S/mm.

Smoke Emission Tests

IEC 61034
§o mËt ®é khãi khi c¸p ch¸y sinh ra
Khãi g©y c¶n trë cho viÖc ch÷a ch¸y vµ di chuyÓn d©n c- khái vÞ trÝ ®¸m ch¸y. ThiÕt bÞ hót khãi cã thÓ h¹n chÕ ®-îc khãi,
nh-ng viÖc sö dông c¸c lo¹i s¶n phÈm cã hµm l-îng khãi Ýt cã thÓ ng¨n chÆn nguy c¬ nµy ngay tõ ®Çu. VËt liÖu c¸ch ®iÖn vµ
vá bäc th«ng th-êng nh- PVC cã thÓ s¶n sinh ra l-îng khãi lín khi ch¸y, nh- vËy sÏ g©y ra sù mÊt ph-¬ng h-íng vµ tæn h¹i
do hÝt khãi.
ViÖc ®o mËt ®é khãi sinh ra khi ®èt lµ rÊt quan träng bëi nã liªn quan tíi viÖc di t¶n cña con ng-êi vµ kh¶ n¨ng tiÕp cËn ch÷a
§o l-îng khãi sinh ra trong buång kÝn (3 m3) khi c¸p ®-îc ®èt. Mét mÐt chiÒu dµi c¸p ®-îc ®Æt trong buång réng 3m2 vµ dÔ
quan s¸t buång s¸ng th«ng qua èng kÝnh râ nÐt. Nguån s¸ng nµy sÏ xuyªn qua buång tíi mét tÕ bµo quang ®-îc nèi víi
thiÕt bÞ ghi trong èng kÝnh phÝa ®Çu kia. Mét ngän löa ®-îc ph¸t ra sau ®ã vµ ghi l¹i møc ¸nh s¸ng truyÒn ®i. ¸nh s¸ng truyÒn
®i nhá nhÊt ph¶i lín h¬n 60%.
Measurement of smoke density of electric cables burning
under defined conditions.
Smoke hinders fire-fighting efforts and prevents safe evacuation from the building. Smoke extraction equipment helps, but low smoke
products can stop the problem before it starts. Conventional insulation and sheathing materials such as polyvinyl chloride (PVC) can
produce large volumes of smoke when burned, thus contributing to disorientation and smoke inhalation damage.
Measuring the density of smoke produced by burning cables is important as it is related to the evacuation of people and accessibility for
fire fighting.
The “3 meter cube test” (also known as IEC 61034) measures the amount of smoke created by cables in the event of a fire. A one-meter
length of cable is placed in a 3m2 enclosure, and exposed to a beam of light through a clear window. This light travels across the
enclosure to a photocell connected to recording equipment in the window on the other end. A fire is then generated within the container
and the minimum light transmission recorded. A minimum light transmission value greater than 60% is acceptable.

C¸p chèng ch¸y vµ chèng ch¸y Ýt khãi kh«ng halogen
Fire resistant & LSHF Fire resistant cable

§¨c ®iÓm (Feature):

An toµn sö dông lµ ®Æc ®iÓm c¨n b¶n cña d©y vµ c¸p ®iÖn, ®Æc biÖt khi cã ho¶ ho¹n, mÆc dï c¸p Ýt khi lµ t¸c
nh©n g©y ch¸y nh-ng c¸p ®iÖn sÏ lµ vËt dÉn ®iÖn ®Õn nhµ cöa vµ thiÕt bÞ.
C¸p chèng ch¸y cña LS-VINA Cable sÏ kh¾c phôc ®iÒu nµy, cã thÓ duy tr× c¸c m¹ch ®iÖn thiÕt yÕu nh-
chiÕu s¸ng, thiÕt bÞ b¸o ch¸y khi x¶y ra ch¸y vµ c¸c khu vùc nh¹y c¶m cña c¸c c«ng tr×nh, ®-êng hÇm, hÖ
thèng trung chuyÓn hµnh kh¸ch, dµn khoan, nhµ m¸y läc dÇu...
C¸p chèng ch¸y Ýt khãi vµ kh«ng cã Halogen:
C¸p Ýt khãi (LS) khi gÆp löa kh«ng sinh ra nhiÒu khãi gi÷ an toµn cho nh÷ng khu vùc ®«ng ng-êi dÔ
tho¸t hiÓm.
C¸p kh«ng sinh khãi Halogen (HF)Khi ch¸y kh«ng sinh khÝ Halogen nªn kh«ng t¹o acid clohydric lµm
h¹i cho ng-êi vµ thiÕt bÞ.

