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Pilihah satu jawaban yanq paling tepat dari pilihan yanq tersedia. Isikan
jawabanpadalembarjawaban yanq disediakan sesuai denqan petunjuk
penqisian.Jawaban benar bernilai 4 (empat), jawaban salah bernilai -1 (minus
satu), tidak menjawab bernilai 0(nol)
Berlaku ketentuan nilai mati, yaitu jawaban benar minimal sepertiqa jumlah soal
pada setiap baqian.

Nomor 1 s.d. 120

Untuk bagian ini, jawaban benar kurang dari 1/3 dari jumlah aoal (kurang dari 40)
berarti nilai mati.
1. Navigator
A. Pelaut
B. Pengelana
C. Penunjuk arah
D. Pemburu

4. Sais
A. Tali
B. Simpul
C. Gerobak
D. Pengendali

2. Enigma
A. Organ tumbuhan
B. Misteri
C. Simbol jumlah
D. Pandangan

5. Cikal
A. Mantan
B. Tangkap
C. Calon
D. Paksa

3. Proletar
A. Mendukung
B. Tempat pemujaan
C. Rakyat kecil
D. Kaki getar

6. Ruam
A. Bercak
B. Panas
C. Demam
D. Berak

7. Selampai
A. Tiba
B. Tisu
C. Pandangan
D. Tujuan
8. Stagnan
A. Berhenti
B. Jalan di tempat
C. Kenaikan harga

D. Bubar

9. Incognito
A. Legal
B. Terakreditasi
C. Jelas
D. Samaran

10. Natalitas
A. Hari besar
B. Kelahiran
C. Kematian
D. Keagamaan

B. Tidak bayar
C. Diskon
D. Kredit
12. Gumam
A. Berbisik
B. Teriak
C. Takut
D. Marah

11. Gratifikasi
A. Suap
13. Otomatis
A. Canggih
B. Praktis
C. Manual
D. Futuristik

16. Kumal
A. Rapi
B. Kotor
C. Semrawut
D. Bersih

14. Diferensiasi
A. Substitusi
B. Equivalent
C. Substraksi
D. Fiksasi

17. Kolaborasi
A. Rivalitas
B. Pertemanan
C. Kerjasama
D. Pertempuran

15. Dangkal
A. Kotoran
B. Dalam
C. Pendek
D. Jauh

18. Pandir
A. Bebal
B. Bodoh
C. Pintar
D. Jenius

19. BUSI : MOTOR =
A. Perangko : Kantor pos
B. Hitam : Putih
C. Bus : Sopir
D. Api : Kebakaran
20. MATA : WAJAH =
A. Bolpoin : Buku
B. Radio : Televisi
C. Ranjang : Kamar
D. Kayu : Hutan
A. Daun : Hijau
B. Padi : Kuning
C. Durian : Hijau
D. Apel : Hijau
A. Apoteker : Obat
B. Ilmuwan : Rumus
C. Tukang kayu : Gergaji
D. Peternak : Sapi
23. TELUR : OVOID :: DUNIA : ?
A. Spheroid
B. Android
C. Mongoloid

D. Betina
24. BUTA : WARNA :: TULI :
A. Telinga
B. Kata
C. Nada
D. Mendengar
A. Ikan : Sirip
B. Cat : Kuas
C. Pengamen : Gitar
D. Kuli tinta : Berita


26. -11-23X
A. 4
B. -3
C. -5
D. 5

31. 0,2512,2546,259X
A. 8,5
B. 12,25
C. 14,5
D. 18,25

27. 1/35/97/123/5X
A. 11/18
B. 11/17
C. 10/18
D. 10/17

A. H
B. I
C. J
D. K

28. 2714192631X
A. 32
B. 36
C. 38
D. 42

A. E
B. F
C. G
D. H

29. 1211314X
A. 5
B. 1
C. 6
D. 0

34. Akar =31 ; Bunga = 45 ; Daun = ?

A. 54
B. 31
C. 27
D. 40

30. 21161610X
A. 5 dan 22
B. 4 dan 27
C. 21 dan 14
D. 15 dan 21

35. 1 + 4 = 4 ; 5 + 14 = 18 ; 4 + 7 = XX
A. 20
B. 11
C. 10
D. 18

36. n + n2 + n3 + + n6 = 126. Maka n =
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
37. ( 4,5 : ( 7/6 x 6/14 )) : ( 1,52 ) =
A. 1/2
B. 1
C. 1,50
D. 2
38. Rata-rata sembilan bilangan bulat
adalah 8. Salah satu diantara
kesembilan bilangan itu dibuang. Dan
rata-rata delapan bilangan tinggal 7.
Jika x adalah bilangan yang dibuang
dan y = 16. Maka
A. x < y
B. x > y
C. x = y
D. Tidak ada hubungan

