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A Message to all Jews: The Freemason-Zionists betrayed us in WW2

--- Exposing The REAL Synagogue of Satan --Its not very surprising if you connect the 9 dots
Youtube Video: The GOOD NEWS is THEYVE LOST Published on 3 Mar 2016
This document has blue hyperlinks for the Sources and Links
1. Freemason: Henry Ford

2. Henry Ford collaborated with the Nazis

3. Ford. Financed the printing of 500,000 copies of the anti-sematic

book. The Elders of Zion. Throughout the US in the 1920s. It was
studied, as if factual, in German classrooms after the Nazis came to
power in 1933. *Take note of the Baphomet on the front cover*

4. Having collaborated with the Nazis he was awarded the Grand Cross
of the German Eagle from Nazi officials in 1938.

5. Two years later he was honored the 33rd Degree in Freemasonry in


As you can see the Freemasons are happy with Ford.

6. Israel was acquired by the Rothschild Family as per the 1917 Balfour

7. Rothschild also financed The Israel Supreme Court. Essentially

they own Israel.

The Rothschilds were to choose the plot of land, they would use their own
architect and no one would ever know the price of its construction.
8. Post-development it is obvious. The Freemasons had major input re the
architecture of the Israeli Supreme Court and Israel. It includes the
Freemason Great Seal. Which is also featured on the USA one-dollar bill.

9. The Rothschilds make themselves out to be Jewish. To hide their

connection with the Freemason Occult. They are Jews by definition.
However in actuality they are Freemason / Illuminati Satanists.

Here we see Baroness Philippine de Rothschild wearing The Satanic Baphomet.

Nathan Mayer Rothschild was initiated in Emulation Lodge, No. 12, October 24, 1802

Ferdinand de Rothschild Lodge (2420) was created in 1892.

The Hard Truth

The Rothschilds are not REALLY Jewish. They are in actual fact Satanic.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild was initiated in Emulation Lodge, No. 12, October 24, 1802

This is why they let Henry Ford: A Freemason - Just like them.
Collaborate with the Nazis and finance the printing of
500,000 copies of the anti-Semitic propaganda Elders of Zion.
They do not care about The Jews. They only care about their Zionist/Freemason
movement and Rothschild owned state: Israel.

They use anti-Semitism as a ploy to play the racist card and use The Jews as
scapegoats for their evil deeds!

Being perfectly honest. The Freemasons are the main cause of anti-Semitism. They
promote it by pushing their *Satanic-Zionist agenda.
(But Im Jewish?)

Satanic-Rothschild-Zionist Cronies

Signs and symbols rule the world, not words nor laws. Confucius

Prescott Bush Was a Skull and Bones member who financed the Nazis

Jacob Rothschild (Illuminati) and Henry Kissinger (Satanist/Fake Jew) are friends.

Here we see Henry Kissinger hanging out with George Bush (Skull and Bones). Whos
Grandfather Prescott Bush financed the Nazis.

There he is again! This time hanging out with George Bush Sr (Skull and Bones).
Whose father Prescott Bush financed the Nazis.

Id like to introduce you to a friend of Henrys

Paul Wolfowitz (Fake Jew) a Quill and Dagger secret society member.
Thinks the 9/11 Commission Report is funny ?

There he is! Hanging out with Henry. Theyre having a right old laugh.

Paul is also a friend of George Bush (Grandfather financed Nazis). Funny hey.

Welcome to the BIG club.

The BIG club is a BIG club exclusive to satanic worshippers only! These consist of
satanic nutters. Members consist of the Freemasons, Skull and Bones, Quill and
Dagger, Illuminati and The Knights Templar PLUS MORE

I love this club Bill

Hillary When will they learn?

Yeah me too!

I know!!! Its so obvious

We LOVE the BIG club!!

BIG club members having a jolly good time.

Hillary Clinton

Evelyn de Rothschild

Bill Clinton Lynn Forester de Rothschild

Lynn Rothschild, Princes Charles and Christine Lagarde Meanwhile in Africa!!!

Christine, Youre supposed to be the CEO of the International Monetary Fund

Please Leave your Baphomet at home next time! Or save it for the BIG club!

Oh look Its Baroness Philippine `de Rothschild wearing The Satanic Baphomet.

The Satanic Baphomet It turns out The Kabbalah are also part of the BIG club

Here we see Madonna doing the pose of the Baphomet

Madonna promoting the Kabbalah

Nice Jacket Madonna! The Freemason Great Seal As found within the Israeli
Supreme Court. Which is also featured on the USA one-dollar bill.
Nice to know the Freemasons and Kabbalah are in bed together.


