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Food and Health Secrets

I am not by any means an expert on health and nutrition, but have spent a considerable time
researching, learning and testing stuff for myself. I have seen these things REALLY WORK, and
don't take them trivially, they may greatly prolong your life and protect you from a immature death.
Study everything in this document and ascertain at your own risk any of this information.

1. Stop all Aspartame, and MSG Consumption.

And I MEAN IT. Dr Russell BlayLock a board certified neurosurgeon has the data and research to
show that there are MSG receptors through the entire body. That means the MSG Excitotoxin will
not only kill your brain cells, but can actually stop the heart. ESPECIALLY if you are Magnesium

I have literally watched a guy who decided it was good to eat 3 cans of beef stew loaded with MSG
have his motor response times drop, almost like he was almost partially drunk or stoned. The next
morning he would be alert again, and he does not even notice it happening.

If you really want to know how nasty, crappy and bad this stuff is check out these two important
links, do REMEMBER THIS. MSG is hidden under a pile of trade names from hydrolyzed vegetable
protein, yeast extract, plant protein extract, autolyzed yeast, sodium caisenate etc.

Food From the Matrix :

My Aspartame Experiment : Rats growing tumors so large they used them as pillows.

2. Reduce Your Fluoride Consumption AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE.

And seriously do this. If you do not have the money to purchase a reverse osmosis system, buy
the water in the 5 gallon bottles. Standard toothpaste apparently has 1400 ppm Sodium Fluoride
(Rat Poison). DON'T USE IT. Brush with plain baking soda instead. Just try it for a month and
believe it your gums and teeth will be white and healthy. After a while you will get used to the salt
taste. I do everything the opposite of what the dentists ask, I brush with a hard bristle toothbrush, I
use baking soda, and I have not been to a dentist in 14 years. My teeth are very white, and stay
very clean longer from proper brushing. Should you skip your cleanings - no, but DON'T TAKE THE
FLUORIDE BITE (its 15,000 ppm Fluoride, and kids have died right at the dentists office from it).
There is considerable evidence that Fluoride INCREASES gingivitus. If that is not enough it builds
up in your Thyroid and Pineal Gland making you a robotron for the NWO, and nobody wants to live
in there penalty box..

3. Eat your food plain.

Stop eating the additives, the Margarines, the Mayonnaise, the salad dressings. I know this is a lot
to ask of a person, but you have to realize all these foods have MSG, and are loaded with chemicals
- our bodies cannot process this crap as quickly as we are loading our bodies with it.. Ranch
dressing is about the most dangerous salad dressing you can eat, its loaded in MSG, Sodium
Benzoate, and Garlic.

4. The Secret Supplements to Get your Hands On, and Things You Want to Do.

#TUMERIC# This is about the most important spice you can eat. It will do a liver cleanse, protect
your midochondria, remove amyloid plaques in the brain (and thus prevent Alhzeimers.) It is being
currently studied by the Phara-Cons because of its high curcumin levels which can be used to stop,
and even reverse cancers. Eats lots of it every day, and also consider mixing it 50/50 with Cayenne
Pepper (a great circulatory improver and skin toner).

Real Story : A super nasty bug was wiping out guys right off our crew and sending them home for
days. I myself came down with this bug (bacterial) and woke up at midnight with my throat half
swollen shut. I mixed a large batch of 50/50 Tumeric/Cayenne together and mixed that 50/50 with
Yogurt. By the next morning my throat was clear! And we are talking about people who haven't
had a day off work for 10 years having to take antibiotics for three days to beat this bug (whatever it
was.) I had to eat some more in the morning. It is important to also note that Tumeric is also a
strong anti-parasitic, anti-bacterial treater. Research has also shown it as a secret ingredient to
protect your body in the event of Radiation Exposure, FAR BETTER than Iodine.