39. Jika a@b = a2 + b2/(a+b), maka

2,25@2,75 adalah
A. 2,125
B. 2,25
C. 2,275
D. 2,475
40. Volume tabung terbesar yang ada di
dalam kubus berukuran x satuan
adalah satuan volume.
A. 1/4
B. 1/2
C. 2
D. 4
41. Luas lingkaran dengan radius 5 cm,
dibandingkan dengan luas heksagonal
beraturan dengan sisi 5 cm adalah
A. Lebih kecil
B. Lebih besar
C. Sama
D. Tidak menentu

42. Kubus ABCD.EFGH memiliki rusuk 3

cm, panjang AC =
A. 3
B. 32
C. 33
D. 37
43. Dari soal no 42. AC x AG =
A. 92
B. 93
C. 96
D. 97
44. y + x + 2 = 0 dan xy = 15. Maka x3 +
y2 =
A. 17
B. 43
C. 52
D. 64
45. Sebuah lingkaran ditempatkan persis
pada sisi bagian dalam empat persegi
panjang. Bila luas empat persegi
panjang adalah 4, berapakah luas
lingkaran di dalamnya ?
A. 3
B. 2
C. /2
46. Seekor kanguru melompat dengan
jarak lompatan 12 meter untuk
lompatan pertama dan kemudian
bertambah sepertiga setiap lompatan
melewati jalan sepanjang 29 1/3 meter,
maka pada lompatan ketiga kanguru
tersebut hanya butuh bagian
A. 2/3
B. 3/4
C. 1/16
D. 2/7
47. 4,75 liter + 2500 cc = dm3.
A. 29,75
B. 7,25
C. 6,75
D. 6,25
48. 0,2 kg + 12 pon + 2 hg = ons
A. 14,2
B. 18,22
C. 82
D. 12,4

49. Sebuah tembok dengan lebar x meter

dan tinggi 2 meter dicat seluruhnya.
Tembok tersebut dicat seluas 30 %
dalam 1 jam. Kemudian pekerjanya
istirahat 0,5 jam. Dua jam dari awal
pengecatan luas tembok yang dicat
13,5 meter2, berapa lebar tembok
tersebut ?
A. 15
B. 17,5
C. 12,5
D. 20
50. Tiga tahun yang lalu, umur ayah 3 kali
lebih tua daripada umur Andi.
Sedangkan umur Andi saat ini lebih
muda 32 tahun dari ayah. Berapa
umur ayah sekarang ?
A. 37
B. 39
C. 41
D. 43
51. 4 ( 2 ) 5 = 22
5 ( 7 ) 6 = 37
A. 52
B. 50
C. 48
D. 46
52. 2 ( 12 ) 5
4 ( 80 ) 7
6 ( x) 4
A. 126
B. 75
C. 72
D. 117

53. 1 1/5 1/50 1/500 1/5000 =

A. 0,9999
B. 0,8889
C. 0,7778
D. 0,6667
54. Sebuah pabrik mampu memproduksi
1200 produk dalam 9 jam. Waktu
yang dibutuhkan untuk produksi 60
produk adalah
A. 3/60 = 9/x
B. 12/240 = x/3
C. 12/240 = x/9

D. 3/60 = 3/x
55. Dari 10 mahasiswa dan 5 mahasiswi
akan dipilih seorang ketua, bendahara
dan sekretaris dengan syarat 1 putra
dan 2 putri. Banyak cara menyusun
A. 20
B. 50
C. 75
D. 100
56. Bilangan pertama suatu deret adalah
6. Bilangan terakhirnya 111, jika
selisih bilangan kedelapan dan kelima
adalah 9, maka banyak bilangan
dalam deret tersebut adalah
A. 36
B. 16
C. 32
D. 12
57. Reno mampu menyelesaikan soal TO
dalam 30 menit,
jika Reno
bekerjasama dengan Ana maka
waktunya menjadi 21,42 menit. Jika
Ana mengerjakan soal TO sendirian,
waktu yang diperlukan adalah
A. 51,42 menit
B. 17,58 menit
C. 75 menit
D. 42 menit
58. Sebuah kapal mempunyai kapasitas
maksimal 500 penumpang. Jika
jumlah penumpang mencapai 1650
orang, berapa kapal yang harus
digunakan ?
A. 2
B. 3
C. 3,5
D. 4

