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US 20060057846A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. N0.: US 2006/0057846 A1
(43) Pub. Date:

Ishikawa et al.




Foreign Application Priority Data

Sep. 27, 2002

(JP) .................................... .. 2002-283965

Mar. 28, 2003

(JP) .................................... .. 2003-090864

Publication Classi?cation

(JP); Tsuyoshi Ozeki, Kitakyushu-Shi

(51) Int. Cl.

H01L 21/302
H01L 21/461

(JP); Takachika Arakawa,


Kitakyushu-Shi (JP); Mitsuyoshi

Machida, Kitakyushu-Shi (JP)


(75) Inventors: Hidemi Ishikawa, Kitakyushu-Shi (JP);

Katsuhiro Kawakami, Kitakyushu-Shi

Correspondence Address:


WASHINGTON, DC 20036-3001 (US)

(73) Assignee: TOTO LTD., Kitakyushu-Shi (JP)

Mar. 16, 2006


Us. 01. ............................................................ ..438/689


Disclosed are a composition for a sanitary Ware body for use

in slip casting, possessing excellent long-term storage sta

bility, transportability and slurry regeneration, a production
process of the same, and a production process of a sanitary
Ware using the composition for a sanitary Ware body. This

composition for a sanitary Ware body comprises agglomer

ate of a raW material poWder for said sanitary Ware body and
has a Water content of 0 (Zero) to 25% by Weight and a 50%
average particle diameter of 1 to 15 pm on a number basis
of the poWder. Aslurry of a raW material for a sanitary Ware

(21) Appl. No.:


(22) PCT Filed:

Sep. 26, 2003

body for use in slip casting can be prepared by adding Water

to the composition for a sanitary Ware body and stirring the

(86) PCT No.:



Patent Application Publication Mar. 16, 2006 Sheet 1 0f 2

US 2006/0057846 A1

Patent Application Publication Mar. 16, 2006 Sheet 2 0f 2


US 2006/0057846 A1

Mar. 16, 2006

US 2006/0057846 A1





1. Field of the Invention

[0002] The present invention relates to a composition for

a sanitary Ware body for use in slip casting, a process for
producing the same, and a process for producing a sanitary
Ware using said composition.

[0003] 2. Background Art

[0004] In the production of sanitary Wares, slip casting is
generally adopted for the production of green bodies. This is
because sanitary Wares are relatively large and have a

complicated shape. Slip casting is, for example, carried out

as folloWs. A suitable amount of Water is added to the raW
material for a sanitary Ware body to render the raW material


said poWder has a 50% average particle diameter of

1 to 15 pm on a number basis.

[0011] According to another aspect of the present inven

tion, there is provided a process for producing a composition
for a sanitary Ware body for use in slip casting, said process

comprising the steps of:


providing a raW material for a sanitary Ware body;


adding Water to the raW material for a sanitary Ware

[0014] grinding the raW material for a sanitary Ware body

With Water added thereto to prepare a slurry for slip casting;

[0015] dehydrating and/or drying the slurry for slip casting

to prepare the composition for a sanitary Ware body.

[0016] According to a further aspect of the present inven

tion, there is provided a process for producing a sanitary
Ware, comprising the steps of:

?uid. Next, the raW material, to Which Water has been added,

[0017] adding Water to the above composition for a sani

tary Ware body and stirring the mixture to regenerate the

is mixed and ground in a ball mill or the like to prepare a


slurry. The slurry thus obtained as such is poured into a slip

casting mold. In this Way, the raW material for a sanitary
Ware body for use in slip casting is slurried and, in this state

Without being solidi?ed, is then used in the step of slip


On the other hand, in the production of pottery or

ceramic WhiteWare, such as tiles, in Which a green body is

prepared by plastic pressing, the raW material for a pottery

or ceramic WhiteWare body is subjected to the step of plastic

pressing in the form of a plastic pressing body prepared by

dehydrating a slurry of the raW material, that is, in the form

[0018] pouring the slurry into a slip casting mold and

alloWing the slurry to cast on the mold;

[0019] taking the resultant green body out of the mold;

[0020] drying the green body;
[0021] coating glaZe onto the dried green body; and
[0022] ?ring the glaZe-coated green body.

of a solid.

[0023] FIG. 1 is a perspective vieW of a Western-style

toilet boWl as prepared in Examples 6 and 7 and Compara

[0006] Japanese Patent Laid-Open No. 40777/1996 dis

tive Example 2;

closes a method in Which a slurry composition for plastic

shaping is dehydrated to prepare a body for plastic shaping

Which is then subjected to plastic shaping such as extrusion
or poWer jiggering to prepare a green body.

[0024] FIG. 2 is a side vieW of the Western-style toilet

boWl shoWn in FIG. 1; and
[0025] FIG. 3 is a front vieW of the Western-style toilet
boWl shoWn in FIG. 1.





The present inventors have noW found that, in a

slurry of a raW material for a sanitary Ware body for use in

slip casting, reducing the Water content to 0 (Zero) to 25%

by Weight can realiZe stable storage of the raW material for
a long period of time, signi?cant reduction in a load on raW

material transfer and storage, and immediate regeneration of

a slurry for a sanitary Ware body in a very simple manner

Which is then used for slip casting.

[0008] Accordingly, an object of the present invention is to

[0026] De?nition
[0027] The term Water content as used herein refers to
the fraction of the amount of Water in the total Weight of the

Whole Water-containing solid Which is calculated by the

folloWing equation:

provide a composition for a sanitary Ware body for use in


slip casting, possessing excellent long-term storage stability,

[0028] Z: Water content, %;

[0029] W: mass of sample before drying, g; and

transportability and slurry regeneration, a production pro

cess of the same, and a production process of a sanitary Ware

using the composition for a sanitary Ware body.

[0009] According to one aspect of the present invention,

there is provided a composition for a sanitary Ware body for
use in slip casting, comprising agglomerates of a raW
material poWder for said sanitary Ware body and having a
Water content of 0 (Zero) to 25% by Weight, Wherein

[0030] WD: mass of sample after drying for 24 hr at 110

C., g.