I love Lucifer!!!

So does my wife Beyonce.

Beyonce loves the Baphomet!

Didnt you know? Im also a Freemason What a surprise right?!

The True Torah Jews vs. The BIG Club

Believe it or not: True Torah Jews are actually against The BIG Club

This sign actually reads JEWS against *SATANISM Sorry, I mean *The BIG club.

This is what happens when The BIG club abuses a True Torah Jew


Again, Zionists Set Up Jews for Holocaust

May 31, 2010
by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
Israel is the primary source of anti-Semitism in the world today, and jeopardizes the
security of all Jews. Proclaiming itself the "Jewish State" but acting as a rogue state,
Israel exposes all Jews to revulsion and retribution.
The murder of Gaza peace activists provides more evidence that the actual goal of
Zionism is not to protect Jews from anti-Semitism but in fact, is to create antiSemitism.
The purpose is to make Jews a pariah unto the nations with no choice but to follow
Zionist dictates.
Eventually, they will be sacrificed for Zionist goals, as they were in the holocaust.
This is because Zionism is a Masonic (Illuminati, cabalist, satanic) secret society
intent on building a totalitarian New World Order. The majority of Jews have no part
in this, except to be sacrificed again for a cause of which they have no inkling.
Zionists are stripping Israelis and Jews of moral legitimacy so they can be liquidated
again without any compunction. And most Israelis and Jews cooperate by supporting
Israeli outrages with feeble excuses, blithely indifferent to the possible
Do the moral arithmetic: In 2006, Israel kills 1400 Lebanese and inflicts $10 billion in
damage because 2 soldiers are captured. In 2009-10, Israel kills 1300 Gaza civilians
and levels countless buildings because of a few popgun rockets. Now this- killing
unarmed international peace activists bringing aid to the beleaguered Gazans.
Israel jeopardizes the security of Jews everywhere by its actions. Similarly, in 1933,
Samuel Untermeyer, representing organized Jewry, "declared war" on Nazi
Germany. This while a half a million Jews still lived in Germany and were subject to
Nazi reprisal and persecution! Jews today are hostages to Israel's shameless
Israel would never have been created if it were only "a Jewish Homeland." Israel is
intended to be the capital of the Rothschild Cabalist World Empire. Ordinary Jews
have no role in this except as cannon fodder.
My grandparents died in the holocaust. I blame the Illuminati bankers who brought
the Nazis to power. I blame the Zionists for collaborating with the Nazis. I blame the
Zionists for preventing European Jews from being rescued. I blame Zionists for
stopping aid from reaching ghettos. I blame Zionists for rounding up Jews and

sending them to concentration camps. I blame Zionists for sabotaging Jewish

Israel was not created as result of the holocaust. It was the other way round. The
Nazis were brought to power partly to force Jews to set up Israel for the Rothschilds
and the Illuminati.
History is full of ironies! The "freedom flotilla" reminds me of the ragtag Haganah
ships who ran the British blockade to bring Jewish refugees to Palestine. Now it is
deluded young Israelis playing the role of the British.
Before it was Jews who were starving in a ghetto surrounded by Nazis. Now it is
Palestinians in a Gaza ghetto surrounded by Jews!
As usual, the Israelis are trying to portray the murder of 20 unarmed peace activists
as an act of self defense. Machine gun toting commandos were attacked with
sticks!!! One commando got skim milk powder thrown on his clean, freshly pressed
This is the classic Zionist tactic: despoil and kill and take everything. Then blame the
victim for raising a hand in protest. Anti-Semites!!
Of course, the pathetic Zionist-controlled western media takes the Zionist line.
Most Jews are decent, good people. They believe in the Moral Order not the new
world order.

Zionists aren't
Jews. It's about
time more Jews
realized it.

More on the subject

Youtube Films:

THE LIGHTBRINGERS The Emissaries of Jahbulon History of Freemasonry.

- An Excellent expos of Freemasonry.

Judea Declares War on Germany - Dr Fredrick Toben

- Factual proof the Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis PLUS MORE!!!

Youtube Clips:

JEWS AGAINST ZIONISM/STATE OF ISRAEL!!! Exposing Rothschild Zionism!


Orthodox Jews protest against Zionism

A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism

Illuminati and Zionism busted

How Israel Treats Anti-Zionist Jews

Jewish Professor Dommergue says holocaust complete fake

What is Israel? If it belongs to The BIG Club?

