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Use of Taq DNA : (PCR) -27

1- PCR: (Polymerase Chain reaction)

Reading of band in pcr by : (Eye) -28

Micro organism arranged in group cluster :

(G+Staphylocci) -2

Degree of DNA denaturation is :94 Alnaling 52-42 -29

Extation 72

Anoxemia is : (Absence of O2 from arterial blood) -3

Different between serm and plasma :(plasma contain -30


Karyorrhex is : (Swelling of nucelic acid =Rupture of -4

cell nucler)
Latency characteristic of : (Herpes simplex virus) -5
Biharizias : (Cause lesion in submucosal) -6
Leukoplakia : presence of leukocyte (polymorphnucler -7
leukocyte )
Adenovirus is : (DNA virus duble strand) -8
Antibody produced from : ( plasma cell) -9
Gardia lambia associated with : (Steatorrhea) -10

Virus causes diarrhea in chelidrn (6m to -31

2y)characterized by :( Non enveloped therefore stable in
food and hard solid)
Thin blood film staning by write stain is for :( WBC -32
TO differentite between major sickle and minor : -33
( Electophorisise)
LDH used in :(In many clinical chemistry test -34
Familial hypercholestremia is present in (1:500) -35

Use of chemical on skin (hand) : (Antisptic) -11

Best diagnosis of typhoid fever in 1weak is(Blood -36

culture) 2weak(stool culture )

Megaloplastic anima found in : (Chronic bleeding) -12

(++ --) E.Coli:(motile aerogeneus K\A g+ H2S -37

Found in children with pyuria that not specific and G+ve -13
bactria : (Chlamydia tracoma)

Non motile gm _ve bacteria:(Klebsellia ++ --) -38

Green tap tube the heparin can use for : (sugar analysis) -14
DNA strand that : (5 prim-3 prim) -15
Jaundice on yellow skin and eye mean (bilirubin is -16
Which one of the following is not true about -17
salmonella : (Dose not produce H2S)
In electrophoresis we prepare :( 1g agarose in 100ml -18
Diagnostic stage for strongyloides in stool :( Larve) -19
Plasmodium Falciparm transmted by (Anopheles) -20

Micro organism exhibitis ve bacteria :(Red stain) -39

Group A streptoccois :(B heamylitc clear zone) -40
Increase target cell :(Thalassmia Hbc Iron -41
deffiency a.)
G_ve N\F causes blood diarrhoea in children -42
What antibiotic giving to B-lactamase resistance : -43
Virus causes nasopharayngeal carcinoma is (EBV) -44
HBV ,HCV .HAV Transmetted by (parental) -45

Gentic information of bacteria is carried on : (MRNA) -21

NO of netrophil and epithial in lower respiratory -46

infection :(Netrophil more than 25 Epithial lese than 10)

Hormon used to prepare the uteruse for pregnancy : -22


Patient with little amount of bleeding and repeatly : -47

(noromocyte normochromic)

Cause food poisoning with flaccid paralysis : -23

(Clostridium botulinin)

Actinomycese disease is in (Skin) -48

ATG : (Alanine) -49

Which of the following shoud go imiditly to the lab: -24


Most sample use in biochemistry is (Serum) -50

How many day dose the calure and AB test take :(72 h) -25

Midia which add some substance like salat and -51

antibiotic :(Selective media)

Short arm chromosome is :(P arm) long(Q) -26

52End product of glucose anaerobic pathway :(Lactate)

Competitive enzyme to acytyle coA is (Propionyle coA) -53

N-gonorhea diagnosed by : ( Theyer matrin culture) -81

Specific test for Syphlis is :(TPHA) -54

Kidney membrane show irregular in : ( Chronic -82


Smallest RNAvirus :( Picoran virus) -55

Thrombus come in :( Vein) -83
Burkette lymphoma for :( EBV) -56
High AST seen in :( viral hepatitis) -57

Chromosome abnormalities diagnostic by :( FISH- -84


Most human infection come from :(gp A-B Streptoccoi) -58

HCV-HBV diagnosis by( ELLISA. SPRIA, RPHA ) -85

Ab cause HDN :( Anti D) -59

Pre basal cell not found in ( Woman age 60 y) -86

Qulling test used for all exept :( C.dipheteria) -60

Micro organism resistance of penicillin because ( B- -87


Blood sample taken in all exept : ( Entraitis= -61

Asot done in : ( Rhomatic fever Acute -62

Sickle cell anemia in KSA distributed in ( South) -88

E.Coli in clad ( Yellow to orange) -89
ESR elevated in all expet ( Polythycemia vera) -90

The first copy of PCR is :( 4) -63

Viral infection increase :( Lymphocytosis) -91
mRNA to cDNA by :( RT-PCR) -64
PT prolong defecated of :( F2) -92
PCR use for : ( Neuclic acid analysis) -65
Organism skin leiosn +ve brines : ( Actinomycese) -93
RSV : ( Bronchiotis in young children) -66
Chronic myeloid leukemia not found :( high platelets) -94
HIV instay of AIDS diseses lympocytosis reduce to: -67