[0031] In the present invention, the expression 50%

average particle diameter on a number basis refers to the

diameter of particles at the time When the cumulative

number of small particles as counted from smaller particles

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US 2006/0057846 A1

side has reached 50% of the total number of particles as

determined based on data on the particle siZe distribution
measured With a laser diffraction-type particle siZe distribu

tion analyZer.
[0032] In the present invention, the expression 50%
average particle diameter on a Weight basis refers to the

diameter of particles at the time When the cumulative Weight

of small particles as measured from smaller particles side
has reached 50% of the total Weight of particles as deter
mined based on data on the particle diameter distribution on

a Weight basis measured by a sieving method. In the present

invention, the particle diameter distribution on a Weight
basis may be measured With a dry sieving apparatus accord

ing to JIS Z 8815 (1994). This JIS, together With English

translation thereof, is easily available from Japanese Stan
dards Association (1-24, Akasaka 4-chome, Minato-ku,

Tokyo, Japan). Speci?cally, a sieving apparatus equipped

With test sieves speci?ed in JIS Z 8801 is provided, and a
single test sieve or a plurality of test sieves put on top of each

from a problem, Which is likely to occur in the slurry, that

is, a change in slurry properties during storage for a long

period of time, for eXample, precipitation of solid matter.
That is, the raW material for a sanitary Ware body can be

stably stored for a long period of time. The Water content of

poWder provided after drying may someWhat ?uctuate dur

ing storage and keeping. The ?uctuation in Water content of
the poWder, hoWever, poses no problem because, in reslur
rying, Water is added to the poWder to regulate the amount
of Water in the regenerated slurry.


Further, in the composition for a sanitary Ware

body according to the present invention, the poWder consti

tuting the agglomerate has a 50% average particle diameter
of 1 to 15 pm on a number basis. This particle diameter

distribution corresponds to the particle diameter distribution

Which is commonly possessed by a slurry for a sanitary Ware
body for use in slip casting. By virtue of this, before use in
slip casting, a slurry for a sanitary Ware body can be

immediately regenerated from the composition according to

other is vibrated for sieving. The sieving time is the time

Which has elapsed betWeen the start of the sieving and the

the present invention by a very simple method in Which

Water is added and the miXture is stirred. Therefore, unlike

time When the mass of a group of particles Which has passed

through the sieve per minute reaches not more than 0.1% of
the mass of the charged sample. The total of the mass of each
oversiZe and the mass of undersiZe of the smallest aperture
sieve as measured after the completion of the sieving should
be Within 12% of the mass of the charged sample. Particles

the case Where raW materials for a sanitary Ware body such

Which clog meshes are removed by turning the sieve upside

doWn so that the backside of the sieving net faces upWard,
and removing the particles by a clogging eliminating brush.
The particles Which cause clogging of the meshes are
regarded as the oversiZe.

[0033] Composition for sanitary Ware body


as pottery stone, feldspar, and clay are stored as they are, the

composition according to the present invention can rapidly

cope With a sudden increase in a demand.

[0038] The raW material for a sanitary Ware body accord

ing to the present invention is not particularly limited so far
as the material is a body material commonly used in the

production of sanitary Wares, and eXamples thereof include

pottery stone, silica rock, feldspar, kaolin, and clay.


The miXing ratio of ingredients in the raW material

for a sanitary Ware body is not particularly limited. A

preferred eXample thereof is as folloWs.

The composition for a sanitary Ware body accord

ing to the present invention is a composition Which can form

into a raW material slurry for a sanitary Ware body by adding
Water to the composition and stirring the mixture. The


Preferred range

More preferred range

composition for a sanitary Ware body according to the

Pottery stone:

35 to 70 Wt %

50 to 55 Wt %

present invention is usable in slip casting. This composition

(kaolin, sericite,
pyrophyllite, etc.)
10 to 40 Wt %

20 to 30 Wt %

10 to 50 Wt %

20 to 25 Wt %

comprises agglomerates of a raW material poWder for the

sanitary Ware body and has a Water content of 0 (Zero) to


25% by Weight. The poWder constituting the agglomerate

(albite, potash
feldspar, nepheline,

has a 50% average particle diameter of 1 to 15 pm on a

petalite, dolomite,

number basis. This composition for a sanitary Ware body


according to the present invention enables a raW material for


a sanitary Ware body for slip casting to be stably stored for

a long period of time. Further, a burden on raW material

transfer and storage can be signi?cantly reduced. Further

more, a slurry for a sanitary Ware body can be immediately
regenerated from the composition for - a sanitary Ware body
by a very simple method and can be used for slip casting.

[0035] Speci?cally, since the composition for a sanitary


In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

the Water content of the composition for a sanitary Ware

body is 0 (Zero) to 9% by Weight, more preferably 3 to 7%

by Weight. When the Water content is Within the above
de?ned Water content range, the composition has eXcellent

Ware body according to the present invention has a loW

?uidity. Further, When a slurry is regenerated from the

composition and used in slip casting, a satisfactory casting

Water content of 0 (Zero) to 25% by Weight, as compared

With the slurry before the solidi?cation, the volume and the

to 7% by Weight is advantageous in that dusting is less likely

Weight can be signi?cantly reduced. Therefore, a burden on

raW material transfer and storage can be signi?cantly

reduced, and the ef?ciency of the transfer and storage can be

increased. The Water content of the slurry is generally about
40 to 60%.

[0036] The composition for a sanitary Ware body accord

ing to the present invention is not a slurry and, thus, is free

thickness can be ensured. A Water content in the range of 3

to occur and, When a slurry is regenerated from the com

position, the viscosity of the slurry before the solidi?cation

can be realiZed by simply adding Water.
[0041] In another preferred embodiment of the present
invention, the Water content of the composition for a sanitary
Ware body is preferably in the range of 15 to 25% by Weight.
When the Water content is in the above-de?ned Water

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US 2006/0057846 A1

content range, the step of drying, Which requires a lot of

time, can be omitted in the production of the composition.
Further, When the slurry is dehydrated by a ?lter press to
prepare the composition, there is no need to use high
pressure. Therefore, a burden on ?lter cloth and machine can

be reduced. Further, since the composition is less likely to be

provided in a large mass form, Workability at the time of
storing and dissolution at the time of reslurrying are excel

[0042] In the composition for a sanitary Ware body accord

ing to the present invention, the 50% average particle
diameter on a number basis of the poWder constituting the
agglomerate is 1 to 15 pm, preferably 1 to 10 pm, more
preferably 5 to 10 pm. In a preferred embodiment of the

present invention, preferably 45 to 70%, more preferably 50

to 65%, of the Whole poWder constituting the agglomerate
has a siZe of not more than 10 pm on a number basis. This

particle diameter distribution corresponds to a particle diam

eter distribution Which is commonly possessed by a slurry
for a sanitary Ware body used in slip casting. By virtue of
this, before use in slip casting, a slurry for a sanitary Ware

body can be immediately regenerated from the composition

according to the present invention by a very simple method

material for a sanitary Ware body. The raW material for a

sanitary Ware body is then ground in the Water to prepare a

slurry for slip casting.