Madonna: I'm not Jewish, I'm an Israelite

So youre basically a fake-Jew-Kabbalist?
With the Prime Minister of Israel, The Jewish Homeland
Supporting a satanic-baphomet-worshipping-Kabbalist-whore
However if a *Real-Jew speaks up they get beaten?
(But Im Jewish?)

The BIG Club owns Israel The Satanic Rothschild family financed it. WHY?
Answer: So the Freemasons could re-build their satanic and pagan temple of

THE SAD TRUTH: The truth behind The Holocaust & World War 1 and 2
The Rothschild-Freemason-Zionist-Satanists manipulated us in WW1 and WW2.
They betrayed non-Zionist Jews Making out non-Zionist-Jews were also involved
with the following disgusting acts:

In WW1 Rothschild-Zionist-Freemasons NOT THE JEWS. Sold out Germany.

In exchange of the 1917 Balfour Declaration. This was to bring USA into the
war to defeat the Germans against the British. Circa 1917

In WW2 Freemason Henry Ford. Sold out the non-Zionist Jews by inventing a
Jewish Conspiracy having published The International Jew and financing The
Elders of Zion. All Ford did was enable the Zionists to play the anti-Semetic
card! He should have invented a Satanic-Zionist Conspiracy! Circa 1920

Inevitably Germany caught wind of the betrayal of the Zionists in WW1. Of

course due to the anti-Semetic propaganda Ford was behind. The Jews
became unpopular in Germany. Including those who knew nothing about

What the Zionists did next is disgusting Please review the following:
Zionists Betrayed Non-Z Jews to Holocaust Rabbi Shonfeld calls the Zionists
"war criminals" that usurped the leadership of the Jewish people, betrayed
their trust, and after their annihilation, reaped the moral capital.
As mentioned earlier:
Judea Declares War on Germany - Dr Fredrick Toben
- Factual proof the Zionists Collaborated with the Nazis PLUS MORE!!!
A Jewish Defector Warns America: Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism

Zionists aren't Jews. It's

about time more Jews
realized it.

True Torah Jew

BIG Club Member

NOT for the immature! Zionist Antichrist will rule the NWO


How to avoid The BIG Club?

The truth is. The BIG Club They have a secret
The International Standard Pitch is 440 Hz
AUTOTUNE = 440 Hz All of their disgusting and money-driven music is
recorded in 440 Hz This is the same wavelength Joseph Goebbles (Nazi
Propaganda Minister used in WW2) It all revolves around Mass Mind Control

Operation Paperclip = MK-ULTRA = 440 Hz

Project MKUltra
They rely on 440 Hz for it to work!
Video: Mass Mind Control

The Golden Spiral

440Hz is TOTALLY FLAT. It has no cosmic movement.
This makes you a prisoner of a certain consciousness.
432Hz has cosmic movement.
According to Ananda Bosman, international researcher and musician, archaic
Egyptian instruments that have recently been unearthed are largely tuned to
A=432 Hz. Ancient Greeks tuned their instruments predominantly to 432 Hz.
Within the archaic Greek Eleusenian Mysteries Orpheus was the god of music,
death & rebirth he was also the keeper of the Ambrosia and the music of
transformation. His instruments were reputed to also be tuned to A=432 Hz.

Healing Benefits of 432 Hz

Music based on the natural fundamental tone of A=432 Hz is held to be more
transparent more marked giving an obvious musical picture where the
overtones & undertones move about more freely. According to Richard Huisken,
music tuned to 432 Hz is softer and brighter, giving greater clarity and is said to
be discernibly easier on the ears. Many people experience a more meditative &
relaxed state of mind & body when listening to such music. The more naturally
derived musical pitch of this universal tone center gives a more overall
harmonic and pleasant sound than 440 Hz.