Safety is main features of electric cable in installation especially in the performance of cable under fire condition.
Althrough cables seldom cause fire, can be a carrier of fire and spread the fire throughout the installation or
Fire resistant cables of LS-VINA Cable can maintain essential circuits as light, fire alarm equipment when fire occur
and critical areas of an installation, tunnels, mass rapid transit system, oil-rigs, oil refineries...
Low Smoke Halogen Free Fire resistant cable:
It does not liberate large volume of dense black smoke in fire condition, improve safety in area where there are
limited means of escape in the event of an emergency.
It does not emit any halogen gases when the cables is on fire. There are acidic and will attack equipment and
human being.

TI£U CHUÈN ¸P DôNG (Applied standards)

IEC 60502 KÕt cÊu vµ kÝch th-íc

IEC 60331 Chèng ch¸y
IEC 60332-1 Chèng bÐn löa (§¬n th¼ng ®øng)
IEC 60332-3 Chèng bÐn löa
IEC 754-1 & 2 §Æc tÝnh Halogen
IEC 61034-2 §Æc tÝnh Ýt khãi

IEC 60502 Structure and dimension

IEC 60331 Fire resistance
IEC 60332-1 Flame retardant (Single vertical)
IEC 60332-3 Flame retardance
IEC 754-1 & 2 Halogen Free Properties
IEC 61034-2 Low Smoke Properties

C¸p chèng ch¸y 0,6/1kV
0,6/1 kv fire resistant cable

C¸p kh«ng cã gi¸p b¶o vÖ - Unarmoured cable

TiÕt diÖn §-êng kÝnh ChiÒu dµy ChiÒu dµy vá bäc §-êng kÝnh tæng
danh ®Þnh c¸ch ®iÖn Khèi l-îng c¸p gÇn ®óng
lâi Thickness of outer Approx. overall
Nominal Approx. weight of cable
Diameter of Thickness sheath diameter
cross- of (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
sectional area insulation
(mm2) (mm) 1c 2c 3c 4c 1c 2c 3c 4c 1c 2c 3c 4c

6 3,12 " " " " " 8 14 15 16 110 280 330 420
10 4,05 " " " " " 9 16 17 18 150 370 480 610

16 5,1 " 1,4 1,8 1,8 1,8 10 17 18 20 210 500 660 830
25 6,3 0,9 " " " " 11 21 22 24 310 730 990 1.260
35 7,5 0,9 " " " " 12 23 24 27 410 960 1.350 1.660
50 9,0 1,0 " " " 1,9 14 26 27 30 540 1.250 1.710 2.210
70 10,7 1,1 " " 1,9 2,0 16 29 32 35 750 1.730 2.400 3.210

95 12,5 1,1 1,5 2,0 2,0 2,1 18 33 36 39 1.010 2.330 3.220 4.210
120 14,0 1,2 1,5 2,1 2,1 2,3 19 37 39 44 1.270 2.920 4.060 5.300
150 15,8 1,4 1,6 2,2 2,3 2,4 21 41 44 49 1.560 3.580 5.020 6.530
185 17,5 1,6 1,6 2,3 2,4 2,6 23 45 49 54 1.940 4.450 6.230 8.170
240 20,2 1,7 1,7 2,5 2,6 2,8 26 51 55 61 2.540 5.850 8.200 10.710

300 22,5 1,8 1,8 2,7 2,8 3,0 29 57 61 68 3.160 7.270 10.200 13.320
400 26,1 2,0 1,9 2,9 3,0 3,3 32 63 68 76 4.010 9.170 12.890 17.000
500 28,8 2,2 2,0 3,1 3,3 3,5 36 71 76 85 5.110 11.680 16.530 21.680
630 33,0 2,4 2,2 - - - 42 - - - 6.680 - - -

KÕt cÊu/Construction

1. Lâi dÉn ®iÖn/Conductor : §ång/ Copper

2. Líp chèng ch¸y/Fire proof Tiªu chuÈn ¸p dông

Applied spec. :
3. Líp c¸ch ®iÖn/Insulation : XLPE Iec 60502
IEC 60331
4. Líp ®én/Filler