[0047] The amount of Water added is not particularly
limited. Preferably, hoWever, Water is added in such an
amount that the Water content of the resultant slurry is 40 to

60% by Weight.
[0048] In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,
in adding Water, for example, a soluble salt may be further
added as a de?occulant. This can modify the viscosity of the

raW material slurry. Preferred examples of soluble salts

include sodium silicate, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbon
ate, and phosphoric esters. The soluble salt is also advanta
geous in that clogging of the ?lter and deposition of ?oc
culate can be prevented and that the pressed cake can be
easily removed from the ?lter.


In a preferred embodiment of the invention, the

raW material slurry to Which Water and optionally a soluble

salt or the like as a de?ucculant have been added is ground
With a conventional grinding machine such as a ball mill to
provide a 50% average particle diameter of 1 to 15 pm on a
number basis.

in Which Water is added and the mixture is stirred.

[0043] In the composition for a sanitary Ware body accord

ing to the present invention, the 50% average particle
diameter on a number basis of the raW material poWder for

a sanitary Ware body and the proportion of particles having

a siZe of not more than 10 pm can be measured as folloWs.

At the outset, Water is added to the composition for a

[0050] In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

the viscosity of the ground raW material slurry is modi?ed to
a value suitable for a slurry for slip casting, for example, to
a viscosity in the range of 200 to 1000 mpa-s as measured
With a Brook?eld viscometer at a rotor rotating speed of 60

sanitary Ware body, and the mixture is stirred to disintegrate

[0051] Next, the resultant slurry for slip casting is dehy

the agglomerate. Thus, a slurry containing homogeneously

drated and/or dried to prepare a composition for a sanitary

Ware body.

dispersed raW material poWder for a sanitary Ware body is

prepared. Next, the particle siZe distribution of the slurry

thus obtained is measured With a laser diffraction-type

particle siZe distribution analyZer. The 50% average particle

diameter on a number basis, that is, the diameter of particles
at the time When the cumulative number of ?ne particles as
counted from smaller particles side has reached 50% of the
total number of particles, is determined based on the mea
sured data on the particle siZe distribution. Further, the
proportion of particles having a siZe of not more than 10 pm
on a number basis in the Whole poWder constituting the
agglomerate can also be learned from the measured data on

the particle siZe distribution.


In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

the 50% average particle diameter on a Weight basis of the

composition for a sanitary Ware body per se, that is, the
agglomerate, is 1 to 10 mm, more preferably 2 to 8 mm.

When the 50% average particle diameter of the agglomerate

is in the above-de?ned range, dusting is less likely to occur.
Therefore, a loWering in recovery and a deterioration in
Work environment can be prevented. The Workability at the
time of transfer and reslurrying is also excellent. The 50%
average particle diameter on a Weight basis of the agglom
erate is measured With a dry sieving device according to JIS

Z 8815 (1994).

[0045] Production process of composition for sanitary

Ware body


In the production process of a composition for a

sanitary Ware body according to the present invention, Water

as a dispersion medium is ?rst added to the above raW


The slurry can be dehydrated by a conventional

dehydrater such as a ?lter press or a centrifuge Without

particular limitation. Preferably, hoWever, the dehydration is

carried out by a ?lter press. In the ?lter press, a ?lter

separates the slurry into solid matter and Water.

[0053] Examples of preferred drying methods include

spray drying, solar drying, Warm air drying, and lyophiliZa
tion. More preferred is spray drying. Spray drying using a
spray dryer is advantageous in that the productivity is high
by virtue of high drying speed, the particle diameter of
agglomerate of the composition provided after drying is easy
to control, and, further, the Water content of the composition
can be considerably loWered. As compared With the ?lter
press, spray drying can more effectively prevent the loss of
the soluble salt contained in the slurry and thus can be said
to be a more desired solidi?cation method for reslurrying.

[0054] In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

the slurry is dried to give a composition having a Water
content of 0 (Zero) to 9% by Weight, more preferably 3 to 7%

by Weight.
[0055] In another preferred embodiment of the present
invention, the slurry can be dehydrated to give a pressed
cake having a reduced Water content of 20 to 30% by Weight,
Which is still ?uid, folloWed by drying to give a composition
having a Water content of 0 (Zero) to 9% by Weight, more

preferably 3 to 7% by Weight.
[0056] In another preferred embodiment of the present
invention, a method may also be adopted Wherein the slurry

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US 2006/0057846 A1

is dehydrated to give a pressed cake having a Water content

of 15 to 25% by Weight Which is then used as a composition
for a sanitary Ware body. Further, the pressed cake may be
passed through a pelleter or the like to shape the cake into
?akes or noodles Which can improve workability and can

shorten reslurrying time. The composition in the form of

?akes or noodles can be dried to reduce the Water content to

0 (Zero) to 9% by Weight. In this case, a further reduction in

volume and Weight can be realiZed, and, at the same time,
since the composition is separated in a smaller siZe, the
transfer efficiency can be enhanced.

[0057] Production process of sanitary Ware using compo

sition for sanitary Ware body
[0058] In the production process of a sanitary Ware
according to the present invention, at the outset, at least
Water is added to the composition for a sanitary Ware body,
and the mixture is stirred to regenerate a slurry for slip


Preferably, the amount of Water added is properly

determined so as to give proper slurry concentration and

viscosity depending upon conditions of a kiln used, molding

conditions such as type of a slip casting mold and the like.
For eXample, a method may be adopted Wherein the amount
of Water necessary for providing a predetermined slurry
concentration is previously calculated from the Water con
tent of the composition and this amount of Water is added to
the composition for a sanitary Ware body.

raW material for a sanitary Ware and thus loWer the melting

initiation temperature of the green body at the time of ?ring.

