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Nick West: “People who live litter behind them are anti-social. They spoil the
countryside and create all sorts of danger for other people. Broken bottles and cans
cause serious injuries, especially to children. Old magazines and empty packages help
to start fires. Why can’t people be more careful?”
Ann Scott: “Dropping litter is a disgusting habit. If you don’t do it in your own
house, why should you do it anywhere else? I never drop litter and I don’t allow my
children to. Unfortunately, most parents these days don’t bring their children up
properly. It’s a mother’s duty to teach her children how to behave.”
Nina Haines: “The problem of litter reflects a lack of responsibility on all sides. The
local government has a duty to provide litter cans and the citizens have a duty to
use them. The police have a duty to punish people who litter public places. Last, but
not least, the companies which manufacture throw-away products should stop using
materials which can’t be recycled.”
Albert Greaves: “We used to sell drinks in glass bottles and we refunded a little
money when empty bottles were returned to use. But glass is heavy and breaks
easily, so we changed to plastic. It’s cheap, light, strong and unbreakable. Of course,
we don’t collect empty bottles. Empty bottles should be thrown in the litter cans, but
a few untidy people don’t bother. That has nothing to do with us. We aren’t
responsible for their bad habits.”

I- C O M P R E H E N S I O N (15 Points)

A-Whose opinions are the following? (4 Points)

1- Keeping our environment clean is everybody’s duty.
2- Plastic bottles are cheap and practical.
3- Some people harm other people by their careless behaviour.
4- Parents should teach children how to take care of the environment.
B-Answer the following questions (6 Points)
1-Who does Ann Scott criticize? Why?
2-Why is the local government responsible for the problem of litter?
3-What does Mr Greaves suggest people should do?
C-Are these statements true or false? Justify. (2 Points)
1-Nick West thinks that litter is a real threat for people.
2-Nina Haines thinks that some people are irresponsible.
D-Find in the text words or expressions that mean the same as (3 Points )
1- throw 2- absence 3- don’t care

II- L A N G U A G E (10 Points)

A-Give the correct form of the words between brackets (3 Points)

1- Pollution (threat) humanity.
2- Nowadays, many people suffer from (obese).
3- Economic (grow) usually leads to pollution.
B- Rewrite these sentences as suggested (3 Points)
1- Leila is old, but she practises sport.
Although …………………………………………………………
2- Countries must solve the problem of pollution.
The problem ……………………………………………………
3- Perhaps scientists will find a vaccine against polio. They’ll save lives.
If ……………………………………………………………….. .
C-Fill in the blanks with a word from the list (2 Points)
( set - look - turn - let - take )
When Peter presented his project to his colleagues, they just ------ it
down. He was unhappy his friends ------- him down.
D-Put the verbs between brackets in the correct tense (2 Points)
Ahmed lives in Casa. He (suffer) from noise and pollution. He wishes
he (have) a house in the countryside.

III- W R I T I N G (15 Points)
You are a member of “Save the Earth” association. Write an
article to the school magazine about things you do in your home-town to protect the
environment from pollution.

Ouhassi Mohamed

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