5. Vá bäc ngoµi/Outer sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF

LSHF: Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame retardant

C¸p chèng ch¸y 0,6/1kV
0,6/1 kv fire resistant cable

C¸p ®¬n pha cã gi¸p - Single core armoured cable

TiÕt diÖn Khèi l-îng c¸p
§-êng kÝnh ChiÒu dµy §-êng kÝnh sîi gi¸p ChiÒu dµy vá bäc §-êng kÝnh tæng
danh ®Þnh Diameter of Thickness of outer Approx. overall gÇn ®óng
Nominal lâi dÉn c¸ch ®iÖn
Diameter of Thickness of amour wire sheath diameter Approx. weight of cable
sectional area conductor insulation (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
(mm ) 2 (mm) (mm) Single core
6 3,12 0,7 0,9 1,8 13 250
10 4,05 " " " 14 290

16 5,1 " 0,9 1,8 14 350

25 6,3 0,9 " " 17 490
35 7,5 0,9 " " 17 610
50 9,0 1,0 " " 19 750
70 10,7 1,1 " " 20 985

95 12,5 1,1 0,9 1,8 23 1.270

120 14,0 1,2 1,6 " 25 1.650
150 15,8 1,4 1,6 " 28 1.960
185 17,5 1,6 1,6 " 29 2.370
240 20,2 1,7 1,6 1,9 33 3.030

300 22,5 1,8 1,6 2,0 36 3.680

400 26,1 2,0 2,0 2,1 40 4.760
500 28,8 2,2 2,0 2,2 45 5.890
630 33,0 2,4 2,0 2,3 - -

KÕt cÊu/Construction

1. Lâi dÉn ®iÖn/Conductor : §ång/Copper

2. Líp chèng ch¸y/Fire proof
Tiªu chuÈn ¸p dông
3. Líp c¸ch ®iÖn/Insulation : XLPE
Applied spec. :
4. Líp ®én/Filler Iec 60502
IEC 60331
5. Bäc lãt/Inner sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF
6. Gi¸p / armoured : Sîi nh«m/Al. wire
7. Vá bäc ngoµi/Outer sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF

LSHF: Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame retardant

C¸p chèng ch¸y 0,6/1kV
0,6/1 kv Fire resistant cable

C¸p XLPE nhiÒu lâi cã gi¸p - Multi-core armoured XLPE cable

TiÕt diÖn §-êng kÝnh ChiÒu dµy Gi¸p - Armour

ChiÒu dµy vá bäc §-êng kÝnh tæng Khèi l-îng c¸p
danh ®Þnh lâi dÉn c¸ch ®iÖn
Nominal Diameter Thickness Thickness of Approx. Overall gÇn ®óng
B¨ng - Tape Sîi - Wire outer sheath diameter Approx. weight of cable
cross- of of
sectional conductor insulation ChiÒu dµy(mm) §-êng kÝnh(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
area (mm) (mm) Thickness Diameter
(mm2) 2c 3c 4c 2c 3c 4c 2c 3c 4c 2c 3c 4c 2c 3c 4c
6 3,12 0,7 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,8 1,8 1,8 18 18 19 580 670 770
10 4,05 " " " " " " " " " " 21 21 22 720 850 1020

16 5,1 " 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,8 1,8 1,8 22 23 24 870 1.060 1.270
25 6,3 0,9 " " " 1,6 1,6 1,6 " " " 27 28 29 1.490 1.770 2.120
35 7,5 0,9 " " " 1,6 1,6 1,6 " " 1,9 29 30 32 1.790 2.260 2.660
50 9,0 1,0 " " " 1,6 1,6 1,6 " 1,9 2,0 31 32 35 2.170 2.730 3.310
70 10,7 1,1 " " " 1,6 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,1 35 37 41 2.790 3.800 4.690

95 12,5 1,1 " 0,5 0,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 42 43 46 3.820 4.850 5.990
120 14,0 1,2 0,5 " " " " 2,5 2,2 2,3 2,5 45 48 52 4.580 5.850 7.820
150 15,8 1,4 " " " " 2,5 2,5 2,3 2,5 2,6 47 54 56 5.410 7.480 9.280
185 17,5 1,6 " " " 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,6 2,8 54 58 63 6.990 8.990 11.320
240 20,2 1,7 " " " 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,7 2,8 3,0 59 64 69 8.710 11.380 14.232

300 22,5 1,8 0,5 0,5 0,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,8 3,0 3,2 67 71 77 10.540 13.640 17.200
400 26,1 2,0 " " " 2,5 2,5 2,5 3,1 3,2 3,5 72 77 85 12.850 16.850 22.450
500 28,8 2,2 0,5 0,5 0,8 3,15 3,15 3,15 3,3 3,5 3,8 80 89 97 16.750 21.940 27.770