D. 91
61. 0,4 ha = . dm2
A. 40.000
B. 400.000
C. 4.000.000
D. 40.000.000
62. 24 Pon = . Ons
A. 1,2
B. 12
C. 120
D. 1.200
63. 200 cc = . dm3
A. 0,02
B. 0,2
C. 2
D. 20
64. 4 Km + 2000 m + 40 Hm = . dam
A. 1.000
B. 10.000
C. 100.000
D. 1.000.000
65. 400 liter 10.000 cm3 = . dm3
A. 39
B. 30
C. 300
D. 390
66. Kecepatan seekor nyamuk yang
terbang adalah 2,5 km/menit. Maka
dalam waktu 120 detik nyamuk itu
dapat menempuh jarak
A. 5 hm
B. 50 dam
C. 500 m
D. 50 hm

59. Manakah diantara bilangan berikut

yang terbesar ?
A. 4/7
B. 25 %
C. 3/21
D. 8/23

67. 1 sendok makan = 1/7 cangkir. 1

cangkir = 21/6 sendok teh. 1 sendok
teh = 20 ml. Maka 1 sendok makan =
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20

60. Jumlah bilangan prima ketiga belas

dan empat belas adalah
A. 27
B. 68
C. 84

68. Sebuah kaleng bervolume 2,4 liter

diisi cat dengan kecepatan 600
cm3/menit. Maka kaleng cat terisi
bagian dalam waktu menit.
A. 0,1

B. 1
C. 10
D. 100
69. Berapa waktu yang diperlukan guna
mengisi drum minyak berkapasitas
3.750 cm3. Jika minyak tersebut
dipompakan dalam drum dengan
kecepatan 800 cm3/menit
kecepatan 300 cm3/menit ?
A. 6 menit
B. 3 menit 36 detik
C. 8 menit
D. 7 menit 30detik
70. Empat buah katup kolam renang, bila
dibuka sendiri-sendiri dan masingmasing secara berturutan dapat
menguras air dalam kolam itu dalam
2,7,5 dan 8 menit. Berapakah bagian
terbesar dari kolam tersebut yang
dapat dikuras dalam waktu 1 menit
dengan 2 katup saja?
A. 1/3
B. 15/56
C. 7/10
D. 3/8
71. Jarak desa a dan b adalah 240 km.
Sebuah motor berangkat dari desa a
ke b pada pukul 08.30 WIB dengan
kecepatan rata-rata 75 km/jam dan
beristirahat 40 menit di tengah jalan.
Maka motor tiba di kota b pada pukul
A. 11.42
B. 12.12
C. 12.22
D. 12.25
72. Ari dan Dodi berangkat dari kota a ke
kecepatan 20 km/jam dan 32 km/jam.
Dalam 30 menit jarak mereka adalah
A. 6
B. 12
C. 10
D. 16
73. Sebuah mobil diisi 12 liter bensin
dengan kecepatan rata-rata 48
km/jam. Mobil tersebut kemudian
bergerak dari kota x ke y selama 4

jam dengan sisa bensin 0,5 liter. Jika

dengan kecepatan yang sama namun
diisi 37 liter, berapa waktu yang
diperlukan untuk bergerak dari kota x
ke y ?
A. 3/2 jam
B. 2 jam
C. 9/4 jam
D. 4 jam
74. Pukul 01.15, Rendi berangkat menaiki
unta dengan kecepatan tetap 14.000
m/jam. Jarak yang ditempuh adalah
70 km dan unta itu harus makan
selama 10 menit setiap 10 km. Pukul
berapa Rendi sampai di tempat tujuan
A. 07.07
B. 07.15
C. 07.25
D. 07.30
75. Pada waktu yang bersamaan, Andi
bersepeda ke rumah Doni dengan
kecepatan 25 km/jam dan Doni
bersepeda ke rumah Andi dengan
kecepatan 35 km/jam. Bila jarak
rumah mereka 84 km, pada jarak
berapa km dari rumah Doni, mereka
bertemu ?
A. 25
B. 49
C. 70
D. 75
76. Jarak antara kota Madiun dan Malang
adalah 40 km. Sinta berangkat dari
Malang dengan kecepatan 40 km/jam
dan Dewi berangkat dari Madiun
dengan kecepatan 20 km/jam. Bila
mereka berangkat pukul 09.45, pukul
berapa mereka bertemu ?
A. 11.20
B. 11.05
C. 10.45
D. 10.25
77. 200 liter solar dibeli seharga Rp
1.820,00/liter dan dikonsumsi Rp
1.400,00/jam. Pada kecepatan ini
berapa waktu untuk mengkonsumsi
400 liter solar?
A. 520 jam
B. 620 jam
C. 540 jam

