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Analyze The Concept Of A Species- the concept of a species is a group of similar

individuals that are able to sexually reproduce with each other (interbreed).
Describe How Variations In A Population Are Developed- Variations in a populatio
n are developed in a number of ways. First, sexual reproduction mixes two differ
ent gametes that have different traits and that changes the initial traits in th
e final offspring.
Next is crossing over. Finally there are mutations that cause most of our variat
ions. A mutation is when a gene isn’t copied correctly, and it is altered, causi
ng a different phenotype in the end organism/offspring.
Define Evolution- evolution is a change in the frequency of alleles in a populat
ion over time (generations)
Use Hardy Weinberg To Analyze Evidence Of Evolution- P^2+2pq+q^2=1
PQ+ heterozygous
Interpret Darwins Inferences And Observations-
Observation #1: Species have much potential fertility.-meaning that species can
Observation #2: populations tend to remain the same size.- populations have an a
lmost equal death to birth rate, keeping the size about the same.
Observation #3: Resources remain constant but limited.- there are always resourc
es, but only a limited amount of them.
Inference #1:
In an environment of limited resources and an overproduction of individuals, th
ere will be a struggle for survival.- survival is not guaranteed by any means

^^^^^Lamark would have agreed with these ^^^^^

Observation #4: No two individuals are identical.- phenotypes vary

Observation #5: Most variation is heritable. <--------- ONLY DARWIN BELIEVED TH
IS!!!!!!! - most variation in a population is genetic, and has been passed on fr
om their parents
Inference #2: Those with superior characteristics will survive and pass on their
traits to their offspring.-the better will survive because they have been selec
ted by the natural environment around them. therefore, there will be a shift tow
ards the better alleles that cause a species to die less often. If they de less
often, then they can count for more of the total population and therefore cause
a shift in the FREQ. Of alleles in the population just because they had more kid
Inference #3: This process of natural selection will lead to the emergence of ne
w species.- If a species is separated by a mountain (of other physical barrier)
and are put in two different places that have different environmental pressures
, then they two separated groups start to be slimmed down to only the ones who c
ould survive and were more fit in said environment. Then if the two groups ever
met again, there would be reproductive barriers like:
mechanical-parts dont fit
behavioral- “i don’t mate with that!!!”
molecular- the sperm from one of the groups would be considered foreign to the o
ther groups immune system so it would be destroyed.
Habitat- they live in different places
Temporal-they mate in different months

Distinguish Between Kin And Sexual Selection- sexual selection is natural select
ion that selects instead of for traits that make the species tougher they select
for traits that allow the organism to mate more. Kin selection is the idea that
one organism sacrifices itself to allow a close relative to live because he kno
ws that they have the same genetic material as him.
Distinguish Between The Three Directions Of Natural Selection- They are as follo
Directional- The frequency of alleles moves towards one extreme or another
stabilizing-the frequency of alleles moves towards the average
Disruptive -the frequency moves away from the average and towards both extremes
Distinguish Between Micro And Macroevolution- Microevolution is the change of a
lleles in a population but over a number of generations, leading to the rise of
different traits. Macroevolution, however is the rise of a new species due to a
separation of two groups of the same species. what happens is a species is separ
ated by a barrier and they end up is different environment that select for diffe
rent traits and they cannot mate when they are reunited. The two groups become d
istanced and they are now totally different populations and now different specie
s because of the reproductive barriers of mechanical, behavioral, molecular, hab
itual, and temporal.
Analyze Reproductive Barriers -
behavioral- the two new species won’t mate because the other looks radically dif
habitual - They live in different places, so the rarely interact.
temporal- The two different species have different mating periods.(i.e. Summer &
molecular-The sperm of one of the species is considered to be foreign to the oth
er species immune system, and is therefore destroyed.
mechanical-the parts don’t fit (you can infer what the parts are)
OR THEY CAN BUT.............
Their babies die even if they have them
Their babies can’t reproduce; hybrid infertility
Analyze The Process Of Speciation-Speciation is better known as MACROEVOLUTION.
They are the same thing. It easy enough to understand. a Species is separated in
to two groups and the two groups end up being physically separated(i.e a mounta
in). The places where the two species are end up being radically different and t
herefore the process of natural selection elects different traits depending on w
hich makes the organism more fit in it’s specific environment. Then these change
s go on for a while and the final result is two radically different groups that
came from the same ancestor animal. SPECIATION!!! When the two( it doesn’t have
to be two it could be more) groups Interact, if they do, they are stopped from i
nterbreeding by the reproductive barriers and therefore cannot mate, with each o
ther. That is speciation and how new species come about.

Analyze Convergent And Divergent Evolution- Convergent and divergent evolution a

re the ways of describing how different organisms look alike. convergent is when
organisms have distant ancestry, and their likeness is more described by the fa
ct that they live in similar environments with similar environmental pressures.
Remember the flightless birds example we had in class. Divergent is when two org
anisms have a recent common ancestry, but different environmental pressures and

Describe Types Of Homologies And Vestigial Structures- Homologies are defined as

similarity resulting in common ancestry. Therefore this can only be true in wha
t kind of evolution???? >DIVERGENT< Homologies are like humans and apes having
posable thumbs. They both have a common ancestor and the thumbs are similarities
! Vestigial structures are easier to understand. A Vestigial structure is someth
ing that isn’t used by the offspring in a certain organism and gets rooted out b
e natural selection. remember that natural selection doesn’t just let the traits
that help you escape from predators . It can also help to cause the organisms w
ith useless structures that wont help them in their current environment, loose t
hem. The structures lie tails and arms and other limbs use up calories and cause
an organism to work harder and die earlier than one that doesn’t have the tail
or arm to use up it’s energy. So the one with a mutation that gave it a lesser t
ail or arm uses less calories and is able to reproduce more because it lives lon
ger. A vestigial structure is like your tailbone. Since you descended from an an
cestor that had a tail and you no longer have need for one and neither did your
ancestors, they were able to slowly loose their tails through natural selection.
That way we don’t use up calories swinging a tail that we don’t need. Same goes
for flightless birds. They have small, useless wings, but they really don’t nee
d wings. Their environment is a grassland and their sources of food and water ar
e easily accessible without wings. When their ancestors originally came to the p
lace that they lived in, they probably had fully functional wings, but didn’t ha
ve any use for them. As they became a burden, they process of natural selection
slowly rooted them out, generation by generation.
Compare Anagenesis to Cladogenesis- Anagenesis is when an ancestor evolves direc
tly into its descendant population. Remember that the preceding ancestor is now
dead, as is in the case of all linear evolution plots. Anagenesis is a linear pr
ocess and it looks like this: (This is an example of course) this is just what
it looks like
---------ferret ----------------dog---------------------->>>>>>>
^the ferret is now dead in this example

Cladogenesis-Cladogenesis is the branching separation where ancestor evolves int

o several descendant sub-populations. The ancestor species doesn’t necessarily d
ie in this type of origin It looks like this: (JUST AN EXAMPLE OF WHAT IT LOOKS

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