KÕt cÊu/Construction

1. Lâi dÉn ®iÖn/Conductor : §ång/Copper

2. Líp chèng ch¸y/Fire proof
Tiªu chuÈn ¸p dông
3. Líp c¸ch ®iÖn/Insulation : XLPE Applied spec. :
4. Líp ®én/Filler Iec 60502
IEC 60331
5. Bäc lãt/Inner sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF
6. Gi¸p / armoured : Sîi hoÆc B¨ng thÐp/
Steel wire or Tape
7. Vá bäc ngoµi/Outer sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF

LSHF: Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame retardant

D©y c¸p chèng ch¸y 600v
600v fire resistant wire

D©y c¸p ®¬n - Single core cable

§é dµy §öêng kÝnh Khèi löîng
TiÕt diÖn §öêng kÝnh §iÖn trë DC
c¸ch ®iÖn tæng gÇn ®óng D.C Cond.
danh ®Þnh lâi Thickness Approx
Nominal Diameter Approx weight Resistance
of overall
area of conductor insulation diameter (20oC)
(mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km) /km

6 3,12 (7/1,04) 1,0 5,6 77 3,08

10 4,05 (7/1,35) 1,0 6,6 122 1,83
16 4,7 1,0 77 188 1,15

25 5,9 1,2 9 275 0,727

35 7,0 1,2 10 316 0,524
50 8,1 1,4 13 526 0,387

70 9,8 1,4 14 725 0,268

95 12,5 1,6 17 984 0,193
120 14,0 1,6 19 1.320 0,153
150 15,8 1,8 21 1.590 0,124

185 17,5 2,0 23 1.910 0,0991

240 20,2 2,2 26 2.530 0,0754
300 22,5 2,4 29 3.170 0,0601
400 26,1 2,6 33 4.190 0,0470
500 28,8 2,8 36 4.150 0,0366

KÕt cÊu/Construction

1. Lâi dÉn ®iÖn/Conductor : §ång/Copper

Tiªu chuÈn ¸p dông

2. Líp chèng ch¸y/Fire proof : Applied spec. :
Iec 60502
IEC 60331
3. Vá bäc ngoµi/Outer sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF

LSHF: Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame retardant

C¸p chèng bÐn ch¸y vµ chèng bÐn ch¸y Ýt khãi kh«ng halogen
Flame resistant & LSHF Flame resistant cable

®Æc ®iÓm (Feature):

C¸p chèng bÐn ch¸y cña LS-VINA Cable cã ®Æc ®iÓm truyÒn löa chËm sÏ c¶n trë kh«ng cho löa lan to¶ khi cã
ch¸y, ®Æc biÖt lµ c¸c khu vùc nh¹y c¶m cña c¸c c«ng tr×nh, ®-êng hÇm, khu ®«ng ng-êi...
C¸p chèng bÐn löa Ýt khãi vµ kh«ng cã khÝ Halogen víi môc ®Ých gi÷ an toµn dÔ dµng tho¸t hiÓm khi cã ho¶ ho¹n.

Flame resistant cables of LS-VINA Cable can prevent spread of fire when fire occur, specially it is areas of an installation,
tunnels, crowded areas...
Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame resistant cable for safety purpose to escape in the event of an emergency.

Tiªu chuÈn ¸p dông (Applied standards)

IEC 60502 KÕt cÊu vµ kÝch th-íc

IEC 60332-1 Chèng bÐn löa (§¬n th¼ng ®øng)
IEC 60332-3 Chèng bÐn löa
IEC 754-1 & 2 §Æc tÝnh Halogen
IEC 61034-2 §Æc tÝnh Ýt khãi

IEC 60502 Structure and dimension

IEC 60332-1 Flame retardant (Single vertical)
IEC 60332-3 Flame retardant
IEC 754-1 & 2 Halogen Free Properties
IEC 61034-2 Low Smoke Properties C¸p

Vßi ®èt

Vßi ®èt Bè trÝ m¸ng th¼ng ®øng

D©y c¸p chèng bÐn ch¸y 600v
flame resistant wire

Reference spec. : iec 60502, IEC 60332-1

1. Lâi dÉn ®iÖn: Copper/Aluminum

2. Líp vá c¸ch ®iÖn: FR-PVC/LSHF

Sheath insulation

LSHF: Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame retardant

D©y c¸p ®¬n - Single core cable

§é dµy §öêng kÝnh Khèi löîng gÇn ®óng §iÖn trë DC ë 20oC
TiÕt diÖn §öêng kÝnh Approx weight D.C Cond. Resistance
c¸ch ®iÖn tæng
danh ®Þnh lâi Thickness Approx (kg/km) /km
Nominal Diameter of overall
area of conductor insulation diameter
Lâi ®ång Lâi nh«m Lâi ®ång Lâi nh«m
(mm2) (mm) (mm) (mm)
Cu conductor Al conductor Cu conductor Al conductor