432 Hz seems to work at the Heart Chakra (Anahata) vibratory frequency the
feeling tone and therefore is believed to have a positive metaphysical influence
on the development of the listener. Some people who are not able to distinguish
the 8 Hz difference claim they can feel the music as a bit warmer due to the
slightly longer wavelengths.
Based upon the belief that 432 Hz gives greater clarity than 440 Hz theres a
distinct need for less amplitude to obtain similar sonic penetration, as there is
less noise pressure than with 440 Hz. Researchers and musicians such as
Coreen Morsink (pianist & music teacher) report that they feel calmer,
happier and more relaxed when playing music in 432 Hz.
YouTube Videos
Sonic Geometry : The Language of Frequency and Form
Outstanding Short film. Discussing 432 Hz
Earth Song (Michael Jackson) 432 Hz Please use good speakers or headphones
What Michael Jackson wanted? However it was taken from him via 440 Hz

Auto-Tune 440Hz Artists (sell-outs)

Auto-tune puppets

Illuminati puppets holding Illuminati Monopoly Money (Federal Reserve)

Youtube Video: When Britney Spears MK-ULTRA programming kicked out

Youtube Video: Disgusting REAL voice without 440Hz Autotune
Youtube Video: Britney Spears Illuminati MK-Ultra Mind Control Victim

Illuminati BIG Club puppets Artwork: The Art of David Dees

Fake-Jew-Satanic-Zionists At the Illuminati-ran Oscars festival

Rabbi Shonfeld calls the Zionists "war criminals" that usurped the leadership
of the Jewish people, betrayed their trust, and after their annihilation, reaped
the moral capital.

AVOID THE FOLLOWING: Zionists want to destroy your pineal gland

YouTube Videos
Aspartame: The Bitter Truth Behind This Toxic Sweetener
Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) - Myths and Truths
Fluoride Is Poison: A Quick Demo


Published on 3 Mar 2016
By The Vigilant Christian
Video: TV = Mind Control
Published on 9 Nov 2008
By Wake Up People
Video: The TV Mind Control Movie | 2015
Published on 9 Apr 2015

Print and wear them for example or put them in your wallet or pocket.

The Truth

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and
are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet,
and to know that I have loved thee. King James Bible THE WORD OF GOD


*This is what they have been hiding from you
by destroying your Pineal Gland AKA THIRD EYE with neurotoxins

The Vatican are Satanic

Turns out these guys are also in on it

The Pine Cone is a representation of your pineal gland

They dont want you using your THIRD EYE and have known all along

The Satanic-Zionists run Hollywood

(Not the Jews how theyd like you to believe In order to make us look bad)

Freemason Lodge at 24 Rue Thiers, 35000 Rennes, France


Satanic-Zionist-Propaganda PT.1
Zionist-satanic BIG Club nutters produced some movies. In order to scare the
living shit out of Jews for the rest of their lives. Essentially fairy-tales

Fails to mention the Illuminati-Bankers who financed WW2 etc What a JOKE!
However I dont think JEWISH?! Director: Steven ZIONIST Spielberg cares

Always good to see a: JEWISH?! - Nazi-ZIONIST-Collaborator <(Ridiculous!!!)

Holocaust: A Letter To Spielberg From A French Jew

Letter Opens: Dear M. Spielberg, I wish your
honesty to be equal to your very great talent

Satanic-Zionist-Propaganda PT.2
Movie: The House of Rothschild The biggest pile of shit lie EVER!

We the audience are made to believe the Rothschild Family are just a decent hardworking and repressed Jewish family.

However this film fails to mention anything about their Satanic practices!!

Youtube Video: Rothschild

Illuminati Pyramid - Surrender
Of The Sheeple To Lucifer Anthony J Hilder

Satanic-Zionist-Propaganda PT.3
Ladies and Gentlemen Abe Foxman: Director of the Anti-Defamation League

Here we see two Zionist-Satanic-nutters. Hyping up their disgusting propaganda

Abe Foxman Do you think we are fucking stupid?

2. Why is the Director of the ADL insinuating that JEWS & MONEY are even
related? How EXACTLY does this HELP JEWS?!
3. ABE are you purposely trying to make Jews look bad? FORD would be proud
4. Zionism = Anti-Semitism: In order to force the Jews to build Rothschild state

David Icke: How to exit the Matrix

David Icke: Rothschild Zionism
Satanic Fake-Jew ZIONIST
VIDEO: Abe Foxman! Take it from a Jewish man; you give us all a bad name!
VIDEO: Zionist Internet Cop Loves to play up the Jewish scaring tactics all day!



The Rothschilds arent even

Jewish anymore - some married
outside of the religion


Retired HEAD OF FBI Tells ALL "Illuminati, Satanism, Pedophile Rings"

Video: John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech & Bush Laughs at JFK Shooting


Rothschild Ball Exposes Elites

Fascination with Occult
--- Wake up!!! This has NOTHING TO DO with Judaism!!! ---

Held at Rothschild Estate: Chteau de Ferrires, located just east of Paris.