D. 640 jam
78. Kecepatan Adi, Beni, Coco dan Dono
adalah 10 km/jam, 10 m/s, 10
hm/menit dan 10 dam/s. Maka yang
paling lambat adalah
A. Dono
B. Coco
C. Beni
D. Adi
79. Sebuah mobil berjalan dengan
kecepatan 60 km/jam untuk jalan
datar, 30 km/jam untuk tanjakan dan
90 km/jam untuk turunan. Jika mobil
melewati jalan sepanjang 420 km
dimana 5/7 datar, 1/14 tanjakan dan
sisanya turunan, maka waktu yang
diperlukan adalah ... jam
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
80. Bila cuaca buruk, sebuah truk berjalan
dengan kecepatan 30 km/jam. Bila
cuaca baik, kecepatan 60 km/jam.
Berapa waktu untuk menempuh jalan
sepanjang 210 km jika 2/7nya adalah
bercuaca buruk.
A. 5,5
B. 4,5
C. 3,5
D. 2,5
81. Sendi menempuh jalan 70 km dalam
2,5 jam. Agar Sendi sampai di tempat
jam lebih cepat, Sendi harus
berjalan lebih cepat sebanyak
A. 24
B. 58
C. 12
D. 23
82. Anto meninggalkan kota a pukul 06.40
dan sampai di b pukul 08.40. Ia
kecepatan 45 km/jam dan ia sempat
berteduh 20 menit di jalan karena
hujan. Maka jarak kota a dan kota b
adalah km
A. 90
B. 75
C. 105

D. 120
83. Cepot mengendarai gajahnya sejauh
40 km ke tempat kerjanya di kebun
binatang setiap hari dalam waktu 55
menit. Suatu hari ia terlambat 7 menit,
maka berapakah kecepatannya agar
ia sampai tepat waktu ?
A. 50 km/jam
B. 40 km/jam
C. 60 km/jam
D. 70 km/jam
84. Waktu di Kota Naga adalah 3 jam
lebih cepat daripada Kota Seribu
Misteri. Sebuah pesawat terbang
berangkat dari Kota Naga ke Kota
Seribu Misteri pukul 05.00 pagi dan
tiba 4 jam kemudian. Pukul berapa
pesawat itu tiba di Kota Seribu Misteri
waktu setempat ?
A. 3 pagi
B. 4 pagi
C. 6 pagi
D. 9 pagi

85. Seekor kanguru melompat dengan

jarak lompatan 12 m setiap lompatan.
Waktu untuk melompat itu setelah
diteliti adalah 6 s. Maka kecepatan
kanguru itu adalah m/menit.
A. 12
B. 120
C. 24
D. 240
86. 216439116X
A. 214
B. 325
C. 176
D. 148


88. 4/78/2116/63X
A. 26/87
B. 17/64

C. 41/91
D. 32/189
89. -1-2-3-5-8X
A. -10
B. -9
C. -13
D. -17
90. 1+2
A. 17
B. 19
C. 21
D. 23


91. 2x=6;
A. 25
B. 27
C. 29
D. 31
A. H
B. I
C. J
D. K
94. A+I = O+A-F=L+C+XX
A. E
B. -E
C. F
D. -F
95. F-A = E;
C+D = G;
O-E = X
A. J
B. -J
C. H
D. -H
96. Ratna tahun depan memiliki umur
yang 3 tahun lebih tua dari Reni.
Umur Reni 5 tahun lalu adalah 15.