1,5 1,56 (7/0,52) 0,8 3,4 23 - 12,1 -

2,5 2,01 (7/0,67) 0,8 3,8 34 - 7,41 -
4 2,55 (7/0,85) 1,0 4,8 54 - 4,61 -
6 3,12 (7/1,04) 1,0 5,3 75 - 3,08 -

10 4,05 (7/1,35) 1,0 6,3 110 - 1,83 -

16 (*) 4,7 1,0 7,3 175 75 1,15 1,91
25 5,9 1,2 9 260 110 0,727 1,20
35 7,0 1,2 10 360 145 0,524 0,868
50 8,1 1,4 12 510 210 0,387 0,641

70 9,8 1,4 14 700 270 0,268 0,443

95 12,5 1,6 16 960 370 0,193 0,320
120 14,0 1,6 18 1.190 460 0,153 0,253
150 15,8 1,8 20 1.500 570 0,124 0,206

185 17,5 2,0 22 1.850 700 0,0991 0,164

240 20,2 2,2 25 2.450 915 0,0754 0,125
300 22,5 2,4 28 3.040 1.130 0,0601 0,100
400 26,1 2,6 32 4.070 1.500 0,0470 0,0778
500 28,8 2,8 35 4.800 1.740 0,0366 0,0605

c¸p chèng bÐn ch¸y 600v
flame resistant cable

C¸p ®iÒu khiÓn - Control cable

§iÖn trë
Lâi dÉn - Conductor §é dµy §é dµy vá bäc §öêng kÝnh ngoµi §iÖn trë DC Khèi löîng c¸p
Sè lâi c¸ch ®iÖn
No. of c¸ch ®iÖn Sheath thickness Approx. D.C Cond.
Insulation gÇn ®óng
Insulation mm Overall Dia. Resistance Approx. weight
TiÕt diÖn KÕt cÊu §öêng kÝnh thickness (Mm) (20oC)
o (kg/km)
Nom. area Structure Diameter mm (20 C)
mm 2
No/mm mm /km
1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 10,0 10,5 12,1 50 125 140
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 10,5 11,0 9,24 50 130 160
2 2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 11,0 12,0 7,41 50 150 180
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,5 11,5 12,5 5,20 50 180 210
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,5 1,5 13,5 14,5 3,33 50 250 270
8 7/ 1,2 3,6 1,2 1,5 1,5 15,5 16,5 2,31 50 340 385
3 1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 10,5 11,0 12,1 50 135 160
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 11,5 11,5 9,24 50 160 190
3 2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 12,0 12,5 7,41 50 190 220
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,5 12,5 13,0 5,20 50 225 240
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,5 1,5 14,5 15,0 3,33 50 320 360
8 7/ 1,2 3,6 1,2 1,5 1,5 16,5 17,5 2,31 50 440 485
4 1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 11,0 11,5 12,1 50 165 190
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 12,0 12,5 9,24 50 200 230
2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 12,5 13,5 7,41 50 235 260
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,5 13,5 14,0 5,20 50 280 315
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,5 1,5 16,0 16,5 3,33 50 405 450
8 7/ 1,2 3,6 1,2 1,5 1,5 18,0 18,5 2,31 50 550 585
5 1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 12,5 13,0 12,1 50 200 230
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 13,0 13,5 9,24 50 240 270
5 2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 14,0 14,5 7,41 50 280 325
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,5 14,5 15,0 5,20 50 340 365
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,5 1,5 17,0 17,5 3,33 50 490 530
8 7/ 1,2 3,6 1,2 1,5 1,5 20,0 21,0 2,31 50 685 370
6 1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 13,5 14,0 12,1 50 210 245
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 14,0 14,5 9,24 50 280 310
2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 15,0 15,5 7,41 50 330 360
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,5 15,5 16,5 5,20 50 400 435
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,5 1,5 18,5 19,5 3,33 50 590 630
8 7/ 1,2 3,6 1,2 1,5 1,5 22,0 23,0 2,31 50 810 850

KÕt cÊu/Construction

1. Lâi dÉn ®iÖn/Conductor : §ång/ Copper

2. Líp c¸ch ®iÖn/Insulation : XLPE Tiªu chuÈn ¸p dông

Applied spec. :
3. Líp ®én/Filler Iec 60502
IEC 60332
4. Vá bäc ngoµi/Outer sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF

LSHF: Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame retardant

D©y c¸p chèng bÐn ch¸y 600v
flame resistant cable

C¸p ®iÒu khiÓn - Control cable

§iÖn trë
Lâi dÉn - Conductor §é dµy §é dµy vá bäc §öêng kÝnh ngoµi §iÖn trë DC Khèi löîng c¸p
Sè lâi c¸ch ®iÖn
No. of c¸ch ®iÖn Sheath thickness Approx. D.C Cond.
Insulation gÇn ®óng
Insulation mm Overall Dia. Resistance Approx. weight
TiÕt diÖn KÕt cÊu §öêng kÝnh thickness (Mm) (20oC)
o (kg/km)
Nom. area Structure Diameter mm (20 C)
mm 2
No/mm mm /km
1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 13,5 14,0 12,1 50 250 285
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 140 14,5 9,24 50 300 335
7 2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 15,0 15,5 7,41 50 355 390
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,5 15,5 16,5 5,20 50 430 475
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,5 1,5 18,5 19,5 3,33 50 640 690
8 7/ 1,2 3,6 1,2 1,5 1,5 22,0 23,0 2,31 50 900 980
1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 14,5 15,0 12,1 50 280 320
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 15,0 15,5 9,24 50 340 375
8 2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 16,5 16,5 7,41 50 410 445
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,5 17,0 17,5 5,20 50 500 535
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,5 1,5 21,0 21,5 3,33 50 730 780
8 7/ 1,2 3,6 1,2 1,6 1,6 24,0 24,5 2,31 50 1.040 1.120
1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 16,5 17,0 12,1 50 355 400
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 17,5 18,0 9,24 50 430 465
2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 18,5 19,0 7,41 50 485 520
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,5 19,5 21,0 5,20 50 630 675
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,6 1,6 24,0 25,0 3,33 50 940 995
8 7/ 1,2 3,6 1,2 1,8 1,8 29,0 29,5 2,31 50 1.360 1.400
1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 17,5 18,0 12,1 50 410 455
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 18,0 18,5 9,24 50 490 530
12 2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 19,5 20,0 7,41 50 545 595
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,5 21,0 21,5 5,20 50 720 765
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,7 1,7 25,0 26,0 3,33 50 1.100 1.160
8 7/1,2 3,6 1,2 1,8 1,8 30,0 30,5 2,31 50 1.560 1.820
1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 18,5 19,0 12,1 50 485 540
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 19,0 19,5 9,24 50 575 630
2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,5 1,5 21,5 22,0 7,41 50 650 700
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,5 1,6 22,0 23,0 5,20 50 855 930
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,7 1,8 27,0 28,0 3,33 50 1.310 1.400
1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,5 1,5 21,0 21,5 12,1 50 620 680
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,5 1,5 22,0 22,5 9,24 50 735 790
20 2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,6 1,6 24,0 24,5 7,41 50 875 930
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,6 1,6 25,0 25,5 5,20 50 1.130 1.190
5,5 7/ 1,0 3,0 1,0 1,9 1,9 31,0 31,5 3,33 50 1.730 1.800
30 1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,6 1,6 24,5 25,0 12,1 50 880 955
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,7 1,7 26,0 27,0 9,24 50 1.100 1.140
2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,7 1,7 28,0 29,0 7,41 50 1.250 1.300
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 1,8 1,8 30,0 31,0 5,20 50 1.670 1.730
37 1,5 7/ 0,52 1,56 0,8 1,6 1,6 26,5 27,0 12,1 50 1.060 1140
2 7/ 0,6 1,8 0,8 1,7 1,7 29,5 30,0 9,24 50 1.300 1.390
2,5 7/ 0,67 2,01 0,8 1,8 1,8 30,0 31,0 7,41 50 1.510 1.600
3,5 7/ 0,8 2,4 0,8 2,0 2,0 36,0 37,0 5,20 50 2.160 2.280

C¸p chèng bÐn ch¸y 0,6/1kV
0,6/1 kv flame resistant cable

C¸p kh«ng cã gi¸p b¶o vÖ - Unarmoured cable

TiÕt diÖn §-êng kÝnh ChiÒu dµy ChiÒu dµy vá bäc §-êng kÝnh tæng
danh ®Þnh c¸ch ®iÖn Khèi l-îng c¸p gÇn ®óng
lâi Thickness of outer Approx. overall
Nominal Approx. weight of cable
Diameter of Thickness sheath diameter
cross- of (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
sectional area insulation
(mm2) (mm) 1c 2c 3c 4c 1c 2c 3c 4c 1c 2c 3c 4c