Therefore, When the raW material poWder is added to the
regenerated slurry, a proper shrinkage can be realiZed in
?ring using a kiln having a loW ?ring temperature.


In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

at least one material selected from pottery stone, silica rock,

and alumina may be used as the additional raW material
poWder. These raW material poWders function as an aggre
gate in a raW material for a sanitary Ware and thus increase

the melting initiation temperature of the green body at the

time of ?ring. Therefore, When the raW material poWder is
added to the regenerated slurry, a proper shrinkage can be

realiZed in ?ring using a kiln having a high ?ring tempera



In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

at least one material selected from china clay, ball clay, and
plastic clay may be used as the additional raW material
poWder. These raW material poWders function mainly to
control the amount of casting at the time of slip casting and
to control plasticity at the time of shaping. These additional
raW material poWders may also be added for viscosity
modi?cation purposes at the time of slurrying. Accordingly,
the addition of these raW material poWders to the regener

ated slurry can realiZe a body having proper slurry viscosity

and plasticity and can realiZe a body thickness suitable for

the shape and type of the sanitary Ware to be produced.

[0066] In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

[0060] Mixing and stirring methods are not particularly

limited, and eXamples thereof include stirring devices such

the amount of the additional raW material poWder added is

as stirrers and blungers.

by Weight, based on 100 parts by Weight of the composition

[0061] Water used for reslurrying is not particularly lim

ited. Preferably, hoWever, a large amount of ions Which

for a sanitary Ware body. When the amount of the additional

raW material poWder added is in the above-de?ned range,
desired effects such as control of the melting initiation

cause coagulation and precipitation, such as chloride ions

(Cl) or sulfate ions (SO 42-), are not contained. When Water
used for reslurrying contains a large amount of these ions,
preferably, the Water is subjected to distillation or ion
eXchange treatment to give distilled Water or ion-exchanged
Water Which is then used for reslurrying.


In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

in reslurrying, an additional raW material poWder is added in

order to control shrinkage at the time of ?ring or casting rate

0.01 to 10 parts by Weight, more preferably 0.01 to 6 parts

temperature can be attained While maintaining the high

strength of the ?red product.

[0067] In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,
in reslurrying, a soluble salt is added for slurry viscosity
modi?cation purposes. The reason for this is as folloWs. The

viscosity of the regenerated slurry is sometimes someWhat

higher than the viscosity of the slurry before the solidi?ca

are ?red in a plurality of kilns, the shrinkage is not often

even depending upon conditions of the kilns used. Indepen

tion. Although the reason for this has not been fully eluci
dated yet, one of the reasons for this phenomenon is believed
to reside in that a small amount of the soluble salt originally
contained in the raW material for a sanitary Ware body is lost

dently of the conditions of the kilns used, ?red products

having a given shrinkage can be prepared by adding an

viscosity. The addition of a soluble salt at the time of

at the time of slip casting. Speci?cally, When green bodies

during dehydration or drying leading to an increase in slurry

additional raW material poWder to the regeneratred slurry to

control the shrinkage at the time of ?ring. Since the sanitary

reslurrying can prevent the increase in viscosity to provide

a slurry having a viscosity suitable for slip casting,

Ware includes many types and shapes, the thickness of the


body should be suitable for the shape and type. The thick
ness of casting body at the time of slip casting can be
regulated to a proper level depending upon the type and
shape of the sanitary Ware by adding the additional raW
material poWder. In particular, in the case of sanitary Wares,

at least one material selected from sodium silicate, sodium

used as the soluble salt. In the slurry of the raW material for

there are various types and shapes such as toilet boWls,

the development of electric repulsion among the particles.

urinals, WashboWls, and hand Wash basins. Therefore, the

above control of the casting thickness is effective.

Therefore, the soluble salts function as a dispersant in the


In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

at least one material selected from feldspar, dolomite, and

nepheline may be used as the additional raW material
poWder. These raW material poWders function as a ?uX in a

In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

hydroXide, sodium carbonate, and a phosphoric ester may be

a sanitary Ware, these soluble salts are adsorbed to the raW

material particles to have electric charges, and this results in

slurry, and the addition of the soluble salts to the regenerated
slurry can realiZe the control of the viscosity of the slurry
toWard a loWer value.


In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

the amount of the soluble salt added is 0.001 to 0.2 part by

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US 2006/0057846 A1

Weight based on 100 parts by Weight of the composition for

a sanitary Ware body. When the amount of the soluble salt
added is in the above-de?ned range, the viscosity of the

slurry can be lowered Without causing the coagulation effect.


In a preferred embodiment of the present invention,

a method is adopted Wherein, before the preparation of a

sanitary Ware using the composition for a sanitary Ware
body, a test piece of a sanitary Ware is previously prepared
using the regenerated slurry under the same process and
conditions as intended to be used in the preparation of the
sanitary Ware and is subjected to measurement of shrinkage
or the like to provide measured data based on Which the

regenerated slurry is slightly controled. The slight control

55.3% by Weight of the particles had a diameter of not more

than 10 pm and the 50% average particle diameter Was 8.3
pm on a number basis.

[0075] Further, the viscosity of slurry A Was measured

With a Brook?eld viscometer at a rotor rotating speed of 60
rpm and Was found to be 460 mPa~s.

[0076] Slurry A Was then poured into a plaster mold,

folloWed by slip casting to prepare a plate-shaped green
body having a length of 250 mm, a Width of 30 mm, and a
thickness of 10 mm. This green body Was dried at 45 C.

overnight (about 16 hr). The dried green body Was ?red at

1100 to 1200 C. for 24 hr to prepare a ?red product.

can be carried out by properly adding various raW material

poWders in reslurrying the composition for a sanitary Ware

[0077] The dimension of the ?red product Was measured

and Was compared With the dimension of the green body

body. For eXample, When the previously measured shrinkage

immediately after the slip casting to calculate the percentage

level of the test piece is small, a raW material poWder such

as feldspar, dolomite, or nepheline as a ?uX component for

shrinkage. As a result, it Was found that the percentage

shrinkage Was 11.5%.

increasing the shrinkage at the time of ?ring is added to the

slurry to render the slurry suitable for providing a proper
shrinkage. On the other hand, When the previously measured
shrinkage level of the test piece is large, a raW material

[0078] The time Which had elapsed betWeen the initiation

of the preparation of the raW material and the provision of
the slurry for slip casting Was about 30 hr.

poWder such as pottery stone, silica rock and alumina as an

Comparative EXample 2

aggregate for reducing the shrinkage at the time of ?ring is

added to the slurry to render the slurry suitable for providing
a proper shrinkage. In order to provide a body having slurry

[0079] Slurry A prepared in Comparative EXample 1 Was

poured into a plaster mold for molding a Western-style toilet

viscosity, body thickness, and plasticity suitable for the

boWl, folloWed by slip casting. The green body thus obtained

shape and type of a sanitary Ware to be prepared based on

data on casting amount and plasticity as measured in the
preparation of the green body test piece, a raW material

Was dried at 45 C. overnight (about 16 hr) and Was then

glaZed. The glaZed green body Was ?red at 1100 to 1200 C.

poWder such as china clay, ball clay, and plastic clay is added
to the slurry.