Maka umur Ratna 9 tahun kedepan

adalah umur Reni.
A. 31/36
B. 1 3/29
C. 1 2/29
D. 1 4/27
97. ( 14,67 + 25 + 18,33 ) ( 18,33 + 14,67
25) ( 1/29 1/58 ) =
A. 2
B. 4
C. 8
D. 16
98. Ferdi berdiri 180 m dari P dan Anto
240 m dari P. Maka jarak terdekat
antara mereka adalah
A. 420
B. 900
C. 60
D. 300
99. Tiga katup, jika dibuka sendiri-sendiri,
masing-masing secara berturut-turut
dapat menguras air dari sebuah tanki
dalam 6,7 dan 8 menit. Berapakah
bagian terbesar dari tanki tersebut
yang dapat dikuras dalam satu menit
dengan membuka hanya dua katup ?
A. 13/42
B. 14/48
C. 15/56
D. 17/72
100. Sebuah silinder memiliki radius 2 m
dan tinggi 5 m. Jika silinder tersebut
telah terisi 30%nya maka, berapa
meter kubik air di dalam silinder
tersebut ?
A. 22
B. 66/7
C. 48/51
D. 3/10
101. Jika harga x meter dari sebuah kain
adalah Rp f, maka harga y meter dari
kain yang sama adalah Rp
A. yf/x
B. xf/y
C. xy/f
D. yf
102. Jika ( x y ) = 14,5 dan xy = 4,
maka x + y =
A. 10,5
B. 6,5

C. 18,5
D. 22,5
103. Sebuah balok kayu berukuran 90 x
30 x 11 cm. Dipotong menjadi kubus
dengan ukuran terbesar yang dapat
dibuat. Berapa banyak kubus yang
dapat dibuat
A. 10
B. 12
C. 14
D. 16
104. Nilai terdekat dari 0,250/0,333
dibagi 0,125/0,167 adalah
A. 10
B. 5
C. 1
D. 0,667
105. Tika memiliki tinggi 200 cm, difoto
dalam ukuran kecil dengan skala 1:
40. Kemudian foto itu diperbesar
dengan skala 3: 1, maka tinggi Tika
dalam foto terakhir adalah cm
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
106. Tiga botol minuman masing-masing
berisi 1500 ml, 1000 ml dan 1900 ml.
Masing-masing minuman menyusut
isinya sebesar 10 %, 11,5 % dan 15
%. Jika isi ketiga minuman itu
digabung setelah penyusutan maka
presentase penyusutan total adalah

A. 13,5 %
B. 14,1 %
C. 12,2 %
D. 12,5 %
107. Di sebuah desa terpencil, A dari B
merupakan seorang petani. Jika 150
orang di desa tersebut merupakan
petani, maka jumlah penduduk di
desa tersebut adalah
A. 150A
B. 150AB
C. 100A/B
D. 150B/A
108. ( 1 + 1 3/4 ) 7/12 = 1 + (1 3/4 x ). Maka nilai x adalah



109. Suatu vendor game online Perfect


programmer, dapat menyelesaikan 75
patch game dalam waktu 12 hari.
Berapa banyak programmer yang
harus ditambahkan agar pekerjaan
tersebut selesai dalam waktu 8 hari ?
A. 5
B. 10
C. 15
D. 20
110. Nilai -112x + 17y = 136, maka nilai
66x 11y =
A. 48
B. 88
C. -48
D. -88
111. Didalam kantor kelurahan terdapat
47 orang pegawai, jika setiap pegawai
bersalaman satu sama lainnya, maka
berapa banyak salaman yang terjadi

A. 728 kali
B. 981 kali
C. 1081 kali
D. 1128 kali
112. 45 % dari x adalah 20, dan 4/5 dari
y adalah 8. Nilai x y adalah
A. 44,44
B. 34,44
C. 54,44
D. 64,44
113. 2 + 2 + 2 + + 2n = 126, maka n
A. 5
B. 6
C. 7
D. 8
114. 1 2 + 3 4 + 5 6 + 7 8 + +
99 100 = ?
A. - 52
B. - 51
C. - 50
D. 51

115. Bilangan 2726 kalau ditulis bilangan

Romawi menjadi

116. Jika x + y = 0 dan x > y, maka

A. y > 2
B. y = 2
C. y < -2
D. y > -2
117. Warga sebuah kawasan elite akan
selanjutnya ditambah 20 orang warga
kawasan kumuh. Dengan demikian
ongkos pembayaran patungan tenda
per orang berkurang Rp 10.000,00.
Berapa jumlah warga pada kawasan
elite terserbut
A. 60
B. 70
C. 80

D. 90
118. Tahun depan pak Bandi akan
perkawinannya. Bila pak Bandi
menikah pada umur 23, berapa umur
pak Bandi
A. 73 tahun
B. 9 windu
C. 7,1 dasawarsa
D. 8,6 windu
119. Jumlah warrior dan archer dalam
sebuah pasokan 600 orang. Jumlah
perbandingan warrior dan archer yang
tersebut adalah
A. 18 : 27
B. 4 : 5
C. 6 : 7
D. 13 : 26
120. Sudut terkecil yang dibentuk oleh
dua jarum jam pada pukul 15.40
adalah derajat
A. 120
B. 130
C. 140
D. 150

