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SECTION BB: Solutions For SAT Word Problems

I. Creating Expressions
SP: (B) The cost of renting out all the small tables is
$25(50) = $1250, given that there are 50 small tables
to be rented for $25 each. The cost of renting out L
number of large tables would be $40(L), which cant
be evaluated without knowing the value of L. The
expression for the total cost in this case would be
40L + 1250, or the answer choice (B).
1. (D) The cost of 4 shirts at $20.08 each is given by
the expression 4(20.08). Looking at the answer
choices though, another way of denoting the
expression is required. 20.08 = 20 + 0.08, so the
expression can be rewritten as 4(20 + 0.08), which is
equivalent to 4(20) + 4(0.08), or (D).

4. (D) The quantity of simple interest earned after a

year would be 0.05P, where P is the amount of
money invested at the interest rate of 5%. However,
the question asks how much interest would be
earned after n months, so the expression would have
to be 0.05P *
, since the 5% interest is earned
after a year, or 12 months. The answer is (D).

II. Interpreting Expressions

SP: (B) If n represents the number of students in the
class, whatever b(n) is (the number of books) would
be five more than twice the number of students,
given the expression b(n). Look at the answer
choices. Only choice (B) reflects this, so it is the
correct answer.

2. (D) To find the expression of the speed of the fast

bus, read the problem. The fast bus is going 20 miles
per hour faster than 3 times the slow bus, whose
speed in denoted by k. This explanation translates to
3k + 20 mph for the faster bus, so the answer choice
is (D).

1. (A) Given the expression s = 3.5(y 2) + 12, 12 is

the height of the vine after 2 years. Interpret 3.5 as
the amount of inches it grows every year after year
2. Look through the answer choices and find a
correct statement:

3. (A) The current number of students taking French

is 250, but is decreasing by 20 per year. Thus, the
expression for the number of students taking French
after n years is 250 20n. The current number of
students taking Spanish is 100, but is increasing by
10 every year. Thus, the expression for the number
of students taking Spanish after n years is 100 + 10n.
In the year in which the number of students taking
French and Spanish are the same, the two
expressions would be equal to one another. Thus, the
correct expression is 250 2n = 100 + 10n, or
choice (A).

This statement reflects the interpretation, so
it is correct.
This statement assumes y = 5, but plugging
5 into the equation gives 3.5(5-2) + 12 = 10.5 + 12 =
22.5, which is not equal to 17. This statement is
This statement assumes y = 3, but plugging
3 into the equation gives 3.5(3-2) + 12 = 3.5 + 12 =
15.5, which is not equal to 22.5. This statement is
This statement assumes y = 10, but plugging
10 into the equation gives 3.5(10-2) + 12 = 28 + 12


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SECTION BB: Solutions For SAT Word Problems

= 40, which is less than 57. It would take longer than
10 years for the plant to reach 57 inches in height, so
this statement is also incorrect.
Therefore, the correct answer is (A).
2. (C) After looking at the two equations given,
evaluate each of the answer choices and find the
correct one:
This statement implies that c = 12 for
Bobbie Sue, but nowhere is this stated in the
problem, since the expression for Bobbie Sues train
indicates that each cars length is 12.
This statement implies that c = 9 for Joey,
but nowhere is this stated in the problem, since the
expression for Joeys train indicates that each cars
length is 9.
The expressions given indicate that the
length of one of Joeys cars is 9 and the length of
one of Bobbie Sues cars is 12. One of Bobbie Sues
cars is 3 inches longer than one of Joeys, so this
statement is correct.
This statement is incorrect, since a look at
Joeys expression indicates that each one of his cars
is 9 inches long and the locomotive is 10 inches
Therefore, (C) is our answer.
3. (B) Look through the problem, evaluate the given
information and then evaluate the accuracy of each
of the answer choices:
Although the school can hire three second
year teachers, nowhere is it stated that it must, and if
the school hired three second year teachers at
$40,000 each, the cost would be $120,000, which
exceeds the $100,000 budget. This statement is
Note that at least one of each type of teacher
must be hired, so the cheapest possible combination
for three teachers is one second year and two first
year teacher. Each second year teacher costs
$40,000, and each first year teacher $20,000, so the
cost of these three teachers is $80,000. This
statement is correct.
Four first-year teachers would cost $80,000,
which would leave no room to hire the required


second year teacher which costs $40,000. Therefore

the school cannot hire four first year teachers. This
statement is incorrect.
Three first-year teachers would cost
$60,000. If the budget is $100,000 and each second
year teacher costs $40,000, this would leave room
for only one second year teacher for hire, not two.
This statement is incorrect.
Therefore, the correct answer choice is (B).