1,5 1,56 0,7 1,4 1,8 1,8 1,8 7 11 12 12 50 130 160 180
2,5 2,01 " " " " " 7 12 13 13 65 170 200 240
4 2,55 " " " " " 8 13 14 15 80 210 260 320
6 3,12 " " " " " 8 14 15 16 110 280 330 420
10 4,05 " " " " " 9 16 17 18 150 370 480 610

16 5,1 " 1,4 1,8 1,8 1,8 10 17 18 20 210 500 660 830
25 6,3 0,9 " " " " 11 21 22 24 310 730 990 1.260
35 7,5 0,9 " " " " 12 23 24 27 410 960 1.350 1.660
50 9,0 1,0 " " " 1,9 14 26 27 30 540 1.250 1.710 2.210
70 10,7 1,1 " " 1,9 2,0 16 29 32 35 750 1.730 2.400 3.210

95 12,5 1,1 1,5 2,0 2,0 2,1 18 33 36 39 1.010 2.330 3.220 4.210
120 14,0 1,2 1,5 2,1 2,1 2,3 19 37 39 44 1.270 2.920 4.060 5.300
150 15,8 1,4 1,6 2,2 2,3 2,4 21 41 44 49 1.560 3.580 5.020 6.530
185 17,5 1,6 1,6 2,3 2,4 2,6 23 45 49 54 1.940 4.450 6.230 8.170
240 20,2 1,7 1,7 2,5 2,6 2,8 26 51 55 61 2.540 5.850 8.200 10.710

300 22,5 1,8 1,8 2,7 2,8 3,0 29 57 61 68 3.160 7.270 10.200 13.320
400 26,1 2,0 1,9 2,9 3,0 3,3 32 63 68 76 4.010 9.170 12.890 17.000
500 28,8 2,2 2,0 3,1 3,3 3,5 36 71 76 85 5.110 11.680 16.530 21.680
630 33,0 2,4 2,2 - - - 42 - - - 6.680 - - -

KÕt cÊu/Construction

1. Lâi dÉn ®iÖn/Conductor : §ång/ Copper

2. Líp c¸ch ®iÖn/Insulation : XLPE Tiªu chuÈn ¸p dông

Applied spec. :
3. Líp ®én/Filler Iec 60502
IEC 60332
4. Vá bäc ngoµi/Outer sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF

LSHF: Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame retardant

C¸p chèng bÐn ch¸y 0,6/1kV
0,6/1 kv flame resistant cable

C¸p ®¬n pha cã gi¸p - Single core armoured cable

TiÕt diÖn Khèi l-îng c¸p
§-êng kÝnh ChiÒu dµy §-êng kÝnh sîi gi¸p ChiÒu dµy vá bäc §-êng kÝnh tæng
danh ®Þnh Diameter of Thickness of outer Approx. overall gÇn ®óng
Nominal lâi dÉn c¸ch ®iÖn
Diameter of Thickness of amour wire sheath diameter Approx. weight of cable
sectional area conductor insulation (mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
(mm2) (mm) (mm) Single core
6 3,12 0,7 0,9 1,8 12 240
10 4,05 " " " 13 280

16 5,1 " 0,9 1,8 14 340

25 6,3 0,9 " " 16 470
35 7,5 0,9 " " 17 580
50 9,0 1,0 " " 18 720
70 10,7 1,1 " " 20 960

95 12,5 1,1 0,9 1,8 22 1.230

120 14,0 1,2 1,6 " 25 1.610
150 15,8 1,4 1,6 " 27 1.920
185 17,5 1,6 1,6 " 29 2.330
240 20,2 1,7 1,6 1,9 32 2.980

300 22,5 1,8 1,6 2,0 34 3.630

400 26,1 2,0 2,0 2,1 39 4.670
500 28,8 2,2 2,0 2,2 43 5.840
630 33,0 2,4 2,0 2,3 - -

KÕt cÊu/Construction

1. Lâi dÉn ®iÖn/Conductor : §ång/Copper

2. Líp c¸ch ®iÖn/Insulation : XLPE
Tiªu chuÈn ¸p dông
3. Líp ®én/Filler
Applied spec. :
4. Bäc lãt/Inner sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF Iec 60502
IEC 60332
5. Gi¸p / armoured : Sîi nh«m/Al. wire
6. Vá bäc ngoµi/Outer sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF

LSHF: Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame retardant

C¸p chèng bÐn ch¸y 0,6/1kV
0,6/1 kv flame resistant cable

C¸p XLPE nhiÒu lâi cã gi¸p - Multi-core armoured XLPE cable

TiÕt diÖn §-êng kÝnh ChiÒu dµy Gi¸p - Armour

ChiÒu dµy vá bäc §-êng kÝnh tæng Khèi l-îng c¸p
danh ®Þnh lâi dÉn c¸ch ®iÖn
Nominal Diameter Thickness Thickness of Approx. Overall gÇn ®óng
B¨ng - Tape Sîi - Wire outer sheath diameter Approx. weight of cable
cross- of of
sectional conductor insulation ChiÒu dµy(mm) §-êng kÝnh(mm) (mm) (mm) (kg/km)
area (mm) (mm) Thickness Diameter
(mm2) 2c 3c 4c 2c 3c 4c 2c 3c 4c 2c 3c 4c 2c 3c 4c
6 3,12 0,7 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,8 1,8 1,8 17 18 19 570 660 760
10 4,05 " " " " " " " " " " 20 20 22 710 830 990

16 5,1 " 0,2 0,2 0,2 0,9 0,9 0,9 1,8 1,8 1,8 21 22 24 850 1.040 1.240
25 6,3 0,9 " " " 1,6 1,6 1,6 " " " 26 27 29 1.460 1.740 2.090
35 7,5 0,9 " " " 1,6 1,6 1,6 " " 1,9 28 30 32 1.750 2.220 2.600
50 9,0 1,0 " " " 1,6 1,6 1,6 " 1,9 2,0 31 32 35 2.130 2.660 3.260
70 10,7 1,1 " " " 1,6 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,1 35 37 41 2.760 3.750 4.640

95 12,5 1,1 " 0,5 0,5 2,0 2,0 2,0 2,1 2,2 2,3 40 42 46 3.770 4.800 5.940
120 14,0 1,2 0,5 " " " " 2,5 2,2 2,3 2,5 43 46 52 4.530 5.790 7.760
150 15,8 1,4 " " " " 2,5 2,5 2,3 2,5 2,6 47 52 56 5.350 7.420 9.220
185 17,5 1,6 " " " 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,6 2,8 53 56 62 6.940 8.920 11.120
240 20,2 1,7 " " " 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,7 2,8 3,0 59 63 69 8.640 11.180 14.132

300 22,5 1,8 0,5 0,5 0,5 2,5 2,5 2,5 2,8 3,0 3,2 65 69 76 10.440 13.540 17.050
400 26,1 2,0 " " " 2,5 2,5 2,5 3,1 3,2 3,5 71 76 85 12.740 16.700 22.340
500 28,8 2,2 0,5 0,5 0,8 3,15 3,15 3,15 3,3 3,5 3,8 80 86 96 16.650 21.820 27.670

KÕt cÊu/Construction

1. Lâi dÉn ®iÖn/Conductor : §ång/Copper

2. Líp c¸ch ®iÖn/Insulation : XLPE
Tiªu chuÈn ¸p dông
3. Líp ®én/Filler Applied spec. :
4. Bäc lãt/Inner sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF Iec 60502
IEC 60332
5. Gi¸p / armoured : Sîi hoÆc B¨ng thÐp/
Steel wire or Tape
6. Vá bäc ngoµi/Outer sheath : FR-PVC or LSHF

LSHF: Low Smoke Halogen Free Flame retardant

So s¸nh c¸p chèng ch¸y kh«ng ®éc vµ c¸p th-êng

C¸p chèng ch¸y C¸p th-êng

10 phót

20 phót

Sau khi t¾t

Nhµ m¸y (Head office / factory)
Ph-êng Së DÇu - Hång Bµng - TP. H¶i Phßng
Tel : (84 - 31) 540330 - 824968 - 824967
Fax : (84 - 31) 824969

V¨n phßng ®¹i diÖn (Representative)

Hµ Néi:
Sè 4 TrÇn H-ng §¹o, Phßng 401 - Hµ Néi
Tel : (84 - 4) 9331168
Fax : (84 - 4) 9331167

Hå ChÝ Minh:
Sè 6 Ng« TÊt Tè - P19 - Q. B×nh Th¹nh - TP. Hå ChÝ Minh
Tel : (84 - 8) 8400479
Fax : (84 - 8) 8409609

§µ N½ng:
TÇng 5 - Trung T©m Tin Häc
Sè 1 Lª DuÈn - TP. §µ N½ng
Tel : (84 - 511) 812921
Fax : (84 - 511) 812922

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