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Patented Aug. 2, 1910.





Speci?cationbt Letters ratent.

Application ?led April 18, 1909. Serial No. 480,954.


Aug. 2, 1910.

To all whom 'it may concern:

. Be it known that I W'ILLIAM J. BAILEY,

vertical cross section through-one form of

the invention. Fig;,2 is va plan view of the

a citizen. of the United States, residing at

Monrovia, in the county of Los Angeles and

3 is an enlarged cross section on line were

solar heater, the tank being removed. Fig.

State of California, have invented a new

Fig. 2.. vFig. 4 is a plan view in detail, partly

lowing is a speci?cation.

This invention relates to solar heaters,

the tubes to a heater. Fig. 5 is a cross sec

tion on line w.w Fi . 4. Fig. 6 is a lan

heretofore been accomplishedgrby like-de

similar to Fig. 3, showing another form of

vices, so far as I am aware.



and useful Solar Heater, of which the fol-' in section, showing one method of attaching

and one object of the invention is to pro yiew showing another orm of heater. 'Fig. 7 65
10 duce a device of this character which will 1s a view similar to Fig. 3, showingaslightly
heat the water to a hotter de es than has modi?ed'form of sheets. Fig. 8 is a view

In one form of the invention 1 desi ates 70

provided with a anel 2 for admltting
15 water to a high degree but to also heat- as
large a quantity of water as possible in a the suns rays to heat t e interior of the box
_ and for retaining the heat within the box.
A further important objectis to retain the _Within the box 1 is a_ series of water heat 75
water in heated condition after it has been ing tubes? which have thin walls and are,
of. relatively small cross section but of ex

A further object is to. not only heat the






Brie?y, my invention consists in causing tended length. In actual practice I refer

the water to circulate through tubes having to inake these tubes of about half inc tub
thin walls and of relatively small cross sec

ing, preferably of copper, as that material is

tion and of extended length, thesaid tubes one of the best of heat conductin materials.
being exposed to the suns rays. Heretofore The tubes are connected in- paral e1 to trans
water has been passed through chambers verse headers 4 and 5 and communicate
which were exposed to the suns rays, but therewith. The tubesmay be connected in



' such chambers were of comparatively large communication with the headers in any de- '85
capacity and held a: lar e body of_ water and 'sired manner, a preferred method bein in

were not ofan extended ength, said chambers dicated in Figs. 4- and'5 wherein them
acting'as both reservoir and heater. In my pass through a strip 6, the tubes being


invention, the water while it is'being heated slightly headed thereover, as-indicated in
is split u into small streams bysmall tubes Fig. 5, and a lead gasket 7 being interposed
of consi erable len th and the tubes are of between the header 4 and each tube 3,_the'


a good heat conducting material, such as cop parts being clamped together b a U-clamp
8 the legs of which passthrogh the strip 6
. .per, so that the small streams of water con
?ned in such tubes are quickly heated to a and are secured by nuts 9.- , he headers 4
high degree. These tubes in my invention and 5 are providedfwith ori?ces 10 which
being purposely very small, do not act as communicate through the lead gasket 7 with

40 reservoirs, but as heaters'only.





the respective tubes 3. By making the tubes

A further detail of my invention consists of very small cross sectional area, as stated,
in employing sheets or stri s of heat con it is possible to split the body of waterto
ducting material arrange between the be heated into a, large number- of small
tubes and connected with the tubes so that a


comparatively large expanseof a heat con

streams within a small compass, and as vthe 100

walls of the tubes are thin and the streams

ducting metallic sheet material is subjected of water are small, the water is very quickly
to the suns rays, which sheet of heatcon heated by the hot walls of the copper tubes,
ducting material serves to impart addltional the latter receiving the direct rays of the
heat to the tubes by conducting the heat, sun. ' The box is preferably dis osed at an 105
which the said sheet receives, to the tubes; inclination so that the ra s wi strike the
.60 thereby
augmenting the heat which the tubes tubes at the most favora .le angle, and in '
this form one of the headers is elevated so
receive from the direct rays of the sun.
My invention may be performed in van that water entering at the lower header, for 110

instance, the header 5, will circulate upward

through the tube 3 into the up r header 4. _
In order to supply additiona heat to the
Referring to the drawings: Figure 1 1s a

ous ways and in the. drawings I have shown

55 two forms.

tubes 3 a series of copper strips 11 are ar

ranged longitudinall of the tubes and be

nected with the tank by piping similar to

that shown in Fig. 1


forms ,
Figs. 7 and 8 show slightly modi?ed

tween the tubes, as s own 111_ Flgs. 2 and 3,

the edges of the strips 3 being soldered or of sheets 11, the sheets not being contin
otherwise secured to the tubes in such a

uous with each other.