Guy de Rothschild, Marie-Hlne de Rothschild and Baron Alexis de Red

Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews,
and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before
thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. King James Bible
The Freemason-Zionists and their secret society cronies
The REAL Synagogue of Satan who say they are Jews but do LIE

The Zionist Elephant In The Room


Essentially Rothschild stole the Jewish
name of Israel and enslaved them within
their State of Rothschild: ISRAEL

Open letter to Pharaoh Jacob Rothschild

Dear Mr. Rothschild,
Sorry I mean Pharaoh your royal highness



I dedicate this Expos to the following Jews:


Aaron Swartz Computer programmer Trailer: The Internet's Own Boy

Jacque Fresco Futurist The Venus Project Movie: The Choice is ours

Albert Einstein Theoretical Physicist Movie: Einstein - How I See the World

Noam Chomsky Linguist Israel Is A Fascist State On The Road To Self Implosion


Stanley Meyer Inventor Killed by NATO (conspiracy) for exposing the NWO

David Icke Writer Video: 2016 - The Year Of Change - David Icke in 2010

Alex Jones Conspiracy exposer Video: Exposing the Bohemian Grove 1 & Part 2

Aaron Russo Filmmaker Interview: Reflections And Warnings

Jordan Maxwell Exposing Hollywood etc Hes a genius

Ron Paul American politician How Ron Paul Was Cheated Out Of Presidency


Louis Farrakhan Nation of Islam Video: The Origins of the Illuminati Rothschild

Imran N. Hosein Author Video: The Birth of Israel - Balfour Declaration


Tupac Shakur Rapper

2Pac Makaveli - The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory (Full Album) 432 Hz


Bob Marley Artist

Reggae Therapy With Bob Marley 432 Hz

And to all, the many other great men and woman

who have been fighting for truth and justice

Especially those who have been sticking up for my people!

!!!CHECKMATE You are not Jewish MATE Satanic MATE!!!

Chess Created the Rothschild Fortune

The Boy Travellers in Northern Europe
by Thomas Wallace Knox
Frank [Frank Bassett,one of the boy travellers; Fred
Bronson is the other] then turned the thoughts of his
companions to something more practical than poets and their
works. He remarked that they would see the house of the
Rothschilds, the famous bankers, whose wealth is said to be
the greatest amount held by any single family in the world.
Accordingly, he told the guide to take them to the Jews'
quarter, or Judengasse, and in a little while they were in that
not very attractive locality.
"It may surprise you a little," said Frank, "when I tell you
that the immense fortune of the Rothschilds had its foundation
in America."
'' I don't see how that can be," said Fred, "when none of the
family ever went to our country or had any relations with it
until long after the fortune was established."
"Nevertheless, that was the case," the youth replied. "You
know that during the Revolutionary war a great many
Hessian soldiers were sent over to aid the British troops in
subduing the rebellious Continentals."
"Certainly I do," said Fred; "every American school-boy
knows that, or ought to know it."
"Well," continued Frank, "the Landgrave of Hesse sold those
Hessian soldierssold them just like so many oxen or
horsesto George III., King of England. There were seventeen
thousand of these soldiers, and King George paid twenty
millions of dollars for them. The landgrave left these twenty
millions, and as much more, to his son and successor, William
After the battle of Jena, in 1806, the landgrave was obliged
to flee for safety, and he did not know what to do with his
money. His friend, Baron Esthorff, had recommended to him a
shrewd banker of Frankfort, named Mayer Anselm Rothschild,

as an excellent man to take charge of the money. So the

banker was sent for, and when he reached the palace at Cassel
the landgrave and Baron Esthorff were engaged in a game of
chess. The baron was about to win the game, and the
landgrave asked Rothschild if he knew anything of chess.
Thus appealed to, the banker suggested a move which
enabled the landgrave to win. The move was made, the baron
was defeated, and the landgrave remarked that a man who
could play chess so well was a suitable person to handle the
very large amount of money that was about to be intrusted to
The forty millions of dollars were turned over to Rothschild,
together with a great store of jewels, and gold and silver plate.
The house of Rothschild was already well-to-do, and this
amount of capital gave it a standing above all other bankers
of Frankfort or any other city. The money was shrewdly
invested at high rates of interest, and returned a great profit
to the Rothschilds. When the landgrave returned in 1814 the
banker to whom he had intrusted his wealth was dead; his son
Anselm made out the account, with interest, but the landgrave
refused to accept anything but the principal, which he said he
would have lost had it not been for the fidelity of Mayer
Anselm. Before he could withdraw the amount from the bank
the news was received of the escape of Napoleon from Elba,
and the money remained in the hands of the Rothschilds for
nine years longer. Then it was returned to the successor of the
landgrave, and the accounts of the banker and lender were
closed, to the satisfaction of all concerned.
So you see that I had at least a fair reason for saying that
the foundation of the immense fortune of the Rothschilds
came from America, though no Rothschild ever went
George Washington, the Mason