[0071] The regenerated slurry thus obtained is poured into

a slip casting mold of gypsum or a resin, and, after casting,
the resultant green body is pulled out from the mold. The
green body is dried and is then coated With glaZe in its
desired part. The glaZed green body is ?red to provide a

for 24 hr to prepare a Western-style toilet boWl. In the same

manner as described above, 10 Western-style toilet boWls
Were prepared. FIG. 1 is a perspective vieW of a Western
style toilet boWl 1 prepared in this manner, FIG. 2 is a side
vieW of the Western-style toilet boWl 1, and FIG. 3 is a front

vieW of the Western-style toilet boWl 1.


For each of the 10 Western-style toilet boWls

prepared by the ?ring, the dimensions, i.e., length, Width,

sanitary Ware.

and height, Were measured to con?rm Whether or not the

[0072] Steps after slip casting may be those commonly

dimensions are Within speci?cations including the tolerance

of the product. The length a shoWn in FIG. 2 Was measured
as the length. The length b shoWn in FIG. 3 Was measured

used in the production of sanitary Wares and are not par

ticularly limited. Any conventional glaZe may be used as the

glaZe Without limitation so far as it is suitable for the

production of sanitary Wares. The ?ring temperature is not

limited so far as the temperature is suitable for the produc

tion of sanitary Wares. In general, hoWever, the ?ring tem

perature is 1100 to 1200 C.

Comparative Example 1

A raW material, for a sanitary Ware body, contain

ing pottery stone, feldspar, clay and the like Was provided.
This raW material for a sanitary Ware body (800 kg), 260 kg
of Water, 1 kg of sodium silicate, and 720 kg of grinding
balls Were placed in a 1-t cylinder, and the mixture Was ball
milled for about 20 hr to prepare slurry A of the raW material

as the Width, and the length c shoWn in FIG. 2 Was measured

as the height. As a result, for all the Western-style toilet

boWls, all the length, Width and height values Were located

in substantially the middle of the speci?cations, and, thus, all

the Western-style toilet boWls passed the dimensional

[0081] Further, for each of the 10 samples, the height of
the green body immediately after the slip casting Was
compared With the height of the ?red product to calculate the
percentage shrinkage. As a result, the average of the per
centage shrinkages Was 12.4%. The length c shoWn in FIG.
2 Was measured as the height.

EXample 1

[0082] Slurry A (about 200 kg) prepared in Comparative

for the body.

EXample 1 Was provided. This slurry AWas introduced into

a spray dryer and Was dried and granulated by atomiZing the


slurry at an ambient temperature of 80 C to prepare about

The content of Water in slurry A Was regulated to

40% by Weight. Thereafter, the particle diameter of the

120 kg of a granular composition comprising agglomerates

slurry Was measured With a laser diffraction-type particle

siZe distribution analyZer. As a result, it Was found that

of the poWder of the raW material for the body. The Water
content of the composition Was measured and found to be

Mar. 16, 2006

US 2006/0057846 A1

5.5% by Weight. The 50% average particle diameter on a

Weight basis of the composition Was measured by a dry
sieving apparatus according to 115 Z 8815 (1994) and found
to be 2.1 mm.

[0083] The composition (2.5 kg) thus obtained, 1 kg of

Water, and 4 kg of grinding balls Were placed in a 6
kg-earthenWare pot and Were mixed together and stirred in
a ball mill for about 10 min to prepare regenerated slurry B.
About 30 min Was taken to obtain the slurry for slip casting
using the solid material after the spray drying.

The content of Water in slurry B Was regulated to

[0092] Slurry C Was poured into a plaster mold, folloWed

by slip casting to prepare a plate-shaped green body having
a length of 250 mm, a Width of 30 mm, and a thickness of
10 mm. This green body Was dried at 45 C. overnight

(about 16 hr). The dried green body Was ?red at 1100 to

1200 C. for 24 hr to prepare a ?red product.

[0093] The dimension of the ?red product Was measured

and Was compared With the dimension of the green body

immediately after the slip casting to calculate the percentage

shrinkage. As a result, it Was found that the percentage
shrinkage Was 11.3%.

40% by Weight. Thereafter, the particle diameter of the

slurry Was measured With a laser diffraction-type particle
siZe distribution analyZer. As a result, it Was found that
54.8% by Weight of the particles had a diameter of not more
than 10 pm and the 50% average particle diameter Was 8.4
pm on a number basis.

[0085] Further, the viscosity of slurry B Was measured

With a Brook?eld viscometer at a rotor rotating speed of 60
rpm and Was found to be 620 mpa-s.

[0086] Slurry B Was poured into a plaster mold, folloWed

by slip casting to prepare a plate-shaped green body having
a length of 250 mm, a Width of 30 mm, and a thickness of
10 mm. This green body Was dried at 45 C. overnight

(about 16 hr). The dried green body Was ?red at 1100 to

1200 C. for 24 hr to prepare a ?red product.

[0087] The dimension of the ?red product Was measured

and Was compared With the dimension of the green body
immediately after the slip casting to calculate the percentage
shrinkage. As a result, it Was found that the percentage
shrinkage Was 11.2%.

Example 3

[0094] Slurry A (about 200 kg) prepared in Comparative

Example 1 Was provided. This slurry AWas introduced into
a ?lter press apparatus. The slurry Was pressed at a pressure
of 10 kg/cm2 and Was held in this state for 30 min to

dehydrate the slurry. Thus, a pressed cake having a Water

content of about 22% by Weight Was obtained. The pressed
cake Was fed into a pelleter (die diameter 10 mm) to provide
about 160 kg of noodles of the semi-solid raW material for
the body. The Water content of the noodles Was measured

and found to be 21% by Weight.