III. Fraction Problems


of the employees earn under
$12,000, then
must earn over $12,000. If of the
employees earn between $12,000 and
$18,000, then of the remaining employees must

1. (A)


earn more than $18,000.

2 3

20 10
2. (C) 55

Since 220 miles is

of the trip, first

find out how long the entire trip is, and then how
much Peter has left. Remember Fraction Whole
= Part. Let x equal the total number of miles of the
220 =


275 = x
Since the entire trip was 275 miles, subtract 220
from that to find the remaining part of the trip.
275 220 = 55
3. (B) $1,680 First, add the fractions together to
find what fraction of the entire income the family
has spent.

1 1 1

3 4 6

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SECTION BB: Solutions For SAT Word Problems

4 3 2 9 3

12 12 12 12 4
Since the family has spent

of their income, the

left. Let x represent the total monthly
income and set up an equation. Remember Fraction
Whole = Part.
family has

x = 420
x = 1,680

IV. Proportion Problems

1. (C) 90 Let x equal the actual distance. Set up a
proportion and then cross-multiply.

15 miles
x miles
inches 4 inches
15 = x
2 4
9 4
15 = x
2 3
90 = x
2. (B) 12 If the ratio is 2 to 3, the smallest
possible basket would contain 2 white eggs and 3
brown eggs for a total of 5 eggs. The next possible
basket would contain 4 white eggs and 6 brown eggs
for a total of 10 eggs. The next basket would have 6
white eggs and 9 brown eggs for a total of 15. Notice
that all of the totals are multiples of 5. The only
choice which is not a multiple of 5 is 12.
3. (A) $8,000 The ratio is 2 : 3 : 4. This means
that the inheritance is divided into 9 portions, with
the first person receiving 2 portions, the second
person 3 portions, and the last receiving 4 portions.
Let x equal the amount of one portion.
9x = 18,000
x = 2,000

4 2,000 = 8,000

V. Percent Word Problems

1. (D) 60 Find out how much Rachel would earn
in one year by multiplying 8%, or 0.08, by 3,000.
3,000 0.08 = 240
Since 3 months is one fourth of a year, divide 240 by
4 to find how much was earned in 3 months.

= 60
2. (C) 75% First find out how many women are
in the class and then find out how many women
passed the midterm. Use these values to find out
what percent of women passed. If 80% of the class is
male, the rest (20%) must be women. Since there are
40 students in the class, find the total number of
women by multiplying 40 by 0.2.
40 0.2 = 8 women in the class
If 75% of the passing students are men, then 25%
must be women. Since 24 students passed, find the
total number of women who passed by multiplying
24 by 0.25.
24 0.25 = 6 women that passed
Six women out of 8 total equals 75%
3. (C) 66% First find the number of boys who go
to college by multiplying 60% or 0.6 and 200.
200 0.6 = 120
Next find the number of girls who go to college by
multiplying 70% or 0.7 by 300.
300 0.7 = 210
Add these numbers together to find the total number
of students who go to college.
120 + 210 = 330

Since each portion is $2,000, and the largest share

was 4 portions, the largest share would be


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SECTION BB: Solutions For SAT Word Problems

Divide this number by the total number of students
(500) and then convert the fraction to a percent.

= 66%
500 100
4. (A) 2 Remember that the word of means
multiply and convert the sentence into an equation.
Also remember to change percentages into decimals
or fractions.
30% of 50% of 70x equals 21

3 1
70x = 21
10 2
70 3
x = 21
2 10
2 10 21
70 3

VI. Percent Change

1. (D) 25% Find the original price of the camera
by subtracting $60 from $300 to get $240. Find the
percent change by using the formula:

New Value Original Value Percent

Original Value

300 240 60 1

= 25%
240 4
2. (D) 12.5% The original price of the piano is
$800 and the new price is $700. Find the percent of
markdown by using the formula:

New Value Original Value Percent

Original Value

700 800 100


VII. More Percent Change

1. (D) $480 Let x equal the original price.
Remember that the percent change here is a positive
25% because Cometa made a profit. Solve by using
the formula:
NewValue (100% Percent Change) Original Value
600 = (100% + 25%) x
600 = (125%) x

600 = x
x = 600 = 480
2. (B) $400 The price of the day flight is the
original price because a discount was applied to it in
order to get the price of the night flight. The percent
change is a negative 30% because the price is
decreasing. Let x equal the original price of $400.
Solve for x using the formula:
NewValue (100% Percent Change) Original Value
280 = (100% 30%) x
280 = (70%) x
280 = (0.7)x


= 400

3. (C) $55 First find the selling price of the item.

Remember that the store buys the item for $40 and
then sells it at a 10% profit. Find the new value by
using the formula:
NewValue (100% Percent Change) Original Value
Selling Price = (100% + 10%) 40
Selling Price = (110%) 40
Selling Price = (1.1)40
Selling Price = 44

Since the store sells the item at $44, find the list
price by making $44 the new value. The list price
will be the original value. (Note that although
strictly speaking $40 is the original price, the store is
making up an original value which will be the list
price.) There will be a 20% discount, or in other
words a percent change of negative 20%.
NewValue (100% Percent Change) Original Value


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SECTION BB: Solutions For SAT Word Problems

44 = (100% 20%) x
44 = (80%) x
4 = (0.8)x
= 55

VIII. One Unknown

1. (C) 2 Let x equal a number. Translate the
first sentence into an equation and solve.
6x 4 = 3x + 2
6x = 3x + 6
3x = 6
2. (B) 4 Let x equal a number. Translate the
first sentence into an equation and solve. Note that
8 less than means that 8 is being taken away.
x + 2x = 5x 8
3x = 5x 8
2x = 8
3. (C) 3 Let x equal a number. Translate the
first sentence into an equation and solve. Note that
five less than means that 5 is being taking away.
Also, note that difference of the number and 1
means that 1 is subtracted from the number. Lastly,
note that the difference of the number and 1 is
multiplied by one half. The number itself is not
multiplied by one half because it is half the
difference, not half of the number.
2x 5 =

(x 1)

4x 10 = x 1
4x = x + 9
3x = 9

IX. Consecutive Integers

1. (D) 14 Remember that even integers go up by
2. Let x equal the smallest integer with the other two
integers being x + 2 and x + 4. The sum of these
integers is 48, so set up an equation to solve for x.
x + (x + 2) + (x +4) = 48


3x + 6 = 48
3x = 42
x = 14
2. (C) 21 Remember that odd integers go up by 2.
Let x equal the smallest integer with the other two
integers being x + 2 and x + 4. The sum of the first
and the second is 27 less than 3 times the third.
Translate this into an equation and solve for x.
(Please note that 27 less than means that 27 is
being taken away from the product)
x + (x + 2) = 3(x + 4) 27
2x + 2 = 3x + 12 27
2x + 2 = 3x 15
2x + 17 = 3x
17 = x
Since the smallest integer is 17 the largest integer
will be 4 more, 21.

X. Simple Average
1. (A) 75 Use the first letters of the peoples
names to symbolize their weights. Look at the first
average involving Don, Pat and Jennifer to find the
combined weight of all three people.

= 135
D + P + J = 405
Now, look at the second average involving Don, Pat,
Jennifer and Adrian. Find the combined weight of all
four people.

= 120
D + P + J + A = 480
The combined weight increases from 405 to 480.
Therefore, Adrians weight is
480 405 = 75
2. (B) 196 The three score changes were +7, +15,
and 4. Find the average of these three score

7 15 4 18

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This means that the average score must have
increased 6 points. If the original average was 190,
the new average must be 196.
3. (B) 2A P Let x equal the other number. Set
up an equation for the average of the two numbers.
Solve for x:

(P x)

P + x = 2A
x = 2A P

XI. Weighted Average

1. (B) 80 Since 20% averaged a 95 and 30%
averaged a 90, the rest of the class is 50% of the
whole. Assume that there are 100 students in the
class. This means that 20 averaged a 95 and 30
averaged a 90. Let x represent the unknown average
of the remaining 50 students. Set up an average
using the information given and solve for x.