(Nomor 121 s.d. 160)
Untuk bagian ini, jawaban benar kurang dari 1/3 dari jumlah aoal (kurang dari 20)
berarti nilai mati.
121. The North Pole a latitude of 90
degrees north
A. It has
B. Is having
C. Which is having
D. Has
122. .., Sarah rarely misses her
Basketball shots.
A. An excellent basketball player
B. An excellent basketball player is

C. Sarah is an excellent basketball

D. Her excellent basketball play
123. A computerized map of the freeways
using information gathered by
sensors embedded in the pavement
on a local cable channel during
rush hours.
A. Airs
B. Airing
C. Air

D. To air
124. You will get a good grade on the final
exam provided
A. Studying
B. Study
C. To study
D. You study
125. Like Thomas Bergers fictional
character Little Big Man, Laudardale
managed to find himself where of
important events took place.
A. It was an extraordinary number
B. There was an extraordinary
C. An extraordinary number
D. An extraordinary number existed
126. ... or refinanced, the lender will
generally require setting up an
escrow account to ensure the
payment of property taxes and
homeowners insurance.
A. A home is
B. A home is bought
C. When a home
D. When a home is bought
127. have at least four hours of
training is mandated by federal law.
A. All police officers must
B. For all police officers
C. All police officers
D. That all police officers
128. When nests during spring nesting
season, Canadian geese are fiercely
A. Building
B. Are building
C. Built
D. Are built
129. twelve million immigrants entered
the United States via Ellis Island.
A. More than
B. There were more than
C. Of more than
D. The report of
130. Were millions of dollars each year
replenishing eroding beaches, the

coastline would be changing even

more rapidly.
A. The U.S Army Corps of
Engineers not spending
B. The U.S Army Corps of
Engineers not spend
C. The U.S Army Corps of
Engineers does not spend
D. Not spending the U.S Army
Corps of Engineers

131. The results of the current experiment

appear to be more consistent than
the results of any previous tests.
A. Them
B. Were
C. They were
D. Were they
132. Individual differences in brain-wave
activity may shed light on why some
people are more prone to emotional
stress disorders .
A. That others are
B. And others are
C. Others are
D. Than are others
133. of economic cycles been helpful in
predicting turning points in cycles,
they would have been used more
A. Psychological theories
B. Psychological theories have
C. Had psychological theories
D. Psychologist have theories
134. Vitamin C is necessary for the
prevention and of scurvy.
A. It cures
B. Cures
C. Cure
D. For curing
135. in Stevensons landscapes, the
more vitality and character the
paintings seem to possess.
A. The brushwork is loose
B. The looser brushwork
C. The loose brushwork is
D. The looser the brushwork is

136. The committee has met and

A. They have reached a decision
B. It has formulated themselves
some opinions
C. Its decision was reached at
D. It has reached a decision

137. There has not been a great response

to the sale, ?
A. Does there
B. Does it
C. Has it
D. Has there
138. Johns score on the test is the
highest in the class.
A. He should study last night
B. He should have studied last night
C. He must have studied last night
D. He must had to study last night
139. The professor said that .
A. The students can turnover their
reports on the Monday
B. The reports on Monday could be
received from the students by him
C. The students could hand in their
reports on Monday
D. The students will on Monday the
reports turn in
140. She wanted to serve some coffee to
her guests. However,
A. She hadnt many sugar
B. There was not a great amount of
the sugar
C. She did not have much sugar
D. She was lacking in amount of the
141. Could you tell me ?
A. When will he go to home
B. When he will go to home
C. When did he go to home
D. When he gone to home
142. The director of this organization must
A. Money management, selling, and
able to satisfy the stockholders
B. How to manage money, selling
his product, and be able to satisfy

C. How to manage money, sell his

D. Money management, selling, the
idea of being able to satisfy the
143. The fact that space exploration has
increased dramatically in the past
thirty years
A. Is an evidence of us wanting to
know more of our solar system
B. Indicates that we are very eager
to learn all we can about our solar
C. How we want to learn more about
the solar system
D. Is pointing to evidence of our
intention to know a lot more about
what is called our solar system
144. Parto said that no other car could go