#IODINE# This is a BIGGY. Studies have shown that the IQ of a children can drop as much as 15
points by a simple Iodine Deficiency. Japenese have the longest lifespans of any people on the
planet (88 Medium), and the lowest rates of diseases. Is it coincidence that they consume up to
12,000ug of Iodine a day? When you take Iodine it is stored in the Thyroid which then produces T3/
T4 Hormones. These two hormones are responsible for setting the metabolism rate and energy
levels of your whole body. Consider Trophic brand, or naescent iodine (Nutrimedical even better.)
If your are deficient the body will desperately need it but cannot produce it (your body cannot
synthesis a base element). You will be tired much more often. The OTHER BIG SECRET IS THIS. If
you greatly increase your Iodine consumption you can actually push the heavy metals (Mercury,
Bromides, Fluorides) back out of the body. To do so some people take up to 18,000 ug of iodine a
day (Lugols Solution). It can take 6 months to a year or more but it will slowly displace the heavy
metals in your body. Be careful Lugols can be hard on your liver, and do your research by key
word searching Lugols at

Believe it or not most North Americans are VERY deficient in this essential nutrient, buy some and
take it. It is incredibly important for health and wellness and people are not taking it.

Dr. David Derry said, “Lugol's solution is an iodine-in-water solution used by the medical
profession for 200 years. One drop (6.5 mg per drop) of Lugol's daily in water, orange juice or milk
will gradually eliminate the first phase of the cancer development namely fibrocystic disease of the
breast so no new cancers can start. It also will kill abnormal cells floating around in the body at
remote sites from the original cancer. Of course this approach appears to work for prostate cancer
as prostate cancer is similar to breast cancer in many respects. Indeed, it likely will help with most
cancers. Also higher doses of iodine are required for inflammatory breast cancer. As well we know
that large doses of intravenous iodine are harmless which makes one wonder what effect this
would have on cancer growth.”

#SPINACH AND CARROTS# Rich in Vitamin K, and B-carotenes, these two foods will greatly help
your body heal. If that is not enough there is also purines, and chlorophyl in Spinach. The only
down fall is the high oxalate content in the Spinach which can lead to kidney stones. To prevent
this drink lots of water. However what is interesting to note believe this or not is many people are
too loaded with Iron, and the Oxalic acid will reduce the iron overload. Surprising the alternative
studies are strongly supporting the argument that many people in their older years are actually very
iron toxic."]

#WATER HYDRATION# This is incredibly important as it is a major determinate of the mitachrondria

lifespan (aka how long you get to live.) The mitachrondria are the first part of the cell to start to
unwind and this DNA fragmenting is what keeps your body from healing.
#EAT LESS# Back away from the table with your hands where we can see them! Studies have
shown rats feed from satiation all the way to starvation, incrementally lived longer the less they ate.
Why does this happen? Study Ghrelin, the more of it you have, the more your body is triggered to
heal itself and produce stem cells (no matter what your age.) Your epithelial cells in your stomach
will increase Ghrelin just before you eat, and you need as much Ghrelin as you can get. Instead eat
smaller more nutrituous meals, and keep the Ghrelin levels higher. You will feel great from doing


I myself cannot even take a normal multi-vitamin. I do not need to however, the Vitamin B complex
is very important for cognitive function, memory and other effects.

Nootropic Power Formula (Cognitive Enhancement)

If you really want to kick the brain into overdrive and be able to study MUCH more and learn at a
incredible rate, this following formula (adjust for personal taste) works...

Ginko Biloba - Keeps you mentally alert

RememberFX - a derivative of Ginseng, enhances memory recall
Bacopa Monnieria - Further enchances memory and function.
Piracetam - Less stronger than Oxiracetam, but very safe.

Taken together they will have a effect lasting about 7 hours, with the effects fully weaing off after a
few days. Check out the folks researching this all the time. Also reduce milk consumption, and
caloric intake for better results. If you notice 3 of ingredients are basically natural. Believe it or not
the Piracetam is actually something the pharmaceutical industry produced in the 60's and
begrudingly I would recommend it. Google Nootropics.

In Summary...
You can do it, even if you have not eaten healthy before - our bodies constantly heal, and mend
themselves. You will see a dramatic improvement in health over time.

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