20(95) 30(90) 50 x
1900 2700 50 x
4600 50 x
4600 + 50x = 8600
50x = 4000
x = 80
2. (D) 47 Let the average for the entire week
equal x. Set up the weighted average and solve for x.

(4)(50) +(3)(43)
200 +129
x = 47
3. (D) 33 Let x equal the average of the remaining
2 people. Set up the weighted average and solve for


(3)(28) (5)(34) (2)( x)

= 32
84 + 170 + 2x = 320
2x = 66
x = 33

XII. Individual Work

1. (D) 30 minutes

First, remember the formula:

H1 H 2
Here, T is the time it takes them to rake the lawn
together, H1 is the amount of time it takes Rishi to
rake the lawn alone, and H2 is the amount of time it
takes Adam to rake the lawn alone. Plug in the
values given for the individual times and solve for T.

+ =1
45 90
2T T
3T = 90

T 30

Note that these problems can be thought of where

each person is doing a fraction of the work. Rishi
works twice as fast as Adam. He will do

of the

of the work. When
T = 30, the two fractions reflect that.
work, while Adam will do

2. (B) 14 minutes Use the formula for individual

work problems. In this case, there are 3 individuals.

H1 H 2 H 3
T is the time it takes them set the table together. H1
is the amount of time it takes Amy to set the table
alone, H2 is the amount of time it takes Menelda to
set the table alone, and H3 is the amount of time it
takes Rosa to set the table alone. Plug in the values
given and solve for H3.

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SECTION BB: Solutions For SAT Word Problems

4 4
+ +
7 28 H 3
4 1 4
+ +
7 7 H3
7 H3
2 H 3 = 28
H3 = 14
Use the formula for individual work
problems. Note that in this case not all of the work is
complete. Therefore, there will be a fraction for the
amount of work done, not 1.

2. (B) 2

Use the formula:

N1H1 = N2H2

Let N1 be 4 pipes, H1 is 15 hours, and H2 is 10 hours.

Solve for N2.
(4)(15) = (N2)(10)
60 = 10 N2
6 = N2
Since it takes 6 pipes rather than 4 pipes, it will take
2 more pipes (6 4 = 2).

3. (C)

= Fraction
H1 H 2
2 2
+ = Fraction of cooked rice
4 15
30 8 38 19
= = = Fraction of cooked rice
60 30
of the rice has been cooked, the remaining
rice to be cooked will be


19 11
30 30

XIV. Sets
1. (B) 8

Group1 + Group2 Both + Neither = Total

where Group1 is 18, Group2 is 15, Both is 11 and
Total is 30. Solve for Neither:
18 + 15 11 + Neither = 30
22 + Neither = 30
Neither = 8
2. (B) 15

where Group1 is 75, Group2 is 30, Both is 20 and

Total is 100. Solve for Neither:
75 + 30 20 + Neither = 100
85 + Neither = 100
Neither = 15

Use the formula:

N1H1 = N2H2

Let N1 be 4 people, H1 is 12 days, and N2 is 6

people. Solve for H2.
(4)(12) = (6)(H2)
48 = 6H2
8 = H2
Since the original group took 12 days and the larger
group takes 8 days, the job took 4 days less (12 8 =


Use the formula:

Group1 + Group2 Both + Neither = Total

XIII. Group Work

1. (B) 4

Use the formula:

3. (C) 27

Use the formula:

Group1 + Group2 Both + Neither = Total

where Group1 is 37, Group2 is 30, Neither is 10 and
Total is 50. Solve for Both:
37 + 30 Both + 10 = 50
77 Both = 50
Both = 27
Both = 27

XV. Two Unknowns

Elimination Solutions

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SECTION BB: Solutions For SAT Word Problems

1. (B) To solve for x, eliminate the y variable.
However, notice in the below system
3x + 6y = 52
-(x + 6y = 24)
that the y variable can be eliminated without having
to multiply. Subtract the second equation from the
first (shown above) to obtain
2x = 28
Therefore, x = 14, so (B) is the correct answer.
2. (B) In the system given, solve for x. Start by
eliminating x instead and solving for y.
To do this, multiply the top equation by 2.
2(15x 12y = 13)
30x 24y = 26

This gives the following equations.