A. So fast like his car

B. As fast like his car
C. As fast like the car of him
D. As fast as his car
145. Automobile production in the Condet

A. Have taken slumps and rises in

recent years
B. Has been rather erratic recently
C. Has been erratically lately
D. Are going up and down all the
146. the maple trees were damaged in
the storm, they will be cut down.
A. After
B. Since
C. Although
D. Besides
147. Some couples are forbidden to
divorce by religion,
A. Others are forbidden by social
B. Other couples are forbidden by
social custom
C. Others by social custom
D. Social custom forbids other
148. Why are you taking the car to the


I will check the brakes myself

The brakes will be checked
I will have checked the brakes
I will have the brakes checked

149. The hotel provides good facilities. Yet

A. The occupancy rates is very low

B. Foreign tourist like to stay here
C. It is located on a beautiful beach

D. It is advertised in the yellow

150. Do you often go to restaurants?
No, it quite a long time since I
went to a restaurant with my friends.
A. Has been
B. Had been
C. Was
D. Is being

Reading 1
In 776 B.C., the first Olympic Games were held at the foot of Mount Olympus to honor
the Greeks chief god, Zeus. The warm climate for outdoor activities, the need for
preparedness in war, and their lifestyle caused the Greeks to create competitive sports.
Only the elite and the military could participate at the first, but later the games were open to
all free Greek males who had no criminal record. The Greeks emphasized physical fitness
and strength in their education of youth. Therefore, contest in running, jumping, discus and
javelin throwing, and horse and chariot racing were held in individual cities, and the winners
competed every four years at Mount Olympus. Winners were greatly honored by having
olive wreaths placed on their heads and having poems sung about their deeds. Originally
these contest were held as games of friendship, and any wars in progress were halted to
allow the games to take place. They also helped to strengthen bonds among competitors
and the different cities represented.
The Greeks attached so much importance to the games that they calculated time in
four-year cycles called Olympiads, dating from 776 B.C. the contest coincided with
religious festivities and constituted an all-out effort on the part of the participants to please
the gods. Any who disobeyed the rules were dismissed and seriously punished. These
athletes brought shame not only to themselves, but also to the cities they represented.
151. Which of the following is not true?
A. Winners placed olive wreaths on
their own heads
B. The games were held in Greece
every four years
C. Battles were interrupted to
participate in the games
D. Poems glorified the winners in
152. The word elite is closest in meaning
A. Aristocracy
B. Brave
C. Intellectuals
D. Muscular

154. What is the main idea

of this
A. Physical fitness was an integral
part of the lives of the ancient
B. The Greeks severely punished
those who did not participate in
physical fitness programs
C. The
participate in the games
D. The Greeks had the games
coincide with religious festivities
so that they could go back to war
when the games were over

153. Why were the Olympic Games held?

A. To stop wars
B. To honor Zeus
C. To crown the best athletes
D. To sing songs about the athletes

155. What is an Olympiads?

A. The time it took to finish the
B. The time between games
C. The time it took to finish a war

D. The time it took the athletes to


Reading 2
Sequoyah was a young Cherokee Indian, son of a white trader and Indian squaw. At an
early age, he became fascinated by the talking leaf, an expression that he used to
describe the white mans written records. Although many believed this talking leaf to be a
gift from the Great Spirit, Sequoyah refused to accept that theory. Like other Indians of the
period, he was illiterate, but his determination to remedy the situation led to the invention of
a unique eighty-six-character alphabet based on the sound patterns that he heard.
His family and friends thought him mad, but while recuperating from a hunting accident,
he diligently and independently set out to create a form of communication for his own
people as well as for other Indians. In 1821, after twelve years of work, he had successfully
developed a written language that would enable thousands of Indians to read and write.
Sequoyahs desire to preserve words and events for later generations has caused him
to be remembered among the important inventors. The giant redwood trees of California,
called sequoias in his honor, will further imprint his name in history.
156. What is the most important reason
that Sequoyah will be remembered?
A. California redwoods were named
in his honor
B. He was illiterate
C. He created a unique alphabet
D. He recovered from his madness
and helped humankind
157. How did Sequoyahs family react to
his idea of developing his own
talking leaf?
A. They arranged for his hunting
B. They thought he was crazy
C. They decided to help him
D. They asked him to teach them to
read and write
158. The bold word illiterate means most
nearly the same as
A. Fierce
B. Poor
C. Abandoned
D. Unable to read or write

159. What is the best title for the

A. Sequoyahs Determination to
Preserve the Cherokee Language
B. The Origin of the Cherokee
C. Sequoyahs Madness Leads to a
New Language
D. The Origin of The Sequoia
Trees in California
160. All of the following are true, Except