[0095] The noodles (2.5 kg) thus obtained, 700 g of Water,

0.3 g (0.01%) of sodium silicate, and 4 kg of grinding balls
Were placed in a 6 kg-earthenWare pot and Were mixed
together and stirred in a ball mill for about 20 min to prepare

regenerated slurry D. About 50 min Was taken to obtain the

slurry for slip casting using the noodles.


The content of Water in slurry D Was regulated to

40% by Weight. Thereafter, the particle diameter of the

[0088] Slurry A (about 200 kg) prepared in Comparative

slurry Was measured With a laser diffraction-type particle

siZe distribution analyZer. As a result, it Was found that
56.2% of the particles had a diameter of not more than 10 pm

Example 1 Was provided. This slurry AWas introduced into

a spray dryer and Was dried and granulated by atomiZing the

number basis.

Example 2

slurry at an ambient temperature of 80 C. to prepare about

120 kg of a granular composition comprising agglomerates

and the 50% average particle diameter Was 8.0 pm on a

[0097] Further, the viscosity of slurry D Was measured

of the poWder of the raW material for the body. The Water
content of the composition Was measured and found to be

With a Brook?eld viscometer at a rotor rotating speed of 60

rpm and Was found to be 500 mPa~s.

7.0% by Weight. The 50% average particle diameter on a

Weight basis of the composition Was measured by a dry
sieving apparatus according to 115 Z 8815 (1994) and found

[0098] Slurry D Was poured into a plaster mold, folloWed

by slip casting to prepare a plate-shaped green body having

to be 2.3 mm.

[0089] The composition (2.5 kg) thus obtained, 1 kg of

a length of 250 mm, a Width of 30 mm, and a thickness of

10 mm. This green body Was dried at 45 C. overnight

(about 16 hr). The dried green body Was ?red at 1100 to

Water, 0.5 g (0.02%) of sodium silicate, and 4 kg of grinding

1200 C. for 24 hr to prepare a ?red product.

balls Were placed in a 6 kg-earthenWare pot and Were mixed

together and stirred in a ball mill for about 10 min to prepare
regenerated slurry C. About 30 min Was taken to obtain the

[0099] The dimension of the ?red product Was measured

and Was compared With the dimension of the green body

slurry for slip casting using the composition after the spray

shrinkage. As a result, it Was found that the percentage

shrinkage Was 11.0%.


The content of Water in slurry C Was regulated to

immediately after the slip casting to calculate the percentage

40% by Weight. Thereafter, the particle diameter of the

Example 4

slurry Was measured With a laser diffraction-type particle

siZe distribution analyZer. As a result, it Was found that
55.7% by Weight of the particles had a diameter of not more
than 10 pm and the 50% average particle diameter Was 8.2

Example 1 Was provided. This slurry AWas introduced into

a spray dryer and Was dried and granulated by atomiZing the

pm on a number basis.

[0091] Further, the viscosity of slurry C Was measured

With a Brook?eld viscometer at a rotor rotating speed of 60
rpm and Was found to be 588 mPa~s.

[0100] Slurry A (about 200 kg) prepared in Comparative

slurry at an ambient temperature of 80 C. to prepare about

120 kg of a granular composition comprising agglomerates

of the poWder of the raW material for the body. The Water
content of the composition Was measured and found to be
7.0% by Weight. The 50% average particle diameter on a

Mar. 16, 2006

US 2006/0057846 A1

Weight basis of the composition Was measured by a dry

sieving apparatus according to 115 Z 8815 (1994) and found

[0110] Slurry F Was poured into a plaster mold, folloWed

by slip casting to prepare a plate-shaped green body having

to be 2.2 mm.

a length of 250 mm, a Width of 30 mm, and a thickness of

10 mm. This green body Was dried at 45 C. overnight

[0101] The composition (2.5 kg) thus obtained, 1 kg of

Water, 0.5 g (0.02%) of sodium silicate, 4 kg of grinding
balls, and 125 g of feldspar Were placed in a 6 kg-earthen
Ware pot and Were mixed together and stirred in a ball mill

for about 10 min to prepare regenerated slurry E. About 35

min Was taken to obtain the slurry for slip casting using the

composition after the spray drying.


The content of Water in slurry E Was regulated to

(about 16 hr). The dried green body Was ?red at 1100 to

1200 C. for 24 hr to prepare a ?red product.

[0111] The dimension of the ?red product Was measured

and Was compared With the dimension of the green body

immediately after the slip casting to calculate the percentage

shrinkage. As a result, it Was found that the percentage
shrinkage Was 11.4%.

40% by Weight. Thereafter, the particle diameter of the

slurry Was measured With a laser diffraction-type particle
siZe distribution analyZer. As a result, it Was found that
55.0% of the particles had a diameter of not more than 10 pm
and the 50% average particle diameter Was 8.0 pm on a

Example 6

Slurry G (12 t) Was prepared in the same manner as

in Comparative Example 1, except that the proportion of the

number basis.

components in the raW material for a sanitary Ware body Was

varied. This slurry G Was introduced into a spray dryer and

[0103] Further, the viscosity of slurry E Was measured

Was dried and granulated by atomiZing the slurry at an

With a Brook?eld viscometer at a rotor rotating speed of 60

rpm and Was found to be 540 mPa~s.

granular composition comprising agglomerate of the poWder

ambient temperature of 80 C. to prepare about 11 t of a

of the raW material for the body. The Water content of the

[0104] Slurry E Was poured into a plaster mold, folloWed

by slip casting to prepare a plate-shaped green body having
a length of 250 mm, a Width of 30 mm, and a thickness of
10 mm. This green body Was dried at 45 C. overnight

poWder Was measured and found to be 4.5% by Weight. The

50% average particle diameter on a Weight basis of the
composition Was measured by a dry sieving apparatus
according to JIS Z 8815 (1994) and found to be 2.1 mm.

(about 16 hr). The dried green body Was ?red at 1100 to

1200 C. for 24 hr to prepare a ?red product.

[0105] The dimension of the ?red product Was measured

and Was compared With the dimension of the green body
immediately after the slip casting to calculate the percentage
shrinkage. As a result, it Was found that the percentage
shrinkage Was 12.2%.