Fig. 8 shows the

manner that an intimate contact is obtained

sheets arranged at an angle to secure a

which promotes the conduction of heat from

the straps 11 to the tubes. _The strips 11 be
ing of a good heat conducting material, such

greater area of exposure. _

10 as (:0 per, and of a comparatively great area


What I claim is:

1. A solar heater oomprisin

an in

closure with a transparent pane , a series

whic is exposed to the suns rays, become of water heating tubes within said inclo

highly heated thereby and the heat which surefsaid tubes being of relatively small

this expansive copper sheet receives is di



cross sectional area, and, in aggregate, of

extended length, and sheets of heat con

rectly imparted by conduction to the tubes 3, ducting material arranged between the
thereby imparting additional heat to the

tubes'3. The tubes being of cop er enable tubes and intimately connected thereto and
the tubes to be spaced apart an the thin forming an extended surface exposed to the
sheets 11 placed between them to secure the, suns rays for imparting additional heat
requisite heat which is a much cheaper con to the tubes.

20 struction than it would be to use a greater

number of tubes set close together.


2. A solarv heater comprising a series of

copper tubes of extended lengthland of rela

12 indicates a tank which may be located tively small crosssection, headers at the re 85


in any desired position and surrounded by spective ends of the tubes in communication
a heat insulating jacket, and rovaded with with the tubes, and sheets of copper be
a supply ipe 13, preferably eadmg to the tween the respective tubes and in intimate
bottom of the tank, as shown, and with a contact with the tubes, said sheets being, in
ipe 14 through which heated water is heat absorbing relation to the suns rays for


drawn off from the tank; The lower end of imparting additional heat to the tubes.
3. A solar heater comprising a series of
copper tubes of extended length and of rela
5. The 11 per header 4 is connected by a tively smallcross section, headers at the re
pipe 16 with the tank near its upper end so spective ends of the tubes in communication 95
that thecolder water from the lower part of with the tubes, and sheets of copper be- respective tubes and in intimate
sup tank
lied after
by thebeing
to in
part tweenthe
contact with the tubes, said copper sheets
oft e tank, thereby reducing a circulation being secured to the tubes at the lower, walls
of the water, and t e hotter water in'the of- the tubes.
tank is suppliedas required for useby the_ ' 4.'_A solar heater comprising a series of
pi e 14. The copper strips 11 are prefer tubes of'extended length. and of relatively
the tank which contains the colder water is

30 connected by a pipe 15 with the lower header



ably secured to the lower walls of the tubes,I small cross section in communication with
as shown in, Fig. 3, in order that the greater each other, the said tubes being spaced apart,
portionvofzeach tube may lie above the cop and sheets of copper between the respective

perhgstrips and thus receive the greatest pos

- sible exposure to the sun.



tubes and interrupted at the sun exposure

side, whereby only the upper surface of the

Fig. 6 shows a modi?ed form in which tube is presented to the suns rays.
5. A solar heater comprising a series of
tubes 3 are employed in place of the tubes
3, -,the tubes 3? being bent back and forth, tubes of extended length-and of relatively 110
as shown, and connected at their lower ends smallncross section in communication with
to a header 5a and at their upper ends to a each other, and sheets of copperlconnected
header 6; Each leg of each tube is in with the bottom walls of the said tubes for _
clined upwardly, as clearly shown, to facili conducting heat. to the lower part of the;

tate the'lcirculation of water from the tube m which the colder water is, said sheets
It will be un being in heat absorbing relation to the suns
derstood that in notice the inclination of raysfor imparting additional heat to the
the legs of the tu es need only be su?icient


header 5 to theheade'r 6*.



uir'ed circulation. In the

to produce the
whereof, I have lereunto
an ' at Los'Angeles,(ali
ornia it.lslet
is 120
drawing the inclination has been slightly myInhtestiimony
exaggerated. for illustrative purposes. In 1am day of April, 1909. ~
this form it will be noticed that the same

effect is produced by reason of the smiil

tubes of thin walls and extended length
which receive the rays from the sun.

The heater shown in Fig. 6 may be con;


In presence of-

G. T. Hammer,
Frank L.



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