A. Sequoyah developed a form

writing with the help of the
Cherokee tribe
B. Sequoyah was a very observant
young man
C. Sequoyah spent twelve years
developing his alphabet
D. Sequoyah was honored by
having some trees named after

Reading 3
Glands manufacture and secrete necessary substances. Exocrine glands secrete their
product through ducts, but endocrine glands, or ductless glands, release their product
directly into the bloodstream.
One important endocrine gland is the thyroid gland. It is in the neck and has two lobes,
one on each side of the windpipe. The thyroid gland collects iodine from the blood and
produces thyroxine, and important hormone, which it stores in an inactive form. When
thyroxine is needed by the body, the thyroid gland secretes it directly into the blood stream.

Thyroxine is combined in the body cells with other chemicals and effects many functions of
the body.
The thyroid gland may be underactive or overactive, resulting in problems. An
underactive thyroid causes hypothyroidism, while an overactive one causes
hyperthyroidism. The former problem, called myxedema in adults and cretinisme in children,
causes the growth process to slow down. A cretins body and mind do not grow to their full
potential. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, results in extreme nervousness, an increase
in heart action, and other problems.
Either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism may results in goiter, or an enlarged thyroid
gland. A goiter will appear when the body is not getting enough iodine. Goiter is less
common today, since most people use iodized salt.
161. A cretin is
A. A child with hyperthyroidism
B. An adult with an underperforming
thyroid gland
C. A
D. An extremely irritable child
162. The bold word secrete is closest
meaning to
A. Indiscernible
B. Emit
C. Display
D. Absorb
163. Exocrine and endocrine glands are
distinguished from each other by
whether they
A. Secrete through ducts or without
B. Cause

C. Cause myxedema or cretinism

D. Result in an enlarged or shrunken

164. If a thyroid is not working enough, the

illness is known as
A. Hyperthyroidism
B. Hyperactivity
C. Excretion
D. Hypothyroidism
165. The main idea of this passage is
A. How glands work
B. The function and illnesses of the
thyroid gland
C. Secretion with and without glands
D. The illnesses of an overactive
thyroid gland

Reading 1
In the 1930s Hollywood moguls turned Brazilian singer Carmen Miranda into an
American movie star. They were trying to aid President Franklin Roosevelts efforts to
promote friendlier relations between the United States and Latin America. When the fruit
executives then drew on Carmen Mirandas popular Latinized female image, Chiquita
Banana, to create a logo for their imported bananas, they were trying to construct a new,
intimate relationship between American housewives and a multinational plantation
company. With her famous fruited hats and vivacious screen presence, Carmen Miranda
was used by American men to reshape international relations. Carmen Miranda alerts us to
the fact that it would be a mistake to confine an investigation of regional politics or
international agribusiness to male foreign-policy officials, male company executives and
male plantation owners. Omitting sexualized images, women as consumers, and women as
agribusiness workers leaves us with a political analysis that is incomplete, even naive.
166. According to the passage, Carmen
Miranda began her career as a
A. Movie star
B. Brazilian singer

C. Sexualized image
D. Ambassador from Latin America

167. According to the author, Carmen

Miranda was introduced to American
movies in order to
A. Promote sexuality
B. Sell bananas
C. Help improve relations between
the American government and
the movie tycoons
D. Help improve relations between
the United States and Latin
168. The bold words moguls most nearly
A. Movie star
B. Executives

C. Politicians
D. Immigrant
169. The bold word Latinized means
A. Ancient
B. South American
C. Sexy
D. Exploited
170. In the passage, the story of Carmen
Miranda contributes to the overall
meaning as
A. A comparison
B. A contrast
C. An example
D. An analogy


171. Kettledrums, what were first played on horseback, were incorporated into the orchestra
in the
eighteenth century.
172. The grizzly bear, which can grow up to eight feet tall, has been calleda more
dangerous animal
of North America
173. An understanding of engineering theories and problems are impossible until basic
arithmetic is fully mastered.
174. Because there are less members presents tonight than there were last night, we must
until the next meeting to vote.
175. Having been beaten by the police for striking an officer, the man will cry out in pain.
176. Nunung stopped to write her letter because she had to leave for the hospital
177. Dresses, skirts, shoes, and childrens clothingare advertised at great reduced prices
178. Today was such beautiful day that I couldnt bring myself to complete all my chores.
179. Professor Tarno teaches both anthropology as well as sociology each fall.
180. Several people have apparent tried to change the mans mind, but he refuses
to listen.


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