Example 5

[0113] The composition (5.0 t) thus obtained, 2.0 t of

Water, 1.0 kg (0.02%) of sodium silicate, and 4800 kg of
grinding balls Were placed in a 5 t-cylinder and Were mixed
together and stirred in a cylinder mill for about 30 min to
prepare regenerated slurry H. About 55 min Was taken to

obtain the slurry for slip casting using the composition after
the spray drying.

The content of Water in slurry H Was regulated to

[0106] Slurry A (about 200 kg) prepared in Comparative

40% by Weight. Thereafter, the particle diameter of the

Example 1 Was provided. This slurry AWas introduced into

a spray dryer and Was dried and granulated by atomiZing the

slurry Was measured With a laser diffraction-type particle

siZe distribution analyZer. As a result, it Was found that
53.6% of the particles had a diameter of not more than 10 pm

slurry at an ambient temperature of 80 C. to prepare about

120 kg of a granular composition comprising agglomerates

and the 50% average particle diameter Was 8.6 pm on a

of the poWder of the raW material for the body. The Water
content of the composition Was measured and found to be
7.0% by Weight. The 50% average particle diameter on a
Weight basis of the composition Was measured by a dry

number basis.

sieving apparatus according to 115 Z 8815 (1994) and found

[0115] Further, the viscosity of slurry H Was measured

With a Brook?eld viscometer at a rotor rotating speed of 60
rpm and Was found to be 484 mPa~s.

to be 2.1 mm.


[0107] The composition (2.5 kg) thus obtained, 1 kg of

used in Comparative Example 2, folloWed by slip casting.

Slurry H Was poured into the same plaster mold as

Water, 1.5 g (0.06%) of sodium silicate, and 4 kg of grinding

The green body thus obtained Was dried and Was then

balls Were placed in a 6 kg-earthenWare pot and Were mixed

together and stirred in a ball mill for about 10 min to prepare
regenerated slurry F. About 35 min Was taken to obtain the

glaZed. The glaZed green body Was ?red at 1100 to 1200 C.

slurry for slip casting using the poWder after the spray


for 24 hr to prepare a Western-style toilet boWl. In the same

manner as described above, 10 Western-style toilet boWls
Were prepared.


For each of the 10 Western-style toilet boWls pre

The content of Water in slurry F Was regulated to

pared by the ?ring, the dimensions, i.e., length, Width, and

40% by Weight. Thereafter, the particle diameter of the

height, Were measured in the same manner as in Compara

tive Example 2 to con?rm Whether or not the dimensions are


slurry Was measured With a laser diffraction-type particle

siZe distribution analyZer. As a result, it Was found that
55.7% of the particles had a diameter of not more than 10 pm
and the 50% average particle diameter Was 8.2 pm on a
number basis.

[0109] Further, the viscosity of slurry F Was measured

With a Brook?eld viscometer at a rotor rotating speed of 60
rpm and Was found to be 460 mPa~s.

Within speci?cations including the tolerance of the product.

As a result, all the Western-style toilet boWls passed the

dimensional inspection, although all the length, Width and

height values Were those close to the respective upper limits

of the speci?cations including the tolerance.


Further, in the same manner as in Comparative

Example 2, for each of the 10 samples, the height of the

Mar. 16, 2006

US 2006/0057846 A1

green body immediately after the slip casting Was compared

green body immediately after the slip casting Was compared

With the height of the. ?red product to calculate the per

centage shrinkage. As a result, the average of the percentage
shrinkages Was 11.3%.

With the height of the ?red product to calculate the percent

age shrinkage. As a result, the average of the percentage
shrinkages Was 12.2%.

[0119] Example 7
[0120] China clay (200 kg), 50 kg of gairome clay, and 50


kg of feldspar poWder Were added to 5.0 t of the composition

[0126] Various measured values for Comparative Example

prepared by the spray dryer in Example 6. The mixture,

1 and Examples 1 to 5 are shoWn in Table 1.


Comp. Ex. 1
Water content of composition

Slurry preparation time

Ex. 1

Ex. 2

Ex. 3

Ex. 4

Ex. 5






30 hr

30 min

30 min

50 min

35 min

35 min

8.3 ,um

8.4 [urn

8.2 ,um

8.0 [urn

8.0 ,um

8.2 ,um
460 mPa - s

Properties of slurry
Particle diameter < 10 [um
50% average particle diameter

460 mPa - s

620 mPa - s

588 mPa - s

500 mPa - s

540 mPa - s

Firing time

24 hr

24 hr

24 hr

24 hr

24 hr

24 hr

Firing shrinkage







together With 2.0 t of Water, 1.0 kg (0.02%) of sodium

silicate, and 4800 kg of grinding balls Were placed in a 5


t-cylinder and Were mixed together and stirred in a cylinder

mill for about 30 min to prepare regenerated slurry J. About

slurry regenerated from the granular compositions and the

percentage shrinkage of the samples prepared using the

60 min Was taken to obtain the slurry for slip casting using
the composition after the spray drying.

regenerated slurries Were substantially equal to those of

as-prepared slurries in Comparative Example 1 Which had
not been brought into a granular composition. This demon


40% by Weight. Thereafter, the particle diameter of the

strates that the composition for a sanitary Ware body accord

ing to the present invention has a high level of suitability for

slurry Was measured With a laser diffraction-type particle

siZe distribution analyZer. As a result, it Was found that
54.9% of the particles had a diameter of not more than 10 pm

slurry regeneration and can be advantageously used in slip

casting of sanitary Wares. Further, comparison of the slurry
preparation time in Comparative Example 1 With the slurry

and the 50% average particle diameter Was 8.2 pm on a

preparation time in Examples 1 to 5 shoWs that the present

invention can 15 signi?cantly shorten the slurry preparation

The content of Water in slurry J Was regulated to

number basis.

[0122] Further, the viscosity of slurry J Was measured With

a Brook?eld viscometer at a rotor rotating speed of 60 rpm
and Was found to be 598 mPa~s.


The folloWing facts can be seen from the results

shoWn in Table 1. For Examples 1 to 5, the properties of

[0128] For Comparative Example 2 and Examples 6 and 7,

various measured values are shoWn in Table 2.