3x + 2y = 7
4x 2y = 14
Adding the two equations together gives 7x = 21, so
x = 3.
(D) is the correct answer.
4. (D) 200 Let the number of student tickets equal
s. Let the number of regular priced tickets equal r.
Since 300 tickets were sold altogether, an equation
can be formed.
s + r = 300
Now, recall that the tickets sold for a total of $1,000.
Since each s ticket sold for $2.50 and each r ticket
sold for $5.00, another equation can be formed to
express the profit from the ticket purchases.
2.5s + 5r = 1,000
Now, isolate r in the first equation.

Subtract the second equation from the first.

30x 24y = 26
- (30x + 9y = 4)
-33y = 22
Then divide to solve y
Solving for y gives y =

= . Plug this in to

one of the two original equations.

s + r = 300
r = 300 s
Substitute 300 s for r in the second equation and
2.5s + 5(300 s) = 1,000
2.5s + 1,500 5s = 1,000
2.5s + 1,500 = 1,000
2.5s = 500
s = 200

30x = 10, so x = .

XVI. Two Unknowns

Substitution Solutions

(B) is correct.

SP: (B) Here, solve for x by substituting for y.

30x + 9(

3. (D) In this system, solve for x since y can be

eliminated. Multiply the second equation by 2.
2(2x y = 7)
4x 2y = 14


x = 2 (3x + 3) 1 = 6x + 6 1 = 6x + 5
Solving this gives -5x = 5, so x = -1.
Do the same thing for y by substituting for x.
y = 3 (2y 1) + 3 = 6y 3 + 3 = 6y

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SECTION BB: Solutions For SAT Word Problems

Solving this gives 6y = y, so y = 0.
Add x and y to obtain -1, so (B) is correct.
1. (D) In this system of equations, solve for y.
Unfortunately, substituting x is a headache, so x
should be solved first. Start by substituting y into the
first equation.
x2 + 52 = 4(3x) + 16
x2 12x + 36 = 0
Use factoring to find that the expression could be (x6)(x-6); therefore x = 6.
Since y = 3x, y = 18, making (D) correct.
2. (D) Here, there are two types of tickets. Assume
that r represents the price of a regular ticket and p
represents the price of a premium ticket. Based on
the question, write the system of equations.
100r + 50p = 3250
p = 1.25r
Using substitution, solve for r.
100r + 50(1.25r) = 3250
162.5r = 3250, so r = 20.
However, the question asks for p, but that can now
be easily solved.
p = 1.25r = 1.25(20) = 25, so (D) is correct.

XVII. Science Problems

SP. (B) Recall that the independent variable of an
experiment is the one manipulated by the scientist.
(B) The amount of sunlight can be a factor the
scientist controls by placing some plants in full sun,
some in partial sun, and some in the shade. Because
changes to the amount of sunlight can affect the
plants height, this is the independent variable.
(A) The plant height is what is being measured as a
result of the changes the scientist makes. This makes
plant height a dependent variable. (C) The scientists
name does not matter to the proceedings of the


experiment, and it is not a variable in this

experiment. (D) is not the independent variable
because the plant type is a control since the question
states, what factors affect a certain plants height.
Because one particular type of plant is examined, the
plant type will remain the same (a control) for the
1. (A) Recall that for a study to be most accurate,
more information from a wide cross section needs to
be gathered. (A) is the answer because interviewing
more people at different times and on different days
will allow the scientist to find the greatest sample for
his study, which will increase the accuracy of the
results. (B) is incorrect because only interviewing
people who purchased the two brands makes the
study less accurate because it does not take into
account people who chose neither brand, which
could give insight into why one brand is more
popular than another. (C) is incorrect because
interviewing people who purchased a third brand
would not have made his results in why people
chose brand A over brand X more accurate. He was
focusing on those two brands. (D) is incorrect
because only focusing on two brands is more likely
to make his results more accurate in determining
who is more likely to choose brand A over brand X.
2. (D) Recall that accuracy of an experiment can be
verified by repeating the study. (D) is correct
because doing the experiment three more times and
getting the same results would indicate that the
initial conclusion was correct. (A) is incorrect
because changing the length of the string introduces
a new variable that could change how much the wet
or dry string could hold. (B) is incorrect because the
amount of water in the wet string would not verify
the results of the amount of weight the string could
hold. (C) is incorrect because using wires instead of
strings changes another variable. Wires may not
react the same way as string when wet versus dry.

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