Satanic-Zionist-Propaganda PT. 4 The End

Putting to rest the myth of The Thirteenth Tribe and The Khazar Empire
The Thirteenth Tribe is a 1976 book by ZIONIST Arthur Koestler, in which he
advances the thesis that Ashkenazi Jews are not descended from the historical
Israelites of antiquity, but from Khazars, a Turkic people

Its said this tribe are of a Satanic Bloodline and converted to Judaism around 740
I highly doubt the Ashkenazi Jews are from a Satanic Bloodline Why?
Because many anti-Zionist Jews are of Ashkenazi decent e.g. Noam Chomsky
Who are the real Satanic Khazars? If I had to guess: the synagogue of Satan,
which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie
These people clearly worship the Satanic Talmud and pretend to be Torah Jews

Zeta Beta Tau & the First Zionist Congress

Whats going on here?
The First Zionist Congress was the inaugural congress of the Zionist Organization
(ZO) held in Basel (Basle), Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897.

The first Rothschild Zionist Congress in 1897

Zeta Beta Tau () is a Greek letter social fraternity. ZBT was founded on
December 29, 1898, as the first Jewish Zionist Fraternity in America.

Due to policy changes, Zeta Beta Tau has moved away from its exclusively Jewish
membership and Zionist mission of its founding. In 1954 Zeta Beta Tau became
nonsectarian and opened their doors to non-Jewish members, changing their
membership policy to include All Men of Good Character .

All Men of Good Character

Video: The Bizzare Rituals of the Skull and Bones Society

4 Videos Of Politicians Confronted About Bohemian Grove

That Make You Say WTF

Video: The Cremation of Care

Exposing the Bohemian Grove

All Men of Good Character

Exposing: Zeta Beta Tau

List of Zeta Beta Tau members
Douglas L. Maine: IBM Chief Financial Officer, retired
IBM 'dealt directly with Holocaust organisers'

Samuel Rosen: Chairman of the Board, 20th Century Fox

20th Century Fox produced the Film: The House of Rothschild THE LIE
Samuel Goldwyn: Film Producer, Director; MGM Productions
Jack L. Warner: President, Warner Brothers
Warner Brothers: Massively Illuminati driven
Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on May 1, 1776.

May 1, 1776 featured within Warner Brothers Cartoon

Video: The Three Litte Bops

Image comes into scene: 3m42s 432Hz what a surprise

Doug Morris: CEO of Sony Music AKA 440Hz Music

Andrew Seifert: Jersey Shore producer, writer and director

Michael Ovitz: President of Walt Disney Studios

Exposing: Sigma Pi
Its very obvious, a number of these secret societies are the Illuminati

Barry Weiss: signed Britney Spears Weiss is a member of Sigma Pi

Wheres the money coming from?

CLEAN Swtzerland loves DIRTY money and so does Rothschild & Rockefeller

Jean-Claude Van Damme EXPOSES The Illuminati Banking

Families Rothschild and Rockefeller on live TV

Switzerland`s Nazi Templar Banks // Octogon The Empire of Darkness

The Pharistocracy of Switzerland // Swiss Voodoo exposing Swiss Occult
Know Your Enemy - "Committee of 300" Membership List

The true name of Jesus Christ: YAHAWASHI

The true name of God & Hashem is actually: YAHAWAH



Video: David de Rothschild Is Antichrist

Video: Confronting David de Rothschild
Blog: False Prophet Alert

Video: WAKE THE FUCK UP (White Jesus)

Lizard Duchess Dies Aged 88




Video: JeSuS is occult fraud



Stolen by the Freemasonry: Satanic United States of America

The tribe of Judah: Stolen and enslaved by the Rothschild-Freemasons

If YAHAWASHI aka Jesus was actually a Negro

Does that too make YAHAWAH aka God a Negro? And if so Whats next?

YAHAWASHI suffered the Worst Death on earth

VIDEO: Who Brought the Slaves to America ?

Video claims it was the Jews many of which were: ? FREEMASONS ?



Yahawah`s 7,500,000,000 Dead

Heathens and his 2016 Israelite

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