Slurry J Was poured into the same plaster mold as

used in Comparative Example 2, folloWed by slip casting.

Comp. Ex. 2

Ex. 6

Ex. 7



30 hr

55 min

60 min




8.3 ,um

8.6 [urn

8.2 ,um
598 mPa - s

The green body thus obtained Was dried and Was then

glaZed. The glaZed green body Was ?red at 1100 to 1200 C.

Water content of

for 24 hr to prepare a Western-style toilet boWl. In the same

manner as described above, 10 Western-style toilet boWls
Were prepared.

Slurry preparation time


For each of the 10 Western-style toilet boWls

prepared by the ?ring, the dimensions, i.e., length, Width,

and height, Were measured in the same manner as in

Comparative Example 2 to con?rm Whether or not the

dimensions are Within speci?cations including the tolerance

Properties of slurry
Particle diameter <
10 [um
50% average particle

460 mPa - s

484 mPa - s

Firing time


24 hr

24 hr

24 hr

Firing shrinkage




Dimensional inspection




of the product. As a result, for all the Western-style toilet

boWls, all the length, Width and height values Were located

in substantially the middle of the speci?cations, and, thus, all

the Western-style toilet boWls passed the dimensional


The folloWing facts can be seen from the results

shoWn in Table 2. For Examples 6 and 7, the properties of


slurries regenerated from the granular compositions and the

?ring shrinkage and dimensional accuracy of the sanitary


Wares prepared using the regenerated slurries Were substan

Further, in the same manner as in Comparative

Example 2, for each of the 10 samples, the height of the

tially equal to those of as-prepared slurries in Comparative

Mar. 16, 2006

US 2006/0057846 A1

Example 2 Which had not been brought into a granular

composition. This demonstrates that the composition for a
sanitary Ware body according to the present invention has a

high level of suitability for slurry regeneration and can be

advantageously used in slip casting of sanitary Wares. Spe
ci?cally, When the composition for a sanitary Ware body
according to the present invention is used in the production
of a sanitary Ware, the sanitary Ware can be produced under
the same casting and ?ring conditions as used in the pro
duction of a sanitary Ware using the slurry before the

solidi?cation. Further, comparison of the slurry preparation

time in Comparative Example 2 With the slurry preparation
time in Examples 6 and 7 shoWs that the present invention
can signi?cantly shorten the slurry preparation time.

1. A non-slurry composition for a sanitary Ware body for

use in preparing a slurry for slip casting, comprising
agglomerates of a raW material poWder for said sanitary
Ware body and having a Water content of 0 (Zero) to 25% by
Weight, Wherein said poWder has a 50% average particle

12. A composition for a sanitary Ware body, Which is

produced by a process according to claim 6.
13. A process for producing a sanitary Ware, comprising
the steps of:

adding Water to the composition for a sanitary Ware body

according to claim 1 and stirring the mixture to regen
erate the slurry;

pouring the slurry into a slip casting mold and alloWing

the slurry to cast on the mold;

taking the resultant green body out of the mold; drying the
green body;

coating glaZe onto the dried green body; and ?ring the

glaZe-coated green body.

14. The process according to claim 13, Wherein, in adding
said Water, an additional raW material poWder is further

added for regulating the percentage shrinkage at the time of

said ?ring or for regulating casting rate at the time of said

diameter of 1 to 15 pm on a number basis.

slip casting.

2. The composition for a sanitary Ware body according to

claim 1, Wherein said Water content is 0 (Zero) to 9% by

additional raW material poWder is at least one material


selected from the group consisting of feldspar, dolomite, and

3. The composition for a sanitary Ware body according to

claim 1, Wherein said Water content is 3 to 7% by Weight.
4. The composition for a sanitary Ware body according to
claim 1, Wherein said Water content is 15 to 25% by Weight.
5. The composition for a sanitary Ware body according to
claim 1, Wherein the 50% average particle diameter of the

15. The process according to claim 14, Wherein said

16. The process according to claim 14, Wherein said
additional raW material poWder is at least one material

selected from the group consisting of pottery stone, silica

rock, and alumina.
17. The process according to claim 14, Wherein said

agglomerates is 1 to 10 mm on a Weight basis.

additional raW material poWder is at least one material

6. Aprocess for producing a non-slurry composition for a

sanitary Ware body for use in preparing a slurry for slip
casting, said process comprising the steps of:

selected from the group consisting of china clay, ball clay,

providing a raW material for a sanitary Ware body; adding

Water to the raW material for a sanitary Ware body;

grinding the raW material for a sanitary Ware body With

Water added thereto to prepare a slurry for slip casting;

dehydrating and/or drying the slurry for slip casting to

prepare the composition for a sanitary Ware body.

7. The process according to claim 6, Wherein, in adding

said Water, a soluble salt for viscosity of the slurry is further
added to material for a sanitary Ware body.

8. The process according to claim 7, Wherein said soluble

salt is at least one salt selected from the group consisting of

sodium silicate, sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate, and a

phosphoric ester.
9. The process according to claim 6, Wherein said drying
is carried out by a spray dryer.
10. The process according to claim 6, Wherein said
dehydration is carried out by a ?lter press.
11. The process according to claim 6 any one of claims 6,

Wherein the viscosity of the slurry for slip casting is 200 to

1,000 mPa~s as measured With a Brook?eld viscometer at a

rotor rotating speed of 60 rpm.

and plastic clay.

18. The process according to claim 14, Wherein the
amount of the additional raW material poWder added is 0.01

to 10 parts by Weight based on 100 parts by Weight of the

composition for a sanitary Ware body.
19. The process according to claim 14, Wherein, in adding
said Water, a soluble salt is further added for modifying the

viscosity of the slurry.

20. The process according to claim 19, Wherein said
soluble salt is at least one salt selected from the group

consisting of sodium silicate, sodium hydroxide, sodium

carbonate, and a phosphoric ester.
21. The process according to claim 19, Wherein the
amount of the soluble salt added is 0.001 to 0.2 part by

Weight based on 100 parts by Weight of the composition for

a sanitary Ware body.

22. A sanitary Ware produced by the process according to

claim 13.
23. Use of the composition for a sanitary Ware body
according to claim 1, for the production of a sanitary Ware.

24. The composition for a sanitary Ware body according

to claim 1, Wherein said Water content is less than 20% by


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