Error of G stain effect :( Dicolrization by alcohol) -95

Different between artery and capillary : ( Thikness) -68

Trisory 21 : ( KFILLER syndrome) -96

Salmonella serotype : ( O 9.12- H 1.2 ) -69

Agrose gel stain by :( Golden) -97

In stool culture the organism is : ( Salmonella) -70

One of this virus can died during transport to lab : -98

( Synovial virus)

Media of Bordella (Whoopig chouch) is : ( Blood with -71

cancolceplaxin (Ab CCBA)

Duodenal aspiration find in :( Gardia) -99

Herpis virus recover : ( Spinal fluid ,Saliva,Skin ) -72

In tow fold evelance the :( IGg titer very high) -100

Neonatal Toxoplasma diagnosis by : ( Serology) -73

Epstein virus :( DNA virus) -101

Cascan reaction used in : ( Hypersenstivity )(Hydate -74


Poile virus and Influenza virus :( RNA) -102

Synthecial virus cause :( Upper respiratory infection) -103

If the SP. Is vary larg in PCR : ( not affected) -75

CSF in TB menigitites : ( lymph increase and glucose -76

Salmonella and cirrobacter can be differited:( ONPG -104

Acute pancreatitis increase in :( Serum amylase) -105

Proteus Vulgaris different from P.M :( Indol +ve and -77


Campylobaction :( _ve cocci) -106

Lipmic sample : ( presence of Triglycrid) -78

Listeria monocytogenessis is :( +ve Rod) -107

Cytopathic effect of virus to cell :( Shrinking -79

.Vaculation .Lysis. Syncytic)

Difference between staph.aruse and other staph .: -108

( Coagulase test)

Macc used to differentiate : ( _ve rods) -80

Which of the following organism can be isolated from -109


Malaria is best diagnosis by ( Blood film) -110

Indol consist of ( Alkaline peptone water ) (enriched -136

media for V. Cholera)

Oxides +ve organism is ( Pesudomonse) -111

Substance used in indol test ( Tryptophan) -137
Shiglla sp. In XID media is :( Pink color) -112
Neisseria sp is ( _ve diplococci) -113
Different ion strepto. Pygone and other strepto.: -114
( Bactricin sensitive)

Band in electrophoresis measure by ( electrophoresis -138

marker ladder)
Megaloblastic anemia seen in ( B12 deficiency) -139
Carcinoma common in ( R Colon) -140

Hemophlia A defiency in :( factor 8) -115

Anticoagulant not used in blood bank ( Heparin) -141
Diagnosis of multiple myeloma by :( Bone marrow -116
In cross matching we use :( Donor cell + Patient -117
serum )

MCV :Mean cell value =PCV\L *10/RBC (FL) -142

MCH =HB g/dl *10/RBC (Pg) -143
(%) MCHC = HB g/dl *100/PCV -144

Nucleated cell RBC are seen :( Thalathamia major) -118

B-lactan ring found in ( Penicillin) -119

Carcinoma in respiratory system associated with -145


Blood cast can be found in :( Acute glomolonepheties) -120

Decreased of megakaryocytic in ( Thrombocytopenia) -146

Which following cause subcutaneous disease -121

( Actinomysese)

Worm difficult seen in stool ( Hydatia cyst) -147

Indian Ink used in ( capsules demonstration) -122

Family hypercholesterolemia due to defect in ( LDLR -148

gene = defect in chromosome 19)

Crystal violet used in the media as ( Inhibitor) -123

Polynephrititius caused by ( E.Coli ) -149

LAP is low in ( CML AML) -124

Lance filed used to (Streptococcus gp according to -150

type of polysaccharide in its cell wall)

To fix smear of pleural and Asiatic fluid use ( 95% -125


Hydrolysis of starch in intestine ( Maltose) -151

Cryptococcus is associated with ( HIV patient) -126

Time to grow aerobic bacteria is ( 24 h) -152

Common tumor in intestine found in ( Descending -127


Diffraction between staph and strepto is ( Catalase) -153

Cell secreted mucus in stomach is (Goblet cell) -154

Normal flora in sort all except ( Streptococcus) -128

Cancer sprat when ( Needle penetrate the center of -129

Part of body contain lymphocytic germinate center -155

( Lymph node)
Percent of wrong in DNA extraction ( 15%) -156

Connective tissue is composed of ( Loosely collagen -130


Plasma cell from ( B cell) -157

Connective tissue produce bone is called -131

( Osteoblastic cell)

Good method to take sputum sample ( 3 morning -158

sample for 3 day successively)

Which wrong about campylobacter jejumi ( Grow in -132


Cause of cresentation necrotic ( bacterial action) -159

G6PD is ( Hexso mono phosphate path way=HMP) -133

For anion gap in urine (measure Na K Cl) for serum -134
(Na Cl Hco3)
TIBC is inversely proportion with ( Iron level) -135

Cause of hypoxia injury (enter water inside the cell) -160

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